The phone alarm woke Leo654Please respect copyright.PENANACgDYwrw6Bn
up with a start and he sat up on his bed. He got his phone that laid on654Please respect copyright.PENANAtpn0906sOR
top of the drawer close to the bed and switched off the alarm. He was 654Please respect copyright.PENANApMUJSe54RC
shocked when he looked at the time on his phone. It was morning and Leo 654Please respect copyright.PENANAOUO1zjSjV9
was still in his clothes he had worn yesterday. He must have been so 654Please respect copyright.PENANAXqLKhkow0h
worked up last night that he had even forgotten to have supper with the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAByJ2zgJTGR
rest of the family. He still wondered how he had fallen asleep all of 654Please respect copyright.PENANALYI3EE4VF3
the sudden. He just scowled at himself as he ran a hand through his 654Please respect copyright.PENANA0BpvXbLPGh
scruffy blonde hair and he got out of bed to take a shower.654Please respect copyright.PENANAdHmB8ATJ1i
After taking a shower, 654Please respect copyright.PENANA67tKde1Q3A
he picked out some casual clothes from his closet since he wasn't in the654Please respect copyright.PENANAe69VFebMfQ
mood for going early to work. He wore a blue golf shirt and a pair of 654Please respect copyright.PENANAZhNbzpQYsT
cream coloured chinos. He combed his hair back and he looked as neat as 654Please respect copyright.PENANAF6x0OwdN9g
ever. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAgxnHDVIk25
He soon went out of his 654Please respect copyright.PENANAxUO7vBS85A
room to take a walk around the house since it was just the early hours 654Please respect copyright.PENANA5DOB0J7YJu
of the morning and almost everyone in the house was still asleep. He was654Please respect copyright.PENANAgp6zqGJFNw
heading towards the living room when he felt someone coming from behind654Please respect copyright.PENANAYCX7UoHHp1
and wrap their arms around him. From the scent, Leo could easily tell 654Please respect copyright.PENANAadWr9wxliG
who it was. He turned around to face Carly who was beaming happily at 654Please respect copyright.PENANAxR77L8jHuH
him.654Please respect copyright.PENANAqJABw5ocVD
"Well, you're one early bird," said Carly, her smile as wide as ever. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAF1iq9af3J7
"And aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" Leo asked as he wrapped his arms around Carly's waist and pulled her close.654Please respect copyright.PENANADxjAA86qMu
"Don't ruin the mood by 654Please respect copyright.PENANA9B8s2eCGUg
telling me to go for lectures," Carly tugged at Leo's collar playfully. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAfIHNJaUWWQ
"Let's just try to enjoy the moment."654Please respect copyright.PENANABCjdgjdIyb
Leo smiled as he 654Please respect copyright.PENANAQu0iZU0jl2
considered what Carly said. It was a beautiful morning and the sunshine 654Please respect copyright.PENANAQt3HkPI3DM
shone brightly into the living room giving it a wonderful warm feeling. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAVNdym3aRj0
And Leo was here standing with the most beautiful woman he had ever met.654Please respect copyright.PENANAvd2RsOQ60I
Her beautiful glowing face was too irresistible to look away from. Her 654Please respect copyright.PENANAzOnpVeC8pZ
soft brown eyes looked up at him and Leo couldn't stop staring back. He 654Please respect copyright.PENANAekNonSK7N0
bent down closer to give Carly a light kiss on her beautiful lips.654Please respect copyright.PENANAps6BDSeFya
"You're right," said Leo after he pulled away from her lips. "We should enjoy this moment while we can."654Please respect copyright.PENANAOEoTsNaeNr
"Mmmm, so what do you suggest we do then?" Carly asked as she bit her lower lip playfully.654Please respect copyright.PENANA0d2VqoEwja
"Well, everyone is still asleep, so, we can have a few minutes to ourselves. Come up to my room."654Please respect copyright.PENANAvTUFZ3inWs
"Wait, I come up to your room? Won't your mother find us?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAZzAdv2StVt
"Don't tell me you're afraid of her," Leo almost laughed.654Please respect copyright.PENANAnT0cqwTeDp
"I'm not scared," said Carly almost pouting her lips. "She looks like one heck of a drama queen."654Please respect copyright.PENANAodLxzxhvRK
"She is, actually," said654Please respect copyright.PENANAV5bMyrIJHy
Leo. He pulled Carly into a bear hug. "But don't worry, she won't do 654Please respect copyright.PENANACB17gLgNqr
anything to you. You have me around."654Please respect copyright.PENANAvb1avQRyAj
"I know," Carly smiled. "Let's go to your room. We have a lot to talk about."654Please respect copyright.PENANAykavsY134S
"Oh really?" Leo looked down at Carly. "What is it we have to talk about?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAMg9RG8XFJ1
Before Carly could say 654Please respect copyright.PENANAETUyuE6v59
anything, they heard a loud thud, like something had dropped to the 654Please respect copyright.PENANACLug2geEWL
floor. Then they heard someone faintly mourn out in pain.654Please respect copyright.PENANAPSKrjFq5FI
"What was that?" Leo asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAVndEkXaPkp
"Oh, my gosh, Angel," said Carly as she ran down the hall towards Angel's room and Leo quickly followed behind her.654Please respect copyright.PENANA778MXtoVrK
Carly got to Angel's 654Please respect copyright.PENANAkRM768NhMO
room first and when she burged into the room, she found Angel lying down654Please respect copyright.PENANAOAhwnFykCZ
on the floor close to her bed whining in pain. Carly quickly ran to her654Please respect copyright.PENANAT1DoBVJPU5
sister's aid and that's when Leo had finally appeared at the door.654Please respect copyright.PENANALtsEvwtRhN
"Don't worry, Angel, I'm here," said Carly as she slowly lifted Angel and helped her up on the bed.654Please respect copyright.PENANA5c0xzgHqAF
"What happened? Are you alright?" Carly asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAcZmHQEygNA
"I'm fine, don't worry about me," said Angel. "I was just trying to get something but I ended up dropping to the floor."654Please respect copyright.PENANAAjvhot2g9G
"You know you're not 654Please respect copyright.PENANAIFqzoGucAX
okay, but instead you still want to do things on your own without asking654Please respect copyright.PENANA4RFimfEeZQ
for help. You never change, Angel."654Please respect copyright.PENANAVle1fUQgqE
"I'm okay as you can see. And by the way, thanks."654Please respect copyright.PENANABrtPcrTmHQ
"Well, since you're awake, can I make you a cup of tea?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAeXkjplDJQQ
"No thanks, I'm fine."654Please respect copyright.PENANAMDrCqlLcVP
Angel went on to look at654Please respect copyright.PENANAhHFswWnakz
the door and saw Leo standing there. She stared at him for a moment and654Please respect copyright.PENANAFR9J4Q86zA
then she went on to stare at Carly.654Please respect copyright.PENANASsqVXad3JX
"And why are you up so early? Do you have a lecture to attend to today?" Angel asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAYnBaf4IlAl
Carly paused as she 654Please respect copyright.PENANAjwFR2XJ0bg
looked at her sister and then at Leo. She went back to facing her sister654Please respect copyright.PENANAvxz9niYrnA
and before she could say anything, Amanda appeared by the door behind 654Please respect copyright.PENANA6oNSWSLCa5
Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANAWA32Wya4sD
"What happened in here?" Amanda asked. "I thought I heard something fall."654Please respect copyright.PENANAaKh7frt36Q
"Ah, yes," said Carly, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAamUBdzUj35
feeling relieved that Amanda had arrived. "Angel here was trying to get 654Please respect copyright.PENANA2oIS0M4k2U
something but ended up on the floor. Nothing to worry about. She's not 654Please respect copyright.PENANAL53QGPZ4f9
hurt or anything."654Please respect copyright.PENANAMzGPfwDYXb
"May you please drag me 654Please respect copyright.PENANAUOQn411pkk
in, Leo?" Amanda asked her grandson and Leo obediently obliged and 654Please respect copyright.PENANA9OedWfmwGV
pushed his grandmother's wheelchair into the room.654Please respect copyright.PENANAGzhhYTC0hI
"Are you alright, dear?" Amanda asked Angel.654Please respect copyright.PENANAIeslkW5j6Y
"Just like Carly said, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAyM0uaw9dfP
I'm fine," said Angel, giving Amanda a little smile. When she looked up 654Please respect copyright.PENANAen7iXXkJj6
at Leo, she almost scowled at him.654Please respect copyright.PENANAOl8YmUZ8qA
"That's good, but don't do that again. Who knows what might happen. Thank goodness Carly and Leo came just in time."654Please respect copyright.PENANAu95vfWhyOC
The room soon had an 654Please respect copyright.PENANAIT5vJjKMjV
awkward feeling. Amanda couldn't feel it, but Angel, Carly and Leo 654Please respect copyright.PENANApTMJZM0t4F
could. Angel just continued to stare at Amanda trying to hide the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAM22wFdG15r
awkwardness.654Please respect copyright.PENANALN7Wm7AZwb
"If you need me, grandma, I'll be in my room," said Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANAYKAOTwUBgv
"Okay, dear. You and I need to talk over some things. Let's meet after breakfast."654Please respect copyright.PENANAa2fOCYbby3
"Sure."654Please respect copyright.PENANA90bbGqShAl
Leo stared at Carly 654Please respect copyright.PENANA3fCNfrbo6C
before he left. He wanted to smile at her, but he could feel Angel's 654Please respect copyright.PENANAFR2nk0dKMA
eyes on him, stabbing him like daggers. He quickly left the room to 654Please respect copyright.PENANAB96bxlNTI1
avoid any more problems.654Please respect copyright.PENANAN9AtvcGz1n
"I was about to go and make a cup of tea," said Carly.654Please respect copyright.PENANAddjWdhL0hL
"I don't want....." started Angel but Amanda soon stepped in.654Please respect copyright.PENANAUSU62OBEgF
"Tea would be lovely, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAVEXUybkuVr
dear," said Amanda giving Carly a smile. "It's sad that it's too early 654Please respect copyright.PENANAFmHUxK7Ovk
in the morning for the helpers to be up and about in the kitchen. They 654Please respect copyright.PENANAb5XPcXljPw
could have helped you."654Please respect copyright.PENANAfIwTQNRqvo
"Not to worry, I can find my way around," said Carly.654Please respect copyright.PENANArXBc2aMDSu
"Good, Angel and I will be waiting."654Please respect copyright.PENANAXeFATWpAwY
Carly gladly smiled at 654Please respect copyright.PENANANPJjEUsIvy
Amanda and quickly made a beeline to the door and closed it behind her. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAAyMU5CB5KQ
Angel continued to stare at the door. She couldn't help but wonder why 654Please respect copyright.PENANA3Lymswcn5f
Carly was up so early. She was never this early. Or maybe it's because 654Please respect copyright.PENANA6M2OkvEVm6
she didn't have anywhere to go last night?654Please respect copyright.PENANAJIxnSoGb8J
And Leo? It was strange 654Please respect copyright.PENANAOMmZfzZZ5q
that both of them were awake at the same time. Could it be that they 654Please respect copyright.PENANAZQlUYOVWrG
were together? Angel couldn't stop thinking about the two of them 654Please respect copyright.PENANAJOHw9mVvA7
together in each other's arms. It almost made her sick.654Please respect copyright.PENANAUciMuDesSf
"They were definitely together, no doubt about that," Angel thought to herself.654Please respect copyright.PENANAQKU5UqrVXh
"Are you alright, dear?" Amanda asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAkodUuH3FcO
"I am, you don't have to worry about me," Angel replied.654Please respect copyright.PENANApyO9O436gy
"What were you planning to do that made you fall?"654Please respect copyright.PENANADVPYgCgliZ
"I was trying to reach out for something and I completely forgot that my legs weren't completely healed."654Please respect copyright.PENANA6Wrb5HxBDS
"I understand. But tell me, did you sleep well, last night?"654Please respect copyright.PENANA4iryGLZxIn
"I did, Amanda, thanks for asking."654Please respect copyright.PENANAHdI59WEuQs
While Amanda and Angel 654Please respect copyright.PENANAn1zXVHuYo2
continued to chat, Carly was in the kitchen preparing tea. Just as she 654Please respect copyright.PENANAqJTwCG4ozd
found the tea leaves and put them in the two white teacups, Leo appeared654Please respect copyright.PENANAPgDM2Pn4wm
at the door.654Please respect copyright.PENANA8yJKejHhhL
"Hey," said Leo as he came in.654Please respect copyright.PENANAiuf46CUq0t
"Hey," said Carly as she gave him a smile. "Sorry for what happened earlier."654Please respect copyright.PENANAvL1lyVGuhi
"With your sister? I know she ruined our little moment. It's like she knew you and I were together."654Please respect copyright.PENANAqCKTwAXqOm
"No, she didn't." Carly 654Please respect copyright.PENANAx7QXCUroI0
went over to the electric kettle that had already boiled the water and 654Please respect copyright.PENANApuMrZhnGR0
poured the water into the teacups. "And besides, you shouldn't have 654Please respect copyright.PENANAyclz5BgsPB
followed me to her room. The way she looked at the both of us when you 654Please respect copyright.PENANAQCvDxAAYv9
appeared, she probably knows that we were together."654Please respect copyright.PENANANVnWNqODSg
"I don't care about 654Please respect copyright.PENANARtJb0XGlyh
that." Leo came over to Carly and wrapped his arms around her waist from654Please respect copyright.PENANAgIDmjCs8R2
the back. "She can think all she wants. She knows my feelings for you 654Please respect copyright.PENANAvXMkbvxvFm
are real."654Please respect copyright.PENANAVO8zGZhCE3
Carly smiled and she 654Please respect copyright.PENANA4YopN59BIu
loved the feeling of Leo's arms around her. She felt so safe and secure 654Please respect copyright.PENANAxZeS3TQt37
that she didn't want him to let her go.654Please respect copyright.PENANA2yy9jjpw42
She quickly turned 654Please respect copyright.PENANAp4hBRx6AqI
around to face him and said, "as much as Angel knows, the rest of the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAsaTi5TGt3D
people here don't. And do you know what would happen if they find out? 654Please respect copyright.PENANAEiMPLzPoxr
They would freak out."654Please respect copyright.PENANAe8MZoDDGHE
"Especially my mum," said Leo rolling his eyes.654Please respect copyright.PENANAtkh3D6i13V
"Yes." Carly gave him a smile. "Especially your mum."654Please respect copyright.PENANAajI8pWVQh2
Leo continued to look 654Please respect copyright.PENANA6SQgv56Kyq
down at Carly and he couldn't help but bend over and kiss her on the 654Please respect copyright.PENANA74X0cGM43Y
cheek. Carly couldn't help but blush as she playfully pushed him away.654Please respect copyright.PENANAwWAxk0MjPk
"I've to go and take tea for my sister and your grandmother."654Please respect copyright.PENANAYlkNR1fsy2
"Wait," said Leo as he made his way over to her again, "may I just give you a little......"654Please respect copyright.PENANAa7efbKWGzf
"What's going on here?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAsSU01XGlHQ
Leo and Carly almost 654Please respect copyright.PENANAn8ZSryb6gO
jumped in fright as they turned towards the door and standing there in a654Please respect copyright.PENANATEBlSFnlmY
blue nightgown, was Mrs McDonell. She looked over at Carly and Leo with654Please respect copyright.PENANAAzDERVPrKm
an eyebrow raised. The two stood a few feet apart from each other.654Please respect copyright.PENANAJURBjzlU34
"I asked a question and I demand an answer," she said. "What's going on here?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAw16qVpiV9B
"Nothing, nothing is going on, Mrs McDonell," Carly replied. "I was only preparing tea."654Please respect copyright.PENANAiQnfFsWKiO
"Tea for who?" Mrs McDonell folded her arms.654Please respect copyright.PENANAMgqZ1GMiOd
"For Amanda and Angel."654Please respect copyright.PENANA2eqw6462H0
"They are both awake?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAk4SSznvZpE
"Yes, they are. They are in Angel's room right now."654Please respect copyright.PENANAEGSaWdksw6
Mrs McDonell looked at 654Please respect copyright.PENANA1lZD4RifM2
Carly, then at her son, then back at Carly again. She couldn't figure 654Please respect copyright.PENANAdnjqHCXaCc
out why the two of them were here together, alone. She just brushed it 654Please respect copyright.PENANASoOy4kQI5a
off.654Please respect copyright.PENANAPPEgOxVKFd
"Fine, take their tea," said Mrs McDonell.654Please respect copyright.PENANAm4DG0UNymI
Carly took the tray 654Please respect copyright.PENANAiChlTquwqm
where the teacups lay and put the teaspoons and bowl of sugar on the 654Please respect copyright.PENANA7OAYijsYvy
tray. She quickly made her way past Leo and past his mother standing by 654Please respect copyright.PENANAv83Pi8371j
the door. Mrs McDonell looked on at Carly as she disappeared round the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAukO3UFDeU2
corner.654Please respect copyright.PENANAOsTbHqbwwE
"Mmmm," Mrs McDonell looked at her son. "She's has a great body. Even through her nightgown, I can make out her figure."654Please respect copyright.PENANAV0OdswKrnU
Leo shook his head at his mother. "You're so unbelievable," he said.654Please respect copyright.PENANAXuatDHSasN
"What did I do now? I'm just trying to make conversation with you. I never saw you when you came back last night."654Please respect copyright.PENANAZuLDHovjXn
"I don't want to talk, mum. Maybe later."654Please respect copyright.PENANAATrJqzc9Zo
Leo made his way to the 654Please respect copyright.PENANA6QW711oNbL
kitchen door, bypassing his mother. Mrs McDonell could only sigh as she 654Please respect copyright.PENANAl9TqGDUJ1s
thought of how she was going to handle Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANAs7L0MSPAwJ
By seven, almost 654Please respect copyright.PENANA2BlBeQUqev
everyone was awake and the house help were now up and about getting the 654Please respect copyright.PENANA7Mu8j1fddi
place cleaned up. Breakfast was already being made in the kitchen and 654Please respect copyright.PENANAiovAsnuX00
the lovely smell was intoxicating.654Please respect copyright.PENANAd9UQulU2VB
"Oh, my, I'm so hungry,"654Please respect copyright.PENANAAxKJVFmoDP
said Oliver as he came down the stairs with his backpack. He quickly 654Please respect copyright.PENANAWuqzbjEHhC
dropped his bag by the foyer so that he would just grab it when it was 654Please respect copyright.PENANAenbn7lctM1
time to go to school.654Please respect copyright.PENANAvbINaBTfFn
He quickly rushed over to the dinning area and found one of the helpers setting the table for breakfast.654Please respect copyright.PENANAnzYLJF6JW8
"Morning, Oliver," came Leo as he entered the dinning room. "Did the smell of food drag you here?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAAHpkdGiHAg
"Yep," Oliver replied as he took his seat at the table. "Looks like it dragged you here too."654Please respect copyright.PENANAiLaNLuA8XD
"Ya, it did." Leo soon came to sit right next to him.654Please respect copyright.PENANAlLqzALHl7A
"Morning, you two," came Diana as she came over and gave Oliver a peck on the cheek.654Please respect copyright.PENANArGhp3R02hB
"Morning, mum," said Oliver.654Please respect copyright.PENANAVVAOvNisxt
"Morning, aunt," said Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANAcbon6W5wfp
"What happened yesterday, Leo?" Diana asked as she sat opposite her son. "You weren't around for supper?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAoJXynIeeDg
"I fell asleep," he replied. "I was so exhausted."654Please respect copyright.PENANABs9pVQsN1c
"I figured." Diana gave her nephew a smile as she poured a glass of orange juice.654Please respect copyright.PENANAQFpf8YrNa9
Bacon, sausage, friuts, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAeEohWw6xx7
eggs, toast and delicious muffins were soon served on the table. Leo and654Please respect copyright.PENANAOsy148rjWc
his cousin couldn't help but water at the delicious food in front of 654Please respect copyright.PENANAscPWEqhLld
them.654Please respect copyright.PENANAkLtax6Vj3P
"I can't wait to get all of this into my mouth," said Oliver.654Please respect copyright.PENANA6JsBM0d5GH
"Hey, are you going to leave some for me?" came Carly as she stepped into the dinning area.654Please respect copyright.PENANAavLtDpP3KX
"Of course we were," said Diana. "The boys can't eat all this by themselves."654Please respect copyright.PENANAn18VSMgvI4
"We definitely can, right, Leo?" Oliver asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAx8UgEaxmpO
"Right," Leo replied.654Please respect copyright.PENANALCJLuTRhJ3
Carly went to sit right next to Diana, and at the same time, faced Leo. Leo couldn't help but smile at her and she did the same.654Please respect copyright.PENANA1cqJNyuxgy
Just as they were about 654Please respect copyright.PENANAjaT9iaIHlC
to eat, Mr McDonell came in and settled down after giving his morning 654Please respect copyright.PENANAjApgsNNWob
greetings at the head of the table. As usual every morning, there was a 654Please respect copyright.PENANABgNsD1r38n
newspaper at the table ready for him to be read.654Please respect copyright.PENANAEcpvznyxUe
"Will you be going early to the office, Leo?" Mr McDonald asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.654Please respect copyright.PENANATdFi1RmfJS
"No, I'll be there a little late, dad," Leo replied.654Please respect copyright.PENANA1LCIdvB50s
"Oh, goodness, me," came Amanda's voice. "Looks like almost everyone is here for breakfast."654Please respect copyright.PENANA03avvnqqnX
Before Leo could reply 654Please respect copyright.PENANAWnNuGS1llF
that not everyone was here, he turned on his chair and saw his grandma 654Please respect copyright.PENANApcdbELjOZJ
being wheeled in by one of the helpers and Eric with Angel. He quickly 654Please respect copyright.PENANAwaydy2qKOf
looked away feeling irritated.654Please respect copyright.PENANAGlBVsHJBhc
"Morning, everyone," said Amanda cheerfully as she was placed right next to Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANARQ3suPfdJf
Everyone else on the 654Please respect copyright.PENANA62HG4SaSy7
table said good morning to her. Angel also greeted everyone as well as 654Please respect copyright.PENANAOjXRjJGpo3
she settled on the other side of the table with Eric. Everyone replied, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAUhQlWioe0M
except Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANAOvuYcjWDq7
"This is just lovely," 654Please respect copyright.PENANA2Den0lPdxA
said Amanda. "Usually at breakfast we are never gathered together like 654Please respect copyright.PENANAfnUM0niYTP
this. Most of the time, we're all doing our own things and people leave 654Please respect copyright.PENANAM8xqFfM8ga
really early."654Please respect copyright.PENANAqU8LHq0ndd
"That's true, mum," said Mr McDonell. "I was also thinking the same thing."654Please respect copyright.PENANAT7TERo32od
"Your wife isn't here, 654Please respect copyright.PENANAG4KWR7wmTf
though, but I'm not worried about her." Amanda gave a bright smile. 654Please respect copyright.PENANAm6Nc3EVfEd
"It's good to see everyone of you all here in the morning."654Please respect copyright.PENANAcHEXga7BVL
"I wonder why this has happened today," said Eric.654Please respect copyright.PENANAL8qsekLfol
"I think it's because of our important guests," said Amanda as the helper beside her served her breakfast on a plate.654Please respect copyright.PENANAwLOhxFu2qu
Angel almost spelt the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAz7BnUgUUOF
juice she was pouring into her glass but steadied her hand just in time.654Please respect copyright.PENANADvzWUsrTHd
Leo almost choked on his toast. Their eyes somehow fell upon each other654Please respect copyright.PENANA9cQTYRKziZ
and they quickly looked away. Angel put down the jug of juice and Leo 654Please respect copyright.PENANAhJnVnwplr9
just ran a hand through his hair.654Please respect copyright.PENANAVCyS5InyHz
"Here, let me serve you," said Eric as he poured the juice in Angel's glass.654Please respect copyright.PENANAK7r6ABF79Q
"Thanks, Eric," said Angel, giving him a smile.654Please respect copyright.PENANAYWSkOkyfC0
"A doctor is coming to check up on you, Angel," said Mr McDonell. "He's our family doctor."654Please respect copyright.PENANAPCuoAEe2Wx
"Oh, no, there is no need for that, Mr McDonell," said Angel.654Please respect copyright.PENANAWKxK85Yhlb
"Well, someone has to check up on you from time to time. It's no big deal. It's for your own good."654Please respect copyright.PENANAPSX620y2bo
"You should listen to him, dear," said Amanda. "You aren't going to be the only one getting a medical checkup today."654Please respect copyright.PENANAMJGnVpjPqW
Angel smiled at Amanda and ate her breakfast. Everyone else went on happily with their meal.654Please respect copyright.PENANACPJWErZsZ8
As soon as Oliver was done, he got up from the table.654Please respect copyright.PENANAmD0l9r2fIS
"Have to go to school," he said.654Please respect copyright.PENANADx4kDkal3y
"Okay, have a nice day, Oliver," said Angel.654Please respect copyright.PENANAWvLx6VrT6G
Oliver came round the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAKxpxAUWYfT
table to where Angel sat and gave her a hug from behind. Angel gave a 654Please respect copyright.PENANAVpBFR4cG4m
heartfelt laugh. Leo just rolled his eyes at her. He was so not liking 654Please respect copyright.PENANAcWFg8ne3aq
what was happening in front of him. Her laugh felt so irritating to his 654Please respect copyright.PENANAG6jgohON5U
ears.654Please respect copyright.PENANAgl4eZpcG9w
"You too," said Oliver as he smiled and went over to hug his mum and soon ran out of the dinning room.654Please respect copyright.PENANAGFRbiqLp8x
"So adorable," said Carly.654Please respect copyright.PENANALzHpE3UprO
"He's adorable when he wants to be and annoying when you least expect it," said Eric.654Please respect copyright.PENANAqfPop4FD0E
"That's not true," said Diana. "My Oliver is not like that."654Please respect copyright.PENANAYr3e0tTTD8
Eric playfully rolled his eyes. "Then you don't know your own son at all."654Please respect copyright.PENANApXSTGkc2NS
"And you think I don't know you? You playboy."654Please respect copyright.PENANAitJyEldVxa
Eric looked at his mother giving her the sign to keep quiet. "Mum....are you seriously saying that in front of Angel right now?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAnbYYiJ9T74
"I don't mind," said Angel as she looked like she would burst out laughing.654Please respect copyright.PENANACKl8QCo14d
"Well, I do."654Please respect copyright.PENANAgbVjsUQDSE
"Enough," said Diana. "You're running late for work."654Please respect copyright.PENANAwYYgoL0z9N
"Seriously, mum?" Eric looked at her.654Please respect copyright.PENANAwjVufRXnhE
"I would listen to her if I were you," said Mr McDonell. "We better head to the office. You and I have a lot of work to do."654Please respect copyright.PENANAyVQ9SMWonK
"Okay, uncle," said Eric as he got his last piece of toast and bit it and then stood up.654Please respect copyright.PENANA0a3iLtbkY4
"I'll find you in the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAZN7dxvfZDb
car," said Mr McDonell as he also stood up from his chair. "I'll go get 654Please respect copyright.PENANAHjLlp6SisY
my briefcase." He soon went out of the dining room.654Please respect copyright.PENANAQzIQ5O4iM5
"Are you coming with us, Leo?" Eric asked.654Please respect copyright.PENANAZlwLSxEXgH
"No, I'll find you at the office later," Leo answered.654Please respect copyright.PENANAuejFwewlP8
"Yes," said Amanda. "He and I have to have a little chat before he leaves."654Please respect copyright.PENANAZD3q2S0TMx
"Okay. Angel," Eric looked over at Angel and patted her head. "I'll see you when I get back from work."654Please respect copyright.PENANAsGaMRUkTK6
"I'm not a kid for you to be patting my head like that," said Angel as she looked up at Eric with an annoyed look.654Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3cbtzAERu
Eric didn't say anything but smiled at her and said goodbye to everyone else on the table and left the dining room.654Please respect copyright.PENANAp4xxJkxhug
"I also have a lot of work to do at the beauty parlour today," said Diana as she also finished her breakfast.654Please respect copyright.PENANAYR9z6XqAz4
"You work at the beauty parlour, aunt?" Carly asked with so much excitement.654Please respect copyright.PENANApnUxVaX40h
"I own it, my dear," Diana answered with a smile. "Would you like to join me and see the place?"654Please respect copyright.PENANADIObELTFTT
Before Carly could 654Please respect copyright.PENANAcUtc4k8yPX
reply, she looked over at her sister who was looking at her breakfast. 654Please respect copyright.PENANA8cayPEpVVJ
She hadn't finished half way and she didn't seem the least bit 654Please respect copyright.PENANAWRV00LvYx9
interested about what her sister was up to.654Please respect copyright.PENANAwOFw4gdGoW
"I'll join you," said 654Please respect copyright.PENANApxxOvwEilS
Carly. "It's Friday today and I don't think I'm in the mood for lectures654Please respect copyright.PENANAoFWdI7D8gz
after what happened. I need to take my mind off things."654Please respect copyright.PENANALwWJHdLUtQ
"Perfect," said Diana as she stood up from her seat. "I'll go see if Bertha is willing to go with us."654Please respect copyright.PENANA0xUVZzyQVF
"I'll go get ready," 654Please respect copyright.PENANAmbBol4C6df
said Carly as the two ladies quickly left the table. Angel gave Carly a 654Please respect copyright.PENANAZcYPwm9FQm
weird look and shook her head. Carly was definitely something else at 654Please respect copyright.PENANAPVyQ3Ttt5V
times.654Please respect copyright.PENANAN5msvhadWV
"Women and their beauty," said Amanda as she shook her head.654Please respect copyright.PENANA82HyRNNAz3
There were now the three of them at the table. Amanda, Angel and Leo.654Please respect copyright.PENANActWAE13X0U
"That only leaves the three of us," said Amanda excitedly. "This is just what I needed."654Please respect copyright.PENANAcB5M6G1Osn
The last thing Leo 654Please respect copyright.PENANAd8Qywa5VRI
needed was to be in the same room with Angel and Angel also felt the 654Please respect copyright.PENANAM9g31BWCwm
same way. For the both of them, this was extremely awful.654Please respect copyright.PENANA0nkPL4Ditg
"You know I'll need to be at work earlier in the day, grandma," said Leo as he looked at Amanda.654Please respect copyright.PENANAmni3SwSAav
"Of course, I know, you silly boy," said Amanda as she playfully pinched Leo's cheek. "Remember, you and I need to talk."654Please respect copyright.PENANAN8PM7UB0sF
"Oww, grandma!" Leo responded as he held his pinched cheek.654Please respect copyright.PENANAixtgew657L
"If you want to talk right now, I'll leave you two, then," said Angel as she started to roll her wheelchair back.654Please respect copyright.PENANAFyNUM00MB0
"Not so fast, dear," said Amanda. "You aren't going anywhere. I need to talk to the both of you."654Please respect copyright.PENANAyndm38kGoP
"Huh?" Angel and Leo said at the same time with confused looks on their faces.654Please respect copyright.PENANAV7c87IMeJZ
"Yes. It's really 654Please respect copyright.PENANAR7OWWB5Ice
important that I speak to you both. Don't be mad. We really have to talk654Please respect copyright.PENANAudSZQlTmWn
and I lied that I only had to talk to Leo so that he can stay for a 654Please respect copyright.PENANA1f87ClgORI
while. I know the last thing you want is for me to bother you around 654Please respect copyright.PENANAYFJkJvQopW
since I'm so old."654Please respect copyright.PENANAZThzJ4g8vO
Angel and Leo looked at each other. They were stuck now. They wouldn't like to hurt Amanda's feelings. Not in anyway, at least.654Please respect copyright.PENANA4NdGDrphxu
"Okay, then," Angel agreed first. "I'm willing to listen, Amanda.654Please respect copyright.PENANAR875dB92Tl
"Thank you, Angel," said Amanda. She turned to look at Leo. "See how sweet she is? Now, are you going to hear me out or what?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAAsh5yDZtEP
Leo sighed. He looked 654Please respect copyright.PENANAZFcFEc0niN
over at Angel who looked like she would cut his neck with a butter knife654Please respect copyright.PENANA17iSs5NwvJ
that laid right next to her on the table. He also threw her a look but 654Please respect copyright.PENANAjOUSXvXwov
quickly changed it when he turned to face his grandmother.654Please respect copyright.PENANAC71GTjQJjc
"Okay, grandma," he said. "I'll listen."654Please respect copyright.PENANA8MzhbU1AcX
"Good," said Amanda with a bright smile on her face. "Let's go to the patio."