I woke up with staples all over my arms, attaching the homework to me. I was in the staffroom, lying under one of the many circular tables. There was a note beside me on a sticky note, and I picked it up and read it.
I'll be back for you, so don't you dare escape. Don't make too much noise or else the other teachers will find out I locked you in here.
My stomach rumbled as I listened to the steady hum of the fridge. I got up and opened the door of the old-fashioned white fridge. I looked around to see if I could find anything good that the staff took to work.
'Ugh. All they have in here is junk food.' I thought.
I eventually settled on a slice of pizza, and went to the worn out couch to sit down with some teacher's meal. I hope no one would be too mad I took their lunch. I thought about what had just happened as I munched on the delicious, perfectly baked pepperoni pizza. I started to feel guilty for stealing someone else's food. Some teacher was really missing out on this scrumptious pizza.
This was crazy. It was hard to believe Ms. Robespierre lost it like that and stapled my homework to my arm. If only I had completed my homework, none of this would have ever happened. If only I had listened to her when she told me to do it in class. Now this had happened, and I was trapped in the staff room with staples deeply embedded in my arm. Or was I? The note had said that I was locked in here, but did Ms. Robespierre actually lock the door on her way out? I got up and trotted over to the door in fear that it would actually be locked like the note said. My hand grasped the cold, metal door handle, and I slowly turned it. I tried to push the door open. I tried to pull the door open. Neither worked. I really was trapped in the staff room.
I relaxed a little, though, when I looked at the round analog clock on the wall and realized recess was soon. A teacher would probably come in here, unlock the door, and find me. A tear rolled down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. This was way too frightening. As I lifted my arm to wipe away the lone tear, I winced in pain. The staples were still deeply embedded in my limb, and the area surrounding the staples was just starting to swell. I looked around and soon spotted a travel-size first aid kit lying in the corner. I walked over to it and carefully brushed off the dust that had settled on top. I sneezed a few times as the dust entered the air surrounding the first aid kit. I opened up the box of medical equipment and took out a pair of medical forceps and removed each of the staples. Blood had begun to form in the puncture wounds. I quickly got an antiseptic wipe and disinfected each of the wounds. I took some gauze and applied pressure to the punctured areas to stop the bleeding. Next, I proceeded to add some antibiotic ointment to help the injuries heal faster and prevent them from becoming infected. I finished off the first aid by putting some band-aids on all of the injuries. I threw out the gauze, and went to close the first aid box. While I was putting the box back into the corner, I stuck my hand in a white, clingy spiderweb that I didn't notice, and the fuzzy brown spider who used to reside in the sticky net of spider silk looked at me with it's eight terrifying eyes and bit my hand with ferocity! I quickly went to wash my hands, and then applied a band-aid that I had accidentally not put back into the first aid box. I sat down on the couch again to do the homework that was stapled to my arm. I figured it was still a good idea to do it. I found a pen rolling around on the table, and got to work.
I was just about to check if there was another slice of pizza somewhere in the fridge, when the secretary interrupted me by alerting everyone through the intercom.
"Attention all staff and students," She exclaimed shakily. "We are now going into lock down."
I went pale. No one would find me now because they're not allowed to leave the room they're in!
"Please do not leave your classrooms when the bell rings for recess," she said, scared. "There appears to be an armed man in the school neighborhood."
I shuddered. Armed man? That wasn't good. That wasn't good at all. That was terrible. Worse than Ms. Robespierre stapling my arm. I paced around the staffroom, panic clawing at me. At least the door was locked! I relaxed a little bit, and made a beeline for the fridge. I couldn't find any more of that delicious pizza, but right beside the fridge was a box of ice tea cans. Even though they were probably Ms. Robespierre's, I took one and started to sip the wonderful beverage. I think the only thing Ms. Robespierre and I have in common is loving ice tea.
The intercom came on again, and what information was given was truly frightening and horrible.
"The armed man is heading for the door of the school. Please remain in your classrooms silently." The secretary, Ms. Albert, said. "Do not leave the room under any circumstance."