I was only a child...
There beneath the safety of my blanket, I held my breath, knees pulled to my chest as I dug my nails into my arms.
"Don't come in, don't come in," I whispered frantically, rocking slightly. For a moment the footsteps outside paused, the doorknob rattled and a low whimper escaped my lips as I tensed. The door opened, and I scooted backwards on the bed, hugging the wall as a low whine escaped my lips.
Wide eyes stared at the man in front of me, as my small frame trembled. The lights seemed to blind me, the blankets constrict me as I struggled to remember how to breath, my panic constricting my air ways. I gasped, whimpering and shaking. The room around me seemed to swim, the man who hovered over me seemed as a spawn of Satan himself. A wet warm feeling spread itself across my pants, the stench of urine feeling the room while the man wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"I'msorry, sir."I managed to squeak out. I saw the hand raise, but couldn't move, as I was frozen, some unseen force keeping me immobilized and defenseless as the walls seemed to close in closer and I screamed, unable to stop the inhumane sound that escaped my lips nor prevent the tremors that shook through my body, as my throat constricted more, my vision going black around the edges. My heart beat loudly in my ears, so loudly I feared that he could hear my heart beating. Sweat drenched pale skin, chapped lips were locked tight, trying to prevent any sound. Eyes widened more. I wanted to run but I was trapped like a deer caught in headlights. I was lucky, as I held my breath, I fainted.