She was a wonderful liar...Or was she? I was having a hard time trying to tell. Gregory seemed to be head over heels for this woman already. I had never seen him fall so quickly for any woman...I admit, I might have been at least a little jealous...Okay, maybe a lot jealous. But, she still didn't seem trustworthy to me. I can't tell you why exactly...But there was just something shifty about her and I did not like it one bit.
"So, Kendall, you can handle the case tonight while we are out?" Gregory dashed into my suspicious brooding over his new girlfriend.
"Hmm?" I looked at him and nodded. "Oh, sure...Have fun." I faked a small smile and nodded to his date.
Gregory nodded with a smile and tipped his fedora. "Then we'll be off then. Good evening, Kendall." He said and sallied out with her on his arm. The red haired vixen flashed one last grin at me with her ruby red lips before they were gone.
"Now to do a little background check on her..." I grumbled and got on Gregory's computer. This Miss. Hall...I hadn't quite caught her first name when she introduced herself to us, but maybe it wouldn't matter, I had thought. Surely there weren't that many red haired and green eyed women with the surname of Hall in England.
Then I had the most brilliant, time saving idea.
I smirked to myself as I grabbed up her tea cup and got out Greg's finger-printing kit and started to dust her cup. "This is way too easy." I chuckled. I got her prints where I could use them and got them then into the computer. I watched the slow computer as it tried its hardest to match the prints. At the pace it was going, I prepared myself to be ready to spend most the night there at Greg's home.
"Oh! Right, I'm supposed to be going over a few profiles that we got from the ball..." I then exclaimed and got open another tab, just to make that terribly slow dinosaur even slower.
"Let's see...Duke Arthur Wilds...Family friend..." I murmured and looked through the files. "Lady Ester Collier...Wants them out of business but has a flawless alibi.." I sighed. The loading pace was just terrible. At this rate I could expect to be on this job until the very end of the month, maybe even the year! Happy New Year, here is who we should be searching for, for that case all that time ago back! I groaned and sat back into the seat and rubbed my face.
"That stupid woman...I swear as soon as I find her secret I'm telling Gregory so we can be rid of her! I bet she is a spy!" I snorted and then looked at the computer as it got a result.
Query unidentified.