"It is impossible to find the holy spirit or God's will when a pope is being selected" - Pope Stephen X
Father Andrew quickly rose up the catholic hierarchy. He was soon a cardinal working in the Vatican. His job was to work with public relations, which was surprising why he even worked there. As one Vatican insider told me, Cardinal Andrew was hard working and very pious. At the same time, Cardinal Andrew was not diplomatic and at times found it difficult defending the Church.
Things really changed when the Pope died. The church had many popes in a short period, and the recent popes really did not make a difference. They were more like caretakers of the Church. Despite this, the dead pope was a popular one. People loved his humility and his urge to make things better. He was a simple Pope and shunned the nearly Royal customs that the Vatican had.
Now he was dead, and the Cardinals had to pick a new Pope. All the Cardinals under 80 were locked in a room, where they started their conclave. This is the election process for the pope. Until the Pope was elected, the cardinals were cut off from the rest of the world.
Everyone expected the election to be quick, as Cardinal Lorenzo was expected to get the majority of votes. He failed to do this, and people were wondering how Cardinal Andrew got a few votes.
Between the discussion and votes, Cardinal Andrew would be found praying and asking God for guidance. Other Cardinals noticed while there were campaigning in corners, Cardinal Andrew refused to be political. Cardinal told one of the Cardinals that it was times like electing a pope, that prayer and help from the Holy Spirit were needed.
Many of the other cardinals depended on politics. There is a rumor that Lorenzo said that he would be willing to accept Andrew as he "would be a Pope that we could control."
So Cardinal Andrew must have been shocked when he suddenly had the majority of votes, and thus was the new Pope.
"Why me" was the response many heard him say as well as asking God to be at his side.