Two hours later after the coronation the ballroom was empty. No longer was there music playing, guests dancing or happiness going around. Just silence as Liam sat there on the floor leaning against the raised stage that he was standing on just earlier as he was getting ready to choose Jade to be his wife. Sitting there he looked out to the room seeing not one other soul in the room. His anger was shifting to be at an all-time high as he started to hear someone walking into the room behind him. “I would suggest that who-ever is coming in this room should have a good reason to disturb me and right now it would not be a wise choice” and as he spoke his tone was deep as he started to open the top part of his jacket not even caring anymore. Then he felt it a hand on his shoulder and as he turned his head he came face to face with his father. “Look Liam I know that you wanted it to be her but sometimes life just isn’t the grand opera that we want it to be. But you had to think of Cordonia, what would have happened if she stayed? Could you imagine what a scandal could do to you right now as you just became King?” and as he looked to his son he started to lower himself to him but sitting on the edge of the stage instead of the floor “Liam I know that you are mad and I know that it’s not fair but you have a duty now, you and Madeleine will have the Engagement Tour and soon you will be crowned King and married. You can’t waste this time dwelling on a girl that could do something like this” and as Liam heard his father talking about her like that he got up to his feet rather quickly and snapped, his voice deep and the pain showing through “Don’t you dare talk about Jade like that. You know as well as I do that she…she would never do something like that, something else is going on and damn it I am going to figure it out. So you can either accept the fact that I am not happy right now and I do this alone, or you can help me, but whatever you choose I am going to get her back here” and as he started to step away ignoring the calls from his father Liam started to head to Jade’s room. Once there he sat on the edge of the bed looking around the empty room feeling the pain hitting him again realizing that he may never get her back.
Sitting there on the edge of her bed she brought her pillow close to her as she cried silently. Looking to the photo of her and her best friend from the night that they first went out together she couldn’t help but smile thinking about the memories that were flooding her mind. She was so angry at herself that she couldn’t fight them to stop Jade from being forced to leave. She looked at her phone trying to text Jade but all the times that she did the text was undeliverable. She then laid down on her bed and as she started to think about the words that Jade used to tell her she started to feel the tears falling a little bit more. Jade was the only friend that she really had besides Maxwell and Drake, and she missed her so much already. Though as she sat up in bed she realized that she had to do something, maybe she could talk to Liam about getting her to come back, if not to try to work things out with him but to just get her side of the story out there. Though as she went to stand up she started to think about what Jade would do in this situation and she started to feel a push that she never had before as she started to slip out of her room looking around to make sure that there were no guards around. She started to head down the hall to her best friends room and as she got to the door she saw a light shining through the bottom of the door and for a moment she felt a smile on her tear stained face thinking that maybe she was back but as she opened the door she saw Liam sitting there on the edge of the bed. He looked up to her and she could tell that he had been crying “Tell me you are here to help get her back…cause if not I don’t want anyone else in here with me” and as Hana sat down next to him on the bed she said “What do we do first?” and as Liam smiled just barely to her he brought her too him hugging her tenderly.
Maxwell & Bertrand
“What in the bloody hell happened out there? Did you know about this?” Bertrand said as he was pacing in his room as Maxwell was sitting there on the bed with his head in his hands. “I don’t know Bertrand, no one seems to know anything about it, only Jade does as far as I know” and as he looked up the redness in his eyes was showing the sadness that was in his heart and his mind. “We failed her…we didn’t protect her enough. Anyone could have done this to her…but why her?” Maxwell stated as Bertrand started to pace even more walking to a table in the room and tipping it over “I swear we will find out who did this and we will do anything to get her back” and as he stopped in front of his brother placing a hand on his shoulder he said “I know that I have never really appreciated your choices very much, but she….she was one of your best decisions. She deserves a chance to get justice served. We know that she wouldn’t have done something like this but we just…we have to work together. We are all she has now and I will stop at nothing to get her back here. Even if not for Liam, then for herself” and as Maxwell looked up to his brother he said “We are going to need more help than just the two of us, what about Hana, Liam…what about Drake” and as he looked to his brother Bertrand nodded. “We will see if they want to help” and as he went to continue he heard the door shut next door. Looking to the door to the hallway he started to head out and Maxwell followed. As they got to Jade’s door they saw the light. Looking at each other they opened the door and Maxwell right away started to say “Jade you’re…not here” and as they stepped in the room they found Liam and Hana “What are you all doing in here?” Maxwell asked as Hana ran to him and as Liam stood up tall he looked to the brothers “You want to help us get her back?” and as they looked to each other as Hana was hugging Maxwell, Bertrand smiled and said “Of course. So what’s the plan” and as Bertrand shut the door they joined Liam and Hana.
“DRAKE!” she yelled out, her voice sounding scared, no terrified as he looked over to where Jade was just standing next to him and now she was being forced out by Bastien. She was reaching for him but as he went to reach for her a strong arm from a royal guard pushed him further away from her “JADE!” he yelled out to the mass group. His eyes scanned to Liam and saw that he was being held back by his father and Regina and the guards. No one could get to Jade and as he brought his hand into a fist to hit the guard the guard noticed this first and struck Drake before he could. Now two hours later he was sitting at the mini bar outside, the one that he was just at with Jade not even three hours ago. Slamming drink after drink he was blaming himself that he couldn’t stop them. She was ripped right away from him and he couldn’t even do a damn thing. As he stood to get another glass of whiskey he stood there for a moment and when he closed his eyes, all he could see was her smile glowing right back to him from the moments that they had prior to this hell. The smile that he loved and looked forward to each day, the smile that made him smile and realize so many things. As he then looked down to the empty glass he brought it back and then threw it against the side panel of the outdoor bar and it shattered as he then started to lean against the counter of the bar and slid down to the ground not caring at all about his dress jacket getting dirty. He rested his head in his hands as he thought back all the way to New York and how he walked away from her and he thought that was the worst pain that he had ever felt, but no …losing her like this was even more painful. As he leaned his head back to the side of the counter he started to know that he had to do something. He wasn’t going to lose her now that he finally got her back, there was no way that he was going to let this happen like this. His heart started to race as he stood up knowing what he had to do. Walking back to the palace his mind was racing thinking about all the smiles, the laughs, and all the times that he held her in his arms. He needed her back, even if she was going to choose Liam, he realized then that he needed her in his life, no matter what. 465Please respect copyright.PENANAPtNf5aErgG
As he started to get into the palace determined to get to his room and get his things, he passed her room and for a moment thought he was hallucinating seeing the light at the bottom of her door “Jade” he whispered feeling his heart nearly stop and as he reached for the handle and opened the door where he came face to face with Liam, Hana and the Beaumont’s, he let out a sigh “Well you all are definitely not Jade…” and as he started to walk in Liam walked right to him “No offense brother but you look like shit” and as Drake looked to him he shook his head “I could say the same about all of you” as he looked around noticing that all of them had red eyes just like he did. Though as he stepped in a little bit more and saw on the nightstand that there were listings of possible airlines he looked to Liam “Going on a trip?” and as he looked to Hana she shook her head and Maxwell stepped up and said “He’s not, but I am” and as Drake raised his eye brow he looked to Liam “Care to catch me up on what’s really going on here Liam? You know she can’t show her face here” and as he started to head over to her dresser he looked at the photos that she had on the mirror and Liam started to explain that Bertrand will be appealing to King Constantine and to the court that Jade should get a chance to tell her side and clear her name, Maxwell will be going back to NY to get her because he couldn’t go. Drake looked to the photo of her and him together and as Liam looked to Drake after telling him the plan he walked over to his friend and asked “We can’t do it for a few more days, but are you in?” and as Drake looked up he looked to Liam starting to stand up straighter he took a deep breath and said “Let’s bring her home.”