Long ago, before she gave birth to the seas and created the skies, she was once a young goddess. A young goddess with the power to do what most gods could barely conceive. She helped create the land and nurture the forests and animals. She didn't have a name, but was known as a type of Mother to all those she created. She was not the one to create humans however, for she was one, long before.
She kindly asked to borrow humans from another god, Tergon. There, she placed them in her world. They slowly developed on their own and used the abundant resources Mother had given them, making sure to give back to her and thank her for giving them life. The Mother was loved and she adored her children and creations so much. Even when they got into trouble and joined her above after death, she loved them.
Tergon watched from afar, as Mother's world grew and became prosperous. He was jealous of how much Mother loved his humans and her world. Within his own was starvation, famine, disease and war everywhere. His creations did not worship him like they did Mother. So jealous, that Tergon came up with a plan to be just as adored as Mother.
He lied to Mother, telling her that the higher deities requested her. She hurried and left her world in his care. Tergon, now with full control of Mother's world, went to work.
After some time, Mother returned. She saw Tergon's world abandoned. She was curious and went over to look at how Tergon ran his world. When Mother touched the plant she felt sharp pains in her head. She could feel the sorrow, the pain, the anguish, anger, vanity, greed all in such a small world. If Tergon could do this to his world, what was he doing with hers. She kept Tergon's world and went searching for him.
Throughout the space and heavens she searched. Tergon was nowhere to be found. He had stolen her precious world she worked so hard on. She knew Tergon would not take care of them like she would.
Without any other option, Mother raised Tergon's world as her own. From scratch she made sure that the plants would grow again, the water would be clean and sparkling, the humans would be nurtured back to health and happiness. At first they resisted, treated Mother the same way they treated Tergon.
It was long and arduous, but she was able to help change and mold Tergon's world. The humans respected her, and some even worshipped her. Mother was happy, but this was not her world, she felt so detached from it. But, deep down she knew this world needed to be protected, so she stayed. She stayed and watched as the world continued to grow and learn and advance through life, all while Mother watched, like an omnipotent observer.
Tergon, on the other hand, did everything but destroy Mother's world. He left it to ruin, the humans were unhappy, Tergon was furious. He blamed Mother for this, thinking she put a curse on her world so that he could never have it. He tried many ways to destroy Mother's world, but it continued to prosper somehow. He knew he needed Mother to help. He wanted a world as perfect as hers.
Eventually, Tergon found Mother and she was furious. She threatened to destroy both worlds or what Tergon had done. The higher deities had had enough of standing by and watching the drama unfold between the two gods. Some sided with Tergon, for he was Mother's senior and knew more about life and death. Others sided with Mother, respecting her kindness and understood that what Tergon had done was close to unforgivable.
Eventually, a compromise was reached. Together, Mother and Tergon would take Tergon's old world, and nurture it together.
At first, it was near impossible for the two to get along at all. Mother believed in being kind and caring to the humans, every life was sacred. Tergon, on the other hand, cared not for each individual human, but what they could accomplish. He knew that not every human was born good, there was evil. In a way, he reared his humans into thinking that to be strong is the most important thing for the world. With that, the humans split.
The humans had three choices. One choice, was to worship Mother. Many did of course, why would one not want to worship a benevolent goddess that only wants the best for her children. They were prosperous and happy, like it was heaven on earth. Their second option was to worship Tergon. There were quite a few who would come to worship Tergon and his wicked ways, believing he had every right to reclaim the world he created. Those humans wanted the world to return to chaos.
The third option was neither of course. To worship neither Mother or Tergon, and to find a perfect balance between the two extremes of human nature. Though they were never fully accepted by both sides. Those that worshipped Tergon shunned them, those that worshipped Mother continuously tried to convert those that were neutral, and when they didn't they too shunned them.
Those humans prayed to the higher deities and were granted powers that would continue on through their lineage for not falling for either extreme. They were granted the ability to practice forms of magic and witchcraft to keep the balance of their world.
As time passed, and humanity grew Mother and Tergon slowly distanced themselves from their world. From being gods that would always interfere and assist their humans to only mere watchers as humans dominated. Even the worshippers of both gods became less extreme. But, the witches persisted in keeping the balance as well as adding more life to the small world they lived in. Once a shunned group now was able to mingle with the rest.
But, this isn't really the story you came for, no. You wanted a love story that exceeds beyond boundaries and time. You know of how the world of Proseus began, but not of the land of Thaelor.
Thaelor was the main land of where many humans lived. It was separated into five countries: In the northern part there is an island Moshuso, a land of ice and snow, packed forests and long winters; the south, of Goystrasia was dry, humid, but full of human life and commerce; the east, Acrana held lush, dense forests and the west, Ushaina was a mountainous region. In the center of it all was Belholt. Belholt was known as the home of all, where all their stories began, as well as this one. So, shall we begin?