Angel's eyes flew open and she found herself looking at the ceiling. She noticed the sun rays slightly hit the white surface of the ceiling board and the sound of birds chirping outside reached her ears. She stayed like that for a minute or two before finally sitting up. She had to get up early today. Before she heads to the McDonells' workplace she had to take care of a few things first.
She got out of bed and went to have a shower. As soon as she came out of the bathroom in her bathrobe, she realised she had to wake Carly and Oliver up. She made her way out of the room.
She walked down the hall, heading for the stairs. Just as she reached there and was about to climb up, she found herself almost bumping into someone, coming down the stairs.
"Oh, Angel," said Diana, all dressed up in a lovely navy blue long sleeved dress and white heels. "You're up early this morning."
"Morning, Diana," said Angel. "Yes, I am."
"Excited for your big day?"
"Kind of," Angel answered. "I hope it will go well."
"Of course it will. I on the other hand have to rush off. Aren't you also getting ready?"
"Ya. I just remembered that I've to help Carly and Oliver out of bed."
"Oh, Oliver told me last night how you helped him out yesterday," Diana smiled. "I want to thank you for that. I barely have the time to do that these days."
"No worries," Angel shrugged her shoulders. "I wake Carly up all the time."
"Thank you. You really are a life saver. Oliver really likes you a lot, you know."
Angel chuckled. "I know. You just get to work while I wake these guys up."
"Sure. See you later."
Diana quickly rushed down the last steps with her bag, making her way for the front door. Angel watched her leave. As soon as Diana closed the door behind her, Angel climbed up the stairs.
When she got to the landing, she first went to Oliver's room which was the first one down the hall to her right. She slowly opened the door and took a peek before stepping in. He was still fast asleep. She went over to his bed quietly. When she got close, she laid her hand on his shoulder and gently shook him.
"Oliver," she called out. He murmured a little before turning his head to look at her through sleepy eyes. "Get up or you'll be late for school."
He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to chase away the sleep.
"It's morning, already?" he asked after he yawned.
Angel smiled at him as she went over by the window to draw away the curtains. "Of course, it is," she said as the sun rays found their way in through the window. "You better go take a bath or else you'll be late."
Oliver got out of bed and stretched a bit before making his way to the bathroom. Angel didn't have to worry about him anymore. His school uniform had already been ironed and prepared by Mandy the night before, so he can take care of the rest himself. She made her way out of the room and made her way to Carly's.
Just as she passed the door to Eric's room, it flew open and Eric stepped out in his white bathrobe. He had also just taken a bath as his dark brown hair was glistening wet. He was drying it with a towel when he saw Angel.
"Angel?" he called out to her.
Angel turned around and smiled upon seeing him. "Morning, Eric," she said.
"Morning," he greeted, giving her a smile too. "I thought I heard someone walking in the hall. Didn't think it was you."
"I was just waking your brother up for school. I also have to wake Carly up."
"Oh..., okay," he said as he dried the back of his head with the towel. "Maybe you should be doing the same for me."
"Wake you up?" Angel had her eyebrow raised and she chuckled. "No thanks. You look to be doing fine all on your own."
"Well, it would be nice of you to wake me up with a kiss on my cheek every morning," he said with a wink.
Angel slightly blushed. She folded her arms, trying to act tough. "How about waking up to a bucket of ice cold water instead?"
Eric chuckled. "No way. You've made your point."
"I'm going to wake Carly up," said Angel. "You get dressed."
"You sound just like my mother," said Eric with a pouting lip. He took a step back into his room and closed the door.
Angel shook her head in disbelief but with a smile on her face as she turned around and continued her way to Carly's room. She reached the door when she heard footsteps behind her and noticed Mandy coming up the stairs.
"Morning, Mandy," greeted Angel.
"Morning, Angel," greeted Mandy.
"If you're planning on waking Oliver, I already did," said Angel as Mandy reached Oliver's room.
"Oh, thanks. I wanted to be the one doing so today since you did so yesterday. Looks like you beat me to it."
"Don't worry about it."
"I'll just go in and see what he needs," said Mandy. She opened the door to Oliver's room and went in.
Angel turned back to the door to Carly's room. She held the door knob and slowly opened it. She took a peek before stepping into the room. But then an expression appeared on her face as she stared at Carly's bed.
It's empty.
Angel entered the room and looked around. There's no sign of her sister. Could it be that she had woken up early and is now taking a bath? Angel stared at the bed. It looked like it hadn't been slept on. Did she make it after getting up? Angel knew her sister too well. She usually made her bed after her bath or she never did.
Angel headed for the bathroom. The door's closed and when she got close, she didn't hear the shower or anyone moving around.
"Carly?" Angel called out. But there came no response.
She took hold of the doorknob and opened the door to the bathroom. There's no one inside.
"What the-!" Angel muttered to herself as she looked around and soon closed the door. "Where could she be?"
She didn't have to dwell on that question for long when a thought suddenly popped in her mind: She's probably in Leo's room!
"Damn it all!" she muttered to herself as she placed her hands on her hips, annoyed that Carly could do such a thing. She knew it isn't the first time, but she didn't expect it to happen so often.
Angel shook her head. She couldn't go into Leo's room. The fact that the two spent the night together didn't sit too well with her. And she might just enter his room with a chainsaw.
"It seems I don't have to worry about Carly getting out of bed if she's with Leo," Angel said to herself.
She started to make her way out of the room, feeling like her head had been set on fire. As soon as she stepped out into the hall and closed the door, Carly suddenly appeared, down the hall. Angel noticed her immediately and looked at her sister, who stood still after seeing Angel walk out of her room.
For a moment, the two of them didn't say a word. Carly looked shocked and embarrassed that Angel had been to her room and probably knew where she had been. Angel was still boiling with anger.
"Angel, I-," Carly started to say but Angel was already turning her head the other way.
"Sssh!" Angel told Carly. She turned to look at Carly and went over to grab her hand. She dragged Carly with her to her room, quickly opening the door and going in as fast as she could with Carly. Angel closed the door behind her.
"What's all this about?" Carly asked, wondering what could've made Angel act the way she did.
"I should be the one asking you that," said Angel, trying her best not to raise her voice.
Angel slightly opened the door and took a peek down the hall. She saw Mandy walk out of Oliver's room and make her way for the stairs.
"What's going on?" Carly asked as she came to stand beside Angel. She also saw Mandy, this time, walking down the stairs.
"That's what's going on," Angel pointed at Mandy. "Get inside. I want to talk to you."
Carly didn't argue as she took a step back into her room and went to stand near her bed. Angel turned to look at her after closing the door.
"Do you mind telling me why you weren't in your room?" Angel asked as she had her hands on her hips.
Carly's cheeks started to blush and Angel rolled her eyes when she noticed. Carly looked down at the floor. Angel didn't need an answer to that.
"How could you do this, Carly?" Angel asked. "What would've happened if Mandy saw you out in the hall like that? What would she think?"
"She wouldn't think that much," said Carly as she slowly looked up at Angel.
"You can't fool anyone like that. You were supposed to be in your room and not out in the hall with me standing outside your room like that."
"I'm sorry, okay," said Carly. "You don't have to be so mad."
"Oh, I'm not mad. If I was, I would've slapped you right there in the hall." Angel pointed her finger at the door.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry."
"You're playing with fire, Carly. Only two people in this house know about you and Leo. Everyone would freak if they find out. They might also know how we all met that day. And you know it wasn't in the best of circumstances."
Carly looked down at her feet and she knew her sister was right.
Angel sighed. "Look, Carly," she continued, "I'm not saying that being with Leo is bad, but we're not in good territory for you to be doing such things. This isn't the first time, I know. But don't turn it into a habit. It won't paint a good picture if anyone apart from Eric and I saw you walking out of Leo's room at this time. I hope you understand that."
Carly nodded her head, she still couldn't look her sister in the eye.
"Get dressed," said Angel as she headed for the door. "Let's not repeat this."
"I won't," said Carly.
Angel opened the door and walked out, closing it behind her. She made her way for the stairs, trying to forget that her sister spent the night with Leo.
Thirty minutes later, Angel and Oliver were seated at the table having breakfast. They sat across from each other.
"We're going to have a math test today," said Oliver as he held a spoon, scooping up cereal from his bowl in front of him.
"Are you ready for it?" Angel asked as she had a cup of coffee close to her lips.
"Mum was on me last night telling me to practice, so I think I'm going to nail it."
Angel smiled. "That's good to hear." She sipped her coffee.
"Hey, you two," said Eric as he came into the dining room.
"Morning, Eric," said Oliver, concentrating on his bowl like it mattered to him.
"Hey, again," said Angel as she put down the cup to grab a slice of toast on her plate.
"You two seem to be more focused on your breakfast than you are on me."
"That's because it's the most important meal of the day," Oliver answered as he put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
Angel chuckled, careful enough not to choke on her toast. "That's a good one."
Eric rolled his eyes as he drew out a chair next to Angel and sat. He muttered something, but neither Angel nor Oliver heard him clearly.
The three continued to eat their breakfast in silence when Carly appeared.
"Morning, everyone," she greeted.
"Morning," the three at the table replied. Angel didn't even give Carly a look.
She sat next to Oliver who was now finishing up on his breakfast, drinking the milk out of his bowl.
"You're up early, Carly," said Eric. "You've an early class today?"
"Ya, you can say that," said Carly as she poured the hot coffee from the coffee maker into her cup.
"I'm done," said Oliver as he stood up his chair after laying the bowl back on the table.
"Someone's going to be extra early for school," said Eric, looking at his little brother.
"That's because Angel cares enough to wake me up. If you love me like you say you do, you would be taking care of me like an older brother should."
"What did you say?" Eric asked, surprised that Oliver had that. He was ready to get up from his seat when Angel held his shoulder just in time to stop him.
"Let him go," said Angel. "He's just joking around."
Oliver gave his brother a smile and walked away from the table and out of the dining room.
Eric scoffed after his little brother had left. "You pamper him too much, Angel," he said. "He seems so big headed now. I mean, his head literally grew bigger."
Angel laughed and Carly couldn't help but chuckle.
"Don't try to be funny and just eat," said Angel, still laughing.
Leo soon walked into the dining room and Angel immediately stopped laughing as she went on to pick up her cup of coffee to take a sip. Carly and Eric looked at Angel, wondering why she had stopped laughing all of a sudden. Carly noticed Leo first and knew why.
"What happened?" Eric asked, looking at Angel. "You were laughing your socks off just now."
Angel shook her head, her cup raised to her lips. "It's nothing," she said.
Leo didn't seem to mind Angel, but something warned him to be a bit wary of her. He drew out a chair and sat next to Carly.
"Morning," he said to Carly, giving her a smile.
"Morning," she replied. Her eyes quickly drifted off to Angel who sipped on her coffee, not looking at the two.
"Hey," Eric called out to Leo, waving his hand for Leo to notice him. "Carly's not the only person at the table, you know."
"I know that," said Leo as he turned to look at his cousin. "I was just about to greet you."
"Didn't seem like it," said Eric as he picked up his cup of coffee too.
Leo rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He didn't say anything further and prepared his breakfast before him.
The four all sat in silence for a while until Angel finished her breakfast. At the same time, Mr. McDonell walked into the dining room.
"I'm done," she announced. "I'll be leaving for the editing company soon."
"Huh? I thought you were coming to work with us," said Eric.
"I've to hand in my resignation letter," said Angel. "I told Mark I would do so today."
"Morning, everyone," Mr. McDonell greeted, announcing his presence.
The four at the table responded to the greeting at the same time.
"Someone should escort you to hand in that letter," said Mr. McDonell as he went to his usual seat at the head of the table.
"I was thinking I should've the driver take me," said Angel. "When I'm done, he can take me to your workplace."
"That sounds okay, but I suggest you go with either Eric or Leo."
Angel raised her eyebrows in surprise. Eric and Leo looked at each other, sharing the same look. Who's going to escort Angel?
"No, I wouldn't want to waste any of their time. They might be needed at the office."
"Ah!" Mr. McDonell snapped his fingers. "That reminds me. We've to make arrangements for an important meeting with the Chinese. Thanks for indirectly reminding me, Angel."
Angel smiled. "Glad to be of help."
"Leo will escort you to Mark's office."
"Huh?" Leo and Angel muttered at the same time.
"Wait a minute...," said Eric as he first looked at Angel and Leo, then at his uncle. "I thought the two of us were helping you with the arrangements."
"I don't need the two of you for that," said Mr. McDonell. "You, Eric, are more than enough. I'll need your assistance the most because you're so outgoing with a lot of our clients. Leo can escort Angel and will bring her to the office."
Leo and Angel turned to look at each other with horrific looks on their faces. This is not what they wanted.
"But dad," Leo quickly interjected, as he turned to look at his father, "I can help you out with all that. Eric can escort Angel."
"No, I need Eric on this one," said Mr. McDonell. "May you pass me the coffee, Angel?" he asked as he looked at her.
"Ya, sure," she said, still uneasy about his decision and trying her best not to show it. She stood up from her seat and brought over the pot of coffee to him.
"Thanks," Mr. McDonell said.
"I'll go and get myself ready," she said and turned around to leave the room.
Carly watched her sister leave and noticed a dark cloud over her head. She wished she could do something, but her hands were tied. There's no point in arguing with Mr. McDonell. She also felt she had made her sister's day a whole lot worse.
Leo felt just as uncomfortable as Angel and wished he could've put his foot down to say no. But just like Carly, he also came to the conclusion that there's no point in arguing. He just has to suck it in and deal with Angel for an hour or two.
"Well, I'm done," said Eric, who didn't sound too happy with what just happened. Mr. McDonell didn't seem to notice it, but the other two did. He stood up from his seat. "I'll also go and get ready to head out."
"Yes, you and I will be driving together, today," said Mr. McDonell as he poured the coffee into his mug.
Eric turned to look at Leo with disappointment. Leo felt like telling him that it wasn't his decision to make, but he knew it was pointless. Eric soon left the room while the others at the table continued to eat in silence.
Angel sat on her bed going through her white handbag to see if she had everything she needed for the day. She heard a knock on the door and told the person to come in.
The door slowly drew open and Angel hadn't realised who had come in until she looked up to see her sister.
"Hey, what is it?" Angel asked.
"Oh, nothing," said Carly as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She stood there, clenching and unclenching her fingers. Angel noticed and raised an eyebrow.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Angel asked.
"Ummm...," Carly didn't know what to say as she stared at the floor first before looking up at Angel. "I'm worried about you."
"Are you sure?" Angel went back to looking into her bag. "I feel you're more worried about Leo than you're about me."
Carly looked surprised at how fast Angel had caught on to what she wanted to talk about. She brushed the thought off and said, "you know that's not true. I care about you the most."
Angel turned to look at her sister with a not-so serious face. "Don't make me laugh, Carly. If you really did, you wouldn't have pulled off that stunt earlier."
"Come on, sis, don't change the subject," Carly folded her arms. "Besides, you know this isn't the first time."
Angel rolled her eyes, putting her bag aside and looking at her sister. "Whatever. You said you were worried about me."
"Well..., considering how the morning's been going..., I feel you aren't okay with Leo escorting you to Mark's office."
"No, I'm not." Angel stood up from the bed. "But what can I do? Mr. McDonell needs Eric for something, so I'm stuck with Leo."
"And knowing you, you would want to smash his head onto the car's steering wheel."
"That sounds tempting." Angel smirked.
"Angel." Carly looked worried.
"I'm kidding," Angel chuckled. "Though I really feel like punching him."
"You already went at him a long time ago. Can't you fight that urge for an hour or so?"
Angel put her hands on her hips. "You're right. And I simply can't go at him in the car. We'll probably be in an accident or something."
"Don't even think of such things. You aren't going to attack him, ever."
"What do you take me for, Carly? Of course I'm not going to attack him."
"Are you sure?"
Angel smiled at her sister. "You've my word. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
Meanwhile in Eric's room...
"I don't like this," said Leo as he paced back and forth. "I don't like this at all."
"Well, you should've spoken up when you had the chance," said Eric who sat on his bed, looking at Leo.
"And end up arguing with dad over something so trivial?" Leo looked at Eric, still pacing.
"You see! You've just said it. All this is trivial. Meaning it doesn't matter. So let's just drop it."
"Please, Eric," Leo stopped pacing and stood right in front of his cousin, "you feel just as awful as I am because it's obvious you wanted to escort Angel."
"Well, you're right about that," said Eric as he put his hands behind him on the bed and leaned back a little.
"You see! Goodness, I really don't know what's happening today."
"Maybe it's karma."
Leo raised his eyebrow at his cousin. "What does all this have to do with karma?"
"Well...," Eric paused for a bit as he thought of what to say. "You don't treat Angel right all the time. Maybe all this is the universe trying to you warn to be nicer to her before more uncomfortable situations start to happen."
Leo folded his arms as he shook his head at his cousin. "I don't believe you," he said. "You do know she's after me, right?"
"That's just your paranoia talking."
"You're not there when it's just the two of us, Eric." Leo dropped his arms. "She gives me this look like she's about to murder me."
"Paranoia," Eric sang out the words for Leo as he stood up from the bed. "Now can you please get out of my room. I need to get ready and you need to go downstairs."
"Huh?" Leo looked confused. "Why are you chasing me out of your room all of a sudden?"
"Because, you happen to hang out with Angel before going for work and I don't. So please leave."
"Wow." Leo looked a little shocked. "Look who's the angry one now. I'll leave. That attitude of yours better disappear before I reach the office."
"We'll see," said Eric as he watched Leo leave his room. The expression on his face was that of an angry four-year old.
Leo found himself approaching the stairs, finding it hard to believe that Eric could act like that. Just as he was about to make his way down, he noticed Angel appear out of the hall downstairs, holding the straps of her white bag in her hands. She wore a fancy black jacket over her grey office dress. He noticed how well the dress hugged her almost slender body. She wore black high heeled shoes and he couldn't help but notice how her long slender legs looked good in them.
Angel ran a hand through her black and red hair, and Leo couldn't help but stare as the bright red strands of her hair shone brighter than usual. She turned to look up the stairs and her eyes fell upon Leo who felt caught as though he had done something naughty. He found himself blushing after he realised that he had been admiring Angel.
Carly suddenly appeared behind Angel, hugging her from behind and laughing. That snapped Leo out of the weird trance he was in. He found himself undoing the tie around his neck a little.
"I can't believe you're starting your new job today," said Carly, sounding so excited. Angel looked at her sister with a smile. "Mum would be proud of you."
Leo started his way down the stairs and Carly looked up when she heard his footsteps. She smiled at him too.
"You two better be on your best behaviour in the car, alright?" Carly told them as Leo reached the bottom of the stairs.
"It's your sister you really have to worry about," said Leo, his hands in his pockets.
"I should be more worried since you'll be the one driving," said Angel, giving him a not-so sincere smile.
"Okay, you two, try not to have too much fun," said Carly standing in between them.
"Oh..., you two are going to work already?" came Amanda's voice behind Angel.
The three turned to see Amanda drag her wheelchair down the hall towards them. She was still in her royal blue sleeping robe.
"Morning, grandma," said Leo as he went over to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Morning, Leo," she said as she giggled. "You look handsome for work today. Is it because Angel will be going with you?"
Leo grew shocked that he looked away, so as to avoid Amanda and the others from noticing him blush.
"That's nonsense, grandma," he said as he scratched the back of his head.
Carly giggled. Angel just smiled.
"Morning, you two," said Amanda as she looked at the two sisters.
"Morning," they replied at the same time.
"We better be heading out now, grandma," said Leo. "We'll see you when we get home."
"Okay, have a nice day, you two," said Amanda.
"We will," said Angel.
Before Leo and Angel could make their way to the door, Amanda called out to Angel:
"Angel, dear."
Angel turned to look at her. "Yes?"
"You look gorgeous for your first day. All the best."
"Huh?" That was unexpected that Angel found herself blushing. "Ummm.., thank you."
Angel tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, looking downwards. Leo, who stood beside her while facing the door, turned to look at her. The sun rays that came in through the windows of the foyer, hit the side of her smooth brown face and her skin shone like a dazzling brown metal. He looked away in an instant, scared that he may look at her like he did when he stood up the flight of stairs. He made his way to the door.
"Come on," he said to her. "We need to make it to the office in time."
"Ya, sure," said Angel. She waved at Amanda and her sister as she followed Leo.
Leo opened the door and allowed Angel to walk through first. For a moment, Angel was startled. Leo's being a gentleman in front of her for the first time. In the little time she has known him, it's rare for him to be so courteous, especially to her. Maybe it's because Amanda's watching and he needed to be on his best behaviour.
"Ya, that's probably it," Angel thought to herself as she walked out through the door.
Leo closed the door behind him and followed Angel as she made her way to the cars parked beside the lawn. One of the chauffeurs was around, standing beside the black Mercedes which was parked in front of the other cars. Angel greeted him and he replied with a smile.
"We'll use the grey Mercedes," said Leo as he passed Angel and headed for the grey car behind the black one.
"Okay," she said as she followed him.
"Good morning, sir," said the chauffeur to Leo.
"Morning," Leo replied as he approached the car. He was about to open the car door when the chauffeur said:
"Your father ordered me to take you today."
"Huh?" Leo looked at the chauffeur. "There's no need."
"But he insisted."
"No. I said it's fine."
"I think he should take us," said Angel who stood on the opposite side of the car. "Your father did tell him to."
"But I can drive us where we've to go," said Leo, facing Angel with an annoyed look on his face.
"Stop being such a sour puss and give him the keys. He's just doing his job. You don't find people who are really true to it, you know. And besides, we're running late. You said so yourself."
Leo looked away for a second, trying to figure out what to say to her. He realised he had nothing. He didn't like what she said and he couldn't find the words to argue back. He clenched the car keys in his hand tightly. He sighed and threw them over to the chauffeur who caught them perfectly.
"Let's go," Leo said. The chauffeur approached the car to the driver's side. Leo moved over to the back and when the chauffeur unlocked the car, Leo went in.
Angel joined him from the other side. Leo looked over at her for a second and then out the window. He felt uncomfortable that he had to sit alongside Angel. He preferred being in the driver's seat. He would at least be focused on the road than on her. Like this, he felt he was going to go through mental torture. He wondered why he had to escort her when she could easily have gone to deliver the letter with the chauffeur.
Before the chauffeur started the car, Angel quickly told him where they had to go first. The chauffeur happily obliged giving Angel a kind smile. Leo couldn't help but notice through the rear view mirror. He rolled his eyes, annoyed that the chauffeur had fallen for Angel's unmistakable charm. He should have seen it coming.
They soon left the residence, making their way to the metropolis of New York. As usual, on every workday, there's the issue of traffic as everybody is trying to get to work. In such cases, most radios in people's cars were turned on, listening to the morning news. It wasn't any different for those in the grey Mercedes waiting for the traffic to ease off a little.
Angel and the chauffeur were engaged in a conversation relating to what had been talked about on the radio concerning politics and the weather. All Leo did was listen as he looked out of the window feeling bored.
"The weather sure is fine today," said Angel as she looked out her side of the window.
"We should enjoy the summer while we still can," said the chauffeur, whom Angel found out his name is Bill. "Once it's cold it gets uncomfortable sometimes."
"You're right," said Angel. She turned to look at Leo. He's been silent eversince they left the house. She could tell that he isn't comfortable being with her, and so is she. She had to keep up her conversation with Bill to make the atmosphere in the car less awkward than it already is.
"May I ask, Miss Barclay," said Bill as his eyes were fully focused on the road. The cars ahead started to move a little. "Why are we heading to the editing company? Aren't you and Leo supposed to be going to the office?"
"I've something to take there," Angel answered as she went back to looking at Bill. "I used to work there, so I'm taking my resignation letter."
Leo found himself rolling his eyes and wished for Angel to stop talking.
"I see," said Bill as he looked at her through the rear view mirror. "And you'll be working for the McDonells today."
"Yes, I will."
"Thank goodness the traffic's moving," Leo muttered to himself as he noticed the traffic ease up a little.
"Aren't you happy that Angel will be working with you, sir?" Bill asked.
Leo gave the back of Bill's head a look and folded his arms. "Why do you ask?" he asked.
"Since you two will be working together, I thought you would be happy about it."
"Don't mind him, Bill," said Angel. "I care less about what he thinks."
Leo tsked and looked at Angel. He found her staring right back at him with her arms also folded.
"I'm glad you don't mind what I think," said Leo.
"Your opinion doesn't matter. And you should mind how you talk to others."
"Are you really going to lecture me? Because now doesn't feel like the time."
"I'm just telling you to be nice. Is that so wrong?"
"Why are you always after me?"
Angel raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean. You're always try to find something wrong with me."
Angel rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Goodness, Leo. How is telling you to be nice a way of 'coming after you?'"
"Don't act all innocent just because Bill's here. You know exactly what I mean."
"You really are impossible to handle, you know that?"
Leo felt offended as he asked, "excuse me? What did you just say?"
"I'm not repeating myself. It's obvious you heard me."
"Do you two argue like this?" Bill asked as stared at the two in the rear view mirror with an amused smile on his face.
"Butt out, Bill," Leo warned, giving him a deadly look.
"Mind how you talk to him," Angel said to Leo.
"Well, he should be minding his business, shouldn't he?"
"Don't mind him, Bill. He clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."
"I'm guessing the whole world did. This morning has been strange from the start."
"I would like for the two of you to continue your conversation, but we've reached our destination," said Bill.
Angel and Leo both looked out of the car windows and noticed that they had reached the building complex where the editing company lay residence. They looked a little surprised. When they turned to look back at each other, they gave themselves serious faces again.
"I'll be back," said Angel as she took her handbag and opened the car door.
"Don't take too long," said Leo. "We don't want to waste too much time here."
Angel felt like hitting Leo on the head but she got out of the car instead, closing the door behind her.
Leo felt a little relieved after she left. But as soon as he heard Bill in the front seat chuckle, Leo furrowed his eyebrows.
"What are you laughing at?" Leo asked.
"I'm sorry, sir," said Bill as he tried to stop by clearing his throat. "I just didn't know you two argued like little kids."
"Goodness, the whole world is just weird today," said Leo as he opened the car door to his side. "I'm going out to get some fresh air."
Leo stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him and leaving Bill chuckling to himself again.