" When I started as a priest, I wanted to change the world. Soon I found out that I could not do this, but I could be a humble servant" - Pope Stephen X
Father Andrew started as the parish priest in a small Irish town. There were only 1500 people living in the town, but this was his new home!
The town needed healing, as it has been through a crisis because the former priest was accused of molesting several boys. When Father Andrew came to the town, he noticed a town that lost its spirit and hope. For centuries, this town was isolated and the people lived without much attention from other towns. Generations of families lived in the town and they considered themselves the best town in the country.
This was until a few years ago when a boy accused the parish priest of molesting him. The people of town obviously heard that there allegations in the USA and Dublin. They were not ready for a local boy saying that he was a victim. Things became worse when other boys came forward and said had the same allegations. People looked towards the Bishop to make things right again. The Bishop could not ease the suffering in the town. In fact, the priest was never punished. He was moved to another parish.
Father Andrew came to a town that was mad at the Church and thought the Catholic church was corrupt. He could see the people were mad and hurt and the special bond between them and the Church was destroyed. They no longer trusted any priest.
So Father Andrew had to start at the bottom and slowly gain trust in the people. He was not surprised when there were no altar-boys. In fact, he understood it. A parishioner told me that Father Andrew was humble. He did not talk about the previous priest. He did say that everyone had to answer for their sins, even priests. Father Andrew also said the worse sin is when someone hurts another person.
Father Andrew worked hard at the normal priest duties. He said a mass every day and held several on Sundays. He did baptisms, weddings, and funerals. He visited the old people's home as well as the school. At the start, it was as if people did not want him there. Slowly the new ordained regained the people's trust and shown that most priests were not bad.
There is one touching story about an old woman Father Andrew visited at the retirement home. She was dying and confided in him that she did not want to die alone. Father Andrew sat by her bed and stayed there for 4 days. The nurses said he should go home and get some rest, but they were told that no one deserved to die alone. The dying woman had someone she could talk with and pray with.
Father Andrew confided in a friend that it was one of the hardest things that he has done. "We had great discussions and we prayed, but as the days went, she only had the energy to grunt. In the end, her breathing was so loud and irregular. I wanted to help her, but felt so useless"