She twisted and turned her arms tied behind her back, but no matter what she did, she couldn't do anything to get the ropes loose. The man who had kidnapped her had done a good job of tying her to the chair. She moaned in frustration as her arms ached in agony and her wrists felt like the rope had ate her skin raw. She could imagine them red already.
Carly looked around the almost empty room. The room had no window except for a tiny air vent at the top, close to the ceiling. Escaping this place felt impossible, and the so called Red Lion made sure of it.
She couldn't help but wonder what Angel would be up to right now. Was she still seated in the McDonell mansion, worried about her little sister who still hasn't shown up? And what of Leo? Had he also tried to call after seeing her message? Was he just as worried as Angel?
The door quickly flew open and Carly grew startled. She heard footsteps coming in and the door closed behind her. She couldn't see who had come in and wondered if it was the Red Lion and the man who had kidnapped her. But the footsteps she heard sounded way more than two pairs.
A pair of footsteps came around her and Red Lion came into view. He looked down at her with a huge smile on his face.
"How have you been coping, Carly?" he asked.
Carly didn't answer him as she went on to stare at the floor, trying her best not to let her tongue slip again.
"Aren't you going to answer me?" He squat on the floor beside her to try and catch her eye. She turned her head. "Don't be like that, dear. You know I'm really concerned about you."
"If you really are, you wouldn't have me all tied up," Carly responded.
"Good, you spoke. We weren't going to have a proper conversation even if I asked you nicely."
Carly scoffed. "You're right on that. I don't know you."
"Ooh, but we do have a friend in common like I mentioned earlier. He's here with us right now. Walters, bring your broken old bones over here."
Carly turned to look at Red Lion and he smirked when he saw the look on her face. It was a look of terror and surprise. Footsteps came around Carly and there stood Mr. Walters in the flesh.
Carly fidgeted in her seat after seeing the big, short man. She twisted her hands, forgetting that her sore wrists were going to burn again.
"Hello, Carly," Mr. Walters said.
"You see!" Red Lion said with so much jeer that when he stood up, he had a delightful spring in his feet. "Mr. Walters is who I was talking about. Come on, Carly. Say hello to him."
Carly felt like she was reliving an old nightmare as she shook in her seat. One that she thought she would never see again. But here he was, giving her that glare that he always gave his call girls when a customer reported that they hadn't done a good job. Carly really wanted to get out of here.
"Calm down." A hand settled on Carly's shoulder and she realised that it was the man who had kidnapped her. She suddenly felt calm all of the sudden, but her heart continued to beat fast. She gave Mr. Walters a glare too. She wasn't going to show that she was scared of him. He wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
"Good job, Alex," said Red Lion. "You calmed her down almost with no effort. Women are complicated, to be honest."
Alex withdrew his hand and stepped away without saying a word. He knew he got lucky. He didn't know if they will be working together in the future, how he would handle her if she ever lost her temper. Just like Red Lion had put it, women are complicated. And he wasn't ready for her drama in the slightest.
"So..., now that Carly is calm," said Red Lion as he went to stand next to Mr. Walters, "we can now talk."
"There's nothing to talk about," said Carly. "Not with this piece of trash in front of me."
"I hope you don't mean me." Red Lion raised his eyebrows, pointing at himself.
A laugh came from the other end of the room behind Carly and she wondered who it could be. "She obviously means Mr. Walters, who else?" asked the man.
"Most definitely." Red Lion turned to look at Mr. Walter's nodding his head. Mr. Walters returned the look without saying a word before turning to look at the person in the corner who was still laughing.
"You really need to shut up, Carlos," Mr. Walters told him.
"You better tell her, then," said Carlos. "She's the one who called you a piece of trash."
"Enough, Carlos," came a calm voice behind Carly. "Let's get back on track, please."
"As always, Hugo, thank you," said Red Lion smiling at him. He looked at Carly. "Back to business."
He took a step closer towards Carly and squatted in front of her. Carly felt like spitting in his face, but knew better not to.
"This might seem a little crazy, Carly, but we need you to work for us," said Red Lion.
"No, thanks," she replied. "You think I'll work for you? I know what that man behind you does. And it seems you might be in the same boat. I told myself that I won't ever be a call girl again."
"I told you she wouldn't agree," said Mr. Walters.
Red Lion raised his hand for Mr. Walters not to contribute any further. His eyes still fixed on Carly.
"We all knew you weren't going to agree," said Red Lion. "But we need you, Carly. Not just to be a call girl, that is."
"What are you talking about?" Carly asked. "You just told me to work for you. What do you mean if I'm not only going to be a call girl?"
"I see you're now interested."
"Don't chaff yourself. I'm not going to work for you either way."
"Oh, but something tells me you'll once I tell you your role in all this."
"And if I refuse?" Carly raised her eyebrow at him.
Red Lion stood upright, still staring at her. "Then I'll have to use extreme measures."
"What measures?" Carly asked, this time terrified of what he might do.
He beamed at her like a child who was finally getting what he wanted. "You'll see." He went over to stand next to Mr. Walters and turned to look back at Carly with his arms folded. "Now, here's the deal...."
Angel drew the curtains aside looking out of the window. She stared at the front porch which she had a clear view of and then down the driveway all the way to the main gate. There was still no sign of Carly, and it's close to dinner time.
"If you keep looking out the window you'll also make me worry," said Eric who sat next to her on the couch.
Angel dropped her hand from the curtain and turned to look at Eric.
"Sorry," she said. "I thought I heard someone outside."
"That's just your nerves talking," said Eric. "Don't worry. Carly called you herself, didn't she? She'll be fine. Girls love catching up with everything, you know."
"I know. But it's pretty late. I thought she would be here by now."
"It's not too late. She'll show. It's not cool to see you worrying all the time."
Angel put her leg that she had on the couch down to sit in a more comfortable position. "What do you want me to do? She's my sister."
"I know. I would also freak if it was Oliver out there. But she's a grown woman. She'll show up in no time."
"I guess."
"So, how was your day?" Eric asked with a smile on his face.
Angel giggled. Eric looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.
"Did I say something wrong?" he asked.
"No, it's just...," Angel looked at Eric with a smile, "...I don't know what it is, but you're kind of funny. You make me laugh so easily."
"Oh." Eric didn't expect that answer that he found himself blushing.
"Don't ever stop being who you're, Eric," Angel said as she placed her hand atop of his that was on the couch. "You really cheer me up, you know."
Eric felt his heart flutter and he couldn't help but stare down at Angel's hand on his. His cheeks got hotter every second that passed. He turned to look back at Angel, staring right into her soft brown eyes. He found himself drowning in them, and he didn't want this moment between them to ever end.
"Carly still isn't here yet?" came Leo.
Eric turned around to see his cousin stepping into the living room with his hands in the pockets of his trousers. Eric flared his nostrils like an angry bull. He so much as wanted as to run Leo over for the rude interruption.
Leo noticed the look on his cousin's face. "What's with you?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing," said Eric as he held the back of his neck, massaging it. "Just felt a little knot in my neck, that's all."
Leo raised an eyebrow as he didn't believe him. Leo could have sworn that he had seen Eric and Angel holding hands. Did he just walk in on them having a moment?
He went on to look at Angel, who unlike Eric didn't seem bothered. She looked at him for a brief moment before turning to look out of the window behind her.
"No, Carly isn't here yet," Eric answered after turning his neck around.
"Oh," Leo uttered, looking at his cousin who still gave him the eye.
Oliver came into the living room through the dining room side.
"Supper is ready, everyone," he announced.
"Oh, so soon," said Angel, sounding a little disappointed as she turned towards Oliver.
"Carly really is late," said Leo.
"You two really shouldn't be worrying," said Eric as he stood up from the couch. "Come on, let's all go to the dining table." He turned to Angel and offered out his hand.
Angel looked at him at first, wondering why he did so. But she soon held it and Eric helped her up from the chair. Oliver and Leo just looked at the two. Oliver thought his brother was being a gentleman and didn't think much on it as he smiled. Leo on the other hand, didn't like what he was seeing and felt like turning his head to look away, but found himself failing to do so.
Oliver went back to the dining room, Angel and Eric followed. Luckily for Leo, they weren't holding hands anymore. Leo slowly followed behind them and when he got to the dining room, Amanda and Oliver were already settled at the table on the same side. Eric and Angel went to join them. Leo sat on the opposite side, facing Oliver.
Diana came into the dining room a few seconds later.
"Evening, everyone," she said as she went to sit beside Leo, facing Eric. "I'm really starving."
"Did you just arrive now, dear?" Amanda asked.
"Yes, mum. I had a very busy day today with meetings and all. How was your day?"
"Boring as usual. I just sit around the house all day."
"That's what you tell mum everytime because you want to go shopping with her someday," said Eric as he turned to look at his grandmother.
"I'm an old woman, now, Eric," Amanda complained. "What do you want me to do? Besides, her job is at the mall. So why can't I go?"
Diana laughed. "I'll take you with me when I'm free. I'll be pretty busy this week."
"You should." Amanda folded her arms. "But make sure you don't invite that gargoyle."
Diana gave her mother a confused look. "Which gargoyle?"
"She means my mum," Leo answered, sounding unimpressed.
"That's a little harsh, mum." Diana gave her mother a look.
"It's not my fault that she looks like one," Amanda said looking the other side.
"Anyway...," Diana turned to look at Leo and Eric, " has your day been, you two?"
"Super tiring," Leo answered first.
"Mine was perfectly fine," Eric answered.
"How was yours, my dear boy?" Diana asked Oliver.
"Great," Oliver answered. "I just have homework as usual."
"And you, Angel, how was yours?" Diana turned to look at Angel.
"It was fine," Angel answered.
"A fine gentleman came to take Angel out for lunch today," said Amanda.
"Oh, really?" Diana asked her eyes suddenly filled with excitement.
Leo and Eric rolled their eyes. Lucky for them, neither Diana nor Amanda noticed. And they did that for different reasons. Eric didn't want to know about the man. Leo simply didn't want to focus on Angel's lunch date and how it went.
"Yes, Bertha will admit it herself," said Amanda. "If I were still young, I would've loved to date a man like him."
"Amanda, please," said Angel as she looked down at the empty china plate in front of her, trying to hide that she was blushing. "You're embarrassing me."
"Oooh..., I really have to meet this friend of yours, Angel," said Diana as she gave Angel a cheeky smile. "He must be really fine for my mum to say so. She's one who describes people pretty well."
"Are you sure, aunt?" Leo asked. "She just called my mum a gargoyle."
"She was just kidding, Leo."
"Oh, no, I meant it," said Amanda, with a meaningful look on her face.
"Can we try not to talk about people and their looks tonight?" Eric asked. "We wouldn't want somebody getting a whiff of this conversation, would we?"
"What conversation?" came Mrs. McDonell.
Everyone settled at the table became as still and breathless as statues. Neither one of them was willing to turn and answer the question.
"Isn't anyone going to answer me?" Mrs. McDonell who stood in the doorway of the dining room asked, giving them an annoyed look.
"Maybe it doesn't concern you, dear," said Mr. McDonell, who came up behind her and held her shoulder.
"Really?" Mrs. McDonell raised an eyebrow at her husband, not believing a word he said. "They were talking about something and now they've all gone silent like mutes."
"Maybe you should take what your husband said into consideration," Amanda spoke up, turning to look at Bertha. "He's right on that, you know."
"Ah..., I thought you really did go mute, Amanda," said Mrs. McDonell as she approached the table and sat at the end with Diana and Eric on either side of her.
"And you would like that, wouldn't you?"
"It sure would be nice to have some peace and quiet since you blabber about all the time."
"Enough, you two," said Mr. McDonell as he went to the other end of the table. "You can argue, but not at the dinner table."
"She called me a mute," Amanda complained, turning to look at her son.
Everybody at the table, except Mr. and Mrs. McDonell, turned to look at Amanda, knowing that she had called Bertha something far worse than that minutes ago.
"Bertha, that was really wrong of you to say," said Mr. McDonell as he looked straight at his wife down the table. "You should apologise to her, as well as to everyone else."
All eyes flew to Bertha and she had a confused, angry look on her face.
"What?" she asked. "I might not be up for apologising to Amanda, but why to everyone?"
"You called them all mutes, and that was really inappropriate of you," Mr. McDonell explained.
"My brother is right, though," said Diana, shifting in her chair as she looked at the table, not willing to look Bertha in the eye.
"I feel really hurt," said Oliver.
Bertha sighed, knowing she has been backed into a corner. "I'm sorry, everyone," she said. She looked up at her husband. "There, I've said it."
"Good," said Mr. McDonell, smiling proudly at her. "Now we can have our supper. Oliver, will you do the honours and bless the food?"
Oliver happily obliged and clapped his hands to pray, closing his eyes.
After the prayer, the food that lay on the middle of the table was served all around for everyone to fill on their plates.
"I've noticed that Carly isn't here," said Mr. McDonell as Amanda passed him a bowl of salad. "Isn't she having supper with us?"
"She'll be running a little late," Angel answered as she put a spoonful of white rice on her plate before passing the bowl on to Eric.
"Already having a busy day of school, huh?" Mr. McDonell put the bowl he held beside his plate.
"She met a friend of hers from her old college and are just catching up."
"Oh, I see. I hope she gets here soon. It's going to get really late."
"Yes, she assured me she will," said Angel as she got a bowl of chicken from Diana across the table.
For a moment, there was silence at the table expect for the cluttering sound of forks and knives as everyone ate their meal.
"I forgot to ask," Mr. McDonell asked as he looked up from his plate, "how was everyone's day, today, if you don't mind me asking."
"Mine was great, uncle," said Oliver.
"Mine was tiring as usual," said Diana.
"Grandma's was boring," Eric pointed out.
"Did you really have to say that?" Amanda asked giving Eric a look.
Eric shrugged his shoulders with a nervous grin on his face. Angel couldn't help but giggle silently.
"I can understand," said Bertha as she was cutting her piece of chicken on her plate with a knife. "She just stays here in the house all day without going out often. That life is kind of boring. Sad, actually."
"As though you do anything interesting, Bertha," said Amanda, "apart from taking naps all day."
"I don't nap all day, mind you." Mrs. McDonell threw Amanda a glance before putting a piece into her mouth with a fork.
"Oh..., not to mention you like to go shopping too. You just love buying unnecessary stuff that you don't even need."
Leo turned to look at his mother who was staring down at her plate. He noticed a nerve bulging at the top of her forehead, ready to burst.
"Well, at least my days aren't as boring as yours, Amanda," Bertha managed to say, though everyone noticed the strain in her voice as she spoke.
"Nah, I wouldn't say that," said Amanda. "You're just a lazy bum, is all."
"Mum...," Mr. McDonell looked at his mother surprised that she had said that. The rest weren't. All they wanted to do was burst out laughing. All except Leo, of course.
Bertha cleared her voice. "What did you just call me?" she asked.
"I don't need to repeat myself when it's clear that you've already heard," said Amanda, waving her off.
"You better take back your words." Bertha pointed her finger at Amanda.
"And if I don't, what are you going to do? Force me?"
"Why you-?"
"Mum, grandma," Leo interfered. "Not at the table, please. Can't we have a nice meal without any arguments?"
Bertha and Amanda turned to look at Leo, both feeling a little ashamed of themselves.
"You're right, Leo," said Bertha as she shifted a little in her seat, "we're really sorry."
"Yes, we truly are," said Amanda as she went back to face her meal.
"Thank goodness you stepped in, Leo," said Mr. McDonell as he smiled at his son. "I can't handle these two women that I care about so much all the time."
"But you do love me more, right?" Amanda asked, turning to look at her son.
"Oh, no, mum," said Diana, shaking her head at her, "no more talk from you. That will just lead to another argument between you and Bertha."
"No, it wouldn't, would it, Bertha?" Amanda asked turning to look at her daughter-in-law.
Bertha didn't answer as she had her eyes closed, obviously trying to ignore Amanda. Everyone at the table could notice the corner of her lip twitch.
"Well, that answers it," said Eric as he chuckled.
"Let's just have our supper in peace," said Leo as he looked at his plate and ate.
"Speaking of which," said Mr. McDonell, "I believe Leo has an important announcement to make."
"Huh?" Leo looked up at his father, wondering what he was talking about.
"What do you have to tell us, Leo?" his mother asked, looking eagerly at him.
Leo slowly swallowed his food, his eyes still hadn't left his father's face. He didn't have to pretend like nothing's up. He knew what his father was talking about. He just wished his father had forgotten about it, but it's clear that he hadn't.
"Well, Leo," said Diana next to him. "Tell us what this important announcement is."
Leo sat a little upright and wondered how he was going to say it. He suddenly felt hot that he felt like pulling the round neck collar of his t-shirt to let the air in. He felt all eyes on him as he stared down at his plate. This was turning out to be a whole lot harder than he thought.
He soon looked up at Angel, who also had her eyes on him. It was then that he felt caught in a net. His heart beat quickened. Just like everybody else at the table, she was waiting for him to say something. It's clear that she had no clue about the announcement. He noticed a sudden kindness in her eyes that he hadn't noticed before. It sort of calmed him down, and out of the blue, he found himself clearing his throat. He felt like his brain had just gone on autopilot as he spoke out the words:
"Starting tomorrow, Angel will be working with us at the office."
Inside he felt like he should've stopped himself, but it was too late now. The damage has already been done, and somehow, a big part of him felt relieved.
"What? Really?" Eric asked staring at his cousin, looking like he would fly to the moon.
Leo looked at Eric and nodded. He wished he could be as happy while making the announcement. But being stoic right now seemed to be the best option.
"This is great news," said Diana with a smile on her face.
"It is," said Amanda, with a proud look on her face. "It will not only be good for Angel, but for Carly too."
"It was your idea, mum," said Mr. McDonell as he looked at his mother.
"This is great news!" Eric said almost a little too loud that Angel looked at him, surprised by his sudden burst of excitement.
"Congratulations, Angel," said Diana. "I wish Carly was here to hear this herself."
"She will," said Angel as she nervously smiled. She felt a little uncomfortable with all the attention on her at the moment.
"I can't believe we'll be working together," said Eric. "It will be great."
"Don't treat work like a play thing, Eric," Amanda warned him.
"I know, grandma. Can't I just express my happiness for today?"
"If my legs were working, I would've jumped with excitement."
"I would've jumped with you."
"That would've been fun to watch," said Oliver as he laughed. "Congrats, Angel."
"Thank you, Oliver," said Angel. "Mr. McDonell, Amanda," Angel turned to look at them, "thank you so much for this opportunity. I'll make sure to do the best I can."
"You don't have to say that, dear," said Amanda. "I know you will."
"And so do I," said Mr. McDonell giving her an encouraging smile.
Angel smiled back and turned to look at Leo who got caught in her net yet again. It was then that he realised that his eyes had never left her the entire time.
"I'm looking forward to working with you guys," said Angel, addressing both Eric and Leo.
"Me too," said Eric, still excited.
Leo didn't bring himself to say anything as he quickly nodded his head and went on to look at his plate.
"Aren't you going to say anything, Bertha?" Amanda asked, throwing her daughter-in-law a curious look.
"Huh?" Bertha looked up from her plate as though she had just been caught daydreaming.
"Never mind." Amanda waved her hand in annoyance. "Nothing good ever comes out of that mouth of yours, anyway."
Leo looked at his mother. She of all people should've said something about this, but didn't. Maybe it's because she didn't have the energy to start arguing after doing so earlier. And besides, there seemed to be a positive vibe around the table and it didn't seem appropriate for her to say anything to spoil it.
But still, Leo expected her to have one of her episodes. At least if he couldn't say anything, his mother should. This is turning out to be a night Leo had never expected.
"Congratulations, Angel," said Bertha, giving out a smile. Leo couldn't believe it. She's actually smiling. "We're glad to have you working with us."
"Thank you, Mrs. McDonell," Angel replied. She did not expect Bertha to be so calm and polite, so did everybody else at the table.
Mr. McDonell smiled proudly at his wife and said, "that's very nice of you to say, Bertha."
The corner of Bertha's lips went up into a smile, but it vanished quicker than expected.
The talk around the table soon changed, as Amanda and Diana now started to probe Angel about her lunch date with Mark Dean. Funny enough, Bertha also joined in on the conversation telling Diana and everyone else how handsome Mark was, and how he and Angel made an exceptional couple. Eric tried his best to change the topic, feeling totally uncomfortable like he did before, but the three older women were in total control of the conversation. Once they start talking there's simply no stopping them.
Leo, just like Eric, also felt uncomfortable. It wasn't that Angel had gone out with Mark, but that she was receiving all the attention like it was natural for her. It wasn't the first time he had thought about it. He didn't like how almost all his family members had grown quite attached to her in such a short period of time. Not that he didn't expect it to happen. It somehow worried him. He still hasn't accepted Angel being in his life, but he's now dating her sister, so there's no running away from that. He wished they could've met under better circumstances.
He went on to stare at his mother who was now talking and wondered if she had also fallen for Angel's admirable charm that everyone seems to fall for without realising. He really hoped she hadn't and that she was only just like this for tonight.
"So, Angel," said Mrs. McDonell, "I bet with a man like him, he probably took you to a fancy restaurant."
"Umm...," Angel had just put a spoonful of rice in her mouth and she almost choked on it, but managed to swallow quickly before saying, "yes, he did. It was actually exquisite."
"Oooh!" Diana shrieked with excitement that it sent Mr. McDonell shaking his head as he continued to eat his meal. "If he took you out for dinner, I bet it would've been more romantic."
Angel nervously chuckled, her face flushing. "He and I are not like that," she said as she raised and waved both of her hands.
"Oh, please, dear," said Amanda. "Bertha and I saw how he looked at you. If you give him a chance, you just might."
Angel went on to stare blankly at her plate wondering how she could end this topic quickly. But it seems the three were far from done.
"Come on, mum," Oliver stepped in, "Angel said there's nothing between them so there's nothing, right?"
"You don't know what you're saying," Diana warned him. "You're too young to understand."
"I agree with Oliver," said Eric. "Angel says there's nothing between them, so let's end it here."
"You're playing with fire, Eric," Mr. McDonell warned him, still looking down at his plate.
"Men are so clueless when it comes to love," said Mrs. McDonell as she wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
"No, we aren't," Eric defended himself. "Leo, tell them."
Leo raised an eyebrow at his cousin. "Why me?" he asked.
"Don't even involve that hopeless loser," said Amanda, pointing at Leo. "He shouldn't even say anything."
Bertha laughed. "For once, Amanda, I agree with you," she said.
"Grandma," Leo turned to look at Amanda, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Amanda ended up laughing. "I'm just kidding."
Leo felt a little relieved. He thought that his grandmother and mother would start to talk about his failed relationship with Kim, but they lost focus on him and went back to Angel.
"Angel, I agree with what Amanda said," said Bertha. "If you do give Mark a chance, who knows, you two might just tie the knot quicker than expected."
Angel had just finished up the last of her meal before saying, "I can't agree to that. If you ask me, Mark has always been a womaniser. So, I really don't see him and I being in that kind of relationship."
"Oh?" Diana sounded surprised. "Then what was this whole lunch thing for anyway?"
"We were just having lunch as friends and nothing else." Angel gladly gave Diana a smile. "We also had my job at his company to talk about and that was it."
"I don't believe you," said Bertha. "A man can't take you to a fancy restaurant just to talk about that."
"Well, we did. I won't deny that he does fancy me, but that's because he's a womaniser."
"You see that," said Eric, feeling calm after hearing Angel say all that. "That guy is no good for her."
"Angel has known him longer than you three," said Mr. McDonell. "So it's best to accept what she tells us."
"Please, even womanizers change," said Mrs. McDonell.
"If we're talking about Mark, then that's the day when pigs will fly," said Angel.
Everyone at the table started to laugh, and surprisingly, Leo found himself chuckling. He stopped himself wondering how he found himself doing so. He looked at Angel who laughed alongside Eric. Somehow, she had managed to make him laugh. What was wrong with him today?
"Well, this dinner was entertaining," said Mr. McDonell as he stood up from his seat. "It's good to see everyone laughing."
"Aren't you staying for dessert?" Amanda asked. "There's vanilla cheesecake."
"You can send it to my study. I've something I need to finish up urgently."
"Yay, vanilla cheesecake!" Oliver clapped with so much glee.
"For a boy your age you really love sweet stuff, don't you?" Mrs. McDonell asked.
"Not really." Oliver giving his aunt an adorable smile.
There came a loud knock at the front door and everyone in the dining room paused. Angel drew back her chair and stood.
"That must be Carly," she said.
Before she could make her way to the door, they heard it draw open. One of the house help must probably have done so. They heard footsteps coming to the dining room. Soon, Carly appeared. Everyone's eyes turned to her.
"Carly, thank goodness," said Angel, looking relieved. "Some of us here were really worried about you."
"Sorry, got caught up with a friend is all," said Carly, nervously scratching her head and laughing.
"Well, we're glad you're home safe," said Mr. McDonell as he approached Carly, making his way out of the room. "If you'll excuse me," he addressed everyone else, "I'll be in my study."
He left the room, passing Carly who stood in the doorway. Angel on the other hand, went towards her sister.
"Try not to be late like that again, will you?" Angel suggested.
"I won't," said Carly. "If anything comes up, I'll make sure to inform you."
"And try to keep your phone on vibrate too," Leo added.
Carly looked over at him and she felt her cheeks blush out of the blue. Leo looked at her, glad that she was back home safe and sound.
"I will," she said.
"You just missed out, Carly," said Oliver. "Angel will be working with my uncle, Eric and Leo tomorrow."
Carly looked at her sister and gasped. "That's great news, Angel. Congratulations!"
"Thanks," said Angel.
"My dear, you just missed out on the topic of the day," said Amanda.
"Oh? What is it? What can be bigger than this wonderful news?" Carly asked.
"You really shouldn't listen," said Angel, shaking her head.
"It's about Mark," said Diana. "Do you know him?"
"Are they talking about Mark who you worked with at the editing company?" Carly looked at her sister as she asked.
Angel sadly nodded her head, afraid that this nightmare was never going to end.
"So, what do you think of him?" Mrs. McDonell asked, looking at Carly.
"He's hot, but a womaniser."
"You see. Carly has said the same thing," said Eric.
"Tsk, tsk," Mrs. McDonell muttered.
"Why don't I get you something to eat from the kitchen?" Angel asked Carly, wanting to get away from the dining room for a little while.
"Sure," said Carly.
"Please tell Mandy to bring out the cheesecake, dear," Amanda said to Angel.
Carly went over to sit next on the empty chair beside Leo while the topic over Mark continued even in Angel's absence. Carly had had a long day, and sitting next to Leo made her feel safe and calm again.