Daniel found Eddie sitting against the wall of the school gym and joined him, a marked essay in his hand.
‘I owe you one,’ he told him.
Eddie snatched the essay and looked at the score. ‘Impressive. Next time I’ll make sure you get an A, then for the exam, you’re getting an A+. Got it?’
Daniel smirked. ‘Yes, Mr Ironpoe. So anyway, You still up for tonight?’
‘Yep. We’re not going to fight over this game, are we?’
‘Why? You a Bomber now? You said last week you were a Demon-’
‘They suck this season.’
‘You can’t just change your mind every week. You’ve got to pick a side.’
Eddie snickered at him. ‘That’s rich, coming from you.’ He laughed even more at Daniel’s confused face.
The meaning of Eddie’s words eventually dawned on Daniel, who added to the laughter and lightly nudged him.
‘Hey, only I can say stuff like that. Check your privilege.’
The PE teacher blew her whistle. ‘Okay, guys. Today’s Beep Test day.’ Everyone groaned. Eddie took a few deep breaths. The Beep Test. His mortal enemy. His highest score was 4/8, the second lowest among the boys in his class.
Daniel put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Eddie nodded and the two stood up.
They stretched their arms and legs before standing next to each other in the line, waiting for the announcer on the CD to quit explaining how it worked and finish the damn countdown.
The first beep started. Eddie kept falling behind Daniel, who got to the other end quickly, but seeing Daniel do so well lit a fire under him. He kept running as the beeps became faster and faster, long after he started feeling sick. His vision got blurry but he continued running. Eventually, he stopped hearing the squeak of sneakers coming into contact with the wooden floor and could only hear the beeps that started sounding less like a guide to him and more like funeral bells.
Eventually he was an inch away from making it to the end line when the beep sounded. He ran a little past the line like Daniel had suggested to help himself feel less sick. It only helped a little.
‘Ed, 6/9,’ the PE teacher said. Joy rose up Eddie’s body instead of bile. After writing his score down, he leaned against the wall and slid down until he was sitting on the ground, picking up his bottle and gulping the water like a baby feeding on milk.
He watched Daniel, who got a 13/8, one beep below James. Daniel pushed away the initial anger coiling around his body and gave James a high five.
Eddie congratulated Daniel and told him his score.
Daniel wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close. He let go after a second, causing Eddie to fight the urge to pout.
‘Impressive. Next time you’ll get an 8/3 and by the time you graduate your score will be a 10/2.’
Eddie lightly slapped his shoulder. ‘As if I could do that.’
Daniel put his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. ‘Even if I say please?’
Some of the other students started cooing the couple. Daniel’s shoulders rose, but they returned to normal when Eddie kissed his cheek.
After school, they met up in the city and headed to the MCG.
Daniel turned out to be a loud cheerer, or at least he was in front of Eddie. Eddie hardly paid attention to the game, focusing on the giant, almost magical smile on Daniel’s lips. He looked like a fairy who’d been released from his cage.