There he was, gripped helplessly by the throat of the evil demon who was twice his size. Barely able to call out for help while his hands gripped onto the demon's hand, trying desperately to liberate himself. I could not bear the sight. Henry! Immediately I stepped in and faced the demon in the eye. No matter if it saw my tears or not. "Stop it! If you won't then I'll send you back to hell. You know as well as I do what I'm capable of. So stop at this instant!" I poised my arms and was more than ready to sing the spell to him send him back. An urge almost wanted me to fight him with my fists and bunches but I know too well with this one you need to outsmart and use energy in a different way.
The demon smiled at me broadly that I saw its sharp yellow teeth and its eyes glowed red with excitement. "Oh, it's you. I've heard many things of you, that you are a talented summoner and ghost whisperer, Klara Bainswater or better known as Klara the spell singer. Tell me, is it true that in every ritual you use candles and your own voice to make anything possible?" He mocked.
I heard multiple whispers around me, ghosts calling out to me warnings and a certain name which I think is the demon's name. "Why don't you and I find out, Zadarr?"
Zadarr burst into loud laughter. "You really think I'm a fool to fall for something like that? Well, if you dearly want your mate then here he is!" Zadarr threw Henry towards my direction. Without thinking I jumped with all my strength to catch Henry. I caught him but the force was too great for me to stop. Quick-witted I swung an arm around his waist and flipped in the air so that I can land on my feet. I landed on my feet but there still was a force that made me tip over; rapidly I held Henry closer to me so that he lands softly. I sighed relieved as Henry began to groan and move. Soon he opened his eyes and looked straight into my eyes. He blinked at me surprised like a kid. "You-"
Suddenly a massive hand gripped my left foot and pulled me rapidly off the ground. I found myself facing upside-down at the demon. "Would you like to correct yourself?"
I scoffed. "Oh please, you think you can scare me like this?"
Zadarr chuckled. "I like your attitude." Suddenly he gave out an anguished cry and let go of me. I was ready to land hard with my arms outstretched but I landed on something warm and soft. "H-Henry?" I stuttered amazed as I realized I landed right in Henry's arms.
A loud roar of the demon distracted me to look away from Henry's grey-blue eyes. "Rah! How dare you!" He reached out his arm and a large ball of fire burned out, aiming at us.
Quick-witted Henry dodged the ball of fire and hid in a small narrow alley. He sighed relieved as the demon was out of sight. What's with him today? He isn't usually that scared and apparently he has no idea what he is up against. He gently put me on my feet and leaned against the wall as a drop of sweat rolled from his brow, the sweat of fear.
"What are you doing?" I wondered confused.
"What do you think it looks like? Saving you." He panted.
"Why me? I was always against you, remember?" I snapped bewildered, concealing my surprise. Henry scoffed and grinned at me as if he can see right through me. He gently held a hand upon my cheek as he looked into my eyes.
Suddenly I heard a sharp whisper of a ghost sending a warning that the demon is above me. Quick-witted I looked up.
A pair of blood red glowing eyes were fixed on me and a larger ball of fire was floating on his palm.
"Oh, ship!" Exclaimed Henry, he took my hand and was about to run off but I held him.
"Henry, if you value your life then trust me on this," I spoke calmly to him.
The gigantic ball of fire came falling down on us. I took a deep breath to gather all my energy and bid deep down that all the spirits would aid me for this one time. For Henry's sake, people's sake and for my sake to send this demon back from whence he came. Rapidly I poised my arms and felt how my energy flowed to my fingertips. "Henry, hold on to my shoulder and let me lend your energy." Without thinking he placed his hands upon my right shoulder, immediately I felt a greater amount of energy flow through me and a warm feeling close to my heart. What's this? I've never felt this before. I blinked as I saw ghosts approaching to aid me and began to sing my spell.
As I saw the ball of fire coming closer and felt Henry beside me uneasy I closed my eyes to focus harder and began to move my arms to the spell. Setting my energy into the words of the spell that I sang to the top of my lungs.
"No!" I heard Zadarr cry out and opened my eyes to see what is happening. The gigantic ball of fire is flying now at full speed at the demon. Within a blink, he smothered in ashes with a loud boom of an explosion. Its power was so great that a shock wave came against me and lost my foot. I sighed relieved that the demon is gone for good and landing on the hard ground did not matter me anymore, I am too exhausted. As I lay on the ground I couldn't move but breathe and heard everything loud and clear and followed what happened. I heard and felt Henry beside me, placing gently my head on the ground and removing some of my hairs from my face.
He sighed softly. "Although you may have been against me, you never cease to amaze me especially your strength. You can do greater things than me and yet you never hurt me except a few minor cuts and bruises. I'm curious, what made you think that you are the villain? Why go against me when all this time I sensed your affection?" He paused and gave a soft laugh. "To be honest, I've been looking forward to the last few times and turns out you know who I am under my mask and costume. The only person who knows of my secret. Your powers may be frightening to others but not to me after what I've just experienced." He placed softly a hand upon my cheek. "Please come back soon, take the rest of my energy if you must. At least let me hear your voice, see your hazel-green eyes and feel the warmth of your rosy blushing cheeks that makes you irresistibly adorable, just one more time."
What is he talking about? My eyes popped open and saw Henry bowed to the ground in sorrow beside me. "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not dying."
Henry gasped shocked and looked at me straight in the eyes. His gaping mouth formed to a curve. "Thank heavens!" He threw rapidly his arms around me. "You're alive!"
Somehow the embrace triggered the same warm feeling close to my heart that I felt before as I borrowed his energy. It felt really nice but what is that? Does he feel it too? "Err, Henry, what is this?" I gave stiffly.
Immediately he opened the embrace and looked at me shocked but quickly composed himself. "I thought you knew?" He sighed and looked into my eyes. "This is called love."
"I know what love is but what is this feeling that I have when I'm with you? This warm feeling close by the heart?" I held a hand to my chest.
He gave a soft chuckle and grinned broadly at me. "That's love, Klara."