Capítulo 8: Two wonderful little mice
The old train passing through Zootopia would soon be replaced by a new model. It had served for many years the city's transportation and would make a final tour, this would be attended by the richest of the city along with citizens who through a lottery would participate in the tour that would actually be a gala party inside the train wagons that were reconditioned for this occasion. An extravaganza, but one that was intended to make the citizens of the zootropolis forget the death of the former mayor.
Chief José Rosano, a huge old bobtail dog, had been invited to the gala, however, at this point he could not help but get his full attention on the report he was given by Little Rodentia detectives regarding the case of the assault on the hospital by the Buajaja criminal gang.
Rosano thanked the small researchers for their research work. After all, Zootopia was not characterized by an efficient detective force, but by direct, almost brutal, crime-fighting.
“We interviewed all the hospital staff and verified that it was not an inside job," said Detective Chip Jones, a squirrel known for his efficient work.
It is a pity that such efficiency did not extend to wearing the statutory police uniform, as he wore a fedora hat and an old explorer's brown jacket. Although of course, the Little Rodentia police department was semi-autonomous and was characterized by a more lax discipline with its officers with respect to uniform.
“We also conducted extrajudicial investigations and discovered that Buajaja's gang was financed with money from a bank account in the city of Roca del Rey," reported Detective Dale Magnun, also a squirrel who, unlike Chip, had two very large and separate incisor teeth, as well as a bulbous nose.
And if Detective Chip's suit was curious, the one Dale was wearing, was unconcerned about where he was, since he was wearing a very flashy Hawaiian T-shirt.
“Boss Rosano, I tested the compounds that Buajaja stole from the hospital and found something alarming," said a lovely little blonde, blue-eyed mouse named Gadget Hackwrench.
Gadget was the pride of Little Rodentia's forensic science department, a genius who was a wonderful combination of beauty and brains.
The chief of police listened attentively to Detective Gadget's report and could not help but swallow spit. If what the young researcher said was true, it was a serious risk to the citizens of all Zootopia.
“I see, but we don't know how Buajaja could release the lethal substance and where in the city. It will be impossible to cover all of Zootopia, the zootropolis is a colossal extension” said Rosano with a tone of concern for which he could not be blamed.
“Don't worry, Chief," Chip reassured him, "Gadget did an analysis of the clothes that Annapuma and Unipuma left at the hospital entrance and discovered micro-particles of soil and ceramics from the old part of Zootopia.”
“Detective Monterey Jack and his assistant, Zipper, are investigating the place at the moment," Dale continued, "as soon as they know anything, they'll contact you right away.”
At Zootopia's naturist life center, in the garage, Finnick was rushing his friends into his van, several oxygen cylinders that were reserved for new age spa customers.
“Boss, explain to me about the oxygen tanks. Look, I have no memory of an elephant like Bertha," said Yax, while as usual, a lot of flies were flying around him.
“I explained it to you," said Finnick patiently, "the train will be very safe, no explosives can be brought in, but no one will suspect the oxygen cylinders. We will introduce them by saying that they are part of the air recycling system, as they are important people who will attend the gala, they will surely want to breathe certified quality air and not wear these annoying biological protection masks for once in their lives. By regulating the amount of oxygen we can make everyone inside the train lose consciousness and become our hostages, and in case things get ugly, ultrapurified oxygen can be used to cause a big explosion.”
“But how will we get on the train?”
“Oh Yax, I told you. Roedriguez who is the counterfeit specialist will give us the fake passes and Nick will be the one with the suits, right Nick?”
“I've got everything ready, Finnick," said the swindler fox. Tuxedos, waiters' suits, maintenance staff suits, etc.
“I must confess, boss," said Duke Roedriguez, "this plan of yours is very ambitious. If we succeed the city will give us something I love.... Money!”
“Boss, I wouldn't like to dress in a tuxedo," complained Yax.
“Don't worry, Yax, you'll be dressed as a chef," Finnick said, "and Flash will be the one to drive the train.”
“That sloth bear knows how to drive anything," Nick said amusingly, "he's a speed freak.”
“I wish he was that quick about everything else," Roedriguez concluded, and his friends went on with their job of taking the oxygen cylinders.
The old Zootopia, also known as the old town, was the oldest section of the city, in fact, it was in that place where Zootopia was founded, more than two centuries ago when the settlers mice from the east, decided to go to the far west for the gold rush.
The settlers came to a town already founded by cats and called it Zoocathia. In those days, predators still hunted prey, but a miracle occurred and Zoocathia was the first place in the world where predators abandoned their wild instincts and lived in peace with prey. Thus, cats and mice refounded the village and called it Zootopia.
The miracle in question was the sweet voice of a little mouse named Tanya Ratonowitz.
Can one explain in words the sensation that her sweet voice produced in the cats, which united them all together and in harmony?
When the mice arrived in Zoocathia, the cat leader pretended to respect the mice and give them a place to live, but it was all a ploy to later snack on all the innocent settlers. The nefarious plan would have worked had it not been for Tanya's innocence, which, driven by her desire to express her young feelings in a sweet song, stole the cat leader's heart and changed the history of the world forever. A simple love song...
Monterey Jack wandered the streets of the old Zootopia, which was annexed to Little Rodentia and stopped at the statue on the main promenade of that section of the city. There was Tanya Ratonowitz's pink marble representation, which seemed to dance an old waltz with the image of a cat wearing a cloak and a top hat, the figure of the cat was reduced to the same height as the mouse.
The experienced detective suddenly looked sidelong at his assistant Zipper, flying fast towards him.
Zipper was a green fly and had apparently discovered the whereabouts of Buajaja and his gang.
“Buajaja is on the outer edge of the old Zootopia!” The moustached mouse said, “This is where the old abandoned warehouses of the cats that used to live next to the mice are located. Well done, buddy, let's tell Gadget.”
At police headquarters, Gadget was briefing Chief Rosano on the investigation.
“It's confirmed, boss," said the little mouse, "Buajaja is in the old warehouses of the Old Mine sector.”
“I see” said the Bobtail dog, “no wonder we couldn't find his whereabouts. Who would have thought he'd hide so close to Little Rodentia.”
“That Bujajaja is very clever," said Gadget.
“And dangerous," added the old dog, "I'm afraid the Little Rodentia police won't be able to handle this case. I don't think SWAT can handle that sly pig. We'll have to use the tanker police.”
“But the tanker police would tear up Little Rodentia!” Claimed Gadget.
Boss Rosano, who was sitting, leaned his elbows on his desk and rested his troubled head on his hands. If only I had a tank unit that wouldn't cause so much damage.
“Sir, what are you going to do?” Gadget asked, with a thread of concern in her voice.
“I don't know, but in all my years of service to the city, I've always found the answer to the most difficult problems by seeing the performance of the young tanker officers. And right now it's my turn to see a young officer who was just transferred to Zootopia and has to give a test with one of the tanks.”
"Please come with me, maybe we'll come up with something while we watch the test," Chief Rosano invited her, and Gadget agreed.
When the dog and the little mouse entered the hangar, they were surprised to hear Chief Bogo's cries.
“I said you're both fired!”
“This is an injustice, you cannot do this to us!”
“If you' re going to take it out on someone, be it me, I was the one with the idea, leave Judy alone!”
“Now, Bogo, what's happening now," said Rosano calmly and Bogo changed his face to an expression of subservience as he did with his superiors.
According to Bogo, Judy and Key, they had cheated on him. They should have rebuilt a tank that was the same as the rest of the tanker squadron, however, they showed up with a toy tank that made fun of the honor of the tanker police force.
“Chief Rosano," said Judy with aplomb, "we didn't fool anyone, the forms for the construction of Bonaparte were signed by Chief Bogo himself. It's not our fault if he didn't supervise the construction of the model Key and I designed, and he spent all his time playing with that "dancing with Gazelle" application.”
“Bonaparte?” The old chief of police said strangely.
“A toy a mere tiny toy! I won't allow these two to make fun of the tanker police you founded, Chief José Rosano!”
“The small size is not always an indication that something is wrongly designed," said Gadget in an angry tone and without shying away from the fierce look that Bogo gave her, in fact, just like the cat and the rabbit, the little mouse knocked the buffalo down with her eyes.
“Could you show me the tank?”
“Of course, Chief Rosano, this way," said Key, praying that everything would go well.
The small green tank was nothing like what Rosano had seen before.
“I don't know... What do you think, Detective Hackwrench?”
“It's beautiful.... You officers are geniuses!”
That's all the old bobtail wanted to hear, if the genius of the Little Rodentia police was delighted with the tank, he would be too.
“Well, I guess there's nothing wrong with this... Bonaparte. Chief Bogo, the test will begin immediately.”
Judy and Key gave Gadget a deep look of gratitude that was reciprocated by the young mouse. Bogo couldn't believe it.
“Of course, the test will not be in the established place, but in the open field... and I'm afraid on a real mission. Officer Hoops, Subcommander Keyhearth, I hope you are up to the challenge you will soon face, failure is not an option.”
Both Judy and Key exchanged perplexed looks, but then gave the dog determined looks back. Whatever they had to face, they would succeed.
Vote and comment that in the next chapter the action begins.