I kick the stick that lays on the path in front of me. It skitters along the way for a couple seconds before stopping. I give it another good kick, counting how many times it bounces. Two, three, four bounces that time. But it has landed in the grass and so out of kicking range.
I continue down the warn road. It is hot and I was starting to feel hungry, but I can't go back. Not this time, not now. However, I can't keep myself from looking back. I can't see the house anymore, but I know it is still back there. Mum, Dad, and Kendall no doubt are all still snug in their beds. Pleasantly unknowing of my departure.
I shouldn't have left today. I should have waited until tomorrow. It's wrong of me to ruin Kendall's birthday like this. But I can't stand starting another year of my life with them. I am sure with time Kendall will understand, she always understands. No one understands me quite like she does. Mum says it is because of twinepathy or some other malarky, but it is because she is brilliant. Maybe even as brilliant as me.
But she will be so hurt and mad that of all days I chose today. It is selfish, but I just can't wait another day. It's in their best interest that I leave them. They'll be better off without me, safer too.
I come across a snail shell, sitting in the grass by the path and pick it up. Small and amber colored, Kenny doesn't have one like this. I put it in my pocket with a small smile. I may be leaving today, but I will be back one day once I've gotten everything straightened out. This won't be for forever. I'll keep this one for her for in the future when we meet again. She'll love it.
To think I was the top of my class yesterday and I'm now running away from home this Saturday morning. It's comical really. Just a smart guy making what would seem to the average idiot to be a stupid decision. But the average idiot wouldn't understand. That's how I know Kenny will understand, our parents will never understand, but Kenny will. I just know she will.
The path begins to narrow as I get closer to the city limits. I look back over my shoulder again towards the house. I had written Kendall a note, but probably it would have been better if I hadn't. It's hard to smash "Happy birthday!" together with "Oh yeah I'm running away, sorry I can't be there for us to share our birthday anymore."
I wouldn't have to leave like this if I had made better decisions. I should have listened to Kendall, she was right. I'll admit it, she was right. That guy was bad business and now I'm shoulder deep with no way out. I have to run away before they are all endangered because of me. I wouldn't be able to see them get hurt because of these deals I've signed. They'll just have to hate me or whatever until I fix this. My plan went awry despite all of my stubborn planning. And of course, I could take the easy way out, get expelled, possibly lose a finger or something, but nah. I'll do things the way that works out the best for everyone...It will take time and careful thought, but when it all plays out, it will be magnificent.
Then I can do as I please. I can return home and mend what bridges I can, build new ones if I must. Mum and Dad will of course accept me back with open arms at anytime...But Kenny will hold a grudge. She'll resent me even though she will understand. It will be a challenge in the future, but I'll ford that river when it comes.
I look at the upcoming city and then back over my shoulder. Happy birthday, Kendall, congratulations on becoming an only child. Happy birthday, me, you are now on your own and are probably going to die due to being mugged on the streets or starvation or failing those debts. Somehow, Kendall's present sounds better than mine, but it's my own fault and I will solve this puzzle even if it kills me.
I take a step off of the dirt road and step onto the gravel leading into the city. Goodbye, Lionel Kristin Bell and your old life. I push my glasses upwards on my nose. Hello, Leo Pell and your new life of crimes, running, and puzzles.