Basic Information451Please respect copyright.PENANAsUWEoXofyB
> Name: Kaylee Pataloon451Please respect copyright.PENANAgLc5T4kCHJ
> Pronounced: kay-lee, pat-ah-loon451Please respect copyright.PENANAQTW6374jqd
> Race: Water Dragon451Please respect copyright.PENANAxOeePxOmpI
> Age Appears: 45451Please respect copyright.PENANAinWASu2bxq
> Age Actually: 500451Please respect copyright.PENANAIAhmSm1J37
> Sex: Female451Please respect copyright.PENANA5p8pXmM0yx
> Height: 5'10”451Please respect copyright.PENANA4M8mBKVFd4
> Weight: 135 lbs451Please respect copyright.PENANAL7i9Jx8zki
> Body: Slim/Fit451Please respect copyright.PENANAuULWZuN93h
> Hair Color: Lime Green451Please respect copyright.PENANAuRs4CnAsom
> Hair Length: Long451Please respect copyright.PENANAAHAqVqKe0n
> Hair Style: Kept down but on special events will pull it back and up with bangs left loose451Please respect copyright.PENANAdvPPwFpHjL
> Eye Color: Cold Violet451Please respect copyright.PENANARy1uFFDRc2
> Rank: Noble451Please respect copyright.PENANAQZdm1DQ0iW
> Title: Viscountess451Please respect copyright.PENANAXWxW6uysEG
> Relationship: Married451Please respect copyright.PENANAlplpxa3T3w
> Spouse: Viscount Jericho Pataloon451Please respect copyright.PENANAk5lkMoxCup
> Pronounced: viz-count, j-air-ee-co, pat-ah-loon451Please respect copyright.PENANAiFVPjXtKlM
> Parents: Zilong (mother) and Reshe (father)451Please respect copyright.PENANAvyoWiW2iBO
> Pronounced: z-eye-long, ray-she451Please respect copyright.PENANAwRtYAzJGFf
> Birthday: July 6th451Please respect copyright.PENANAU8gzTEX5OZ
> Realm: Aphelia451Please respect copyright.PENANA62ay4kP0uu
> Pronounced: ah-fill-ee-ah451Please respect copyright.PENANAtfm2qQl39a
> Region: Elterion451Please respect copyright.PENANAlp23bVe5S0
> Pronounced: el-tear-ion451Please respect copyright.PENANAaqYm1ICC3c
> Land: City of Yong on Yunna, Elterion451Please respect copyright.PENANAoTKV1v84iV
> Pronounced: y-ong, you-nah, el-tear-ion451Please respect copyright.PENANAT7YRtW1hHA
> Common Attire: Nice dress, fitting for one in the Noble Rank with matching heels451Please respect copyright.PENANAPXzLGGx5Yf
451Please respect copyright.PENANAUyDWh7Ei9T
Casual Information451Please respect copyright.PENANAkLzrcHyakS
> Likes: Birds, Storms, Sharks451Please respect copyright.PENANAatQYjOs9wq
> Dislikes: Sunflowers, Elephants, Urchins451Please respect copyright.PENANAtEOLJs3iQm
> Favorite Food: Fish with a side of elk451Please respect copyright.PENANAfArDCkcWOQ
> Least Favorite Food: Kale451Please respect copyright.PENANAm3dS01R3Tr
> Favorite Music: Ballroom451Please respect copyright.PENANAbEFwtV3zcT
> Least Favorite Music: Opera451Please respect copyright.PENANAfY6M3XTAzu
> Pet: Yes, Shenhailong, Water serpent dragon451Please respect copyright.PENANAxtFrK8HmxI
> Pronounced: shh-in-high-long451Please respect copyright.PENANAo0YOJol5MF
> Hobbies: Painting, Playing the harp, Judging people451Please respect copyright.PENANAJsbAFPkp94
> Siblings: Yes, 2451Please respect copyright.PENANACEgclr6q2L
> Siblings Names: Jericho (elder brother) and Aquata (younger sister)451Please respect copyright.PENANA5mAPhpZYsg
> Pronounced: j-air-ee-co, ah-qwa-tah451Please respect copyright.PENANABBM2nsloaJ
> Children: None451Please respect copyright.PENANAOZ1EhZd4hh
> Children Names: N/A451Please respect copyright.PENANAkJuu8R7dp2
> Pronounced: N/A451Please respect copyright.PENANAa5yN2ZoJve
> Personality: Snob, Cold, Entitled451Please respect copyright.PENANA5a8CcNjnRe
> Powers: Water breath451Please respect copyright.PENANA1UL1pM1lhM
451Please respect copyright.PENANAYK33e09G4S
Character History451Please respect copyright.PENANA2GqQOPuOXg
> Bio: Excels in art and married her brother. Inherited the titles Viscount and Viscountess from their parents. Her little sister has the title “daughter of” but also has used “sister of”. Views those below the Noble Rank as beneath her and her brother. Ears are pointed kind of like an elf but has smaller points with webbing between the points.451Please respect copyright.PENANAKOyaYbKy4W