CHAPTER 11 (What is at the end, of the rainbow?)
The wedding was spectacular. Eloa had put Roberto’s house on the market, mine was just about sold. I decided to reopen my practice. There so many things I want to give my wife, trips overseas, new adventures, and I can’t do that on my current salary. We both agreed, that Breno had to stay, he was not as prominent as he used to be, but we still hold on to him. My wife says the scare on my cheek makes me irresistible. I jog at four a.m, and have breakfast with my wife at six a.m. Then off to the office. I like my patients, and they like me. It’s like riding a bike. A month has passed. Roberto moved away, but we talk on the phone once a week. He started his first novel, and I am really proud of him. My house was sold, and I invested the money. Life is good. I no longer run, I jog. I am a free man. My marriage is a new discovery, every day I learn something new about myself, and about Eloa. I have given Breno a night with her, I can feel him fade into obscurity. I no longer need him, I was honest with myself, I would have acknowledged just how much I needed him.
Eloa and I spoke of starting a family, I had to think about that, so I called Roberto, and he convinced me, it will change my life in a good way. I am terrified I let the child down, or I hurt the child, obviously it’s all in my subconscious. Work is great. Two months and I am busy all the time, Eloa and I planned a trip away for the weekend. We booked into a holiday home near the ocean. I would not swim, neither would she, that much I knew. Once we arrived, it was a first for both of us, so we went swimming at night, we both couldn’t swim, so we doggy-paddled. It was so funny, and amazing. Music. Must be coming from the hotel. I tried to drone out the sound, by splashing in the water.
“Honey what’s wrong?” I could see the fear reflected in her eyes, I think it mirrored mine.
“The song, I don’t want to hear that song.”……………. “ chasing after the rainbow………”
“Honey go inside, and close the doors and the window, I will grab our things, go.”
I closed the door, and all the windows, I jumped in a shower. “chasing after our rainbows end.”
“Hon, you okay?” Eloa stepped back when I emerged from the bathroom.”Breno? honey are you alright?” Breno can’t come to the phone right now, Breno is too weak, so I kicked Breno honey out.
“I need to take a drive, I will be back later.” I could feel Ian trying to break through. “Nah, not happening, you and Breno honey can both go to hell, babies the both of you.” I drove to the address I had found in Roberto’s notebook. Ian had the address, hidden in his head, too bad son, too bad. I parked the car, and walked to the house. No dogs. I jumped over the fence, and climbed up to the second storey, the bedrooms are always on the second storey. I switched on the light, I had a revolver in my hand, not that I had any intention of using it, too noisy. “Ola Pai. It’s me your long lost son. Lovely home, you did exceptionally well for yourself, while Ian and Alanzia lived on stale bread, and handouts from the neighbours. Oh stunning wife, Pai, you old hound dog. Now show me your tits. Do it or I plug him in the head.” She stared at me in utter confusion, but she listened. Carlos appalled. Too bad, and too late. I tied him to the headboard. “I am not really your son, I am just borrowing his body, well, now you can watch what his Mama did to him.”
I ripped her nightie off, then her panties, I spread her legs. Nice. Carlos started to protest, and cry, so I stuffed the panty in his mouth. “Vou te Matar!” Carlos kept quiet, he can wait his turn. “Watch, or I will kill you sooner.” He watched, I did her good, but I would not allow her to climax. She was beyond the point of return, the drugs I gave her, was a special cocktail. “Your turn, sweet thing, watch. I turned Carlos over, and I entered him. I don’t know if he moaned out of pleasure, or pain, I think pleasure. I didn’t climax. Not that I saved. “Now, how will I kill you two, so many decisions, so little time.” I sat on the foot of the bed. Not strangulation, over rated. Not stabbing, too messy.
Ah I got it. I grabbed her by the hair. “Don’t scream.” She didn’t. I filled the tub, and what a large tub it was. “Climb in, and lie down.” I held her head under, until she stopped kicking. Carlos, was a large bastard. I had to inject him, to drag his fat ass to the tub. I pushed him in. “Enough space for both of you.” I drowned him, nice and clean, a little water never killed anyone. I had to smile. Next was my, what half-sister. “Hey, don’t be scared, I am your brother, Pai, just never mentioned me. how old are you Irma?” She told me she was sixteen. “So, have you ever been with a boy?” She shook her head no. “That is about to change.” I injected her. Damn did I reach an epic climax. I drowned her in her own tub, can you believe it, she has her own tub. Ian had to bath in a sink, or a bucket. The tub on das Flores road leaked. Next was my irmão. He was no fun, so I dragged him to his sister’s body and drowned him too. Well that was a good night’s work. I wiped all my prints off. Washed the bodies, this time I would improvise, I poured disinfectant into the tubs, and used the kitchen gloves, the rubbery kind to scrub the bodies.
I almost forgot how to get back. Eloa was waiting for me.
ELOA: “You are not Ian, neither are you Breno. Who are you, and why are you here?”
ALEJO: “My wife.” I slapped her. “Sit down and shut your fucking pie-hole, before I shut it permanently. I am your husband, and you will obey me, or die.”
ELOA: I need to play along until I can get out of here, this is a monster, his face looks deformed, the scare is drooping to one side, his eyes are too dark, not a hint of brown or green, this is not my lovers. I asked him if he wanted a drink, and he told me to give him a blowjob, and to get him a scotch. I looked in the mini-bar, and I poured it neat, I had placed two sleeping tablet’s in my pocket, I dissolved it as well as I could. He drank it all at once. I did as he told me, he smelt funny, I gagged a few times, he would shove my head down even harder, his hands, it smelt like disinfectant. Oh no he killed. He passed out. I grabbed my bag that I had packed, and I called Roberto. He gave me directions to his new home.
“Roberto, I don’t know who he is, when I came to life, Ian and I were swimming, he said a song, troubled him, when he came out of the bathroom, he was not Ian, and he was not Breno. This thing looks like a demon.” Roberto confided in his wife, then sent her and the twins to her Mother. That is one place, the thing would not find them. Roberto handed me a revolver. “Do, you know how to use it?” I nodded. “Yes.”
“Roberto, will you kill him?”
“Good, don’t miss.” We waited, but he didn’t come. I watched the news while Roberto made us coffee, it was just past six am.
“Roberto, come into the sala.” He ran in. “Meu Deus, he killed his Dad, and his sister, and his brother. I will call a friend, and find out the details, Eloa, don’t leave this house please, my dogs are trained. If he sets a foot near this house, we will know.” Roberto left, to make the call. I can’t understand what went wrong. One second, it took a second and my life has become a horror movie, my husband is gone, Breno is gone, and this psychopath wants us all dead.
ROBERTO: “Have you seen the news, oh you went to the crime scene, the Chief doesn’t think it’s the ‘Canary,’ it is the ‘Canary.’ How do I know, because, well because my gut tells me it’s him. Oh not good enough. Foda-se você.” I slammed the phone down. Eloa, handed me my coffee. “He didn’t believe you?” I shook my head. “They say, it’s a robbery, the whole family was killed, and they call it a robbery. The Chief will not hear a word about the ‘Canary’ he called me a washed up, bag of dog shit, according to my friend, and if I ever set a foot near the precinct he would have me arrested for forging evidence, and so much merda, I stopped listening.”
Eloa. I need you to stay here. I am going after him, if I don’t make it back, tell my wife that I love her. I cannot stand by, this time. Their blood is on my hands. Listen to the dogs, stay hidden, and Eloa, don’t fucking miss.”
I drove directly to Ian’s home. Two months, what a waste. He was not there. I drove past his old house. My gut said, go inside, so I did. Whomever this is, is one sadistic fuck. The family lay naked all over the house. He had scrubbed them, he left the bucket, and brush, next to the body of a little girl. I would not call this in. The Chief will have me arrested, and charged, just to get his pinto up. He didn’t strangle them, he poisoned them, he poured disinfectant down their throats. I went up to the main bedroom, my name was written on the wall above the bed. The handwriting, it didn’t compare to Ian’s or Breno’s. This bastard was a new breed. My cell rang. “Detective Roberto Oliveira, you better get out Senhor, the cops are on their way, and then I will take a drive to the valley. Your dogs eat steak, right?” He cut the call. I didn’t recognise the voice, there were no traces of Ian or Breno. I heard the sirens, merda! I ran to my car, but a cop fired at me, yeah Roberto, running away from the scene of a crime, fucking A. They arrested me, and charged me with the murders of the Alvesio family, and the Benedicto family.
The Chief came over, after I was in my cell. “I always knew it was you, all I had to do was sit back and wait for you to fuck up.” He applauded me. “All those missing files. Man you really think I am that dumb.” Actually yes. That I kept to myself. “Chief, listen to me, Eloa Alvesio is in danger, she is at my house in the valley, please send a squad car to pick her up, I beg you.” He lifted his eyebrows. “So, you didn’t get time to finish the job, or maybe you did. I will send a car Roberto. I can tell you, we found hair, and tissue, and your blood in both places. You will fry my man, and I will be there to pull the switch.”
I played right into that bastards hands, what if he planned this all along. He only had two months to strike. That whole ploy we are friends, that was all smoke and mirrors. Maybe Breno was not real. I think this new PERP is the real deal. I demanded my phone call. They didn’t listen to me. I screamed, they said in an hour. In an hour Eloa will be dead.
ELOA: I was terrified, I hid in the bedroom, I moved the dresser to bar the door. I didn’t hear the dogs. I went into the bathroom, to splash water on my face. I felt the prick of the needle. He pulled me by my hair, and tossed me onto the bed.
ALEJO: “Ola, wife. How are you doing? The fact that you drugged me, well, that pissed me off. So honey, we will have a little fun, just don’t fall asleep, I will tell you a secret. One I know you can never tell anyone. There never was an Ian, there never was a Breno. It’s only been me baby, Alejo.” I waited for that to sink in. I wiped my hands. “Now we can play.”
The officer that arrived at the house, found the dogs dead, he called in backup. He waited. Jose’ watched the road. When backup arrived, they went into the house. Jose’ went to the spare bedroom. He had to use brutal force to push open the door. Eloa was tied to the bed, he didn’t have to check if she was dead. Small incisions covered her whole body. On the wall above her was the name Roberto, written in her own blood. He knew they would find Roberto’s semen inside her. He called to the ME. Jose’ took notes, and left, the detectives, and figure this out, he had a report to write, and a call to make.