Since that fateful day, a757Please respect copyright.PENANAdZ1vuB8o3S
lot had changed the in the McDonell household. When the wedding 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvZZD1LqjN3
got cancelled, things took a turn for the worst and its been that way 757Please respect copyright.PENANAlnM8smL5JG
ever since. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAdMdohXg7YZ
Life was getting a whole757Please respect copyright.PENANAuc34HzYi5X
lot complicated, especially for Leo. Home didn't feel the same anymore,757Please respect copyright.PENANAzM5uXFgK46
not after what had happened. The place felt like a ghost town and he 757Please respect copyright.PENANA6I1RKipBfH
could tell that it didn't carry that welcoming feeling anymore. To him, 757Please respect copyright.PENANAkkmquK9WRH
he felt like a stranger in his own home.757Please respect copyright.PENANAwm4EcZFaoK
Only his grandmother and757Please respect copyright.PENANAK1iwFhPS7O
Eric, who had been with him in everything, gave Leo the little comfort 757Please respect copyright.PENANAZvluNwdx2X
he needed in the house. Including his little cousin, Oliver. As for the 757Please respect copyright.PENANAmN0ssG0Mdp
rest of the others...... well, it was another story all together.757Please respect copyright.PENANAiBi8IHr9DP
Coming to his father, he757Please respect copyright.PENANAh5oGJvQ6K4
wasn't mad at Leo at the reason every one seemed to be mad at him for. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAZfmaTtR1sM
Mr McDonell was more concerned about Leo not apologising to Angel over 757Please respect copyright.PENANAyqXTCTO0pT
the accident and Leo didn't like that at all. He knew he was wrong, but 757Please respect copyright.PENANAZQXuNJuzsk
the fact that his father was more on Angel's side just because his 757Please respect copyright.PENANArGoYSDloBL
father was Angel's late mother's friend, was driving him crazy. It was 757Please respect copyright.PENANASZHljHzhXV
already enough that he had met the angry Angel who almost tore him apart757Please respect copyright.PENANAV5wLSytiKo
on the day of the wedding. Now it turns out that his father obliged to 757Please respect copyright.PENANAamqAgELUsB
taking care of Angel and Carly because of the promise he had made to 757Please respect copyright.PENANAXrMr4rT3OR
their mother. Not that Carly was the problem, Angel was.757Please respect copyright.PENANAxjfmB0nkVR
As Leo sat in the car 757Please respect copyright.PENANATZD2s4EUMg
packed outside along the driveway of the house under the setting sun, he757Please respect copyright.PENANANdueLPYLqT
thought of what Carly had told him earlier. 757Please respect copyright.PENANACrU3MvIcqs
"You and my sister still hate each other."757Please respect copyright.PENANARb7W28RSMu
Was that it? Was that 757Please respect copyright.PENANAMX8Iv9C724
why he still couldn't stand the fact that his father was helping Angel 757Please respect copyright.PENANAf9uEMAcGxl
out? Did he really hate her that much?757Please respect copyright.PENANAMpmniK3Kys
Well, judging by the way757Please respect copyright.PENANAMe8DYXfkIc
she almost killed him that day, what wasn't there to hate? No one had 757Please respect copyright.PENANArqKfxOHcWp
ever approached him like that, especially a lady. And he hated her for 757Please respect copyright.PENANAeEFVBRF0zF
that. Or was there another reason to hate her?757Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1XPXITni0
Carly. It's pretty 757Please respect copyright.PENANAIuWWFnuGNX
obvious that Angel wouldn't allow Leo to be with Carly when Leo was 757Please respect copyright.PENANAlSY0Ladn2K
madly in love with her. And after almost killing Angel with his car, it 757Please respect copyright.PENANABCoCT87RTr
just seemed to have made things turn from sour to rotten.757Please respect copyright.PENANARmlAaFEeaK
He had to admit, it was 757Please respect copyright.PENANAQCNWo90JH2
going to be pretty hard to accept Angel around if she really did decide 757Please respect copyright.PENANATjIhvH8ZLf
to come and live with his family. He wasn't going to allow that to 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvUpQMBX6AT
happen, not for now at least. Even his own mother wouldn't accept such a757Please respect copyright.PENANA1mXxYJZy6y
thing to happen.757Please respect copyright.PENANAFnTzOmwuuB
Speaking of his mother, 757Please respect copyright.PENANAyOSF9bBp1L
Mrs McDonell had been avoiding Leo these past few days. She always got 757Please respect copyright.PENANA3c2piXA0TP
like that whenever things never went her way. There were a few times the757Please respect copyright.PENANAjXZSAFJGuf
two talked, but it was always about whether Leo had gone to see Kim and757Please respect copyright.PENANAp3dm90PdU1
tried to set up plans for their next wedding. The fact is, Leo didn't 757Please respect copyright.PENANATcequP9xxL
want to marry Kim, yet meet her ever again. Ever since the day of the 757Please respect copyright.PENANA589F9Z8ayp
wedding, Leo had never even bothered to see Kim face to face. Not that 757Please respect copyright.PENANAbBpNrjbp7c
he was a coward, he just didn't want to. Kim usually called him to try 757Please respect copyright.PENANAyX4mP6XqW7
and talk things over, but Leo would say he was busy and would call her 757Please respect copyright.PENANAxtXopwExFd
later, which he never did.757Please respect copyright.PENANAmoJwkRIaZ7
Leo pulled out his phone757Please respect copyright.PENANAy6evlhmOZl
out of his pocket and he saw a text message. It was from Kim. Oh great!757Please respect copyright.PENANAreniYtdgtX
He wondered what it was all about now.757Please respect copyright.PENANAhJc8XovjhK
"Hi, Leo. Was trying 757Please respect copyright.PENANACAZgXUsRxR
to reach you through your phone, but it seemed to be off. I just wanted 757Please respect copyright.PENANAazMenBlUum
to inform you that your mother invited me over for dinner at your place 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvYz8qD7TBT
and maybe we could try to talk things over in person. I've been dying to757Please respect copyright.PENANAgn4sjYv9v8
talk to you, Leo, and I think this will be a perfect opportunity to do 757Please respect copyright.PENANAGf4AV5ZWgF
so. See you at eight then."757Please respect copyright.PENANA5dS21nbdTJ
"Damn it, mum!" Leo hit the steering wheel with his fist with so much anger.757Please respect copyright.PENANAbwykhvzKGg
He quickly got out of 757Please respect copyright.PENANAuCv2iVKLm5
the car and banged the door shut behind him. He charged towards the 757Please respect copyright.PENANAtTYz9jQZdq
front door of the house on the stone path like an angry bull. He knew he757Please respect copyright.PENANAkz2sGYKeiL
had let his mother get her way, but this was too much.757Please respect copyright.PENANAALzI6lsUzB
He wasn't a kid anymore and he was tired of being treated like one. It was time he gave his mother a piece of his mind.757Please respect copyright.PENANAvkSDiBFwGE
***757Please respect copyright.PENANAwvoVpVKZhn
"I757Please respect copyright.PENANARuBvZlhzc2
want dinner to be extra special tonight," ordered Mrs McDonell to the 757Please respect copyright.PENANAXEKRuUVkJ0
chef who worked in the kitchen. "We're receiving a very important guest 757Please respect copyright.PENANATQ1tJlnWnY
this evening and I want things the way I like it."757Please respect copyright.PENANAtx99iu0AB1
The757Please respect copyright.PENANAlcvEmxQtca
chef gave her an obedient nod and left for the kitchen. A few minutes 757Please respect copyright.PENANAKHSCQ8PoAm
later, the sound of the door being opened and banged shut was heard. Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANABHfnSA0WuJ
McDonell had a puzzled look on her face as she went to see what was 757Please respect copyright.PENANADIm6nPU4vu
going on. As she was entering the living room, she saw Leo standing 757Please respect copyright.PENANAv2RVVXEdXI
close to the front door and he looked pretty angry.757Please respect copyright.PENANA9gv6CUt00j
"Leo! What on earth is going on with you busy banging doors like a mad man?" Mrs McDonell asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANACUGfm6BbQc
Leo757Please respect copyright.PENANAsQDNXZyf3W
turned quickly to his mother as he heard her voice. He straightened 757Please respect copyright.PENANAeenodKLb6Q
himself and walked into the living room closing the distance between him757Please respect copyright.PENANAoB4gpIBmMb
and his mother. He stood at a reasonable distance and his mother put 757Please respect copyright.PENANAFt9jdSsSxa
her hands on her hips staring at him, as she furrowed her eyebrows. 757Please respect copyright.PENANACUvItXw6O2
"Aren't you going to say anything or are you going to keep on staring at me like you want to kill me?" Mrs McDonell asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANAF9rMRp8tbX
"Maybe757Please respect copyright.PENANAzs4Q9Y7szg
I do want to kill you, mum," answered Leo, "but apparently, I wouldn't 757Please respect copyright.PENANAi2PnC9d1Jv
have the pleasure of doing it even if I wanted to."757Please respect copyright.PENANAQsZEsRISMj
"What the heck are you talking about? Why are you mad at me?"757Please respect copyright.PENANAlEzijynFZQ
"The757Please respect copyright.PENANAfg2aDCeOb6
reason why I'm mad is because you always do what you think is good only757Please respect copyright.PENANAxI7AJyNTol
for yourself and not considering anybody else around you."757Please respect copyright.PENANA1r0vhHHpYI
"Be clear, Leo. I don't understand all this," Mrs McDonell now looked concerned.757Please respect copyright.PENANAxvcxufrwzZ
"What is going on here?"757Please respect copyright.PENANAeseh77fU4R
Amanda appeared from the hall with Eric pushing her wheelchair and Oliver following behind them.757Please respect copyright.PENANAqJTA5Ukuu0
"We heard the banging of the door," said Eric, "is everything all right?"757Please respect copyright.PENANA0xkiJ5ghrt
"It's757Please respect copyright.PENANAJBHIAPaxmv
all under control," replied Mrs McDonell, "Leo and I just need to talk 757Please respect copyright.PENANAZyjDFTZYS8
over a few things. May you leave us alone for a while?"757Please respect copyright.PENANAsbATTErIkz
"No, I have no problem if they stay here, mum," said Leo, "this matter also concerns them too."757Please respect copyright.PENANANsANMFOigP
"Now757Please respect copyright.PENANAVn5J4rf3F7
this is about to get interesting," said Amanda as she folded her hands 757Please respect copyright.PENANA9IMReHfxWu
over her lap. Mrs McDonell shot her a look and turned towards Leo again.757Please respect copyright.PENANACfWrSBdhv5
"What is it, Leo?" Mrs McDonell asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANADrEbv644Te
"I757Please respect copyright.PENANAe65X8TDvyW
want to know why you invited Kim over here to have dinner with us 757Please respect copyright.PENANAZ59om5Urzb
tonight," Leo went straight to the point. Now wasn't the time to start 757Please respect copyright.PENANANSgLtPvxOE
beating around the bush.757Please respect copyright.PENANAdiVly6GO9C
Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANA4vHIyD1wzU
McDonell paused for a while as she stared at Leo who clenched his 757Please respect copyright.PENANACtQLfImwWQ
fists. A smirk appeared across Amanda's face and it was good that Mrs 757Please respect copyright.PENANA5xaxXfxuwj
McDonell didn't notice. Things weren't going to turn out well at all.757Please respect copyright.PENANApycyReSOEm
"I...757Please respect copyright.PENANAZMfiz7pel5
well, you see, Kim has been dying to speak to you, Leo," the response 757Please respect copyright.PENANAdJ5drCmiBb
came out as a struggle for Mrs McDonell. "I thought you two should try 757Please respect copyright.PENANAMkFMzyMiG1
to see if you could arrange the date for the next wedding."757Please respect copyright.PENANAT1C7LLGHKT
"So757Please respect copyright.PENANAWsaHmVvFv2
all that's running in your mind is about the wedding then, isn't it?" 757Please respect copyright.PENANAdWAXaeDMV1
Leo almost laughed, but he shook his head. "Have you ever tried to think757Please respect copyright.PENANA1InpFn50T8
about what I want? You think bringing me and Kim would try to make 757Please respect copyright.PENANARouabcjnKR
things better? You pretty well know that ever since that day, things 757Please respect copyright.PENANAXeRUxAxcCw
aren't the same as they were, mum."757Please respect copyright.PENANAUrYZLPatx6
"I know, Leo, but I'm just trying to make things right for you."757Please respect copyright.PENANAU4JlrqAw6D
"No,757Please respect copyright.PENANAcqBm1jcuCl
mum! You aren't! You're making things worse! All this is what you want,757Please respect copyright.PENANAPuZrivmWG1
but not what I want! I have the right to make my own decisions, don't 757Please respect copyright.PENANAbDHDdDa7nY
I?"757Please respect copyright.PENANA2S2jH3xkaS
"You've every right to. But you ignoring Kim like this isn't going to help."757Please respect copyright.PENANAZi5x4za7LX
"Look,757Please respect copyright.PENANAMqmv7jFhtp
mum," Leo pressed his temples with his thumb and index finger, trying 757Please respect copyright.PENANAzYpv6tIDNO
to keep in the pressure, "I know that ignoring Kim for so long isn't 757Please respect copyright.PENANADPOLF4lCNb
right, but don't you think I should have known all about this first? As 757Please respect copyright.PENANAInqixGcLOa
far as I know, I'm the one who was supposed to get married to her, not 757Please respect copyright.PENANAhzYeY2YGEK
you."757Please respect copyright.PENANAseHFsAVZsC
There757Please respect copyright.PENANAbZtObLlrKj
was silence in the living room as the air around them turned cold. Mrs 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvKR6GcYdUE
McDonell looked as white as a sheet while Leo kept on giving her the 757Please respect copyright.PENANAesmDBgQ3L7
angry stare. Eric and his brother, Oliver were stunned and Amanda's 757Please respect copyright.PENANAde7iPnJCzp
smirk soon turned into a wide smile. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAJhmrIiFeNB
"Leo, how... could you...." Mrs McDonell was lost for words. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAfI7w6nBPua
"You757Please respect copyright.PENANAceeBH09MZQ
don't like it when someone talks back at you, don't you, mum?" Leo 757Please respect copyright.PENANAF2duKlQ31W
asked. "I have told you time and time again that I would talk to Kim 757Please respect copyright.PENANAcRSCNte14q
when the right time came, but no. You only want things to be done your 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvqkCFyM3r1
way! I've tolerated that these past years, but you have gone too far, 757Please respect copyright.PENANAjUGJe5oml8
mum, way too far."757Please respect copyright.PENANA9XCgK7wlNI
Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANAqVS4WlkFpK
McDonell stammered, but it was no use anyway. Leo seemed to be done 757Please respect copyright.PENANAP7K3kms9Fg
with what he had to say and he turned for the stairs. Before he began 757Please respect copyright.PENANAeTixdbuZaf
the ascension, he stood still for a moment. 757Please respect copyright.PENANA1NjxGwpaPH
"And757Please respect copyright.PENANAGHX5sf6VHX
do me one favour, mum," said Leo, without looking at his mother, 757Please respect copyright.PENANAIHoFpAIlgl
"cancel the special dinner you had for Kim. And tell her I'm meeting her757Please respect copyright.PENANAIrjN1W1ird
tomorrow. Maybe then, you would stop bothering me about all this."757Please respect copyright.PENANAjZgKuVQbcA
Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANAVVTkveCa55
McDonell still didn't say anything as she continued to look at her son.757Please respect copyright.PENANAn1QhNhoExY
As Leo climbed up the stairs, Mr McDonell was coming down from his 757Please respect copyright.PENANAAjzY1rSr3Z
room. As he passed Leo, he noticed that something was wrong and he 757Please respect copyright.PENANAi3QhqcyfhO
stared down at the people at the bottom of the stairs.757Please respect copyright.PENANAo6AACplGUs
"May I know what's going on here?" Mr McDonell asked. "And why does Leo look so upset?"757Please respect copyright.PENANAR2tGj0obNr
"It's... its nothing, Fred," replied Mrs McDonell, "he's just upset. Thats all."757Please respect copyright.PENANAvTEkQRB5xX
"Aww, come on now," said Amanda, "you know perfectly well what's going on. You don't have to lie to Frank here."757Please respect copyright.PENANAFBozv2zb1u
"Could you just shut up for once!" Mrs McDonell looked red on the face as she turned to face Amanda.757Please respect copyright.PENANAYbfGoCxIal
"Look757Please respect copyright.PENANAWXuLwjsr0C
here, Bertha, Fred is going to find out anyway. Just tell him now so 757Please respect copyright.PENANAuwF1mXqV2s
that you won't have the problem of telling him in the future."757Please respect copyright.PENANAwz4fNbpws5
Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANAUvLSmpy6lh
McDonell didn't say anything as Mr McDonell slowly reached the bottom 757Please respect copyright.PENANAvLGRWEzluI
of the stairs. He looked at his wife and then to Eric, Oliver and his 757Please respect copyright.PENANAWiPHEXhbDH
mother, and they too were quiet.757Please respect copyright.PENANAvzPjRkrko5
"May someone please tell me what's going on?" Mr McDonell asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANAJUwS3YUqVv
"I told you that nothing is wrong, Fred," replied Mrs McDonell. "Are you going to listen to the lies of your delirious mother?"757Please respect copyright.PENANANjFX0pG2sT
"Since when I'm I the delirious one?" Amanda asked shockingly. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAtBudsirvKs
"Mind what you say, Bertha. This is my mother you're talking about," Mr McDonell warned.757Please respect copyright.PENANAbNYuZkteQ5
"Believe me, honey, nothing is wrong," said Mrs McDonell. 757Please respect copyright.PENANANSN5trC7cw
Mr McDonell shook his head and stared at his mother and the others. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAkDrlbs3ujs
"Mum, please tell me whats wrong, right now," demanded Mr McDonell. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAXsMtG2OGcu
"Leo is angry at his mother for inviting Kim over for dinner," replied Amanda quickly. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAIoTQmq4qM6
Mr McDonell looked back at his wife who avoided eye contact with him.757Please respect copyright.PENANAvTqmANY7mL
"Of757Please respect copyright.PENANA1aihcFSRfQ
all people you must know better than anyone how Leo is. You know he 757Please respect copyright.PENANAP3IHkzXX0U
wasn't ready to face Kim even when he knows it's wrong avoiding her for 757Please respect copyright.PENANAN6u9OWnWeS
so long. As a mother you should know that all he needed was time," said 757Please respect copyright.PENANACoSCwYDo6Q
Mr McDonell. 757Please respect copyright.PENANA4BLHp4G2PG
"Ya, but for how long was he going to keep this up? All I'm trying to do is help him out," said Mrs McDonell. 757Please respect copyright.PENANASfO6NvQomM
"Well, he did say he was going to see her tomorrow," interfered Amanda, "just to quit you from nagging him any more."757Please respect copyright.PENANAfgYtYdV0gd
"I757Please respect copyright.PENANA8yeWg0AKnj
know that you're trying to help Leo, but you should let him make his 757Please respect copyright.PENANA7jvq2HT912
own decisions," said Mr McDonell. "You always think you can take control757Please respect copyright.PENANAsfo6qZOAnm
over people's lives when it isn't your own, Bertha."757Please respect copyright.PENANA8W9Ae2uSM9
"But...." Mrs McDonell was quickly interrupted. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAYtC5Now6Cu
"Not757Please respect copyright.PENANAOB5GenazJp
another word, please." Mr McDonell raised a hand to stop his wife from 757Please respect copyright.PENANATjBsL0rDUU
saying anything else. "Putting that aside, I need to make an 757Please respect copyright.PENANACY90dCzai7
announcement."757Please respect copyright.PENANAB1lMKLTeLe
"And what is that, son?" Amanda asked looking concerned.757Please respect copyright.PENANAtLY21GfHKY
"In757Please respect copyright.PENANATFGjbMleVq
a few days time, we will be putting Lisa to rest after her daughter, 757Please respect copyright.PENANAiDUNSpuzXl
Angel is discharged from the hospital," said Mr McDonell, "and the two 757Please respect copyright.PENANA2r1GKgk0yU
sisters might come to leave with us."757Please respect copyright.PENANAuqgQC0OyQY
For757Please respect copyright.PENANA9FF6e20hfU
a moment, the room was quiet, until Amanda laughed with so much glee 757Please respect copyright.PENANAMvBqxTCRpf
like a teenager and clapped her hands. Eric had a smile on his face.757Please respect copyright.PENANAqx4yDMZ2Xw
"That's757Please respect copyright.PENANAjbDSVf4B5U
good," said Amanda. "I've been dying to meet Lisa's children for a long757Please respect copyright.PENANA5Fs6eSwExS
time now. This is good news, Fred. I can't wait to see them."757Please respect copyright.PENANAwampuZOFAy
Mrs757Please respect copyright.PENANA02cHMayVE0
McDonell gave out a loud snort and everyone turned to face her. Her 757Please respect copyright.PENANAaQl5S5YTMt
arms were folded and her face was one full of fury and disgust.757Please respect copyright.PENANAnWeeYfurAm
"This757Please respect copyright.PENANAWrQwmgOSgw
is just ridiculous," said Mrs McDonell, "you're bringing in those two 757Please respect copyright.PENANAf6QkcI7UTj
girls just because of that stupid promise you made to Lisa before she 757Please respect copyright.PENANAaVgiB8IEHF
died."757Please respect copyright.PENANA3LgaJXMCU7
"What's757Please respect copyright.PENANAWxe9XuotuI
wrong with you? Is it me or is it that you have always had a problem 757Please respect copyright.PENANA6pHYPrYR35
with Lisa even now when she is dead?" asked Mr McDonell. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAUtVkCEwgFs
"Ya,757Please respect copyright.PENANAHO0kANatKF
you're right. I have had a problem with Lisa for years. And now, it 757Please respect copyright.PENANA5Y3gssF3zc
seems problems still come about even from the land of the dead."757Please respect copyright.PENANA8ziSHyp0Nc
"You757Please respect copyright.PENANAjUX0Qzn0eZ
should learn to respect the dead, you know?" said Amanda. "I wonder why757Please respect copyright.PENANAv0a5YjmR3Z
you have hated her so much all these years, Bertha."757Please respect copyright.PENANAyr8eYkG8K2
"You'll never know so stop asking," Mrs McDonell snapped. "I just hope those girls never agree to come and stay in this house."757Please respect copyright.PENANAxianrV1DRD
With757Please respect copyright.PENANAOj834uaXWo
that, Mrs McDonell headed for the stairs like an angry devil ready to 757Please respect copyright.PENANA32BjmpT9iM
destroy everyone and everything in her way. When she reached her room at757Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6VlQ7rle6
the top floor, she banged the door shut behind her.