Angel's eyes flew 726Please respect copyright.PENANA7L0rmx0ZMh
open as she felt something warm and soft touch her face. Everything 726Please respect copyright.PENANAcUnSqovPMh
around her seemed a little hazy and bright as her eyes slowly adjusted 726Please respect copyright.PENANAhOIE9yG49a
to the light. She could see a figure looking down at her and Angel had 726Please respect copyright.PENANAVIiOzNw9IN
to shade her eyes to see the person's face clearly. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAvlf7bQEt5D
"Hello, my sweetheart," came the voice of the person looking down at her.726Please respect copyright.PENANAd1WUXYZaGk
Angel quickly stood 726Please respect copyright.PENANA4gK1tTjcFU
up from the floor she was lying on and faced the person in front of her.726Please respect copyright.PENANAz3sAnakTql
The sound of the person's voice was so familiar now that Angel felt 726Please respect copyright.PENANAjqZxLRKzh5
dumb not to have realised it sooner.726Please respect copyright.PENANAMGJ0C6qmzY
"Mum, is that you?" Angel asked.726Please respect copyright.PENANAGU0NamBsdi
"Of course, its me, my lovely Angel," her mother replied as she touched Angel's cheek with her soft hand.726Please respect copyright.PENANACyyYQSKt2z
Angel closed her eyes726Please respect copyright.PENANA6hqPZpgG6V
at the touch of her mother's hand and felt like lingering on it for a 726Please respect copyright.PENANAjvRE3PPsG5
life time. She opened her eyes and her mother smiled at her.726Please respect copyright.PENANA4FaFb4742O
"I thought you were dead," said Angel. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAE2qEOMV3dq
"Honey, I know it will be difficult to tell you this, but sadly, I'm not where you're right now."726Please respect copyright.PENANAQdJaKhbMWf
"What do you mean?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAIAPC2qKgvS
"I'm long gone from earth, Angel. I'm simply no more."726Please respect copyright.PENANAw6XH8Ny5id
"But why did you leave me?" Angel asked with tears in her eyes. "Things have gone horribly wrong and this is the time to leave?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAFIGi2niIgT
"I'm sorry I can't answer that, my dear. I wish I could. I know you're heartbroken over everything thats happened to you."726Please respect copyright.PENANAkjHHohfiAR
"Carly, she's really disappointed me, mum," said Angel as she wiped the tears falling from her eyes.726Please respect copyright.PENANADNlOGJ1zrE
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."726Please respect copyright.PENANANy1XxiyaWs
"If it means forgiving her I'm not going to do it. That will take a life time."726Please respect copyright.PENANAmS4c7fNJvO
"I know you don't mean that, Angel. As much as she has done wrong, nothing is going to change the fact that you're sisters."726Please respect copyright.PENANAKMKdrMWtl3
"I bet you're going to remind me of my promise, aren't you?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAANETRLOi1I
Angel's mother gave 726Please respect copyright.PENANAC9isqKdupz
her daughter a bright smile while she stroked her cheek. "Of course, I 726Please respect copyright.PENANAEk7yX4Agov
was going to remind you of just that. I know that now that I'm no longer726Please respect copyright.PENANAgmDXnyVhJJ
around, its going to be difficult for you. Your life will get even more726Please respect copyright.PENANAcfs12CeU69
complicated after all this, but just know that I'm always there when 726Please respect copyright.PENANAPxrs4iuDep
you need me. And the most important thing, always take care of your 726Please respect copyright.PENANAR4PBcxqEl2
sister no matter what she does. And that you always try to fix things even when it seems impossible to do so."726Please respect copyright.PENANA5wExZMCQ7z
"You know I already gave you my word."726Please respect copyright.PENANApvYX9w4JTy
"And I know that 726Please respect copyright.PENANAL2mb70u15I
you'll keep it. I know you might try to tear your sister to shreds, but 726Please respect copyright.PENANAPPHvJwybha
please try to be patient with her, okay?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAxXMAuDzJ8i
Before Angel could reply, she noticed that her mother had stood further away from her towards something bright.726Please respect copyright.PENANAIh8zZXW0Fj
"I have to go now, just remember that I love you, Angel and your sister too," said her mother.726Please respect copyright.PENANANkeejHbAyx
"Mum, wait, don't 726Please respect copyright.PENANA25tbU1G4X0
go," said Angel as she started to run towards her mother. Her mother 726Please respect copyright.PENANACi6iTeE2ju
didn't move from where she stood and Angel felt the distance widen. She 726Please respect copyright.PENANAkFkGCiDfXw
tried running as fast as she could, but that just made the distance 726Please respect copyright.PENANAqgRiCwNxwf
between them even bigger.726Please respect copyright.PENANAKDJzkHbkOM
And then all of the 726Please respect copyright.PENANATUXeaWabW6
sudden, darkness begun to swallow everything around and the smile on her726Please respect copyright.PENANAu4QyDfBHMC
mother's face was the last thing Angel saw.726Please respect copyright.PENANAzGRB0iqSf6
***726Please respect copyright.PENANA4qjNNor2GL
It726Please respect copyright.PENANAoOQAo4sVJy
felt like drowning as Angel took in air through her nostrils, filling 726Please respect copyright.PENANAfuxKjucN9e
up her painful lungs. A sudden pain and heaviness quickly descended on 726Please respect copyright.PENANAIkxE7KtTID
her body and she might have heard herself wince in pain. Her eyes felt 726Please respect copyright.PENANA1ReHiWIc5P
too heavy to open, but she did her best to do so anyway. She could tell 726Please respect copyright.PENANAB2lua1f59C
as she opened her eyes and her vision cleared, that she was staring at a726Please respect copyright.PENANAtV8AZTuUgT
ceiling. The sound of a beeping machine was the first thing she heard 726Please respect copyright.PENANAnoxto6FqN5
and when she tried to turn her neck, she realised she couldn't move and 726Please respect copyright.PENANAeT71o1fJot
her body ached all over. Her eyes rolled around, but all she could see 726Please respect copyright.PENANAcRaRt6mkjl
was the ceiling above her.726Please respect copyright.PENANAuZVSOZe5oR
Angel's726Please respect copyright.PENANAW3tUewOdYj
heart started to beat aimlessly as she realised she couldn't move at 726Please respect copyright.PENANAWHvzlacR0z
all. She felt quite scared thinking she was all alone until she heard 726Please respect copyright.PENANAn3tCaEfXAA
her sister's voice.726Please respect copyright.PENANAQe5fBqM3Rz
"Angel? Oh my gosh, she's alive!" 726Please respect copyright.PENANAXRywh6lE2V
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANAGfeiuK62OQ
felt like breathing out a sigh of relief, but she knew it was going to 726Please respect copyright.PENANAv4nCwfeSKi
be painful. She noticed the face mask on her face and wanted to remove 726Please respect copyright.PENANAwxCCqGNCZP
it. She could feel her fingers, but lifting her whole hand was going to 726Please respect copyright.PENANAzO9oytjokS
be a painful process. Her body felt heavy as it already was.726Please respect copyright.PENANAYIl0sQ99qF
"Please,726Please respect copyright.PENANACsjYZyK9AL
call the doctor! My sister is alive!" Carly seemed to be calling out to726Please respect copyright.PENANA1Q8Vynr5Ci
someone in the room and a male voice grabbed Angel's attention.726Please respect copyright.PENANAxkhSiO2Q4d
"I'm726Please respect copyright.PENANAqrWbO9xRG7
going, I'm going." Quick footsteps were heard and faded away. Angel 726Please respect copyright.PENANAV4xnRIIcZM
could tell that the voice sounded very familiar but she couldn't process726Please respect copyright.PENANAot7VxyXFRT
everything at the moment.726Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3lsjffNjC
Carly's726Please respect copyright.PENANAQuctTM3hw8
face came into view as she looked down at Angel. Angel could tell that 726Please respect copyright.PENANAsksFjLXkhe
her sister had been crying. Her puffy red eyes and stuffy red nose 726Please respect copyright.PENANA0QLs6CIyjC
showed it all. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAm818nw8p5N
"I726Please respect copyright.PENANActHs7cD192
thought I lost you, Angel," said Carly, "when your heart stopped 726Please respect copyright.PENANAOgUBUjlNmh
beating, I thought you were gone forever. I don't want to lose you too."726Please respect copyright.PENANALoKsqZwVVo
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANASQxK8jTcgI
noticed the black shirt Carly was wearing and her eyes stung with tears726Please respect copyright.PENANAhvYKQgW5sn
as she remembered that her mother had passed on. Her heart felt heavy 726Please respect copyright.PENANAtPj40nbK1Y
with remorse and her body ached even more.726Please respect copyright.PENANAmJFoWtTYYe
"I'm726Please respect copyright.PENANAbvGAsD0T8H
so sorry, Angel," said Carly as tears sreamed down her face. "I feel 726Please respect copyright.PENANAcvSTsLmLNG
most of this is all my fault and I know I let you down. Please forgive 726Please respect copyright.PENANAnlYx1w8BlJ
me. And I also hope that wherever mum is, that she will also be able to 726Please respect copyright.PENANAeHPjjkBUkD
forgive me too."726Please respect copyright.PENANAg5jxkYxuLK
A726Please respect copyright.PENANAiItPt9ohSO
tear streamed down Angel's cheek as she continued to stare up at her 726Please respect copyright.PENANAriciJTElzh
sister. She wanted to comfort her sister, but she was still mad at Carly726Please respect copyright.PENANAc4FfWArkgI
and she didn't feel like speaking at the moment. Soon she heard quick 726Please respect copyright.PENANATrDSEFO6eQ
footsteps. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAHA1NOqguuM
"Doctor, my sister is okay," said Carly as she turned to address the doctor.726Please respect copyright.PENANAfGxrxJNNAL
"Well,726Please respect copyright.PENANAlbGy8EpXVc
isn't that a miracle?" the doctor said, "looks like your sister fought 726Please respect copyright.PENANAAIIO9yn5nJ
with death and won. I also thought she was gone the time we tried to 726Please respect copyright.PENANAwapvZVhqjv
revive her."726Please respect copyright.PENANAUYfbD4a79d
"Well, Angel is as tough as I thought," came the male voice again which Angel still couldn't recognise. 726Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZCEXBgXUd
"I think you two better leave while we take some tests," said the doctor, "don't you worry."726Please respect copyright.PENANA2qbQHG3QY1
Carly looked down at her726Please respect copyright.PENANAc4Q46PmW2j
sister, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "I'm glad you're back, 726Please respect copyright.PENANABVKuuXMxCT
Angel. I don't know what I would've have done without you."726Please respect copyright.PENANAdikWxdAc4N
"And so as I," came the male voice.726Please respect copyright.PENANAXbJsoqxjPE
Eric soon appeared 726Please respect copyright.PENANAwTWYvJF3vQ
within Angel's sights and he had a sad smile on his face. Angel's eyes 726Please respect copyright.PENANA1GWa7QvjOD
widen at the sight of his cute sad face. She felt like smiling at him, 726Please respect copyright.PENANA0f8mdwX2BQ
but a sudden wince of pain came out of her mouth. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAoZKaXCj8Eb
"Angel, are you feeling hurt?" Carly asked looking worried. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAbxDbLrhoxu
"You don't worry, she's 726Please respect copyright.PENANA58MGDPSWwc
in pain, but that will wear off as soon as she takes her medication," 726Please respect copyright.PENANAQkadg2srgh
said the doctor, "I suggest you leave while she takes her rest."726Please respect copyright.PENANAtnogzvZ6PI
"Let's go, Carly, the doctor's right," said Eric, "we will come see her later on when she feels better."726Please respect copyright.PENANA8UvDL1RQYs
"Okay, let's go," said Carly. 726Please respect copyright.PENANA2NFaAH2qqM
Carly and Eric looked at726Please respect copyright.PENANA76nBC2tUJp
Angel one last time. As the two left the room, the doctor appeared 726Please respect copyright.PENANAP1uhyqxF5y
beside Angel with a bright warm smile on his face.726Please respect copyright.PENANAhaxzCBDdRO
"It's good to see you 726Please respect copyright.PENANALMcJSIaR41
alive, Angel," said the doctor, "now, I'll give you a little sedative to726Please respect copyright.PENANAPvmWQTiGl1
ease the pain and you can have enough rest."726Please respect copyright.PENANAUut6lsRlxj
Angel saw the doctor 726Please respect copyright.PENANAhBg3rCgELH
inject some liquid into her IV and she quickly felt the effects of the 726Please respect copyright.PENANAWJBCDcJLOE
sedative taking over. Her eyes peacefully closed as she realised that 726Please respect copyright.PENANAdNIGRGlxvo
rest was exactly what she needed.726Please respect copyright.PENANAoDOBS7ftg2
***726Please respect copyright.PENANA72P4RtpHMI
A726Please respect copyright.PENANAXNLrurI1oO
week had passed and Angel was recovering slowly. It seemed like 726Please respect copyright.PENANAgvSfVN0KZd
forever, but Angel was patient enough to wait until her body mended 726Please respect copyright.PENANAQG9PaNR8nu
itself. Carly was always there everyday to watch over and take care of 726Please respect copyright.PENANABSJVQqr8wL
her. Even Eric also did the same, surprisingly. And that made Angel 726Please respect copyright.PENANA88byGaB386
wonder why he would be so interested in her well being.726Please respect copyright.PENANAvi5mUI8loy
As726Please respect copyright.PENANAYNDBB7KPsl
the week passed on, Angel had quickly recovered from her mother's 726Please respect copyright.PENANADxJNAr6kmQ
death. It didn't really have a mental effect as she thought it would 726Please respect copyright.PENANAsJEpOrmtxn
have. But she pulled through anyway. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAvaTScBzeAD
Apparently, one thing seemed to bother Carly, Eric, the doctor and nurses who took care of Angel.726Please respect copyright.PENANAhOslj4Uc0K
Angel had never altered a word since she gained consciousness. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAaPgGxTxxFM
Carly726Please respect copyright.PENANArIaesCYZ2E
had once asked the doctor this and wondered if their mother's death had726Please respect copyright.PENANAgyM47A2Pfr
anything to do with it or maybe her vocal cords had a problem. But 726Please respect copyright.PENANAoEZkWksaGg
sadly, the doctor had no answer because he recently had a check up on 726Please respect copyright.PENANAJpmxrNBTy3
Angel's vocal cords and everything seemed perfectly normal. All she did 726Please respect copyright.PENANAXEq4dOiKRe
was nod or shake her head if they ever asked a question, but she 726Please respect copyright.PENANAkm52HsVmuw
wouldn't say anything. 726Please respect copyright.PENANABtT9A6sacx
Even726Please respect copyright.PENANAgBndFGO3qq
after the third day after Angel gained consciousness, the police 726Please respect copyright.PENANAu84kW3NMjA
decided to take a police statement from her, but everything went to no 726Please respect copyright.PENANAIpGkhUsS5T
avail. Even Angel's workmates would come now and then to see how she was726Please respect copyright.PENANAbFOUb1hgMh
doing and her boss, Mark Dean, came to see her as well. But still, 726Please respect copyright.PENANAOy660HKhO6
Angel kept her mouth shut.726Please respect copyright.PENANA9RFI6flE5n
On726Please respect copyright.PENANAghz5oGeSIb
Saturday, Carly was around, taking care of Angel. It was lunch time and726Please respect copyright.PENANAHXCB8FkWTp
Carly was feeding her sister. Angel was now able to sit up in bed even 726Please respect copyright.PENANAPrMzFPnpPE
though her body still ached like hell. She still had a bandage wrapped 726Please respect copyright.PENANAc9QzkwvDOe
around her forehead because of a deep scar, her left arm was still 726Please respect copyright.PENANAARWfozgCyG
broken and it was heavily bandaged. Her neck had healed drastically over726Please respect copyright.PENANAEa3x7Qu8cF
a few days and her legs were doing okay, but they ached a little 726Please respect copyright.PENANABaaL6IvMYB
sometimes.726Please respect copyright.PENANAfbFHgDIlpE
As726Please respect copyright.PENANA4CZ2fQzgX8
Carly fed Angel another spoon of chicken soup, the door suddenly flew 726Please respect copyright.PENANATe0WMqXcvM
open and Eric came in with a bouquet of roses and a basket of friut.726Please respect copyright.PENANAOTyIb07JDl
"Hello, there," said Eric.726Please respect copyright.PENANAOYWpCBpOES
"Oh, hi, Eric," said Carly and Angel just gave him a half smile.726Please respect copyright.PENANAwJVmsEEvDo
"Well,726Please respect copyright.PENANAyopTGOAhgS
I see that you're doing better today, Angel," said Eric as he placed 726Please respect copyright.PENANABZfdaZJ65H
the roses on top of the drawer next to her bedside together with the 726Please respect copyright.PENANAurbiSU7WKr
basket of fruits.726Please respect copyright.PENANAc7rM7js4J0
"Wow, aren't those like the third bouquet of flowers you sent her this week?" Carly asked.726Please respect copyright.PENANACRU16uZRmV
"Maybe, I don't really count anyway."726Please respect copyright.PENANAmQ4olduhL5
"Awww! You see, Angel, looks like you have someone crushing on you. What do you have to say about that?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAiEYdeQG51n
Angel's smile widen a little, but she still didn't say anything.726Please respect copyright.PENANAUy2fg4xihp
"Um.. Carly, he's here and he wants to speak to you," said Eric.726Please respect copyright.PENANAm1atvXY1ot
Angel raised an eyebrow. Something fishy was going on and she didn't like it. Who are they talking about? she wondered.726Please respect copyright.PENANAVIYVlwRUva
Carly looked at Angel and then at Eric. She gave the bowl of soup to Eric. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5oa3wq1zN
"I'll be right back," said Carly726Please respect copyright.PENANA5CrWxCI6Fl
Eric726Please respect copyright.PENANADSdl4oCrZy
looked up at Angel as Carly left the room. Angel looked at him giving 726Please respect copyright.PENANATeUlXhdkYI
him a face indicating that he should tell her what was going on.726Please respect copyright.PENANAGEC1FX8ICU
"I726Please respect copyright.PENANADxNMwG9dET
know that look on your face, Angel," said Eric as he sat on the edge of726Please respect copyright.PENANA9x8Epx1PPK
the hospital bed to feed her. "You want to know what's going on, 726Please respect copyright.PENANAIrPp5mLEjI
right?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAtURgsfuFVg
Angel nodded.726Please respect copyright.PENANAuNjKmytolA
Eric726Please respect copyright.PENANAUneRfdXh5D
shook his head. "I can't tell you all that at the moment. It's best if 726Please respect copyright.PENANAUA3qUNp9Ab
Carly does. It has something to do with your mother."726Please respect copyright.PENANA9mTJGNf1up
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANAiTwVOdKhql
now started to think of the worst. What was it now? Did her mother have726Please respect copyright.PENANAbRZhWiUIAb
debts she failed to pay before she died or was it something far much 726Please respect copyright.PENANA2AtMRgBspx
worse?726Please respect copyright.PENANAvs8zTGu021
"But726Please respect copyright.PENANALbNuLOCzKZ
you don't worry about anything. Carly told me that you'll find out 726Please respect copyright.PENANAqFBBPdj6E8
what's going on," said Eric as he lifted the spoon towards Angel's 726Please respect copyright.PENANAe4yjzjzwEn
mouth.726Please respect copyright.PENANAeTK2ahKpZu
"Now, open wide. You need to finish your lunch, okay?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAupBBOhH75z
Angel did as she was told and Eric put the spoon in her mouth. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAcAiQNc15NZ
"That's726Please respect copyright.PENANAlRySx1r5aN
a good girl. I might just give you some special dessert at the end of 726Please respect copyright.PENANAQrWRpEewV4
all this. What do you think about that?" Eric asked as he wiggled his 726Please respect copyright.PENANAVfch0o4djK
eyebrows. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAieQsECDtWi
"And will that dessert be your lips? Because if it is, I'll gladly slap your cheek."726Please respect copyright.PENANAgw8IwoAoIg
Eric726Please respect copyright.PENANAlXH8EX83U6
stared at Angel with his mouth agape. She finally spoke. He didn't know726Please respect copyright.PENANA9wpLF5zg09
whether to hug her or kiss her for her to slap him and see if he was 726Please respect copyright.PENANAhee6KxuvHm
dreaming.726Please respect copyright.PENANAGJFQaUSmsJ
"You... talked!" Eric almost exclaimed, but Angel covered his mouth with her good right hand.726Please respect copyright.PENANAPau6j5GuXJ
"I don't want Carly to find out, keep your voice down," said Angel quietly.726Please respect copyright.PENANAOcJ6reFhaD
"Don't worry, Carly is in the lobby. But why have you been quiet all this time, Angel? You had all of us worried."726Please respect copyright.PENANAaqKVUB5VUN
"I726Please respect copyright.PENANAFcvQxpdE8E
know," Angel leaned her back onto the soft pillows behind her, "I just 726Please respect copyright.PENANA9XzJDnOO4y
didn't feel like talking and all. After all that had happened, being 726Please respect copyright.PENANA17B4ZZrmAn
quiet was the only way to keep calm."726Please respect copyright.PENANAxcTPXFEkKk
"But you should have said something to someone. If not Carly or I, at least the doctor."726Please respect copyright.PENANAIzvGJ26ThA
Angel looked at Eric and held his hand. "Thank you, Eric."726Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0M5ueXbB8
"Thanks, for what?"726Please respect copyright.PENANA9c8prLmeDy
"For726Please respect copyright.PENANA2nykRyVVjG
being there even if we barely know each other," said Angel with a sad 726Please respect copyright.PENANAZehcfPV7LJ
smile on her face. "You kept my sister company even though I never said a726Please respect copyright.PENANAA36aqWfeIY
word to her. I just didn't want to leash out my anger on her."726Please respect copyright.PENANA88eMuKkCWE
"Its nothing, Angel. When I said I was glad to meet you back at the bar, I truly meant it."726Please respect copyright.PENANATFWiLYYxS2
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANAYv0aKEtBk7
smiled and then something quickly came to mind. Images of what had 726Please respect copyright.PENANA73uKCDy4Xm
happened last week at the day of the accident came back. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAhD6LrvunIa
"Hey, are you okay?" Eric asked. "You looked pale for a second."726Please respect copyright.PENANAz3sAMHmbRP
"The....726Please respect copyright.PENANAbhl9ftQNA5
the day, I had the accident," started Angel, "what really happened? 726Please respect copyright.PENANAWztT7xemB8
Because all I remember is the phone call of someone telling me about my 726Please respect copyright.PENANAbJQmwGLsqU
mother's death and then nothing."726Please respect copyright.PENANAikgdrq4yCN
"You don't really remember a car hitting you on that day?"726Please respect copyright.PENANA0xK3iChNLR
"I726Please respect copyright.PENANAxUYyD2TeJJ
know a car hit me, but who was driving the car? I want to know. I was 726Please respect copyright.PENANAQdkev9RGPh
hoping you and Carly would bring up the topic these past few days, but 726Please respect copyright.PENANA6EgNvtFvpW
you didn't. When the police came, I knew I wasn't going to say much 726Please respect copyright.PENANAzQ5ElogEG0
because I don't know anything. Now you tell me, was it a hit and run or 726Please respect copyright.PENANAPpBDqzuTZ7
do you know who did it?"726Please respect copyright.PENANARlhdcBIzOD
Eric looked the other way for a moment. "No, Angel. It wasn't a hit and run."726Please respect copyright.PENANA1Qb6juDyQF
"Then will you tell me?" Angel asked. "Why do you look like that? Is there something I should know?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAQxiOLi4U6s
"Remember, the guy who was with your sister at the bar that day?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAk9Tgod6t72
"Ya, I remember the jerk. Why?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAGS2XOb6GFg
"That person who just called a jerk, is none other than my cousin, Leo."726Please respect copyright.PENANAeidGLlPXnK
"Oh," Angel paused for a second. "I didn't know. Sorry about that."726Please respect copyright.PENANAcBEe4xn9Se
"No,726Please respect copyright.PENANATYAHCvIjjh
he's a jerk, that's for sure. On that day he was supposed to get 726Please respect copyright.PENANASIPbulgxhC
married. But he left the wedding and came by the bar looking for 726Please respect copyright.PENANADtmREhTSm2
Carly."726Please respect copyright.PENANAj7GzeO31Ih
"A jerk indeed. Why did he come there anyway?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAzcoDcTyQyC
"Well, he changed his mind completely after the bachelor party to get married."726Please respect copyright.PENANABZEC5Mekj1
"And he did all that just because of my sister? Ridiculous."726Please respect copyright.PENANAKUBqvU6c6h
"Coming726Please respect copyright.PENANAOaRysb0BQJ
back to your accident," Eric now looked straight at Angel, "I'm afraid 726Please respect copyright.PENANAtDu16WsbpA
to tell you that he was the one who ran you over."726Please respect copyright.PENANAP1O152ioPL
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANAvpVqKSEj8w
didn't say anything. Eric expected her to burst in anger but she looked726Please respect copyright.PENANAilQK3Xen5C
calm. Even her response seemed to surprise Eric even more.726Please respect copyright.PENANAIqrfzUCkBx
"So, he almost kills me with his car and he hasn't come by just to apologise?" Angel asked calmly. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAl9dbl3poto
"I...726Please respect copyright.PENANAdti6RAnYkS
well," Eric was lost for words. He expected Angel to shout and act 726Please respect copyright.PENANAz4j775t2dX
wild, but she didn't. "He still feels bad after everything."726Please respect copyright.PENANAaCUtsNYCoV
"He still feels bad or is he just too full of pride to apologise?"726Please respect copyright.PENANA4oaTpmq51o
"How do you know that?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAK6BYTUY9sJ
"I spent five minutes in that office in the bar with your cousin, trust me, I know."726Please respect copyright.PENANAwR9PW3Ssgm
Eric726Please respect copyright.PENANAIwq89wl1e6
passed a hand through his hair and sighed. "On behalf of Leo, I simply 726Please respect copyright.PENANA9w6x34JSJI
apologise. I'm also part of the reason why you're in this mess."726Please respect copyright.PENANAULOjfhkz6k
"It's nothing, Eric. I would prefer if Leo bought himself to do that, don't you think?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAuConvLWMju
"You're right."726Please respect copyright.PENANAAIqEvaulQb
"I hope the person Carly has gone out to see by the lobby isn't him."726Please respect copyright.PENANAFoW5KPv6mr
"No, it isn't him. He wouldn't even dare come to this place," said Eric, "Carly is talking to my uncle, Leo's father."726Please respect copyright.PENANAXXPd9QWhmf
"But what is he doing here?" Angel asked.726Please respect copyright.PENANACbfPp5TpkP
"I'm726Please respect copyright.PENANAc4jmSdh0g0
not the one supposed to be telling you this, but apparently, your 726Please respect copyright.PENANANrm6Phz8Ik
mother and my uncle were good friends. The time your mother had fallen 726Please respect copyright.PENANAzMtUIuKwQC
ill, he was there and took her to the hospital."726Please respect copyright.PENANAlepM4IReun
Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANA3sRxjzBsZ2
didn't say anything as she continued to look at Eric. The thought of 726Please respect copyright.PENANAt8KaCrbsZ4
her mother during her dying moments made Angel's heart break. She 726Please respect copyright.PENANAMEEVbJa50T
wondered how much pain her mother must have gone through.726Please respect copyright.PENANAXvphBaGKTA
"Since you weren't talking, he decided to talk to Carly over some things."726Please respect copyright.PENANAS7shARADhK
"What things?"726Please respect copyright.PENANA4k7doQvcnN
"I don't know," Eric shrugged his shoulders, "must be something about your mother."726Please respect copyright.PENANAOB6jxNs43k
Angel thought for a second. "Tell him to come in, I would like to speak with him."726Please respect copyright.PENANArWf5S0D8vJ
"You're sure?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAQbFQFm4ayN
"Of course, please do so, Eric."726Please respect copyright.PENANAcgNEc36QCb
Eric726Please respect copyright.PENANAAuhBkRoGRC
nodded and put her bowl of soup aside. He quickly rushed out of the 726Please respect copyright.PENANATpWPSdM0nX
door and he soon came back with Carly and a tall good looking man. By 726Please respect copyright.PENANA43RxsLnzZx
the look of his designer clothes, Angel could tell that he was one type 726Please respect copyright.PENANAofoypzSAGo
of a person living the good life.726Please respect copyright.PENANA2lh0TTE32X
"Angel, Eric told me you can talk again," said Carly, "is that true?"726Please respect copyright.PENANAMAqnFxg1HM
"Yes, it's true," replied Angel trying to put up a smile for her sister, but even her cheeks wouldn't twitch. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAV7jN3qP43Z
"I'm726Please respect copyright.PENANAbXjfNmzIhV
so glad!" Carly ran over excitedly and hugged her sister. For a second 726Please respect copyright.PENANAErocybtH99
Angel wanted to revolt and push her away, but that would seem rude in 726Please respect copyright.PENANAPS8zcKPUGK
front of Eric and his uncle. And so she just had to put up with it.726Please respect copyright.PENANAL3DBRu9b4d
"I thought you were still mad at me and didn't want to talk to me anymore," said Carly, "I did say I was sorry."726Please respect copyright.PENANAaq93evroqp
"And I still feel like hitting you with a frying pan!" Angel726Please respect copyright.PENANAgFgDzsIgMH
finally pulled out a smile even when she knew it was completely fake. 726Please respect copyright.PENANA4l64kffDlX
Despite Carly taking care of her this past week, Angel still couldn't 726Please respect copyright.PENANAGId1vKHHy5
stand her sister after everything.726Please respect copyright.PENANAz0cWmhsiCa
"It's fine, Carly," said Angel, finding it a little hard to speak. "Don't say such things, okay? All that is over now."726Please respect copyright.PENANAzlUSQ1MJpQ
"Sorry726Please respect copyright.PENANAIEbPCdhZdk
to intervene on the little reunion," spoke Eric's uncle, "but I think 726Please respect copyright.PENANAw7UuQvV9xM
we have more important things to discuss regarding your mother, Angel."726Please respect copyright.PENANAsAd05WQmKY
At726Please respect copyright.PENANApsmtYZ95et
last, someone had to bring up that point and Angel felt like breathing 726Please respect copyright.PENANAtVMjQ2JY2b
out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to talk to Carly anymore. And she 726Please respect copyright.PENANAzlmYypc8wF
was starting to like this man already. 726Please respect copyright.PENANADIF3RHuy5w
"Yes, Eric told me who you were and that you were good friends with my mother," said Angel.726Please respect copyright.PENANANN1l20CmzE
"Yes, Eric told you right," said Mr McDonell, "I came here to give my deepest condolences."726Please respect copyright.PENANAQPlOGdI4Yu
"Thank you."726Please respect copyright.PENANAQKwDbcyTqL
"I also came to apologise on behalf of my son, Leo. I know he hasn't been here to apologise, but please don't be too offended."726Please respect copyright.PENANAVAJuocUn4R
"No, don't worry about it. You aren't the only one who has apologised on his behalf." Angel stared at Eric.726Please respect copyright.PENANAguALHbvCYq
"Well,726Please respect copyright.PENANAZfzPlRx2Q8
putting that aside, I came to talk to you about the burial processions.726Please respect copyright.PENANAKgEe1fzHiq
We didn't want to go ahead with the burial until you fully recovered. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAwie0RlmAyn
And your mother, before she passed away, made me promise her something. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAEiGCrvP8vR
And I hope that you'll agree to it. I already talked to Carly about it 726Please respect copyright.PENANACWTB2XQ2Fk
and she agreed, but the final consent is yours to make."726Please respect copyright.PENANAMaY634SNH4
"I hope you agree to it,726Please respect copyright.PENANAetrSMyFn3i
Angel," said Carly. That almost made Angel want to slap her mouth as 726Please respect copyright.PENANApHe8YwzZBe
she stared at her sister who stared back with hopeful eyes.726Please respect copyright.PENANAfoZvRG1MUR
Angel turned to face Mr 726Please respect copyright.PENANAcG42QAvGoO
McDonell who was staring calmy at her. Eric stood right beside him and 726Please respect copyright.PENANARmQpdSCRki
he too looked on eagerly, hoping that Angel would agree to what's 726Please respect copyright.PENANAp1kZd1tlPd
coming.726Please respect copyright.PENANAWi6BGTv8le
"Okay, what is it my mother promised you to do?" Angel asked.