Leo had a smile on his 699Please respect copyright.PENANAE5gntuodbF
face when he brought himself to a comfortable position. He never had 699Please respect copyright.PENANAyHk0b6MHVL
this excited yet happy feeling within himself just by staring at the 699Please respect copyright.PENANAVdEPL26djd
face right in front of him.699Please respect copyright.PENANA4gTX1l1ZED
It was morning and the 699Please respect copyright.PENANA5jMtkJctvI
sun rays managed to seep into his room giving it a wonderful golden 699Please respect copyright.PENANAqtOCWNdXbU
glow. But nothing in his room shined brighter than the woman sleeping 699Please respect copyright.PENANAlFIJ2LHjLG
next to him who had the lovely skin colour of bronze that shined 699Please respect copyright.PENANALveOl4zNtn
brilliantly in the morning sun.699Please respect copyright.PENANAQOBkhErHTa
Carly had joined him 699Please respect copyright.PENANAfTCjNiEWe8
last night after she had watched a movie with Angel, Eric and Oliver. By699Please respect copyright.PENANAKXR8UB3bmu
then, it was already late, Kim had left a good two hours ago and almost699Please respect copyright.PENANAWZRkHMrpz3
everyone in the house had gone to sleep, except from the two love 699Please respect copyright.PENANALJtzlT8EVa
birds, of course.699Please respect copyright.PENANAWA30o42Vnf
It was good she came, 699Please respect copyright.PENANARlrQKHlmRT
Leo thought to himself as he continued to stare at her. She was still 699Please respect copyright.PENANALelBColMoY
sleeping and she looked beautiful, no doubt in his mind that she was. He699Please respect copyright.PENANAI2cCtKoLFw
wished time could slow down so that he could look at her for just a 699Please respect copyright.PENANAybw3JtLiuK
little while longer. Sooner than later, he would have to wake her up.699Please respect copyright.PENANAM88FyfVUm3
He stretched his hand 699Please respect copyright.PENANAPs7XFEtRQU
and ran it through her lovely silky black hair. For an African American,699Please respect copyright.PENANA8iJWHmXrlL
her hair was gorgeous. He tucked away a strand of her hair that was on 699Please respect copyright.PENANAa1sLZkhwKR
her cheek. When his hand brushed over her cheek, ever so gently upon 699Please respect copyright.PENANAKKYXxVECCA
pulling it away, her eyes slowly flew open.699Please respect copyright.PENANAXxD8pTBR6x
"Morning, sleepy head," said Leo with a smile.699Please respect copyright.PENANAAsC80mUxej
She didn't respond as 699Please respect copyright.PENANA8wQbgefwDs
she smiled through her sleepy eyes and closed them again. She still 699Please respect copyright.PENANAyIhUZS3Hmh
looked so beautiful with that goofy smile on her face, he thought to 699Please respect copyright.PENANA2Hd6lfNDmU
himself. Leo chuckled.699Please respect copyright.PENANAE1lRckFvoa
"It's already morning?" she asked as she opened her eyes again and looked at him.699Please respect copyright.PENANAJavseCL440
"Sadly, yes," he replied. "You know what that means."699Please respect copyright.PENANAsrcMsVBz5i
Carly groaned like a little girl who didn't want to wake up to go to school as she covered her head with the bed covers.699Please respect copyright.PENANAat0cSz9Pvo
Leo continued to chuckle. "Come on, you know the drill." He sat up and uncovered the bed cover covering her head.699Please respect copyright.PENANAmWHVlCJTSv
"Fine," she said as she gave up and sat up on the bed. "I really hoped that I could stay a little longer."699Please respect copyright.PENANAMHaTMziDbj
"You're right. But I 699Please respect copyright.PENANAKngsFS1UPn
better get you out of here before anyone wakes up. It might be a weekend699Please respect copyright.PENANA09UNeqt4ij
but there are still a lot of early birds around here."699Please respect copyright.PENANAKVUQzW1p7t
Carly smiled at him. "Like you?"699Please respect copyright.PENANAL2MvmbSPbR
"Like my dad. Come on, we better hurry."699Please respect copyright.PENANA6FFuIfKcvy
They both got out of bed699Please respect copyright.PENANAhtCqG7B1Bw
and got dressed into their nightwear covering themselves with their 699Please respect copyright.PENANAIOAEi4sqNE
sleeping gowns. They sneaked out of Leo's room and they tiptoed all the 699Please respect copyright.PENANAy94XILx8zJ
way to Carly's.699Please respect copyright.PENANADF3JpiQxj7
"Thanks," said Carly in a low voice when they got to the door. "I'll continue sleeping and we will meet later on."699Please respect copyright.PENANAxdNWMWy0l4
"Great, I'll see you soon," said Leo as he smiled.699Please respect copyright.PENANAOH7L20i3SJ
Carly gave him a simple 699Please respect copyright.PENANAlJ2s3zibU9
peck on the cheek and quickly went in her room. For a moment, Leo 699Please respect copyright.PENANAj3LsbaYeQc
couldn't help but stand there for a moment, lost in thought, until he 699Please respect copyright.PENANAPEvmgEM98H
realised that he had been standing there looking at the door. He smiled 699Please respect copyright.PENANAhuA80Zap2Y
at his stupidity as he made his way back to his room.699Please respect copyright.PENANAqKrq42hnRA
Just when he got there, he changed his mind and thought he really needed a cup of coffee.699Please respect copyright.PENANAk9hqROP4Ej
He made his way 699Please respect copyright.PENANAHVJCMqV7oi
downstairs and before he could make his way to the kitchen when he 699Please respect copyright.PENANA7tIyEN2O9h
reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard a noise coming from the 699Please respect copyright.PENANAjzfrQTBvZn
kitchen.699Please respect copyright.PENANAP7DOxXNWDp
He wondered who could be699Please respect copyright.PENANAsFqlZUYowH
up at this early hour. He knew his dad was always an early bird, but 699Please respect copyright.PENANAbJqoAiYb4O
when it came to the weekend, Leo knew he wouldn't be awake for another 699Please respect copyright.PENANAH22cFkKea2
hour. He made his way to the kitchen and what he saw, shook him a 699Please respect copyright.PENANAYdSFQrmMSW
little.699Please respect copyright.PENANAcue4deOaeh
Angel was standing by 699Please respect copyright.PENANA26ad7Wveoq
the kitchen counter where she had put up the coffee maker to make some 699Please respect copyright.PENANADhDg7O48s0
coffee. Her presence somehow didn't matter to him, but there was some 699Please respect copyright.PENANA5mQM9uN53b
thing that shook him the moment he got there.699Please respect copyright.PENANAjFsI5wNGYM
Angel was standing, and not on a wheelchair.699Please respect copyright.PENANAYkIMVvvwoS
Sensing someone's presence, Angel turned to the door. When she saw Leo, she neither gave an angry look nor a smile.699Please respect copyright.PENANAKxvoUCfeMR
"Morning," she greeted as she turned back to the machine on the counter.699Please respect copyright.PENANAiQ8P3dziyh
"Morning," Leo somehow managed to say. "You're up early."699Please respect copyright.PENANANJrLrZ2I7Z
"I just had to."699Please respect copyright.PENANASkAbO2XXFY
"Ummm," Leo still 699Please respect copyright.PENANAkS1JnlvTdB
couldn't believe that Angel was standing in front of him. He expected 699Please respect copyright.PENANAIH9FbTzEVs
her to be still on her wheelchair. "Are you going somewhere?"699Please respect copyright.PENANAtoi83LM6kH
"Thought of taking a walk to strengthen my legs a little."699Please respect copyright.PENANA5GkoWkSM6Z
The coffee maker soon 699Please respect copyright.PENANAy5iQbmIjJh
finished making her coffee and the room became slient. Angel went over 699Please respect copyright.PENANAB5fD4STijD
to the cupboard next to the sink to get a mug. There was a slight limp 699Please respect copyright.PENANAgClg9Ejn1E
in her walk, but all in all, she seemed okay and not in much pain.699Please respect copyright.PENANA95JdAWG6OZ
Just as Angel was heading back to the coffee maker, she noticed Leo's eyes on her. She turned to look at him.699Please respect copyright.PENANAl7pvYdWdgh
"Why are you looking at me like you've just seen a ghost?" she asked.699Please respect copyright.PENANAtS1gCmK3V5
"Uh..." Leo hesitated. "I'm just surprised that you're walking."699Please respect copyright.PENANAW3lkHfalkh
"Why? You wanted me 699Please respect copyright.PENANA0tau7h06cm
confined to a wheelchair forever?" Angel raised an eyebrow at him before699Please respect copyright.PENANAcqtN5xsdZ5
she turned towards the coffee maker and went over to it to pour herself699Please respect copyright.PENANATOicXStmms
a cup.699Please respect copyright.PENANA1QEoCjWOp8
"Umm, no. I'm just surprised, that's all."699Please respect copyright.PENANAXgLyES9EUy
"The doctor said I should start walking around to strengthen my legs."699Please respect copyright.PENANAfHf89KG5c6
Leo just nodded his head but he was still in shock. He expected her to be confined to her wheelchair a little while longer.699Please respect copyright.PENANAyslC1tYrsp
"You still don't seem 699Please respect copyright.PENANA8R3tKWPJ3o
happy that I'm walking again," said Angel, bringing Leo back from his 699Please respect copyright.PENANAqWJ1Peqgd0
thoughts. "I hope you don't think that this will get in your way of 699Please respect copyright.PENANAnKpigtvlRB
things."699Please respect copyright.PENANAh1utjf2h0j
Leo was the one to raise his eyebrows this time around. "What do you mean?"699Please respect copyright.PENANApUltwlqHUF
Angel took a sip of her 699Please respect copyright.PENANAXBUTIbiMyF
coffee as she leaned on the counter and placed her hand on it. "You know699Please respect copyright.PENANAy2M4Syc3JM
what I mean. I know Carly didn't sleep in her room last night. She 699Please respect copyright.PENANAxfIopLtgK9
spent her night with you."699Please respect copyright.PENANA5RiqVkY2NR
Leo retaliated, "that's not true."699Please respect copyright.PENANAr4U2vFGjzy
Angel smirked and Leo 699Please respect copyright.PENANAyWrjgxHBwH
felt his cheeks heat up suddenly. He cursed himself from the inside 699Please respect copyright.PENANAcWIsXS8F5z
still not understanding why he was feeling like this.699Please respect copyright.PENANAIZAKJryxgj
"Tell it to the person who is now able to walk up the stairs," she said.699Please respect copyright.PENANA4mhJirHcgv
"Does that matter? Carly is a grown woman, you know?"699Please respect copyright.PENANA63hu1LwVX3
"Carly is a grown woman, yes, but that doesn't mean she knows that what she's doing might lead her into trouble."699Please respect copyright.PENANACaPqLjP07J
Leo shook his head. "I don't think I want to talk about this with you."699Please respect copyright.PENANAfuhKgR7yhL
"You're right, Leo. It's699Please respect copyright.PENANA4NuURHnt9R
early in the morning and I would rather walk around the garden to 699Please respect copyright.PENANA3RLsGxKqix
exercise my legs rather than talk about something that I know I don't 699Please respect copyright.PENANAubwTBDdTR9
have any control over."699Please respect copyright.PENANA5Y1kJQ8OtJ
Leo was a little shocked699Please respect copyright.PENANAuPibTOtP9m
to hear Angel talk like this. Was she finally giving up, allowing Leo 699Please respect copyright.PENANAbpXBjZOFNK
and Carly the chance to be happy? Or was she playing some kind of mind 699Please respect copyright.PENANAuHxVR7RdBS
game?699Please respect copyright.PENANAP4V8qpzSDR
She slowly made her way 699Please respect copyright.PENANAn5XfvRpw0L
to the backdoor of the house still with her coffee mug. Leo continued to699Please respect copyright.PENANAWYgRECg0pC
look at her and something came up in his mind.699Please respect copyright.PENANAOWp9CFkuKN
"How do you know, Carly's room?" Leo asked suddenly.699Please respect copyright.PENANAVmm1h5OxWp
Angel stopped upon reaching the door and slowly turned to look at him.699Please respect copyright.PENANAST2EdwufJw
"I beg your pardon?" she asked politely. Leo wasn't buying it.699Please respect copyright.PENANAL8ORbN0xG7
"The time you came into 699Please respect copyright.PENANAnbvxgdGDRe
this house, you were still in your wheelchair and you never made it up 699Please respect copyright.PENANAMYIW7Ze09l
the stairs. So how do you know where Carly's room is?"699Please respect copyright.PENANAe9h2TPXW2N
Angel smiled at Leo. 699Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1IvIrSbeW
"Yesterday when Carly came home and after we argued in the study, she 699Please respect copyright.PENANA1lDrQBKkZi
invited me to come over to her room since she wanted to show me what she699Please respect copyright.PENANAwcSQWfUwFa
bought from the mall. With the help of two of the house helps, they got699Please respect copyright.PENANANW5DVmJ38D
me up the stairs and when they helped me back down afterwards."699Please respect copyright.PENANA3QC2ZlMq8s
"I don't believe you."699Please respect copyright.PENANAaaS6xdS7C7
"You don't have to, Mr 699Please respect copyright.PENANA08RfgT6ONn
Detective," Angel gave him a fake smile. "I don't have to prove myself 699Please respect copyright.PENANASVDzwdSdEj
that I'm telling the truth because you would never believe me and it 699Please respect copyright.PENANAmCy122KjEE
will clearly be a waste of my precious time."699Please respect copyright.PENANAwE3Si2W8CQ
Angel turned back to face the door and unlocked it. When she swung the door open, she turned to look at Leo.699Please respect copyright.PENANAyXAQ6P8s5V
"I'll be heading out for699Please respect copyright.PENANAzVT1lA72T2
a stroll in the garden. I would have liked if you would accompany me, 699Please respect copyright.PENANATiRqRlEJE1
but, as usual, things wouldn't end so well, would it?"699Please respect copyright.PENANADJOP1D9EES
Leo didn't have to 699Please respect copyright.PENANAJhr07pwW0j
answer that question and Angel didn't expect him to. She slowly walked 699Please respect copyright.PENANAS1v5Qp43hA
out of the kitchen as silently as she could and closed the door behind 699Please respect copyright.PENANASug3TRqfsa
her.699Please respect copyright.PENANAm2qIb28rzY
Leo stared at the closed699Please respect copyright.PENANAk7DA5sKYXD
door and he couldn't tell if he was angry at Angel like he always has 699Please respect copyright.PENANAU2qTqymYeP
or he was just surprised that she was able to walk around again. Either 699Please respect copyright.PENANA9DRIpeOQZy
way, he forgot about making coffee and went back to his room, feeling 699Please respect copyright.PENANAo5HHjDvAer
utterly disturbed.699Please respect copyright.PENANAgolqnkFUeW
***699Please respect copyright.PENANA0sPoI2xVpz
In699Please respect copyright.PENANA3I457jSA7j
an hour's time, almost everyone in the McDonell mansion was awake. At 699Please respect copyright.PENANAm4Q1XSGUFa
the breakfast table, Mr McDonell and Amanda were having their breakfast.699Please respect copyright.PENANAk0JLB7Abgz
Leo and Eric soon came to join them.699Please respect copyright.PENANAu1SUXL399h
"Morning grandma, morning dad," said Leo as he sat beside his grandmother.699Please respect copyright.PENANAXhL6oKdrIl
"Morning," said Amanda.699Please respect copyright.PENANAETC8UohklF
"Morning," said Mr McDonell who was looking at his daily newspaper.699Please respect copyright.PENANAAZbaZcQW7p
"Hope you all slept well," said Eric as he sat opposite Leo and Amanda.699Please respect copyright.PENANA2SW4xtRTxA
"We did," said Amanda with a smile. "And I can see you two boys slept well too."699Please respect copyright.PENANA9vyLimDNJs
"I sure as hell did," said Eric.699Please respect copyright.PENANAuEIGuX0WSc
"And699Please respect copyright.PENANAWpebTEB2wr
Leo has this smile on his face," said Mr McDonell. He might have been 699Please respect copyright.PENANAjAig8VkhR5
looking at the newspaper, but he was pretty observant.699Please respect copyright.PENANAVEtk4fp5Oq
"Do I?" Leo asked.699Please respect copyright.PENANAk6ssZNXAtO
"Of course, dear," said Amanda. "That smile is even making you look more handsome."699Please respect copyright.PENANATD8ekU35Ce
Leo699Please respect copyright.PENANA4Jm8Da3wQQ
continued to smile. And he knew the reason why. He noticed his cousin 699Please respect copyright.PENANAYdrKbXk7zz
looking at him across the table. Leo couldn't help but feel that Eric 699Please respect copyright.PENANARKkM0dKZ8Q
knew the reason too.699Please respect copyright.PENANA3FqyXNKx05
"Do you have any plans today, boys?" Amanda asked as she drank her tea.699Please respect copyright.PENANA1sNwDmpwve
"No, granny," Eric replied as he got two slices of toast. "It's a weekend after all."699Please respect copyright.PENANAtPn6bFh1Ac
"I just wanted to know. It would be nice to spend some quality time with you two handsome grandsons of mine."699Please respect copyright.PENANAqeFFo9NG0D
"You would," said Leo. "We aren't going anywhere."699Please respect copyright.PENANAwxGgqqBl1a
"Lovely."699Please respect copyright.PENANALP58gHoTZf
A few seconds later, just as Leo was pouring tea from the teapot into his cup, Angel walked in.699Please respect copyright.PENANACy2fYiBVrv
"Morning, everyone," she greeted.699Please respect copyright.PENANAYSxYM9XRSf
Upon699Please respect copyright.PENANAq30KCtyOiU
hearing her voice and seeing her face, Leo spelt some tea on the table.699Please respect copyright.PENANA9lY51StEtF
Some almost poured on his trousers, but he was very lucky.699Please respect copyright.PENANARyFoY3WFOB
"Oh, my, careful, Leo," said Amanda. "You would have got burnt."699Please respect copyright.PENANANcmvTchoxF
"I'm fine," said Leo as he cleaned up the spelt tea with a napkin.699Please respect copyright.PENANAzyttdM84w9
"Oh, morning, Angel," said Amanda, then she gasped. "I didn't realise that you're walking and not on your wheelchair."699Please respect copyright.PENANAA0XvK254Wc
Eric699Please respect copyright.PENANAPoU4nO2knq
quickly turned to look at Angel and he also looked surprised. Mr 699Please respect copyright.PENANAKfPooghK5q
McDonell smiled at Angel. Leo groaned as he realised that all that he 699Please respect copyright.PENANAtpoQsSFbBU
had seen earlier wasn't a dream.699Please respect copyright.PENANAH3QT2DJDgc
"Yes, the doctor told me that I should start walking to strengthen my legs a little," said Angel.699Please respect copyright.PENANAegPeFUfXCq
"Well, that's good," said Mr McDonell.699Please respect copyright.PENANA2DV2ajmzfb
Eric stood up from his seat and drew out a chair next to him for Angel.699Please respect copyright.PENANA8SnfHWbtOu
"You can take a seat here," said Eric.699Please respect copyright.PENANAgldw2p9Nlp
"Thank you, Eric," said Angel as she slowly but gradually made her way to the table and sat down.699Please respect copyright.PENANA074dIuaVsL
"It's good to see you walking again, dear," said Amanda.699Please respect copyright.PENANANmz0HkxGAJ
"It does feel good, Amanda," Angel smiled.699Please respect copyright.PENANAK72T9ZSU0H
"So does that mean you will be going back to work anytime soon?" Mr McDonell asked.699Please respect copyright.PENANANVwaOZFFN7
"I've been given more time from work to recuperate before I go back."699Please respect copyright.PENANAvc177RteVu
"Okay, then. If you don't mind, I would like to talk to you about something. And Carly too. After breakfast, that is."699Please respect copyright.PENANAymL7W1XoZ8
Angel nodded her head. "Of course."699Please respect copyright.PENANAzT28W3Ynac
Leo699Please respect copyright.PENANAr3gJFOzhKv
couldn't help but feel that something was up. Could it be that his 699Please respect copyright.PENANApzaxI90PO4
grandmother had told his father about Angel working at the company? Leo 699Please respect copyright.PENANA11u9UW3LK0
hoped she hadn't. And if she did, he hoped his father had disagreed with699Please respect copyright.PENANAxh51D2qAJN
her and that he wanted to talk to Angel about something else.699Please respect copyright.PENANA2UK1xhR9kY
Angel699Please respect copyright.PENANACXWZ5espIs
poured herself a glass of juice and looked up at Leo who had looked 699Please respect copyright.PENANA3RmCM7cKxu
away after he realised that he had been looking at her since she sat at 699Please respect copyright.PENANA04AjnPcP6v
the table. Angel ignored him as she got some toast.699Please respect copyright.PENANAJXdxCJH9Yc
While the others continued to have breakfast, Oliver and his mother, Diana, joined them.699Please respect copyright.PENANAgoFg44FQGV
"I'll699Please respect copyright.PENANAxjfN8Bja6s
be in my study if you need me," said Mr McDonell as he drank the last 699Please respect copyright.PENANA8oSXlJFoFT
of his coffee. "Angel, you can join me in the study when you're done."699Please respect copyright.PENANAhLNllabA6W
"Yes, I would," said Angel.699Please respect copyright.PENANA60nopCT9NZ
Mr McDonell soon left the dining room.699Please respect copyright.PENANA3phRsuSPYr
"I see that you're not sitting on your wheelchair, Angel," said Diana.699Please respect copyright.PENANAD41of2CXDl
"Yes, I'm not."699Please respect copyright.PENANA5llMixzmbi
"That's nice," said Oliver. "It would be so much easier now taking you around."699Please respect copyright.PENANABlGT2QmbfI
"Why? You want to take me around the house? I never got that opportunity since I wasn't feeling too well."699Please respect copyright.PENANAlafdLcVaGS
"Yes, I would."699Please respect copyright.PENANAeBIdVoB7nY
Angel smiled at Oliver, sitting next to her. "Charming."699Please respect copyright.PENANAVj7RqtP2ez
"I'm afraid that's the one thing all the boys have in this house, charm," said Diana. "And sadly, no one can say no to them."699Please respect copyright.PENANAtv0O1C7Ksh
"Well, it doesn't work on me," said Amanda.699Please respect copyright.PENANAR1AvBWgY6D
Almost everyone at the table laughed, except Leo.699Please respect copyright.PENANADxdZEwippM
"You can take me around the house after I'm done talking with your uncle, okay?"699Please respect copyright.PENANAG3JNr8cfIm
"Yes."699Please respect copyright.PENANArPkaf18wve
Leo699Please respect copyright.PENANAL8ZqdTcwGm
soon found himself standing up, ready to leave the table. He had had 699Please respect copyright.PENANAi5EPwmR8PO
enough of his breakfast and he certainly had had enough of everyone 699Please respect copyright.PENANAdIprhP1FEo
talking about Angel.699Please respect copyright.PENANAcQMPTDQ2fg
Surprisingly, Angel also stood up from her seat at the same time as he did. The two of them looked at each other for a moment.699Please respect copyright.PENANAtl5u0tf6ag
"I'll be going to see Mr McDonell in his office now," said Angel as she drew away from the table.699Please respect copyright.PENANAHc9kifOV58
"You'll find us here," said Amanda.699Please respect copyright.PENANArkEDaqJ6wJ
Before Angel could find 699Please respect copyright.PENANATX7VfcFwQa
her way out of the dining room, Carly soon came in. And she paused upon 699Please respect copyright.PENANAaDDOgFqi3B
seeing her sister, standing on her own.699Please respect copyright.PENANAATRSBXQvwT
"Wow, Angel," said Carly with a surprised look on his face. "You're walking again."699Please respect copyright.PENANAdWce6PkboT
Angel only smiled. "Yes," she said. "You should have your breakfast and come to the study."699Please respect copyright.PENANALwIb8DamDp
"To the study? Why?" The excited look Carly had on her face, soon disappeared.699Please respect copyright.PENANAgm2hP29l1z
"Mr McDonell wants to have a word. You'll find me there."699Please respect copyright.PENANAMri2Ws1QQD
Angel made her way out of the dining room while Carly stood there wondering what Mr McDonell wanted to talk about.