Sliding to an abrupt stop, Sage grabbed hold of a bottom step on a steel ladder. Quickly she climbed up pausing only for a moment before jumping onto the rooftop. The dirty city lights glared at her as if they were offended she laid eyes on them. Sage took a deep breath calming herself. The air stood still. Anticipating what was going to happen. 743Please respect copyright.PENANAWMWH1JNdWP
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Tightening her sweaty grip on the tiny device in her left hand, she instinctively knew what to do next. A little voice whispered into the back of her mind. It was fuzzy and static noise but rang deep in her soul. She understood.
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Sage raised her left hand into the hair and whispered the words clenching her eyes shut. An eruption of power surged through her as a large ruby bubble started to grow and engulf the surrounding area. Shocked she watched as it expended until it was at least three miles in diameter. Sage watched in wonder as the bubble then exploded causing a momentary black out. Red sparks erupted against the stark sky. Cursing under her breath, she ran.
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Biting her lip Sage scanned the surrounding area and shoved the device deep into her tethered leather satchel. A patrol had yet to take flight. Sirens blared. Lights flew into the night sky. Sage quickly lifted her dark hood hiding golden hair and began climbing down the fire escape. Her boots fell heavy on the metal, the sound echoing along the alley. Placing both feet on the outside of the ladder, Sage slid down swiftly. Slamming against the rough ground she grunted quickly shaking her feet pushing the tingling pain away.
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“Please remain calm.” a voice boomed over the city above the wailing sirens. “High Alert. Breech in Sector Seven. High Alert.”
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Pulling her satchel close against her body she kept her head down blending in with the crowd. Sage watched as the ignorant residents rushed to their warm homes, blind to the struggle happening in the shadows. A lump in her throat formed feeling the device through the thinned leather. She quickly removed her hand as if burned and pushed the satchel against her side.
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“Sage!” a frantic male voice yelled from behind. “Stop!” Tensing Sage paused on the sidewalk. Once she felt the source of the voice close behind her, she side stepped swiping her left leg backwards. The tall male stumbled forward and Sage grabbed the back of his coat drawing him near quickly bringing her knee to his torso. He retched and fell onto the pavement groaning. By the time the man glanced in her direction, Sage fell into step with the crowd and disappeared.
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Slipping into an alley, Sage stood with her back against a wet brick wall and held her chest tight. It rose and fell at an increased rate and her hands shook uncontrollably. She can’t be caught now. Not when she just set everything into motion. Glancing into the crowd Sage was relieved she did not spot anyone that looked suspicious or nervous in the mass of people scrambling to get home.
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Lights flashed before her momentarily blinding her. Sage’s body froze and stilled as the light slowly crept past her. Carefully she slipped into the shadow of the building and continued into the alley avoiding the main roads. The sirens grew quiet in the distance as she ventured deep into the outer circle of the City.
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Constantly checking her surroundings to make sure she wasn’t followed, Sage finally stood in front of a half crumbled down building on the outskirts of Sector Seven of the City. Tugging a wooden board from the doorway, she bent over passing the threshold. From behind the darkness of the boarded entry, she gave one last check at the garbage littered alley. Sage slammed the board back into place and smiled bright pushing the rusty door open.
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Sage slumped down onto the dusty couch that was falling apart. Avoiding a copper spring poking out of the middle cushion she leaned back staring at the ceiling. Tight fists held the satchel. White fingers gripped the leather to keep them from shaking.
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She just set the whole plan into motion. Resentment and fury filled her. The Covent did not inform her she was going to be the main facilitator. It dawned on Sage as the events slowly sunk in. She was the catalyst that set off the chemical reaction that would ultimately throw the City into chaos. A lump formed in her throat and tightened. Her breath hitched and panic swirled.
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The sound of wood cracking snapped Sage from her horror. Her body reacted before her mind could catch up; Sage looked around confused as she was already halfway across the room. A large shadow slipped through the doorway and Sage’s fingers twitched reaching for the concealed blade in her boot.
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“Sage,” wheezed a male voice. “Sage, it’s me. No more surprise attacks,” the voice said with a weak laugh.
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“Basil?” Sage meekly called out from her hiding spot.
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“Just me,” he said limping into the dim light that escaped through a tall gritty window.
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“What on earth happen to you?”
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“You,” Basil said leaning against a wall wincing in pain. Realization flushed across her face. “Glad to know the training wasn’t all lost on you. Pretty sure you broke a rib.” Basil’s bright green eyes focused on her cool grey orbs. He glanced down noticing her white fingers tightly gripping her bag. Basil opened his mouth but stopped himself. Nothing he could say would make this better.
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“Did you know?” she whispered. Her eyes watered, threatening to pool over. Basil cast his gaze towards the floor and did not respond. All blood drained from her face. Basil reached out to her but she threw herself at him and punched him hard across the face.
Groaning out in pain as his head snapped to the left, he spat out the blood onto the cement floor and carefully worked his jaw. “Ok I deserved that,” he gritted out. Basil paused seeing the terror on her face and panic that boiled over.
“My life,” she rasped out, “my life is not something that can be thrown away like that. They have no right to throw me into the middle of this.”
“This is what you signed up for Sage. Don’t give me that bullshit,” Basil stepped towards her. “I warned you the moment you followed me through those boarded doors.”
Sage through her hand into the air. “I did not under any circumstances sign up to become enemy number one!” she yelled at him.
“Fuck Sage, you aren’t like the rest of us. Don’t you get it?” Basil said frustrated. He gripped his hair with tight fists before yanking his arms down. “You have the ability to start and end all the struggles.”
“That isn’t what I want,” Sage whispered.
“Well put your big girl pants on, and get on the train. Because we already left the station,” Basil said turning his heal storming out of their make shift house.