Nothing could top this in her office at the police district in London. The platform overlooking the Chinese valley, and the first few mountains of the Himalayas was breathtaking. Lily looked at the panorama; she felt calm and content of the sight. The cool wind whistled at her ears and tossed her hair wildly. Dragons may breathe fire, but they are also a creature of the wind, wild and free as the sky, Lily remembered what Gerrana said before he died. With few deep breaths, Lily closed her eyes and listened closely to what she heard and felt. How the wind brushed against her skin, how few leaves of a tree nearby rustled softly. For a moment, Lily thought the wind was speaking to her through those sounds and touch, perhaps Gerrana is with her, helping. Dragons are proud creatures and hold immense wisdom, but their pride and temper can cloud them. They have emotions like any other living being, some are gentle, and others are aggressive. No dragon has appeared, they are all afraid or at least cautious. Perhaps with the calling-dance, they may have the courage to appear and speak. Lily drew in a deep breath and began to twirl and move her arms to the wind. At times she leapt like in ballet and at other times held her ground firm to impersonate pride with few martial art elements and sharp breathing.600Please respect copyright.PENANAqolmZptdXx
Her friends Jeffray and Kaira were stunned of Lily’s physical abilities. Kaira has heard of a special dance that opens the connection to dragons but never saw it. The dance ended as Lily knelt on her left knee and facing the ground. She breathed heavy of the physical challenge.
After a long moment of silence except for the whistling wind, the wind suddenly began to blow differently, and there were faint whooshing sounds from above, but when Jeffray and Kaira looked up, there was only the crystal blue sky. From the corner of Lily’s eyes, she spotted large reptile-like violet talons cautiously pacing around her at a safe distance. In Lily’s mind, she felt the telepathic connection, like an invisible hand gently touching the back of her head beneath the skin. She kept facing the ground.
“You called us through the Elvanshee (elf folk) tradition, yet you are human. What assurance do I have that you mean no harm?” The dragon spoke sharply with a man’s voice while it growled sceptically.
Lily remained still in her kneeling position and facing the ground. “Although human I too am a part of the magic and one of my friends is an Elvanshee from Fhairras. We have come to help and avoid a battle of bloodshed however we can. Please let us hear your side of the story that came to all this.”
“So, these other two are your friends? Why should I believe you? Why do you think my kin need help?” Snarled the dragon.
“I’ve heard that your kin are in mortal danger and are ready to fight against humans to survive. I agree humans that have no connection to magic are heartless and will stop at nothing to get what they want. But to survive, I see no logic how a battle where many will die will solve that problem.” Lily paused as the dragon stopped pacing. “It could be your downfall there are too many humans in this world to confront.”600Please respect copyright.PENANAuggZdVtn4B
“Rise, Lily Clearwater.” Spoke the dragon with a soft velvet voice.
Lily slowly looked up and stood up. In front of her stood a tall young man with short dark hair at the ears and large blue eyes as the sky. As their glances met, Lily knew she was facing the dragon, now revealing its human form as a disguise. “You want to hear my side of the story? Then you shall have it.” He glared at Lily angered while digging his hands into his trouser pocket. “One of our brethren has been kidnapped by a group of people that do not want to be found while here in this valley more people are moving in, destroying our peace and dwellings. About a century ago, no one dared to climb these mountains and respected us by telling stories of us and giving us offerings. Over the past few decades that all vanished like a fog and we have nowhere else to go. We are in few numbers as it is, so your remark about avoiding battle makes sense, and I too want to avoid that however possible.”600Please respect copyright.PENANAMrE73JYq4S
Lily gave a bow with her head as he ended his story. “So, the rumours are true, and my hopes were in vain.” She paused. “Where were your brethren kidnapped? My friends and I will look into this, and I will look at what I can do with saving this valley. Where can I find you in case I have questions or news to report?”
“This is my disguise to mingle and stop the construction workers from the building. You may find me around noon by that peach tree.” He pointed down to a lower platform with a large tree bearing ripe peaches. “As for my kidnapped brethren, she goes in human disguise as a young woman with golden curls to her elbows, and the eyes are the same as mine.” He tapped below his right eye. “In her natural form, she is long and slender built with orange scales and golden main. She has the ability to heal anything organic and spread disease. Her name is Rose, and she was last seen near Vienna. She hid the last few years as a human there and worked as a doctor at a private clinic.”
“Thank you.” Lily placed her right hand upon her left shoulder and bowed her head as it is custom among Elvanshee to greet.
He gave a mocking scoff. “Let’s see if you hold to your word.” And diving off the platform. Immediately Jeffray and Kaira sprinted over to see where the man went. They saw nothing but heard clearly the soft, distant flapping of wings. “Some nerve.” Noted Jeffray.
“His caution can’t be argued with after what happened.” Lily sighed. “Let’s see what this case has in store.” She grinned with excitement. “Jeffray, how good is your German?”
“Ok, I guess. Why- Wait! Are you sending me to Austria?”
“My German starts and ends with ‘ja’ and ‘nein’. Why worry? You can take Kaira with you if that’s alright with you?”
“What are you going to do?” Wondered Jeffray.
“Trying to get an audience with the Chinese government and inspire them to keep this valley intact.”
“Good luck is all I say.” Sighed Jeffray.
“At least worth a shot.”
“What about me? Won’t the district find it suspicious that I who just started working as a police officer suddenly flies over to Austria for a couple of weeks?” Asked Kaira.
“Not if you can forge a letter about an important family matter.” Lily grinned with a wink.
“Well, if you put it that way. So, you think I should best help out Jeffray?”
“It would be my wish.”
“But I can’t let you go alone to the government,” Jeffray grunted angered.
“Who said of going alone to the government? With luck, Vlad may assist me. Otherwise, I’ll ask Father Mathew.” She smiled teasingly.600Please respect copyright.PENANAtJApL0T3x4
Jeffray shuddered as Lily mentioned the name, Vlad.
Back in London.
“Lily, what brings you here at this hour? Another case involved with vampires is it?” Smiled Vlad and let Lily in.
“Since you have no mobile phone to give a call, I have no other choice but to come personally. This case has nothing to do with vampires but something else that may interest you and could use your experience when it comes to politics and negotiation.”
“Interesting that you turn to me when it comes to politics and negotiation, but you have my attention to hear of your dire situation.” Vlad leads Lily to the living-room and takes their seats.
“What do you know of dragons?” Wondered Lily.
“Only what was written about them.”
"They exist in a Chinese valley near the Himalayas. The government is tearing down trees to build and make space for more people, and I want to speak, to convince them to keep it save so that the dragons can live in peace. Otherwise, the dragons are forced to use violence against them. Since they are rare and there are too many humans, I fear it will be their downfall." Lily paused. "Why I ask for your help is because you have a vast experience of negotiation and about politics, including your wit. You were once a prince, and therefore you know better how the government thinks."
“I’m not surprised that the Chinese would do that, but I see where you are getting at and is at least worth a try. I rather doubt that they hold on to their word, but action will speak for itself. I have no doubt you can do it on your own but to convince them it will be a tad easier if I accompany you since they respect more the presence of a man.” Vlad smirked.
“That means you’re helping me?” Lily grinned relieved.
“You’ve had me since you mentioned dragons the first time. Not to mention my surname means the same.”
“Wait, Dracula? I thought it meant the devil?”
“Rumours and ill gossip changed the meaning as I went impaling my enemies.”
On the same day, they travelled by plane to China to meet the government, and Lily prepared herself well how to convince them. As Lily and Vlad arrived to face the Chinese government, they refused to see them in the last minute. Lily was angered for not having a chance to be heard and sadly knew no one from China who could speak in her stead. But not all hope was lost; she has few ideas on how to stop the construction without violence. She needs to meet the dragon before taking the next step.600Please respect copyright.PENANAwI4OFZEHm6
Lily stepped onto the platform as the dragon instructed her at noon alone. No one was in sight.
Suddenly a twig snapped from above, from the peach tree. Vlad leapt out from his hiding place, caught the man falling and placed him onto his feet. The dragon was in his human form and blinked amazed at Vlad. Vlad scanned him from head to foot with a confused look. “You smell odd for a human.”
“And you look odd to be human.” Snapped the man bewildered at Vlad, appearing in his shadow like appearance under direct sunlight with large visible grey eyes. The usual appearance when a vampire steps into direct sunlight, a dark shadow-like figure with visible eyes.
“Why did you follow me, Vlad?” Asked Lily angered.
“I was curious to see the dragon, but apparently he scared it away by stepping on that dead branch.”
“Why you-!” Grunted the man.
Lily jumped in front of the man to stop him from fighting. “Shall we return to the reason why we all are here in the first place?” Lily reminded sternly. “We tried speaking to the government, and we didn’t even get a chance to speak. We’re not hopeless, I have a few ideas and tricks on how to overcome this, but I need your help too.”600Please respect copyright.PENANA3P407mYxSa
The man grunted angered at Vlad. Lily sighed annoyed as she followed his glance. “Yes, he’s my friend and in it too to help.”
“Well then, meet me tonight upon the upper platform as the moon rises in the horizon. I would like to hear your other options alone.”
“Understood.” Agreed Lily calmly.
The man pushed Vlad aside as he walked off towards the construction sites. There was a moment of silence until Lily turned to Vlad. “You take his word? What proof do you have that he has a connection to the dragons?”
“We shall see.” Grinned Lily and walked off.
Jeffray sighed and looked out the window from his seat in the plane. Kaira has noticed it since they headed to the airport. "Why the sighing Jeffray?"
"Nothing." Gave Jeffray monotone without turning to Kaira who sat next to him.
Kaira sighed and knew that something is concerning him and can only guess what it is. Once they arrived in Vienna and dropped their bags at a hotel, they went straight to the address where Rose used to accommodate. Jeffray's German was a bit rusty, but he managed well with the locals. For Kaira, it sounded like a strange and secretive language; oddly, it had few similar words as in his mother-tongue. He remained silent and let Jeffray for the talking but kept a sharp eye on the people they met and inspecting carefully Rose's flat as the landlord let them in. Nothing was out of place, but a thin layer of dust has begun to set, meaning Rose was kidnapped elsewhere. Kaira was impressed by her large collection of books neatly stacked in shelves; some were about medicine, others history, legends and myths. But what made Kaira alert was that he felt a presence in connection to magic and someone watching him and Jeffray. Kaira softly whispered a spell in Elvanshee language to point the direction of the presence he felt. Immediately a gentle breeze blew in the room. Although the windows were closed. Quick-witted Kaira wiped off of a shelf bit of dust to see better the breeze pointing the direction. It pointed out on the street, Kaira rapidly opened a window and followed the breeze flowing to a man-hole at the end of the street.600Please respect copyright.PENANAmuTye6ums5
"Is there such thing as a spell that would allow one to see at another end that actually is impossible?" Wondered Jeffray as he followed Kaira's intentions. "Or does that person have a crystal ball?"
"There is such a spell, but not with a crystal ball, your kind invented that myth. You need to have pure silver and water beside the spell. Let's see where that man-hole will lead us to."
As agreed, Lily was alone on the upper platform, sitting, waiting for the moon to rise in the horizon and watching the setting sun. As soon she spotted the moon, she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She stood up and turned around, facing the man from before. “No matter if you’re here alone. I shall bring you them; they want to hear it for themselves.”
Lily gave the nod in agreement. The man walked on, and within every step, he began to walk differently, the skin morphed to violet scales, from his back sprung out large wings and a long tail. Lily found herself staring amazed at a violet dragon with black claws and shimmering scales; its eyes were blue as the crystal-clear sky. She blinked to be sure she wasn’t dreaming or staring in a picture book. The dragon stood still on its four talons, its large wings were folded at the side as a bird does and the long scally tail moved erratically as an angered cat does. The dragon fletched its sharp yellow teeth as Lily gazed upon it with a soft, deep growl. “Get on my back and hold on tight.” He spoke through his telepathy. Once Lily seated herself between two large scales, the dragon unfolded its wings and walked towards the edge of the platform. As Lily saw the valley below her feet, she tightly grabbed onto the dragon’s scale. Within a blink, the dragon dived into off, and the wind blew strongly against Lily’s face. She gasped sharply of the sudden dive and held on tightly to the large violet scale. After a few blinks, she calmed herself and got accustomed to the strong wind. She is flying on the back of a dragon! She’s flying! That thought brought her to smile with joy. She felt free. Lily giggled gleefully and soon dared to let go from the scale and stretch out in the air.600Please respect copyright.PENANArR7pqe4J7a
After a while flying, she noticed how the dragon aimed towards a waterfall, as it flew closer, she began to grow uneasy whilst hoping it will fly up or down. She held onto to scales and gasped sharply as the cold water fell heavily upon her shoulder for a brief moment. As Lily noticed they were in a hidden cave behind the waterfall, the dragon walked deeper into the cave, and soon she recognized soft light of a campfire. Around the fire were more dragons, some mustered Lily carefully, and others fletched their sharp yellow teeth at her with a deep growling.600Please respect copyright.PENANAbwm2zjfuqd
“At ease, she is the human I’ve been talking about. Here to help us.” Spoke the dragon through telepathy. Immediately Lily felt a stronger connection and heard more voices. “Brothers and sisters, this is no way to greet an ally. Let me remove the water from your clothes and tell us what you have gathered so far and what are your plans.” Spoke a woman softly.
Suddenly a brief wind blew through Lily and saw how it collected all the moist into droplets out of her clothes and flew away. She gasped to its suddenness.
“It’s alright. You have my word we won’t harm you.” Assured the violet dragon.
Lily swallowed while muster her courage and slowly climbed down. After a while staring amazed at all the dragons, she quickly gathered herself and held her right hand upon her left shoulder and bowed her head.
“Interesting, for a human to know the Elvanshee courtesy. Your name is Lily Clearwater, is it?” Spoke the blue dragon with the same woman voice. Lily gave the nod. “My name is Freya, and I am one of the eldest of my brethren. I was the one who suggested bringing you here; I want to hear it from you personally. Orion may be trustworthy for his sceptic and stubborn nature, but his words are tainted with caution as he spoke of you.”600Please respect copyright.PENANA2AU2Ft38pZ
Lily looked around and was amazed to see three more dragons standing beside Freya. They looked like in the picture books and legends, two of them were longish built like the Asian dragon, and one other was built like Orion, the European version only in red. They all growled deeply with fletching teeth and the golden Asian dragon hissed. “How do you come to know my name?” She asked Freya.
“Through the connection of the telepathy and those of great magic will know the name immediately.” Explained Freya.
Suddenly Orion hissed and turned to the opening of the cave. “We’re not alone anymore. I hear human footsteps, but they are more quiet than usual and that scent.” Orion turned to Lily. “It’s your friend! Is this of your doing?”
“I told him nothing! I’ll hold him off!” Lily paced off into the opening. Orion followed in his human form after Lily. He lit a flame upon his palm to see better in the dark.
Suddenly Lily halted. Orion looked around. “Why stopping?” He wondered.
“Because he’s here.” Rapidly Lily crouched to the ground and jumped up to the ceiling of the cave, grabbed Vlad’s ankle and pulled him down. “Vlad, don’t tell me your curiosity has brought you this far?” Gave Lily annoyed as she stood up, facing him.600Please respect copyright.PENANAHvk3HICu9M
Vlad morphed his bat-like wings into arms and chuckled calmly. “You know the answer already.”600Please respect copyright.PENANAXOtBPQY4dw
Orion blinked amazed of Vlad’s transformation. “I thought as much that you’re no ordinary human.” He hissed angered.
Vlad smirked. “I could say the same to you.”
“You must leave now! We don’t want any trouble!” Orion shouted.
“If Lily trusts him, then let him come.” Spoke Freya calmly through telepathy.
“I trust him; he’s my friend who’s saved my life more than once.” Answered Lily.600Please respect copyright.PENANAmlhIikjW18
Orion grunted angered of dislike. “Fine, this way.” He walked ahead.
“Was there telepathy, or did I miss a moment?” Asked Vlad.600Please respect copyright.PENANAZClJ3vI4JJ
“You’ve sensed correctly, Vladimir. We communicate through telepathy.” Noted Freya.
Once all were gathered in the large cavern, Vlad knelt to the ground and bowed his head. “I give you my greatest respect to stand before you all. I am honoured to hear your voice and speak to you, Freya the wise.”600Please respect copyright.PENANAm1XUGbsVb7
Freya gave the nod. “You may rise, Vladimir.” Vlad stood up. "I see that you are a true and loyal friend. These qualities are rarely found among humans."600Please respect copyright.PENANAK3rXhIphLo
Vlad grinned and bowed his head. "You flatter me, but I see it differently, fore I am a vampire, a creature of darkness."600Please respect copyright.PENANAH4N2Ksv4Rr
"That may be, but your heart is not."
"That is if I have a heart." Vlad grinned.
Orion glared at Vlad sceptically with crossed arms.
Kaira and Jeffray cautiously climbed down the ladder from the maintenance hole. The sound of rushing water echoed the walls and irregular intervals of heavy tires rolling over the plaster stones from above. The air was cooler and carried a thick stuffy scent that wasn't pleasant to smell.600Please respect copyright.PENANAC2Aya6ABfg
"Do you think it's a menscahme (human) like me, or is it something else?" Wondered Jeffray as he pulled the collar of his t-shirt to his nose and pulled out his torch.
"This person is not an Elvanshee like me, but what exactly, I can't say. If a menscahme then there will be a lot of trouble." Kaira paused and inspected his surrounding. He recited the tracing spell and kicked a few dried leaves from the ground to follow the breeze. "This way."600Please respect copyright.PENANAJHMHU9IHlS
"Why do they hide here?" Asked Jeffray annoyed as he held to the collar of his t-shirt.
"Consider lucky not to have such a sensitive nose like mine."
Their trail ended at another man-hole with a ladder. Without thinking, Kaira climbed up and lifted the lid. As he peeked out, he spotted the city centre of Vienna. Suddenly a loud blaring of a lorry came driving at him. "Blesti! (Shit)" He cursed and ducked on time. "We're in the middle of the city centre of Vienna and on a busy street." He looked out cautiously anew and saw a row of cars waiting in traffic, waiting for the green light. "We must hurry before these cars hit us." Kaira climbed out and held the lid ready to slip it back in its spot. While Jeffray climbed out, the cars started driving on; the light was green. "Hurry Jeffray!" Hissed Kaira nervously.
The cars came closer and weren't slowing down for them. Kaira grunted angered, pulled Jeffray by the arm and pulled him to the sidewalk. At the same time kicked the lid to slid back to its place and leapt for the sidewalk too.
One second too soon and both would have been driven over. Jeffray and Kaira sighed relieved and got back to their feet. Kaira suddenly felt a stinging pain from his toes at the left foot. As he looked down, he saw his sneaker at the left foot was torn open and the lightly bloodied. "Damn! Must have happened while I jumped for it."
"Are they broken?" Wondered Jeffray.
"I think not; secondly I have no other choice, but luckily there's a spell to ease the pain for a while." Said Kaira through clenched teeth to cope with the pain.
Jeffray took Kaira's arm over his shoulder and helped him to the nearest bench.
"No Jeffray, I can make it to that alley there." Kaira pointed at the nearest alley. Once they were in the alley Kaira leaned against the wall and sighed relieved. After few breaths to calm himself down, he spoke the incantation to relieve himself for a while of the pain.
"Shouldn't we find the next pharmacy to check and bandage that?" Asked Jeffray.
"Curious how you did first aid your foot after being brazed by a car and kicking the man-hole closed." Grinned a middle-aged man at them with a thin German accent.
Jeffray and Kaira sensed in the man's broad grin that he saw magic and is up to no good. At the collar of his coat, Jeffray noticed a pin in the shape of an 'x' with a roof in gold. Somehow Jeffray's first thought was that this man could be a member of a cult. He grew nervous to the thought. "You think so?" Jeffray decided to play dumb to see how how the man reacts. "It's an old family cure were we come from. It's a placebo effect done with strange words that may sound magical." Jeffray laughed nervously. Kaira grinned and nodded to act along.600Please respect copyright.PENANAwrCRS5x7CY
"I see. I'm a doctor, and my office is just around the corner if you want me to take a closer look at that wound." He grinned and pointed out the direction.
Jeffray and Kaira sensed in the man's tone he was lying, not to mention not showing his credentials. "Well if it is nearby, I don't see why not and it does hurt." Acted Kaira gullible. Jeffray helped Kaira up by placing an arm over his shoulder to support.
"Wunderbar." Sniggered the man and walked ahead to lead the way. Jeffray and Kaira followed him. The man led them to a restaurant called 'The Silver Boat', he exchanged a short greeting to the waiter and said a word Jeffray couldn't understand. They walked down the corridor and unlocked the door beside the restroom. As the man switched on the light by a string from the ceiling, Jeffray and Kaira began to regret doing this. Suddenly the man pulled at the string three times in the short interval, and the floor dropped few centimetres. Sound of metal cogs turning came from the floor and slowly sinking deeper. "Have no fear, gentlemen. This is my private office you're about to see."
"You're from a cult, aren't you? And you're leading us to them for what?" Asked Kaira. "That pin at your collar is an ancient ruin from the north."
"You're observant." Sniggered the man as he repositioned his coat. "Yes, it's Odal, and it means heritage. We have faith in our ancestors and to connect with them, we need to give offerings, and best is life for another soul of the past. In return, we get the knowledge of our heritage and at times, some financial gain."
"This is madness." Gave Jeffray shocked.
"We have one ready for tonight, and you will witness it. Not to mention one with magic is a better life than the others." He laughed deliriously.
The platform stopped moving and before them was a long narrow tunnel lit by torches. Jeffray and Kaira knew they must find an exit as soon as possible and rescue Rose tonight. They're now in it deep.600Please respect copyright.PENANAxdALcOJdjI
This is a generous sneak a peek of my latest novel called 'Look Closer'. It's a fantasy/supernatural filled with various and mysterious cases of Officer Lily Clearwater and Jeffray McKinley in modern England.