Cassandra's POV.
I woke up with a jolt, disoriented for a moment. I was just about to lay back down when I heard it again. Someone is banging on my door, quite insistently I might add. I rubbed my ears, squinting a little as I felt a throbbing sensation in my head. Grumbling I walked to the door when I heard Kai's voice calling me. " Cassandra, are you awake?"
Swinging open the door I looked at the culprit that woke me up from a lovely dream,"Kai, what do you want? it's..." looking at the watch on my wrist I groaned in annoyance " 6.30 in the morning I didn't get back until late last night." When he didn't respond I looked up from my watch and noticed that he was staring at my hair, " Something wrong with my hair, Kai?"
" looks nice." He let out a nervous laugh probably afraid of what would happen if he said the wrong thing.
" Your such a little liar, first you wake me up at an ungodly hour, without coffee I might add. You do remember what happened last time that happened? It's good thing I'm knackered otherwise I would have kicked your ass into overdrive to get me my coffee!" I said in a threatening tone.
"Easy, there is coffee upstairs and you can drink as much as you like while we get briefed." He took a few steps back, staying out of my reach.
"I have another case? I just came back from one!" I groaned, rolling my eyes I turned to close the door.
"A little girl lost both her parents Cassandra." Kai said, sadness lacing his tone. I stopped myself from shutting the door in his face and turned to look at him. My parents disappeared a couple of years ago. I don't know what happened to them any more than the next person. The least I could do is find out what happened to hers.
"Give me fifteen minutes, I'll meet you upstairs." Taking a step back, I closed the door. I walked over to my dresser and sat in front of the mirror. Leaning my elbows on the dresser, I raked my fingers through my long, brown hair, staring at a photo clipped to the side of the mirror. In it, my mom stood next to my father, just outside the institute.
I gently run my fingers across the photo. It was old, taken twenty-six years ago just after I was born, fraying at the edges and starting to discolour. Carefully putting the picture back on the clip. Getting up I went to have a quick shower, not bothering to wash my hair. Wrapping a towel around myself I went to my dresser and got out my favourite black jeans and purple tank top. I ran a brush through my brown locks.
Putting on my trainers, I grabbed my necklace that my parents gave me for my 18th birthday. Rushing out of my room and into the hallway, I ran to the elevators to take me upstairs. There are three levels and it's like a maze if you don't know your way around.
The first level/bottom level had the training rooms with all the latest technology. We also have a gym and the younger hunters appreciated the newly furnished recreation room with TV's lining the wall so we can keep an eye on the news at all times. There was also bookcases and pool tables. And the infirmary was down the hall.
The second level/middle level was our living quarters. We each had our own rooms and bathrooms. There were about 50 rooms in the place, but some of the much older hunters lived in their own places close to headquarters.
The third level/ top level was the main centre where all the action took place. Computers lined the walls, with bookcases that were filled with a variety of books on supernatural creatures. There was a big table in the centre that showed all 52 states in America and wherever there were supernatural activity red dots appeared on the location. This is where I found Kai and director Cameron Simms.
"Sir, you wanted to see me about an assignment?" I asked him.
"Yes, let's go and sit over there and grab a cup of coffee shall we?" Simms beckoned both Kai and Cassandra to follow. After grabbing my much-needed caffeine with two sugars and milk, Simms directed us to the other side of the room, leading us to a table almost surrounded by bookcases. There he told us about the case.
Simms turned his head towards me as he finished. "I know you just got back last night Cassandra, and I'm sorry about having to get you out of bed, but no one else is available to do this case. Most of them are out on assignments and the older hunters don't like to work with you younger ones. With Aly in the infirmary with a broken arm and concussion, I could only think of putting you and Kai on this one. You two work well together." He explained.
"Don't worry about it, it is what it is. So Kai and I will be working together until Aly is back on her feet?" I enquired.
" Yes. Aly can't work right now. I sent Riley out with Kayden. Because you two know each other well enough and were at the top of your class, I thought it would be a good match." Simms said.
"Ok, where is the case?" I asked leaning back in my chair, taking a few sips of my coffee.
" It is in Kansas." Simms showed us the folder, the statements from the police reports, and the pictures of the couple who were sliced from head to foot, blood splatters all over the duvet and the walls. He also handed us a picture of a five-year-old little girl who just lost her mum and dad.
"Where was the little girl when this happened?" Kai asked, looking at the picture.
Heaving a sigh Simms answered, "luckily she was staying with her uncle that night having a sleepover with her cousin."
"Did Mr and Mrs Jones have any previous trouble at the house or with anyone?" I asked, looking at the pictures for anything that could signal supernatural.
"We have files from their gas and electricity suppliers stating that they had made complaints of flickering lights and the house suddenly turning cold." Simms told us.
"Sounds like a ghost to me, Cassandra?" Kai said.
I nodded my head. " Don't worry, we'll sort this out!" Suddenly there was a loud bang, doors swung open and slammed against the wall. I looked up at the balcony to see Aly running down the stairs.
"What is this I hear? Not only am I off any cases for the next few weeks but that Cassandra is getting a new partner? I'm her partner, her best friend. Explain yourself Cam?" Aly demanded between heavy. Cameron's eye twitched with annoyance at the nickname that Aly constantly gave him, refusing to call him by his actual name. Aly's shoulder-length blonde hair was messy like she just woke up and her green eyes were narrowed.
"First of all drop the nickname for the last time Aly! What are you doing out of the infirmary? I was told you had a concussion. Cassandra isn't getting a new partner it's just temporary until you have healed from your wounds." Simms said with a vein on his forehead bulging.
"For goodness sake, I'm fine! Nothing to worry about, and I slipped out of the infirmary because Don owed me a favour." She waved off nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes at that one. Of course, Don owed her a favour... Aly always had a way with men. With her slim, curvy figure and that come-hither look and they're at her feet.
"Fine?! You're not fine Aly, you broke your arm in two places. You need at least two months off to recover and that doesn't include the physio you'll need afterwards!" He told her firmly.
"Oh my gosh, stop being so overprotective! I'm an adult and I can look after myself!" Aly argued.
"Adult?! Because you have done such a great job of that already! I promised your father I would keep you safe, even if that means from yourself! Brady, please escort Aly back to the infirmary and keep her there until Doctor Laura says otherwise!" Simms said.
"You can't do this to me!" She shouted as Brady began to gently pull her back towards the door. Being careful with the cast she had on, closing the door behind him, I could still hear her shouting calling Brady a stupid muscle tank and using a few choice words that would make a sailor wince.
"I'm sorry about that Sir she can be quite... eccentric." I apologized.
"I already know that! Anyway getting back to business." Sitting back down Simms continued with briefing us.