What seemed like forever to Drake holding Jade in his arms after she fainted was only a moment in Jade’s mind. The darkness subsided and she started to hear someone telling her to wake up and as her eyelashes fluttered open and her vision cleared she instantly started to breathe heavily and started to shake as if being startled. “Dra..Drake?” She stammered as she started to look to him her eyes a little glazed over and she looked as though she was scared as she started to hold onto him a little bit. “I am right here Morgan, just relax you’re going to be alright” and as he started to hold her closer to him she started to bury her face into his chest as she started to feel her body shiver a little bit more. “You know you have to stop doing this to me, every time you get dizzy or look sick it scares me. Has this ever happened before?” and as he started to look her in the eyes starting to stroke her cheek causing her to look up to him she swallowed and her voice was soft, “Ever since I was younger, I have anxiety attacks. There is something that happened when I was younger and since then they happen when I get nervous, scared, and sometimes if I drink too much but mainly nervous or being scared” and as she looked to him she saw the concern in his eyes “Ever since coming here the dizzy spells have been up but I have been trying to take care of them” and as she started to look at him he leaned in pressing his lips to her forehead “I wish there was some way that I could help” and as he looked to her she gave a weak smile as her body was still shaking “Thank you Drake, you do help a lot, more than you realize” and as she started to look at him she then heard footsteps coming from the other room.
Not even a moment later Liam and Hana came into the room “Jade!” Liam exclaimed as he walked in right to her and dropped to his knees in front of where they were sitting “Thank god you were there Drake, what…what happened” and as Drake informed Liam that they were just standing there talking and then she went down, and as he looked to her she looked at him as if begging him not to say anymore, Drake looked to his best friend and said “I don’t know what else it could be but maybe just tired and maybe excited” and as he smiled to his friend he then looked to her “She seems to be doing a little bit better but here” and as he said that he literally started to hand Jade over to Liam’s arms and he took her right to his chest. He could feel her body shivering still as he looked to her “Are you going to be alright?” he asked looking right to her eyes feeling his heart pounding in his chest with worry. Jade looked to him and said “Yeah, I…I will be alright. Like Drake said just a little tired and you know with everything going on it’s just been a little crazy” and as she smiled to him and he brought her to him in a hug she could feel Drake looking at them and she felt the guilt returning to her. “I am so sorry that I wasn’t there Jade” and as he looked to her with the worry still glazing his eyes she could tell that he meant it and she just smiled and said “It’s okay I promise. I know that you can’t be in two different places Liam” and as she started to relax a little bit more she started to try and sit up.
Moments later in walked Bastien with Maxwell and Bertrand in tow with him as Bertrand looked with eyes wide seeing the way that Jade looked weak in Liam’s arms and Maxwell rushed right over to her. Bastien soon placed a hand on Liam and Drake’s shoulders and asked if he could look her over just for a moment and they both nodded their head. As they all walked away and Bastien started to look over her and asking her questions, Drake and Liam stepped off to the side as did Hana, Maxwell and Bertrand. As they were out of hearing range for how softly Bastien was talking to her she did confess that she has been having these dizzy spells more and more and each time it’s different than the one before. Bastien checked over her eyes and checked over a few other areas like the back of the neck and if there is any tension around her head and neck. But as she was trying to focus on answering Bastien she looked over seeing Liam and Drake talking with their backs to her. What she didn’t know is that the conversation that was taking place was Drake filling Liam with nothing but good things about her and how she and Liam would be amazing together. That he could be happy and have a woman that really cares for him and not what he can do for her. Though it literally tore Drake apart he knew that he couldn’t continue to do this to his best friend; falling for the woman that he was falling for. Drake looked back to Jade and gave her a little wink as she then saw Liam pull Drake into a hug before looking back to Jade, Liam stated “I have to head back out there but the moment that you can come back out there please come find me” and as he walked over kissing the top of her head he whispered “No more scares tonight please” and as he smiled to her head he then turned and walked out of the room. Drake slowly followed knowing that she was in good hands. Though as Jade sat there for a few more moments she started to think in her head about what they could have been talking about though knowing that she couldn’t let it cloud her thoughts as she had so many of her own flowing through her mind.
Approximately 20 minutes later Bastien started to already see the color in her face coming back, the glaze over her eyes was gone and she looked to be feeling better, he finally cleared her to go back to the party but did advise that she should go to a doctor if the dizzy spells don’t settle down. Jade agreed that she would if it came to it and as she stood she wobbled a little bit and Bastien immediately caught her “You alright Lady Jade?” and as he looked to her she smiled “Yes I will be alright, its normal after this that I stumble a little bit but I thank you so much Bastien for your help” she said starting to bow her head but then not caring she then hugged him. “I appreciate it so much that you wanted to help” and as he hugged her back he squeezed her just a little bit tighter as if he was feeling a regret race through him “You have no need to thank me, this is just me protecting you” and as he smiled to her he started to walk her out of the room and back to the party “If you need anything or you feel another spell please come find me and we will get you to the Dr. faster than you can believe” Jade smiled and nodded her head agreeing that she would come find him if something else happened but for now she felt good. As they parted Jade started to walk around looking for Drake but he was nowhere to be seen at the present moment though as she was scanning the crowd for Liam her eyes settled on a certain red head that was heading her way “Not like I should care but are you alright?” Olivia asked starting to look Jade over a little bit and as Jade looked to her she could see that it looked like worry that was in her eyes “Yeah I am alright just got a little too warm in here and I have been tired so the two didn’t mix very well. But I do thank you for checking in” and as she smiled to Olivia she saw Olivia nod in response as she said “Just take it easy” and it was like Olivia was a completely different person as she was talking to her now. Jade couldn’t believe that Olivia of all people was actually being nice to her. Olivia soon parted as Jade started to look for Liam and soon she felt a hand on her shoulder and as she turned she came face to face with that smile.
“My King, to what do I owe this pleasure” and as she looked to him he reached to take her hand and without saying a word started to bring her right to him as he started to dance slowly with her. Her head immediately rested on his chest and as it was just a slow song there was no need for special steps. He literally just swayed back and forth while holding Jade in his arms resting his head on hers as they danced to the slow rhythm of the beat. “Are you sure that you are doing alright enough to be out here” and as he looked down to her she smiled up to him “Yes I am doing alright, Bastien cleared me before I came back out” and as she smiled to him she started to feel her heart starting to race a little bit starting to know that she was a little nervous about these spells but knew that she couldn’t do anything about it just now. Liam looked to her and said “I still can’t believe that I wasn’t there for you right away” and as he looked to her his eyes became sad looking and as she reached up cupping his cheek a little bit she leaned up giving him a small quick kiss on the cheek “Liam you had no idea what was going to happen, these moments just happen please don’t beat yourself up over this” and as she looked to him he leaned in resting his forehead to hers a little bit “Alright but just please make sure that you listen to Bastien, I don’t know what I would do if it happened again and it was worse of if something else comes of this” and as he looked to her she smiled “I promise I will tell Bastien every time that something happens” and as she smiled again to him trying to reassure him she started to rest her head back on his chest knowing that this side of Liam was another side that she can see falling for; the compassionate, concerned and loyal side of him of how he is being with her.
As the last few bars of the song started to wrap Liam looked to her “Sadly I do have to talk with the other ladies, believe me when I say that I wish that I didn’t have too” and as she looked to him he brought her to him hugging her close “Just please take it easy and if you need me please come get me. I don’t care who I am with or who I am talking to, just please come get me” and as he smiled to her he kissed his two fingers and then put them to her lips as she smiled again. As he walked away she started to look around a little bit more and as she started to think about maybe heading outside she saw him sitting there. Alone and all Drake like as she knew what she wanted to do she started to walk towards him knowing that she wants to talk to him, wants to be close to him, knowing that she needs more time with him as the time was coming closer to being the end of the line. As she took a deep breath and walked right to him she reached out tapping his shoulder. He turned his head looking over his shoulder she didn’t waste any time as she said “Dance with me, please” and as he looked to her he shook his head “You know that I don’t dance Morgan, we have been over that many times” and as he took the rest of his whiskey that he had and downed it she crossed her arms in front of her “I am not going to ask again after this, please dance with me” and as she started to look at him and he was looking down she extended her hand and placed it on his shoulder “Drake” she said her voice low as he was still looking down. He let out a sigh knowing that he didn’t want to get wrapped in her arms and her eyes again, the feel of her again knowing that he basically just handed her over to Liam with what he told him in the room. “Fine…one dance and that’s it” and as he stood up from where he was sitting her took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
It didn’t take long from the moment that they got to the dance floor that his hands were on her hips and she had her arms around his neck dancing to the slow beat of the music. She smiled “You’re not a bad dancer, I don’t see why you make such a fuss about it” and as she looked to him she could see that there was something else that was on his mind and as she felt her heart being tugged on she asked “Drake what is it, something is on your mind and you’re not telling me when you know that you can” and as she looked at him and his eyes caught hers he knew he couldn’t lie when he looked into those beautiful eyes. “Jade I just can’t get over the way that it felt when you just collapsed into my arms, and when you weren’t responding or waking up, I have been scared before with you but this time it felt so different. I was nervous that something was really wrong and it makes me worried that the next time,” and as he looked down to the floor and then back to her there was a glossy look to his eyes “The next time I won’t be there and you will be alone, I…I fear that next time it could be double this” and as he looked to her and she felt her heart skipping a beat for the way that he was confessing how worried that he was about her she could feel in her heart it was expanding so much for him. Everything about him was making her fall over and over again for him “Drake like I told you these have been happening since I was younger. I am going to be fine I just have to control them a little bit more that’s all. I think that once this social season is over, I finally decide and everything flows a little smoother that they will either subside, or they will go away for good” and as she looked to him she could feel that she was drawn to him and wanting to kiss him so bad but knowing that she couldn’t do that right here. Though as she smiled again to him he twirled her gently and then pulled her back right to him “You drive me crazy Morgan you know that right” he said as he held her close to him as he was now swaying with her in his arms for just a moment but in that moment being that close to him she felt like she was home.
The music number began to speed up as a waltz was getting ready to start and as they exited the floor Drake took her hand and brought it to his lips “Thank you for the dance” and as he kissed the top of her hand she blushed but felt something in her hand from his and as he let go she took what it was. Slowly turning away from any eyes she opened the note “Make your what ifs count. Meet me at the maze at 9” and as she looked to the note she smiled wondering what this was going to be about. Though as she looked up she saw her friends starting to sit for the meal that was beginning to be served and over dinner she was a little quiet but mainly just thinking. It wasn’t until Hana said “I am going to miss you three the most, ever since coming here it’s been you three that have welcomed me more than I ever thought that I could be welcomed” though as she started to tear up a little bit Drake questioned what she was talking about and she admitted about what the note had said about her parents sending for her and that she would be leaving court. “Not if I have any say in it. You will not be leaving here unless it’s over my dead body” Maxwell stated starting to look at her the mix of sadness and determination on his face as he looked to her. Jade looked on seeing the way that they were just looking at each other longingly “Maxwell why not take Hana out to the patio maybe she needs some fresh air” and as Maxwell looked to Jade he smiled “I think I will. Come on babe lets go get some air” and as he took her hand he started to lead her out the back towards the back patio that overlooked the city leaving Drake and Jade alone at the table. Though as time seemed to tick on Jade looked to Drake who kept looking at his watch and after about ten minutes he got up quickly “I hope to see you soon…that is if you want to meet me” and as he started to smile at her she knew that she wanted too and so she waited right until 8:56 PM and started to head out. She looked over and saw that Liam was in a deep talk with the other guests and no one seemed to notice her getting up and walking out.
Jade walked from the dining room and was almost stopped by Penelope she sweetly excused herself that she needed to get something from her room. Penelope looked to her and really quickly congratulated her although Jade reminded her that no one had “won” yet and the night was still early. Though as she politely excused herself again she headed like she was going to her room but slipped down the side hallway that would lead out back towards the garden maze. As she walked out she saw Drake sitting at a deserted bar station for the outdoor parties. Though there was no bartender or anyone out there but Drake the liquor cabinet was open and as she walked over her mind flashed to that first moment she saw him sitting at the bar. Looking just as rough as he did now though as she got closer she started to remember how he caught her that night and from that moment on he has always been looking out just for her. Never once looking at another one of the ladies and never once changing his mind about her and this memory made her mind race with all the other memories that they shared and she couldn’t help but smile. Though as she got to the bar standing there right behind him she wondered what would have happened if he had never left NY, or if she never would have boarded with Maxwell. Would she be standing there looking at a man that was stealing every bit of her heart? She knew that is one thing she never wanted to think about that she wouldn’t have him in her life and as she smiled she cleared her throat and said “Hey stranger” and as her voice hit his ears he looked to her and smiled “You sent for me?” and as she chuckled a little bit he laughed “Well I did, but I really just wanted to save you one more time. You know that is kind of my thing, stealing you away from them and giving you a breath of fresh air” and as he started to turn on his stool to look at her he was smiling and she couldn’t help but smile back.
Jade couldn’t help the way that he was making her feel right then and there, the smile that was on his lips and the playful tone in his laugh, she could get used to this and used to it fast. She looked over to the bar again seeing that there was absolutely no one around and as she started to walk around the bar and starting to get the liquor that she wanted to use to make him something he smirked “Well doesn’t this look familiar” and as he started to look at her and she laughed a little bit as she mentioned “Yeah it does though I happen to remember that there was a moment before this that you stopped me from landing on a bunch of broken glass beer mugs” and as she started to mix up a new drink for him which was a dash of Apple Cider, orange juice mix and two shots of whiskey she started to stir it up before sliding it to him “Yeah I remember that moment, you fell and you fell hard…” and as he went to continue he took a sip of the mixed drink “Wow that is great where did you learn that” and as he took another sip she smiled but looked down to the floor “My dad actually used to drink these all the time. I found the recipe and needless to say been using it all the time” and as she smiled to him he continued to sip at it loving the texture and the different flavors mixing over his tongue. As he continued to enjoy the drink she walked back around to where he was sitting on the stool next to him “Done playing bartender?” he asked as she nodded and exclaimed that the last customer didn’t even leave a tip. They both laughed as Drake started to feel over his chest pocket and around his jeans “Damn I must have left my wallet in my other dress shirt” he said with a chuckle.
Jade’s eyes scanned over him “You know you look really handsome tonight, well you do always but I like this color on you too” and as he looked to her he shrugged “Well I am no Liam” and as he took another sip Jade looked to him “I know you are not, you’re Drake and that is one thing that I love about you. You can either dress down or dress up but you always deliver the perfect image and still be the same amazing person” and as she smiled to him she continued to ask “But I thought that you only dressed up when you are trying to impress someone?” and as he finished off the drink he looked to her and his eyes seemed to light up as he said “Well maybe there is someone that I wanted to impress one more time” as his eyes looked to hers and just slowly he reached out stroking her cheek. “Even if just for tonight” and as he looked to her and her eyes scanned his she smiled “You always impress me though there is something that I want to know” she said as she started to reach down and take his other hand that was not on her face as she tilted her head to his hand feeling the comfort in his touch. “What’s that?” he asked as they continued to look at each other and as she gave him a small smile she asked “Why do you call me Morgan when I don’t call you Walker?” and as she looked to him starting to intertwine her fingers with his. He looked right to her and he knew that it was time to tell her why but he wanted to toy with her a little bit as he shook his head “What’s with you always breaking me down? Can’t a man just keep his walls up?” and as he smirked to her she laughed and said “Nope, now spill” and as she looked to him starting to feel her heart starting to race she watched him take the last shot of his drink feeling the warmth of his hand leaving her cheek “I call you Morgan because then it’s not getting personal, and it’s to not get attached. I use last names when I want to keep someone at a distance but you know that I still...damn it Morgan” and as he looked down she brought her hand to his face cupping his cheek “Tell me Drake, you know that you can” and as her caring eyes looked right to his he continued “I was so wrong, so wrong about you. It doesn’t matter if you have the crown or not, if you become engaged or not, you’re still you and I can’t shake you no matter how much I know that I should. I never should have said what I did, cause you didn’t deserve that and I am sorry” and as she looked to him she leaned in kissing his cheek “It’s okay really it is” she said as she looked back to his eyes again.
Drake took in a deep breath and as he started to explain how when he saw her in there his mind flashed back to Savannah and how she was so excited to be fitting in, being a part of that world that in the end it just broke her. Something here caused her to fall apart, enough so that she left “I mean look at Liam and how run down he looks already and he hasn’t even finished his journey yet. I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking that the same thing was going to happen to you and how much I would hate to see you hurting enough to leave. Liam is already breaking and he has been around this life style all of his life, you are new here and I would just hate myself if this world of false hope and glamour ended up hurting you” he said starting to lean in kissing her hand as he brought it to his lips “I don’t ever want to see you broken. I know that I wouldn’t be able to hold back if that happened to you” and as she could hear the sadness in his voice and the concern that he had for her she looked to him “Drake I am so sorry about what happened with Savannah and I know that I can’t get her to come back but I bet that she will come back soon” and as he smiled to her and lifted his hand to cup her cheek again and she tilted her head to his hand “I know she will someday I hope. But for now you and maybe Hana are the only ones in the court, of the ladies anyway that I even care about” and as he looked right to her eyes he couldn’t help but lean in kissing her cheek. The heat cascaded through her body as she felt his soft lips there on her cheek. “She would have liked you and I know that you two would have gotten along great” though as he started to take in a deep breath he said “Why couldn’t I have just disliked you it would have made this so much easier but I…” and he stopped mid-sentence as he started to look down.
Jade started to reach in using her fingers to tilt his head to look at her and as she felt her heart starting to race a little bit more she started to ask gently “What were you just going to say Drake” her voice just above a whisper as they were now just a little bit closer than before. “I was just thinking that if this is really the last night that I can be alone with you before you are an engaged woman, that I would be a crazy fool to not take you in my arms and hold you, protect you, and to not kiss you right now” and as he looked to her the passion was growing in his eyes as he could feel the intensity of his heart beating in his chest. As she leaned a little bit closer to him she could see his eyes filling with the want and desire that she has learned to know very well and as she stood there looking to him she knew what she wanted and as she bit her bottom lip just a little bit she said “Drake…kiss me” she said never breaking the look from their eyes to one another. There was no hesitation and no holding back as she felt his lips perfectly against hers again. That is how it was though when they kissed it seemed like their lips were just made for each other. She leaned in more to him as the kiss became deeper, more passion filled than she has ever had with Liam or anyone for that matter. As he started to bring her closer to him causing her to slide of her stool that was next to him she was now standing in front of him as she placed her hands on his thighs as he started to cup her face in his strong hands. The kiss was intensifying as she started to run her hands up and down his thighs massaging them a little bit over the jean material. Her heart was beating so fast and the heat that was shooting through her body like lightning knowing that she didn’t want this to end. His arms started to go around her as she was standing there in front of him but his hands were running up and down her back and sides as though he couldn’t get enough of feeling her.
After a few moments they pulled apart breathless knowing that they both didn’t want this moment to end and as he leaned in resting his forehead to hers she closed her eyes just wishing that she could freeze time and that they could stand like this for just a little bit longer. “Morgan I would give anything to just stay right here in this moment. I don’t want to know what’s going to happen and what’s not going to happen because right here right now is all I want to know” and as his eyes met hers again she couldn’t stand the want and the need that was still fuming inside of her as she leaned up again pressing her lips to his wrapping her arms this time around her neck as his hands trailed down her back and over the hump of her backside giving it a little squeeze and pulling her even closer to him. As he started to run his hand down to start to pull the material of the dress up a little bit they soon heard two familiar voices belonging to Penelope and Kiara and as Drake snapped his head away from hers he immediately got off his bar stool and said “I am not letting you go yet. Come on” and as he started to take her hand he started to lead her back into the maze getting all the way to where he knew the fountain was and as they came together in another heated kiss right there leaning against one of the pillars for the fountain Jade felt her heart just soaring. Being with him was filling every denial moment that she had pertaining to him. They stayed this way just in one another’s arms never wanting to let go of one another. But soon as he did break the kiss breathlessly he saw the look in her eyes that of sadness and worry.
Her eyes finally met his as she exclaimed “I can’t say goodbye to you, even if I do end up getting…” and as he brought his fingers up to stop her right there he looked to her and in his eyes it was a soft and warm feeling running through her as he said “I want you to listen to me, even if you do end up engaged to my best friend tonight, you are not going to lose me. It may be hard to watch you with him but I promise you with everything that I am you are not losing me. You are indeed stuck with me Morgan so you better get used to it. I want you in my life, no matter what happens” and as he looked to her and a single tear fell from her eye she started to smile a little bit knowing that she felt so blessed to have him in her life and as she started to look at him for the first time in a long time she started to realize that this…this felt right, this was what she wanted. “Drake there is…” and as she went to continue she started to hear the clapping and the music starting to die down knowing that it was almost time. Though as she stood there looking at him searching for anything in his eyes that would just tell her what he wanted at that moment she started to know that she should get going but knowing that if what she thinks might happen tonight, she had her answer. Drake started to lean in kissing her forehead as he said “You better get back, I don’t want them going crazy trying to find you” and as he started to look her in the eyes he leaned in kissing her one more time “I am just going to hang back here…until…well you know” he said starting to look down to the ground and then smiling to her “Remember what I just said, no matter what” and as they parted she started to head back towards the ball looking back to Drake as he stood there and he gave her a wink as he stood there watching the woman of his heart walk out of it in the same way. Though as Jade walked she thought to herself that if Liam was about ready to propose to her she did have her answer and this time she was going to finally let it be known.
As soon as she got back towards the palace she was immediately stopped by Maxwell and Bertrand who were already starting to check over to make sure that she was looking right, standing right, and obsessing over how she would be answering a very important question soon. Though as they continued Maxwell handed her a letter that was given to him by a palace guard and as she opened it she read “Lady Jade, the prince is never ever going to be yours. You will never ever be queen and you are never going to be welcome here. This is not your future so exit the fairytale before you actually do get hurt or else!” She looked over the letter and soon Bertrand asked to see it she started to slump down as she felt her heart breaking, she didn’t want to lose everything. “Well where in world did this come from” and as she started to feel her heart starting to beat faster and harder in her chest she caught a glimpse of Bertrand and through a worried look she said “What do I do now?” and as she looked to him feeling her heart breaking and her body shivering though she felt hot she started to close her eyes wishing that this would all just go away…… The End?