Cassandra's POV
Kai came at me fast, not being the skinny kid he used to be he tried to go for a punch to the stomach but I sidestepped keeping my eyes in the middle of his chest so I knew where the next attack would come from circling each other, waiting for his next move, one thing I always learned is to never rush in.
I heard the others cheering, and some placing bet's on who would win I kept my focus on Kai and what his next move was, adrenaline was pumping through my body. Kai sidestepped one foot over the other.
Moving in quick I swept Kai's legs from under him and he fell on the mats but before I could get in a hit he rolled backwards and got up on his feet again, I kept going before he could get his footing and I managed to get a punch to the stomach in.
" One point for Cassandra." Kayden shouted out, Kai held his stomach but it wouldn't hurt that much since we were wearing padding. We decided to go to three points to see who would win.
" Nice punch, if I weren't wearing padding that would hurt a lot more." I smiled at the compliment, " Thanks, I'm trying to go easy on you, don't want you getting hurt since we are partners for the time being."
" Thanks for thinking of me, didn't know you cared so much." He smirked at me circling again.
Kai's POV
Circling her again trying to find a weak spot in her defence, which was difficult since she is a natural at it, wearing padding was a good idea since her punch literally knocked the breath out of me.
I went in slow this time testing the waters, I threw a roundhouse punch to her side but she just blocked me with the side of her arm so I threw another on the other side but she blocked that too.
I grabbed both of her arms and put my foot behind her legs and swept her off her feet and on her back on the mat I lightly punched her in the stomach.
" One point for Kai, at the moment it is tied 1-1 who is going to get the next two points?" Kayden shouted again.
"Sorry, I'm trying to be gentle too." I winked at her. Getting up and going back into my stance and she did the same, " You know since they are making bets why don't we make this interesting?" We were back to circling each other.
" I'm listening, what do you have in mind?" she answered, not even out of breath but I could see that she was getting sweaty, perspiration running rivulets down her body ' No, Kai concentrate on the match.'
" How about the loser does whatever the winner wants for the day?" I enquired, my eyes steady on hers and not on her body, I could see she was thinking about it, it's the way she furrows her forehead when she is thinking.
" Alright, Deal." she got more serious after that probably didn't want to lose. I went in fast going with a straight punch to the face, good thing we have protective headgear, and if I anticipate her moves she would step to the right,'Gotha', as she sidestepped to the right I used the momentum of the punch to carry me forward into a roll then I kicked out taking her legs.
I side rolled and used a backhanded punch to the chest, " Oh Kai got in another hit as it stands its 2-1 with Kai in the lead." Kayden shouted out to the crowd. I got up ready to start another round.
" You anticipated my moves not a lot of people can do that," I smirked, she is right not only is she good but she can turn off emotions and calculate what her opponents will do next I've seen it time and time again. But I was determined to win this one calculation or not.
" Not a lot of people have grown up with you and watched you the way I have." she raised an eyebrow, " I might have to start questioning our friendship, didn't know you were a perv." I let out a short sound of amusement, ' oh you have no idea.'
" Hilarious, but not that way I just meant.." but I was cut off from her trying to punch me in the face, I blocked with the side of my arm, " I know what you meant." she kept coming throwing everything she got, She roundhouse kicked me to the side but I caught her leg and when I thought I had her on the ropes she used the other legs to kick me on the other side, spinning in mid-air and landing on her feet.
" Yes Cassandra is back in the game it's now 2-2 next point wins, Oh the anticipation," Kayden announced to everyone in the room. Man, I forgot how flexible she was that one was going to hurt later.
Coughing just a bit since I was not expecting her to do that whatsoever, I stood up and got back into my fighting stance, I was determined to win this just to prove to myself that I could surpass her I never won a match against her ever, even when we train in the gym she bested me every time, It's a little hard on a man's ego.
Kayden blew the whistle when I suggested that me and Cassandra have a sparring match I didn't anticipate how serious I would take it, at first it was a bit of fun but know I wanted to win, I've always fallen short of her never been able to be better at anything weapons training, combat training and symbol reading I could never catch up to her, just once I would like to walk beside her and not have to look at her back as she keeps on improving.
This time I went in with everything I got punch after punch, Kick after kick but she was blocking them all, somehow the tables turned because I was blocking hers now she threw a punch to my face I managed to sidestep with inches to spare I grabbed her wrist and my other hand went around her waist and I threw her over my hip, she landed on her side and was shocked and that was all I needed to finish the match I punched her gently in the stomach.
Cassandra's POV
To say I was shocked that Kai had beaten me was an understatement, but refreshing I was sick of everyone thinking that I was the best of the best when I wasn't I never wanted to live up to their expectations or how high they put me up on a pedestal just because my family are 'Legacy's' maybe now they will see that I'm just a girl.
" Kai wins" Kayden blew the whistle and everyone was shocked but I wasn't he worked really hard, even when he thought no one was watching, Kai helped me up off the floor.
" Congrats, you deserve it looks like you kicked my ass after all" I winked at him. He laughed Kayden and Riley came over and patted him on the back with their 'congratulations' but he only glared at them.
" Didn't think I could do it, did you? in fact I remember you taking Cassandra's side earlier." Riley and Kayden backed up showing their hands in surrender and apologizing, but Kai wouldn't have it so he said to them the next time they go out to eat they have to buy for him separately, I laughed at their antics.
"Cassandra that was awesome, sorry you didn't win" Aly walked up to me giving me a hug but being mindful of her cast. I wasn't sorry just seeing the look on his face was good enough for me. Kai was talking to Riley, Kayden and some of the girls that came over to congratulate him, nothing out of the ordinary until one of them clung to his arm and for some reason that bothered me more than it should.
I frowned at that unexpected feeling, I told Aly that I was going back to my room to take a shower, ' What's the matter with me lately? I have absolutely no idea what that was about she was just clingy and for some reason, I had a funny feeling in my stomach, what's that about?'
I got to my room and took a shower my mind refusing to shut up about what I saw, ' It's not like it's the first time girls generally gravitate towards Kai, he was handsome, sweet, kind and Oh shit, no, no I couldn't possibly..' I was interrupted by my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door.
"One moment please" I called out, getting out of the shower and grabbing my robe. My hair was dripping wet and the drops were soaking my robe when I answered the door, my eyes widened in surprise considering I was thinking about him moments before.
" Kai, what are you doing here?" My voice was a little hoarse considering my recent discovery. He was still wearing his workout gear and considering what I just found out about myself my throat was dry.
I never noticed how defined and muscular he was, never took notice how his brown hair was sticking to his forehead, how he carried himself and his eyes... were looking at me confused and something else.
" Well you left suddenly I wanted to check on you I didn't know you were in the shower, sorry" His eyes darted not looking at me anymore and I think I saw a light pink tinge on his cheeks, but considering I wasn't wearing clothes and dripping wet from the shower I summed it up as that.
"I'm fine, thanks" this is so awkward I don't know what to say to him, I looked around nervously, not knowing how to react.
" Well, that's good, that your ok I mean..." he rubbed the back of his neck, ' is it me or is he nervous about something?' " Me and the guys are going to the rec room to play pool and drink beer if you wanted to come."
'Guys, just the guys what happened to the girls that were fawning all over him' still standing in the doorway with my robe on I realised what it must look like if anyone walked past. " Do you want to come in for a moment?" He nodded and I opened the door wider.
I shut the door and grabbed my clothes on the bed and went to the bathroom to change " won't be a moment." I shut the door and got changed as quickly as I could in my tracksuit bottoms and tank. My heart was beating fast which was weird because it never used to is it because he was in the next room? what is it about him that makes me nervous?
I opened the door to see him looking at the picture of me and my parents in his knee-length shorts and his tank top, looking at him gave me butterflies, emotions swirled in my stomach, feelings I never felt before rising to the surface drowning me in their depths.
" Hey, about the offer I'm a bit tired after finishing the mission, coming back, getting briefed and the sparring match so I think I'll stay here tonight, but thanks for thinking of me." I thought he looked disappointed but maybe I imagined it.
putting the picture back on the dresser he walked closer to me making my heart rate skyrocket if that was possible, " Is everything ok? you seem to be on edge" Concern for me laced his voice. ' You have no idea' I thought, " I'm ok just tired, you go and have fun" I was knackered but doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Putting his hands on my shoulders I tensed slightly, "You sure?" he looked me in the eyes and I felt uneasy with the effect he was having on me, I nodded my head not trusting my voice right now, " Ok, I'm going to go then, and don't forget you owe me a favour." He winked at me and I followed him to the door, I waved bye watching him walk away. Closing the door and leaning against it my heart hammering against my rib cage, ' This can't be happening, I need to talk to Aly ASAP, I think I'm falling for my best friend'
Little did I know that someone was watching us setting off a chain of events that would betray one of us.
The Traitors POV
I walked in the darkness of night undercover as to not let anyone know I left the institute, I was going to meet with a demon called Agares, my cloak flapped in the wind and the moon shone down illuminating what little light it could, I was to meet him in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts.
As I walked thoughts consumed me On how everyone treats me like trash pushed to the sidelines, like a fly they swat away or when they need something from me, well no more I'm doing this for me screw the 'legacies' I want to be remembered like they were, all they are, are trained dogs who take orders and nothing more.
Hate for them twisted my stomach and having daily contact with one of them pisses me off, I deserve more than what I got and yet no one really respects me.
I neared the warehouse, half of it was torn down and it smelled of rubbish, alcohol and mould, kicking an empty beer can out of my way, 'I guess the teenagers use this place as a hangout'.
" Agares I'm here" I called out, I stood and waited, my demon blade ready under my cloak just encase he betrays me.
" Ah, good there you are, I have news for you, you see my Queen isn't happy she wants to know where the compound is and she wants to know where it is now, the Turners won't say a thing and since you basically handed them to us your going to have to find another way around this predicament" Agares stood their hands in his pockets.
"Don't threaten me, you promised me more power and to be respected by everyone there, I will not be overlooked by everyone because of a stupid girl" I was seething I hated them so much.
"Yes, yes I know that girl of yours is one of the big factors, you see we need her alive my Queen has big plans for her and you'll get your power once you deliver what I'm going to ask of you next then we can begin on the plan." I narrowed my eyes at him ' what a cocky fucker, ordering me around.'
" What do I need to deliver then?" Agares smirked, ' man I hate demon if I wasn't using him to get me what I wanted I would've killed him already'.
" Well, for one thing, you need to leave the girl to us, second you need to deliver the sword of sealing to me one week from now, and if you deliver on your end I will deliver on my end, understand?" Anger roared through him 'who does he think he is talking to me like one his servants, just play his game and once he delivers on his end I'll kill him'.
" Fine same time I'm guessing, but don't forget the sword of sealing is dangerous and what do you want with it anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.
" That is none of your business, now go make sure no one sees you and keep up appearances, I'll see you in a week" And with that, he disappeared. I smiled to myself it's almost in my grasp I can taste it, the Turners were in the way so I simply handed them over to the demons but I didn't realise how much impact their daughter would have on the institute.
Well soon all the 'Legacies' will be gone, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they realise I've been playing them and then they can take the sticks out of their asses and bow before me instead.