" When something is not broken, it should not be changed. The question is when something is broken, and people do not see it broken, should it be fixed? Or should we let people believe that it is not broken?" - Pope Stephen X
Cardinal Lorenzo wanted the earth to swallow him during the trip to Brazil. He could not believe his ears. Did Pope actually say that birth control by using pills and condoms is not immoral? Nearly every pope until Pope Stephen promoted family planning but not by artificial methods. Now Catholics were told that the marriage consisted of a man, woman, and God. All three had a say in how many children there were. With one move, the Pope was giving the people a choice about life.
The media was shocked by this move. They were busy writing about the hundreds of priests that were now being prosecuted all over the world. This included the priest that molested boys at his first parish. Millions of Catholics were relieved that action was being taken, but others were afraid that the Church was opening wounds and vulnerable. While justice was good, some Catholics believed it was a defeated Church.
Now the media wrote about the new birth control. This upset the millions of conservative Catholics, that felt like the Church was trying to win cheap points and trying to look modern. This is despite a huge majority of Catholics admitted that they already used birth control.
A few months went and Cardinal Lorenzo finally calmed down. It has been said to me that despite that the new Pope and his actions annoyed the Cardinal, The Cardinal liked the Pope's ability not to get mad at him, despite the Cardinal lost his temper a lot. Pope Stephen would treat him the same. In a way, the Cardinal had respect for the Pope... at least in the beginning.
Things would change to destroy whatever respect the Cardinal had.
The Pope called all the Bishops and Cardinals to a big meeting. The Clergy was a bit excited as to why this big meeting was called. As it turns out Pope Stephen did not disappoint them.
"Some of the apostles were married," he started, "and yet for some reason, the Church introduced celibacy. I have prayed and meditated about this for a while. What I have decided will be a major change in the Church. As I see it, it is getting the Church on the right path again after centuries of the opposite.
Bluntly putting it, the new change will allow for married priests. The exception will be religious orders, that can decide if their monks. Priests, brothers or nuns can be married.
I hear many of you moaning and wanting to scream in anger. I have one more change.
I will be allowing for female priests!
God created man equally. I have prayed and prayed and cannot see why women cannot be priests. In my view, there should be no discrimination in the Church. There are women priests in protestant Churches and they do a great job.
Priests are also human. We need relationships and we do best when we are part of a family unit.
This all takes effect from today. A notice has been sent to each bishop as well as the press.
Some of you will disagree. I suggest that you pray and meditate before you let your anger out"
Pope Stephen walked out while the men whispered to each other.
Cardinal Lorenzo did not meditate or pray. A former secretary to the pope told me that he stormed into the Popes office. He did not waste in telling the Pope that he was single-handedly destroying the Church. In fact, Lorenzo shouted that there was no more Catholic Church. He told the Pope that he should have debated this with the bishops and cardinals, or at least let him know that it was going to be decided.
It was not heard what the Popes answer was, but Lorenzo stormed out saying that he would not resign. The Church needed someone to save them from the Pope.
The news, of course, was the major news. Once again Pope Stephen made millions of Catholics say it is about time. However, there was a growing number that did not like the changes. Their voices could be very loud. Some went as far as to say that Pope Stephen was the devil himself and had the ambition to destroy the Church.
This was highlighted when the Pope was going through the streets in his Pope-mobile. A middle-aged American took out a gun and shot the Pope-mobile, which was bulletproof. The Pope was rushed to safety.
Cardinal Lorenzo used the opportunity to warn the Pope that his changes have made many Catholic mad.