Roses withered away,
Your roses withered away,
Everyday getting wet by my tears.
Once your favourite plump,
Has now lost its glow.
It's pinkish colour faded,
Giving it shades of black.
Makeup couldn't regain,
It's once lost beauty.
The dimples which you loved,
Disappeared with tears of woe.
I'm getting wrinkles,
Losing all my twinkles,
As no one to love me.
I'm missing you,
From the core of my heart,
Making my blood pour out,
To reach you soon,
You never Cheated me,
But why did you do now?
Leaving my body you retired to heaven,
Taking my soul with you,
Making me a living corpse,
Looking forward to see you soon,
Not in dreams but in realms of heaven.