As soon as he walked into the phone booth, he felt a peculiar tension. Gregory glanced both ways before entering this lonely ringing booth. "Hello?" He asked as answered the phone, his curiosity getting the upper hand over his reason or the fact that he already was running late.
There was a breathy panting on the other side of the line. Gregory looked weirdly at the phone and nearly put it back on the hook when a voice finally appeared. "Your appointment has cancelled, Harris." The deep voice rasped. "She's had her own appointment to attend to...One that she won't return from unless you do what I say..."
"Who is this?" Greg then demanded and narrowed his eyes. He felt a small stone of panic begin to rise in his throat, but he swallowed it back down.
The voice graveled a laugh. "Wouldn't you like to know...My name isn't important, Harris. But if the name Bell is of any importance to you, I'd suggest you do what I say."
Gregory took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "What did you have in mind?"
The voice laughed again. "I knew you would make the right decision. Come alone to the London Bridge at midnight. Do not consult the police. It is a trade. You for her."
"Why?" He asked, but he was answered by the line being cut off. The man, whoever he was, had hung up. Gregory rubbed his hand worriedly over his face. Kendall, his Kendall, was in danger. There had to be someway he could save her and himself at the same time. "He said not to consult the police....But Heinrich isn't an officer. He's another good detective...Maybe he can help..." He mumbled. He then proceeded to go about and contact his acquaintance.
Hours later, the two had concocted a plot. Gregory had to go alone, true, but that doesn't mean
Heinrich couldn't happen along by "coincidence" behind the man and shoot him while Greg got his Kendall...Not the date he had had in mind for her, but definitely better than either of themselves being killed.
At midnight, Gregory silently strode onto the London Bridge. He had his fedora on low, over his eyes and his coat collar raised to conceal his face some. His hands were deep in his pockets and his heart was pounding. What if it was a trick and the stranger killed Kendall there instead of freeing her? What if he got himself and killed him there in front of Kendall and then her too? What if Heinrich missed and shot one of them? What if the man wasn't alone either? What if Kenny was already dead?
He tried to shake the panicked thoughts from his head. Worrying was not going to help him get them through this safely. Worrying was just going to make things worse. He looked up as he heard the low rumble of a car and saw a black BMW pull up. He watched as a large, obese man, clothed in a navy suite with a pink bow tie got out and then got a limp thing from the trunk. No, not limp thing. Limp Kendall.
"I see you follow directions well." The man smirked as he just dropped Kendall on the ground. She hit the ground hard. Her head bounced. Gregory felt his blood run cold and he clinched his fists at his sides. "You have me now. Do no more to her." He said through clinched teeth.
"Exactly." The man opened the back of the car. "Your ride awaits you, Harris."
Gregory looked at him and then at the car's red enterior. 'Heinrich...You better do this right...' He thought as he slowly walked over and got in.
There then was a shot. Then a thump.
Gregory got out of the car again and looked at the body. Shot in the head. Perfect. He then turned his attention to to Kendall and very softly got the burlap from over her head and worked the ropes off of her. She was out cold. She had bruises, cuts, scrapes all over, but overall he didn't find any major issues. He gently lifted her up and laid her in the backseat. He planned to bring her to the hospital just to make sure she hadn't a concussion or something internal going on.