She replied, "It's because you're slowly becoming more and more cow like. Which explains your black dots. The more cows you save.The more cow you become. You tongue has already been converted. You taste grass as cows taste it."
"Your saying that my tongue is a cow tongue." I said sticking out my tongue.
"Well, you're a male so after the spots have faded, and your skin has browned, then you will be a bull, or an ox rather than a cow."
"Ahh, that's utterly relieving to not have an utter."
The cows began laughing hysterically at my bad cow pun.
"Will I turn back into a human after this is over."
"All humans will become cow slaves when we are done."
"Oh." I said thinking a about my stupid pre calculus teaching becoming a teacher_burger. I laughed out loud. Then I thought about my parents, then I cried out loud. The cows gave a funny look. I think they thought I was bipolar.
"Can we elect some humans to not be slaves."
"You may choose 2"
"My family. My mom and dad."
"Then your parents shall be saved by the grass."
"Mooooooooooo" The cows said in harmony.
They began eating the grass.