Somewhere deep underground
You can hear souls screaming from being tortured by a never-ending nightmare, fire rages day and night, Demons walk in the shadows in bodies not their own. torturing for fun and pleasure, it's dark and dank and smells of death the only light available is by candles that illuminate the place.
A shadow walks by and a candle flickers, going through a set of double door to enter the throne room a horde of demons wait in a line and bowing in respect, this Demon walk past with authority, head held high and power radiating of them out of displeasure.
Going to the only chair in the room, they sit down and look out to their subjects, " Now from what I hear, not only have we lost demons to the hunters, but they are winning and some of you are not getting your hands dirty and they are still interfering with our plans, and you know I don't take being displeased well." Eyes frosty looking out among the other demons.
A Demon in the body of a human step forward and bowed " My Queen, if I may it's not that we are losing it's just that they have one of the best hunters of their generation hunting us down, never mind the rest of them, I heard that she is ruthless, smart, and extremely good at her job, she is from a long line of hunter that founded the Institute and we stilll haven't manged to locate where abouts it is yet, the wording is powerful so it hides them." His breath shook out of fear of what she would do.
" You haven't found the hunters lair yet!? Are you afraid of one measly hunter and a girl no less?" Her voice boomed across the room making the other demons shake in fear of retribution. " I don't care if she is one of the legacies, I want to know where the Hunter's are located, they have something that belongs to me or have you forgotten what our mission is Agares?"
"N-no of course not your majesty, I could never forget what our ultimate goal is, I promise you we will find out where they are." Agares bowed deeply, afraid to look into the cold blue eyes that made his queen so terrifying.
"Good, now send out the others split up if you have to but find me the Hunters, is that understood?" She asked every single demon there. " Yes ma'am." standing straight in their suits. " Now, go and do not disappoint me for your lives depend on it." sitting comfortably in her chair blue eyes pinning them, daring them to disappoint her.
The Demons started to pour out of the room as quickly as they could, "Agares not you I want to ask you something." standing up in a blue suit and white blouse, her blonde her spilling down her back near her waist. Stepping down from the throne and walking over to him. " Tell me the name of the girl that has you quaking in your shoes?" Agares swallowed hard, fear etched on his face. "Cassandra Turner, your highness." Agares saw the Queen smile for a split second before it disappeared. "Thank you, now go with the others and don't disappoint me again." Bowing out of respect and fear Agares went to conduct his mission.
Walking out of the throne room her security guards in toe, she went down a secret passageway that only those she dares trust nows about, Walking through a door and turning left she told her guards to wait for her there as she continued on down the hallway, it was darker down here than where she was up in the main area, Hell was a maze of twist and turns and if you didn't know your way around you could get lost, at the end of the hallway there was an iron door and two Demon guards posted at the entrance.
" Open the door" The Queen demanded, one of the guards got the keys from his belt and unlocked the door making a creaking sound, " Close it behind me, until I knock on the door don't open it." Nodding that he understood the guard shut the door and locked it.
" Well, I must say you have seen better days." There was a single chair in the middle of the room and she sat on it. A movement in the shadow caught her gaze but there was a clanging sound metal chains moving. "Every time I come you always try to reach for me knowing full well that you are chained up against the wall, isn't that right Tom?" Heavy breathing came from the darkness that where the chains moved and a face came into the only light in the room by a single candle, the face was a middle-aged man with brown hair and brown eyes he had bruises all over his face and some cuts from a knife he was shackled on both wrists and ankles.
" Screw you, bitch." the queen smiled, amused. " You know, why don't you be more like your wife beside you and be quiet until I talk." there was another movement and another face came into the light this one female middle-aged with chestnut brown hair and the same brown eyes, her face was bruised like her husbands. " Oh, I'm not quiet just waiting for an opportunity to kill you." Her eyes set on the queen with determination.
" Ah, you Hunter are, all the same always thinking of ways to destroy us no matter the situation" The queen was amused, crossing her legs and staring at the two. " What do you want Mania?" The women asked tiredly, never taking her eyes from the Queen. " Well Ashley, I'm glad you asked, you see I'm having a problem with my plans and since you won't tell me where the institute is located I might have another option."
" And that would be?" Tom asked anger laced his voice, " Well there seems to be... someone my Demons are afraid of and I would like to know a little bit about them beforehand." Tom laughed but it came out a little bit wheezy, " And what makes you think we will tell you?" sitting there unfazed and cool as a cucumber, " Because I could use you as a bargaining chip if necessary, so I want you to tell me all about this very feared Hunter" Leaning forward her eyes frosty intent on getting the information that she wants.
" Fuck off, we are not ratting out anyone we have a pledge of loyalty." Tom spat out, The Queen laughed and the sound was horrible to the ears, evil. " Oh, so you haven't heard? of course, why would you, you've been down here for the last few years, there is a traitor within the institute, now I could get the information from them but I think it's so much sweeter to get it from you" licking her lips.
Ashley narrowed her eyes clearly not afraid of the Demon Queen, " And why is that?" Standing up Mania walked to the door and knocked turning round with an evil smirk on her face, " Because the hunter that has my Demons so afraid and who is good at their job, is your daughter Cassandra Turner, I'll leave that with you for now." And she walked out of the room, savouring the shocked look on their faces, the anger and so It begins.
Cassandra's POV
After getting some rest after the case, me and Kai checked out of the hotel and started to go back home, I offered to drive but Kai wouldn't let me told me he wanted to get my head checked by Doctor Laura when we got back, I argued and said I was fine but he wouldn't have any of it.
"Look all I'm saying is it doesn't hurt just to get it checked out in case you need stitches." I signed in aggravation looking out the window as he drove down the highway, " But for the last time I feel fine it doesn't even hurt, and when we get back I'm doing my report and then I'm going to chill for a bit."
" You don't chill, you're always doing something if it isn't an assignment, you're in the gym and if you're not there you're reading up on something I could go on." Turning my face around to look at his face I could see the annoyed expression of not comply with his small request and I could see the worry too.
I heaved a sigh of defeat "ok fine I'll go to Doctor Laura when we get back." Crossing my arms, I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye so I turned to face him, I saw his eyes soften slightly, " Thank you."
I waved it off not knowing why I gave in, " By the way, I think we need to keep the whole 'there may be a traitor at the institute' a secret, for now so don't tell anyone not even Riley I'm not going to tell Aly not until we get more information, deal?" He nodded his answer and I returned to looking out the window, I didn't see the trees and their beautiful colours this time of the year, I didn't take in my surrounding that much at all, I had so much on mind that I felt like I was going to pop.
' Maybe I need an outlet, I might do some training later and hope that Kai doesn't find out I don't want to give him the satisfaction of being right about me.'
Ever since my parents disappeared or presumed dead to the higher ups I haven't relaxed as much as I used too, I knew how to have fun and laugh but these days it seems a lot harder, I can't explain it exactly and I never told anyone not even my best friend but I felt, no I knew my parents were alive and that they are out there somewhere.
The past four years I've done nothing but try to find any sort of information I could get my hands on about where they were seen last but my methods of finding that information has caused me to have more enemies than needed, Not that my last name was any indication that I wouldn't have enemies anyway I'm a Turner and in the supernatural world my family was known by many, respected by hunters but hated by the supernatural creatures that they hunted.
Being a Turner there always high hopes for me, my parents never had any more children so it fell to me to carry on the family name, so I trained hard, read everything I could get my hands on, I didn't do it because of the family or the legacy I simply did it so people wouldn't have to suffer.
"Cassandra!" I heard Kai shouting my name and clicking his fingers in front of my face, I guess I zoned out for a while since it was night time and we were back at the institute, the guard let us through the gates. " If you don't stop clicking your fingers in front of my face I'm going to bite them off." Kai quickly took back his hand.
We to the underground garage and parked up, " Just making sure you were still here you zoned out on me." Gettig out and grabbing our bags from the boot, Kai put the keys back on the rack. " Sorry I have a lot on mind." We walked up the stair to go through a set of doors to the main area.
It was busy with the tech's running the computer of locations where supernatural activity popped up and hunters getting briefed on missions, getting their gear from the science team, basically, it was hectic. " What the heck is going on?" Kai voiced the question before I could.
" TURNER, WINTERS, Simms will see you in his office" It was Brady that called us or rather shouted, so we went straight to his office which was at the back of the main area.
Stepping into his office we found Simms on his computer, " Sir, you wanted to see us?" Kai spoke with respect in his voice, " Ah, yes sorry about this I know you just got back from your mission and I'll ask for your reports later." He motioned to the seats in front of his desk and we both took one each. " What's going on? it seems supernatural activity is all over the place." I asked confused on the events that are going on outside in the main area.
"Well that's the thing we don't know, it just happened a few hours ago, you know how it is a few dots here and there and we take care of it but now it just blew up out of the blue, so we are sending out teams instead of pairs your generation is staying behind for the time being, the older and more experience hunters are going out and checking to see what the heck is going on, when they report back, then we can do a more stratigical strategy and send you guys out not that I'm doubting your skills" He informed us.
" No, that's fine that sounds like a good plan." I agreed.
" Now I want you guys to rest up for a bit, Cassandra I can see your hurt maybe you should go to Doctor Laura and get that checked out, you guuys can go now" He dismissed us and out the door we went Kai gave me the smug look that told me ' I told you' " Shut up annd don't say anything, I'll see you later" I went to the elevators and went down to see Doctor laura.
Kai's POV
I went down to the living quarters to put my stuff away and take a shower, I was worried about Cassandra she seems to be spacing out quite a bit these days Iknow that she has a lot on her mind but I also want her to know that I am here for her if she needed someone to talk to if she needed, maybe I haven't made it clear to her.
I went to the rec room down the hall " Kai, buddy your back" Riley was there and came at me with a bro hug, " Hey Kai" Kayden waved from where he was playing a game of pool. Riley went back to the game, " So how did the mission go?" He asked linning up a shot and potted, " It went ok, same old, same old I heard about what is happening upstairs." I crossed my arms and leaned on the wall as to not get in the way of the game.
" Yeah its crazy right now, but we do what we gotta do, How's Cassandra?" I knew it wouldn't be long when he asked about her Riley likes her just as much as I do. " She is fine thanks for asking Riley" Cassandra came over and gave a hug to them both. " But your hurt, are you ok?" he touched her shoulder and Jealousy coursed through me, although it shouldn't she's not mine or his.
" I'm fine no worries" she walked over to me annoyance in her brown eyes, " I told you I didn't need to go to Doctor Laura but you insisted I go, I'm perfectly fine." I smiled at her, " Can't be too careful you know, you might have suffered brain damage or something" I teased her, " Oh, really the only one who is going to be suffering is you, did you forget about our little bet?" she raised her eyebrow at me.
The guys over heard the conversation " Oooh, what bet?" Kayden asked out of curosity, Aly walked in then too, giving Cassandra a hug, " There's a bet? can I get in on it?" I smirked, " No you can't this is between me and Cassandra to see who can beat who in hand to hand combat" Cassandra turned around to face our friends, " He thinks he is going to win" point her thumb at me, there were some laughs and snorts, " Yeah I don't think so", " Sorry bro but she is going to kick your ass"I couldn't believe this my frinds were abondaning me, " Geez thanks for the support guys, major helpful, you asses."
" So when do you want to do this?" I asked her, I was getting pumped adrenaline giving me a rush."How about right now?" She said I could see that she was determined to beat me but it's been a long time since we went up against each other and I wasn't about to make it easy on her.
" Yeah, right now sounds good to me, meet you in the gym in ten minutes" she nodded and went to get changed and I did the same, when I entered the gym the higher-ups didn't waste money in providing space and the right equipment to help us train our bodies there was even a decent size ring in the middle with mats to help when we are training, that is where I found Cassandra standing, with her workout shorts and tank top.
" Kai, Hope you don't mind but I told a few people" Riley slapped me on the back, " I can see that you idiot." Riley invited everyone from our class, including Kyle and Chloe. "Just out of curiosity, why did you invite everyone? Did you think how this would end?"I asked him looking straight into his eyes. " Well, I thought it was a good idea at the time." He shrugged his shoulders, " And this has nothing to do with her?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him, he may be my best friend but sometimes I can see he is a little too obsessed with her, always talking about her when we are alone, what she was doing, etc.
Something passed through his eyes so quickly I couldn't register it, " Of course not, anyway good luck pal." And off he went to the sidelines, I shook my head to get into the sparring match that is about to happen and I need my concentration, No one takes her lightly she was the best at this so it will be difficult. I met her in the middle of the ring of mats.
" Ready to get your ass handed to you Kai?" She was goading me and I knew it, getting into my fighting stance I smiled at her, " Whenever your ready sweetheart" She got into her fight stance. Kayden was referee probably wanted a close up of the match. " Let the match begin!" he blew the whistle and I went straight at her, but all she did was stand there.