Within human’s history, as citizens’ knowledge and thirst of righteous and power grow, movements occur: enlightenment, feminism, Arab’s spring. It is these people who are willing to stand against unrighteous and tyranny that makes the world a better place. And yet, it is equally important to study the greatest weapon of us and its greatest flaws, and it is its inaccuracy.
There are a lot of great beliefs and a lot of great movements, however, most of them have been corrupted over the time or simply being failed and ignored. A movement is a group of people becoming as one to against other groups of beliefs. For example, Arab's Spring is a group of people believing in change and democracy against dictatorship. However, over time the red dot seldom points at the initial target. Like feminism initially fight for equal rights of men and women and now slowly becoming a group of extremists and trouble-maker using "Gender equally" to urge women privilege and breaks the respect between men and women. As these corrupted minds usually speak the loudest and many of them do trigger thus gaining support from a lot of ignorant people, they poisoned a movement that supposes to be righteous and sustainable. Graphs and charts could make people study them and agree on you, but an unreasonable (or baited) content could trigger and gather a public in no time, or else yellow journalism or fake news will never exist.
Even when the organizer can maintain a movement initial target, it could still fail. Arab's Spring is a movement that encourages middle east people (mostly middle class) to tear down the dictatorship and build a democratic government. And yet, they thought a highly-developed and complex system that even western countries use such a long-time to fully-function could be established in no time. Every change of a system requires the approved of transition of power (I'll mention that in another time). But in a nutshell, a movement must calculate whether it's target can be achieved in a short-time or long-term.
Overall, a movement is the greatest weapon for people to fight against unjust and obstacles that halted sustainability and further development, however, for organizers that wish to do it for good, it is a gun, it could hurt yourself if used wrongly. So please know you're aiming for, if it's broken or your enemy is taking it, destroy it and replace a new one or simply rest and wait for another opportunity. Also, please know your target is a long range or close combat, if close combat, bring a shotgun, if not, please bring a rifle, narrow your target and strike them one by one, do not bring a shotgun for a long-range target or you will end up with a complete mess with little accomplishment.
And for the rest of people, first understand the organizer, some are bad people and they manipulate you as a tool to gain their interest, so think twice, I hope the future will not happen another cultural revolution (even that will likely be the case)