Numbers continuous calculated before him. TORT idly played with the outcomes and manipulated the sequences until he was happy with the result. His eyes darted back and forth quickly under the clear water beneath the boat. He focused on the rock bottom as he searched for minerals that were useful and of a high percentage. So far he was left disappointed. Nothing in this area was of use.777Please respect copyright.PENANAlowTOyE6Ig
TORT wasn’t exactly sure what has made BLIM so angry so he decided to keep his distance on the small boat they currently occupied along with the humans Fawn and Moss. It confused him also that they insisted on going by their first names. In their culture it was taught to formally call someone by their last name a sign of respect. These two humans perplexed him. They were too friendly and laid back. He was positive the female human was too lazy for his likely.
TORT turned his eyes upon the female in question as she sat back with a bright smile on her face. He did not understand how to sail a boat, but he was positive the male human was doing all the work for both of them. Further confused, TORT was unsure why he appeared happy to do so.
Nudging himself closer to Fawn, TORT stared at her trying to figure out what he wanted to say exactly. Fawn turned her attention and dark eyes upon him. TORT paused his thinking and wondered why she smiled so freely at him. Her laugh filled his ears and he scanned her looking for any changes in her endocrine system that would explain her overly cheerfulness.
“TORT it’s rude to internal scan humans,” BLIM said sharply. TORT blinked and stopped his scan.
“Apologies. Why do you not help with the sailing,” he asked tilting his head to the side in interest. “Fawn?” he added awkwardly.
“Hmm, because Moss was bred for sailing,” she smiled at Moss as he worked the sail. TORT watched as the male laughed heartily and nodded his head before turning his attention back towards sailing.
“Specifically his parents procreated to make him sail?” TORT asked still confused. TORT noticed her skin brighten in a red color. TORT scrunched his forehead holding himself back from scanning her again.
“No,” she giggled. TORT felt a smile begin to form on his face, she made him feel light. A weight off his chest lifted and he oddly felt the corners of his mouth raise. “What I mean is sometimes people have a talent for something. A gift of sorts. Something they excel at where others have to work almost twice as hard to achieve the same level. These people learn these abilities in very short periods of time. Moss was sailing his own sloop before the age of ten.”
TORT took in the information and stored them in his hard drive. This was very interesting and something he had not come across before. “His talent is sailing?” TORT turned his attention towards Moss. He was very unfamiliar with the workings of the boat. All the small things and sail ropes confused him. But, watching Moss move with easy on the boat, TORT began to understand his talent.
“Not just sailing. Moss has talent of reading the water,” Fawn said watching Moss closely.
“He can scan the water too?” TORT said excited. Fawn waved a hand shaking her head.
“Not in the same way you or BLIM can. He has a sixth sense where he can,” she paused. TORT returned her attention towards her. He could tell she was lost in thought. “He can sense the ocean. Know which way the wind will move and the way the waves will crash. This helps him navigate the boat and sails. When I sail I have a hard time reading the wind and sometimes I venture off course.”
“Hmm…” TORT said trying to scan through books he has come across about sailing and sailors. He was lacking in that genre and made a mental note to research this concept further for the future. This talent of sailing intrigued him. If human’s had such gifts, what other gifts did humans have that he was unaware of?
“Humans are very complex. Things like this tend to not make scientific sense,” BLIM added jolting TORT from his musings.
“So we cannot conduct a study on such instances?”
“No, there are too many variables and inconstancies that occur between human to human. There is no logic to who has these talents and who does not. No links,” BLIM added. TORT rustled in his seat excited. BLIM never took interest in any of their conversations. BLIM was the first android TORT meant when he came to the Methri fleet off the cold Ippo ice shelf. He was fresh from the Ippo Jyep and since has looked up to BLIM and his knowledge.
BLIM was many decades older then TORT and was unique as constantly having his technician Fawn Fallow work on his systems. His system was now something TORT had never seen or heard of before. Before coming to the Methri, TORT was often told stories about Fawn Fallow on the Methri fleet’s main ship. She was said to be a genius with android technology and other systems in general.
TORT glanced at Fawn, who moved into a sun bathing position. TORT was 98.297% sure that she was just an indolent human with no trace of what they refer to as talent. TORT was unsure how all rumors had started despite BLIMs obvious advancements and difference from all other androids on their planet. TORT came to the conclusion that she was reaping the benefits from someone else’s hard work. But, TORT could be mistaken. BLIM is oddly attached to a human for an android. This bemused TORT. He wished to learn more about her and their relationship.
Turning his attention back to his scanning her continued his search for materials. “This area has been wiped pretty clean it appears,” he said more to himself then to the others.
“This area was mined in my grandfather’s time. Because it is so close to the Jyep, this was one of the first places the people on the Methri ocean turned to when their stores of Nuiron started to run low. You won’t find any Nuiron here,” Fawn said with a soft voice.
“When was this last mined?” TORT asked not turning from his scans.
“Hmm, roughly 90 years ago?” Fawn said holding her fingers up counting. “96 years, 3 months, and 5 days ago mining stopped to be exact.”
“You know the exact date?” TORT said shocked, whirling around.
“Numbers are sort of my thing,” she said with a wink. BLIM casted her a smile and nodded his head at TORT confirming her statement. TORT fell quiet. Perhaps there was something to those things the older android’s spoke of on Ippo.