Planet Earth, Great Britain...
Merry and Helen are best friends, they've known each other since they were little, and they share a job together, they're medics. Their lives are quite simple and monotonous, they are working in a poor public hospital. Consortian's states continue to support not their own institutions, but those of Consortium, in this case special medical facilities, whose services the lower classes of the population cannot afford. By working for the public, they both felt elated, important, and their miserable earnings did nothing to deter them from doing so. They both live in the flat in a semi-detached house in a poor part of the Old London, the Old London is the one on the river Thames on Earth, New London, where the government has also moved, is located on another planet. Every day they face the arrogance of other residents, everyone here is for themselves, and by helping the poor, it also makes them poor in the eyes of society, or the scum of society.