Angel yawned as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms. She looked around her room and she could see the morning sun rays seep in through the curtains giving the room a wonderful golden glow. She smiled to herself through her sleepy eyes and she pushed aside the blankets so that she could get out of bed.
It was time to get ready for work and Angel went to brush her teeth and turned the shower on in the bathroom. After having a cold shower, she quickly went to her room and dressed up. As she looked at the mirror to fix herself, something suddenly dawned on her.
Her sister Carly had to wake up to get ready to go to college for her lectures. She couldn't stand her sister sometimes. She always told Carly to put up her alarm when she knew she always woke up late. Angel wondered what Carly's alarm was used for when she couldn't even set it.
Angel walked into Carly's room and she found her sister still in bed with the bed covers covering her. Angel could tell that her sister was deep asleep. She always stayed up late to study and it was quite hectic not to wake up early sometimes.
Angel walked over to her sister's bed and shook her.
"Carly, Carly, wake up," Angel called out, "you're going to be late again."
Carly murmured as she turned around in her bed. She kicked the bed covers aside and lazily sat up. She scratched her head and her black hair was pretty messed up. She looked up at Angel with sleepy eyes.
"It's morning already?" Carly asked as she yawned.
"Ya. Come on, you're going to be late for your lectures again," said Angel, "and you know neither mum nor I wouldn't allow that to happen."
"Alright, I'm up. I stayed up late to study. But I will be off as soon as you know it."
"Okay. Make sure you hurry up though."
Carly quickly rushed out of bed and went to the bathroom. Angel watched her younger sister go and remembered the days when she used to be late for lectures. She smiled to herself and looked around the room until her eyes flew to the mirror.
Her dark brown eyes stared right back at her through the mirror and her black thick hair fell to her shoulders with a few strands of her hair dyed in red. Her light-skinned complexion suited her well. People would think she was colored when she was actually African American. She was pretty and all but she herself wouldn't consider herself that way. She wasn't like her gorgeous young sister, Carly, who even had a great body.
Angel went back to her room and fixed her face a little. She didn't apply much make-up. She was comfortable just the way she was.
When she was done, she got her handbag and headed for the kitchen. She found her mother already preparing breakfast by the oven. And judging by the smell, Angel could tell that breakfast was going to smell delicious. As Angel looked at the woman who was standing right in front of her, she was forever grateful that she had such a wonderful mother.
Ever since her father left, to God knows where her mother had worked hard to feed her family even though they still went through some financial hardships. She managed to give Angel and Carly an education that she never had. She had a small bakery somewhere in town but even though she never used to make enough, she always gave her daughters all that she could offer.
That's why after college, Angel found a job as a secretary at an editing company. The salary wasn't all that much, but at least she could have money to pay off for Carly's college fees little by little.
"Honey, are you just going to stand there, or are you coming to sit down and have breakfast?" called out Angel's mother.
"I'll have breakfast, as long as you will eat with me," replied Angel.
"Come have a sit then. Is Carly awake?"
"Yes she is," said Angel as she sat down by the table, "she really oversleeps these days."
"The studies must be catching up to her," said Mrs. Barclay as she sat opposite her daughter and served her tea with eggs, bacon, and toast.
"Mmm, the bacon is just the way I like it," said Angel after putting food in her mouth, "and you've toasted the bread just the way I like it too."
"I'm glad you like it, dear."
Angel continued to eat her breakfast until she noticed that her mother hadn't even touched her food.
"Hey, mum, are you okay? You haven't touched your breakfast," Angel had a concerned look on her face.
"I'm okay. Carly has been on my mind lately," answered Mrs. Barclay.
"What's wrong now, mum?"
"I'm getting really worried. I feel something isn't right with her."
"Like what? The type of friends she hangs out with?"
"Maybe. Carly seems to have changed a lot these past days."
"It must be school, mum. When tests and assignments catch up to you, you become a whole different person."
"No, that's not it. It's just that most of the time you aren't home, Angel."
Angel felt even more concerned. "Tell me what I don't know, mum."
Mrs. Barclay first looked at the door to make sure Carly wasn't standing there, and it was left wide open. If they heard any footsteps, it would be their warning sign.
"Well, last week when you came home from work, I lied to you when I said Carly was in her room fast asleep."
Angel felt like she was going to choke on her tea. "You did what?"
"The time you came home a little late last week, I lied to you when you asked if Carly was home. I didn't want to worry you."
"Well, I think she might have overstayed at school, don't you think?"
"No. Angel, I'm scared to say this but, I'm really worried that Carly might be involved in something."
"Something like what?"
"I don't know. On that day when you went to sleep, she came back home really late. She came around one in the morning."
"One in the morning? Are you serious?"
"I stayed up all night. I turned off the lights so that she couldn't expect me to be waiting for her. I saw her come back around that time."
Angel was now left speechless. Was Carly involved in some shady business she never knew about?
"That's not even the worse part, Angel," said Mrs. Barclay as she slowly tapped her fingers on the table.
"What is it?" Angel closed her eyes expecting to hear the worst.
"The time Carly fell asleep, I sneaked into her room and got her backpack. You wouldn't believe what I saw inside."
Angel didn't say anything as she waited for her mother to continue.
"I saw a load of cash hidden in the pockets of her bag. I almost died as I started to wonder where she got all that from."
"What if Carly has a job and she never told us anything?" Angel suggested.
"Oh, honey, don't you think we would have known earlier if she really did? And besides, what job does she have that makes her come late at night?"
Angel tried to think about it but couldn't come up with anything. Her mind was too clouded up at the moment.
"How long has she been coming late?" Angel asked. "Most of the time when I'm home, she comes back before midnight. "
"It was just that day when that happened, Angel. I'm sorry to say this but I'm starting to expect the worst."
"Don't say that mum, please."
"I'm a mother who is concerned about her own daughter. Why shouldn't I say that?"
"But don't you trust Carly, mum?"
Mrs. Barclay hesitated as she looked at Angel straight in the eyes.
"I can't tell you the honest truth, Angel. But I'm scared that your sister might just be like your father."
"Come on, mum. Now you're just exaggerating."
Suddenly, they heard footsteps and they knew Carly was coming. Mrs. Barclay quickly took hold of Angel's hand. Angel looked at her mother with deep concern in her eyes.
"Angel, if the worst is discovered about your sister, promise me, that no matter what, you'll never abandon her and you'll try to fix things. Promise me. I know I can trust you on this."
Mrs. Barclay squeezed her daughter's hand tightly. Angel could tell that it meant a lot to her mother.
"I promise."
Mrs. Barclay soon released her hand and Carly appeared at the door seconds later.
"Morning, my sleepy head," greeted Mrs. Barclay with a warm smile on her face, "take a seat and have breakfast with us."
Carly stepped out of the house rushing for the bus stop immediately after finishing her breakfast. Most of the time she was usually a little late for lectures and that really annoyed her sometimes. Why should she be going to college and end up getting late when she could just start making a living on her own?
The fact was, she already was making a living all on her own without her mother and sister's consent. She was tired of always going for lectures when she knew she wasn't getting any value out of them. She was horrible when it came to assignments and her test results were the worst. She couldn't keep living such a life any longer. For her, school always sucked.
Until later on, her friend, Miranda, had introduced a world Carly had so much admired. A life of luxury. Every night, Miranda used to take Carly out to expensive hotels and other places. Carly had always admired that kind of life. A kind of life she had always seen in magazines and movies. She wanted it and she could do anything to have it. She was tired of living the boring life she was leaving in now.
Carly had always wondered how Miranda had all the money for the two of them to go to such exquisite places. And when Carly asked her, Miranda had no other choice but to reveal her secret.
One night, Carly was taken to a night club where Miranda worked. She was a dancer and also she would give herself to other men if they were willing to pay very well. Miranda even wondered if Carly was willing to do it and Carly jumped into it immediately. She wanted to be just like Miranda and make money really fast.
It's now been two months since she started her job. And every night at the club, she was always in high demand and she made a lot more money than any other girl who worked there. Her dancing skills and her great skill to arouse men really made the club well known.
How she could leave behind the boring life she was living in. She already made enough money to find herself an exquisite apartment and live the life she always wanted.
As she walked down the pavement in the streets of Manhattan, New York, she felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of her jeans. She took it out and found that the person calling her was none other than her boss who owned the club, Mr. Walters.
"Hello, Mr. Walters," greeted Carly, "I wasn't expecting your call at this time of the day."
"I called because it's very urgent, Carly," said Mr. Walters.
"What is it?"
"I need you to come here to the club right now."
"What! I can't go there during the day. You know it's risky."
"We have a client here who is in need of you immediately."
"Tell him to come another time. I have to go to my lectures or I'll be late."
"Look, this person is willing to pay any price for you to come to see him right now."
Carly thought about it twice. "Who is this client?"
"The one who came last night to celebrate his bachelor party with his friends."
Carly bit her lower lip with interest and a smile appeared on her face as she remembered.
"Oh, I remember now. Leo McDonell. Don't worry, I'll be right there."