Too long, so I separated it.
Unfortunately, though, all good things come to an end. As Luca's alarm goes off, the two males sit up and resist the urge to sigh, giving hesitant glances to the phone, but Luca shakes off his own emotions, turns off the alarm, and stands up to smile perkily at Axel despite the emotions brewing in his stomach.
"Oh. Carrot park time," Luca informs cheerily, and Axel reluctantly gathers the needed things. Really, he wishes the previous moment could go on forever, but he knows better. God, he knows better, so he shoves those thoughts away and instead allows Luca to lead him along to a random double-date he suddenly agreed to. While he could say it's to make Luca happy, that would be a lie, a more blatant lie than what even Luca says. Really, it's just to see at least one of the people that Luca fucks around with, and as much as Axel knows the futility of that, he can't resist the urge. Maybe it's just curiosity, or maybe it's jealousy, but he needs to see, just one.
Luckily, he doesn't have to wait long because the park isn't too far away. Not many other people linger around due to the cool day, as well as the gathering clouds in the sky, but Luca still smiles cheerily. Axel decides that he doesn't need the sun with Luca's beaming grin, and he ruffles Luca's soft, fluffy hair affectionately before they get unbuckle and get out of the car. From not too far away, Axel notices a couple of other males around their age walking their way, a bag of carrots held in the taller one's hand, and Luca bounces eagerly on his toes as he spots them.
"Georgie! Evan! Over here!" Luca calls, waving his arms eagerly, but the others don't hurry their pace anymore. Luca huffs, but Axel takes the time to look over his "competition." The shorter one has hair dyed a deep purple, a long-sleeved striped shirt, black short-overalls with some purple design, and black flip-flops. Interesting style choice, Axel notes, and turns his attention to the taller one, which he suspects is Luca's date. The taller one has longer black hair pulled back into a ponytail, and he wears an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt over a white shirt with bright blue stripes, paired with black jeans and plain converse. Equally interesting--what the fuck is with Luca and knowing the weirdest people?
"Hey, buddy, I'm Evan," the taller one introduce himself, holding his hand out for Axel to shake. Hesitantly, Axel does, the firmness of the handshake throwing him slightly off-guard, but he begins to understand more as Evan slings an arm around Luca's shoulder. 'No more than hand-holding' my ass, Axel internally scoffs, but he shoves away his jealousy to introduce himself to his admittedly cute date, although not nearly as cute as Luca despite being even shorter.
True to Luca's words, they find a suitable place to sit and eat the carrots, except only Georgie really eats them because who the fuck likes carrots raw and straight out of the damn bag. Axel resists the urge to heave a loud, frustrated, passive-aggressive sigh as he notices Evan kiss Luca's neck--again. Instead, he focuses on his game of catch with Georgie, whose grey eyes sparkle in childlike amusement at the action of throwing a rock. Honestly, Georgie is really fucking cute, and Axel begins to wonder if maybe he should just give up on anything romantic with Luca. It hurts, though, so he shoves those thoughts away and laughs, ducking to avoid the rock whizzing over-head.
"Hey, Georgie! Careful, yeah? I need someone to make me breakfast," Luca teases, but his words fall on deaf ears. Not even Axel looks over at him--why does that hurt so much? Frowning, Luca ignores the fifth kiss placed on his neck, and he resists the urge to sigh as Evan continues to try and fuck opposed to actually doing anything fun. The sixth kiss pisses him off too much, though, so he stands up, mutter out some half-assed excuse, and wanders off. Luca glances back; Axel hasn't even noticed that he's left. When Evan meets his gaze, Luca rolls his eyes and turns back, continuing to walk away.
Fuck Evan. Fuck Wyatt. Fuck Luca, honestly. With a sigh, Luca hides behind a tree and tries to understand what the actual fuck he's doing, but his mind comes up blank. Nothing. It terrifies him, really, how absolutely empty it all is, and he begins to feel a familiar craving as everything else threatens to collapse. Looking up, he meets Evan's eyes; they don't even have to say anything before Evan is pressing Luca against a tree and kissing him with an intensity that makes his head spin. He needs more, though, so Luca wraps his legs around Evan's waist and busies himself with undoing Evan's pants.
Fuck, fuck, he needs this. Evan kisses his neck, and he slips his hand into Evan's pocket to grab the condom he knows will be in there, along with travel lube. Is he really about to fuck someone in a wooded park? On a double date with Axel? Yes, yes he is, and as he pulls his own pants down, Evan flips him around so his chest is pressed against the tree. "Easier access, less awkward. Do you mind?" Evan's smooth voice questions, and Luca shakes his head, more than grateful at the opportunity to face away from his shame. Evan grunts and quickly slathers lube around his hole; Luca bites his lip as fingers hurriedly press in and stretch him open. It burns, fuck, it burns, but it feels good, being not empty.
"Fuck me, please, fuck me. Fill me up, stretch me open, Evan, please," Luca quietly whines, and Evan quickly complies. It only takes a few seconds to tear the package open, roll the condom on, and lube up his dick, and soon, Evan braces himself against the tree as he lines up his head with Luca's twitching, desperate entrance. With a quiet breath, Evan presses in, and Luca finally feels full. But he needs more, fuck--always more, never enough. Evan's fingers dig into his hip as the taller male rocks himself in and out of his tight ass, and the sex is needy, fast, both of them just using the other to reach an end. Tears prick Luca's eyes as he falls over the edge, his cum mainly spraying into his hand, and Evan gives a quiet grunt as he stills himself, probably spent as well.
"I'm sorry for being so rushed, Luca, but neither of us seemed to be in the mood for anything else," Evan murmurs in his ear before pulling out, and as Luca turns around, the expression in the taller male's green eyes so mirrors his own that Luca forgets his hand is dripping his own cum. Suddenly, things make more sense, and Luca can only manage a small smile as Evan carefully cleans him off and helps him reorient himself. Pressing an almost-sweet kiss to his forehead, Evan situates himself as well before walking away to throw away the trash, and Luca rests against the tree for a couple more minutes before deciding he needs to go back, as much as he doesn't want to. Shame sets his entire body alight as he comes into sight of Axel and Georgie, and as Axel's disappointed eyes meet his, that shame threatens to consume him whole.
There are no words. The "date" continues on awkwardly for another half-hour, and as much as Luca tries, he can't get Axel's disappointed stare out of his head. Evan gives up on trying to distract him and instead offers him subtle comforts, even going as far as apologizing, but Luca just shakes his head. "It's my fault, Evan, stop," he admonishes, and, finally, even Georgie seems to notice the heavy atmosphere. With some half-assed excuse about the weather, Axel effectively ends the date, and Luca doesn't miss Georgie slipping his number to Axel. He just can't muster up the energy to care, though, and as he numbly trudges along Axel, he can't think of anything to say, not even on the drive back to Axel's apartment.
Only Axel breaks the silence, sitting in the parking lot to the apartment building. "I know you fucked Evan," Axel states--his voice is blunt, harsh, and so unlike his usually warm, light tone. Luca doesn't even flinch; all he can do is wonder why he had to fuck things up. What hurts the most, though, is knowing that they'll return back to where they were soon enough, when Luca calls Axel up, drunk and high and so fucking alone. He'll wake up back in his bed in a week, and it'll start all over again. He can't fucking stand the thought of that, though, so he decides to go for broke and let it all out.
"Yeah, I did because I just felt so fucking empty, Axel, and there's no way that I can ever explain to you how I feel, or why I do the things that I do, but despite the fact.. despite the fact that I want to be here, with you, for you, by you... I just.. this is what I do," Luca admits hollowly, barely able to formulate any thought at all but knowing he needs to continue. "And I mean, I know this sounds fucking rich coming from me, right? Like, I'm the one who pushes everyone away, keeps you away, but fuck, man, fuck. I just can't keep doing this hollow, meaningless performance, and you can't, either. I'm not good for you, Ax." It bursts out of him, from some deep place, and his hands start shaking as he stares down at them, eyes tearing up once again. Axel remains silent; so does he.
Finally, though, Axel speaks. "Do you want to stop, Luca? Do you want to get better?" Axel asks in a low, croaking voice, and Luca just breathes. He can't even fathom the thought of being better--what the hell does that even mean? He wants it, though, wants it with all his fucking heart, his body, so much that he can't even begin to say yes, but he's also just scared. Could he even get better? What if he can't do it? So many things dart through his head, he isn't even aware of when his breathing begins to pick up or when he starts to shake. All he knows is that he can't do anything and fuck why can he not breathe and oh damn it not here, not now, oh fuck--so many thoughts.
Then, a kiss. It shocks him, but it's somehow exactly what he needs. There's an underlying sense of desperation in the way Axel kisses him, a need for him to just not be so upset and to calm down, and Luca focuses on the feelings of Axel's soft lips against his own, on responding to the kiss, so that his thoughts slowly settle down, and his breathing evens out. Axel pulls away and just rests his forehead against Luca's, and they stare at each other for a few, long moments before Luca wraps his hand around the back of Axel's neck and pulls him into a series of breathtaking, intense, mind-numbing kisses.
"Please, Luca, just--I need something, I've wanted you for so long, we don't ever have to speak of it again but please," Axel quietly gasps between kisses, and Luca is nodding along with him, fully aware that means they need to separate and go back up to the apartment. They can't seem to stop kissing, though, and their tongues clash messily, teeth getting in the way, lips fumbling desperately. Axel, always the logical one, pulls away first, and after some mumbled curses, he unbuckles his seat-belt and hurriedly exits the car. Luca follows suit, and the two hurriedly rush up to Axel's apartment.
"Don't let this be a regret," Luca pleads as Axel unlocks the door, but any response the other male could give is lost in another furious series of kisses. Shedding clothes and bumping into walls, they stumble across the apartment, but as Axel's hands tug at his shirt, Luca silently shakes his head, a pleading look in his eyes. The shirt stays on; Axel's comes off. They fall onto his small bed, and Luca moves away from the other's lips to spread kisses across his neck, chest, and torso. Axel's quiet gasps and groans sound like music to Luca's ears--much better than club music.
"Luca, Luca," Axel groans out, a desperate plea for something he doesn't quite understand. Luca returns to kissing him hungrily, his hands pulling of the remainder of Axel's clothes, and their hands explore the new territory ferociously, skimming over soft skin and teasing newly-found sensitive spots. Soft gasps, groans, and moans fill the air between hungry kisses, and they grind against each other, eager for any sense of pleasure or touching.
"Back, bed," Luca mumbles; somehow, Axel understands his primitive speech and lies back against the bed, Luca straddling his lap. The redhead litters kisses down Axel's neck and chest, and he pauses to pay attention to the nipples standing to attention. Glancing up at Axel's reddened face, Luca smirks and sucks on the nub, lightly nipping it, before giving the area a sensual lick and switching to the other one. Axel gives a content sigh and threads his fingers through Luca's hair to softly tug. Luca gasps at the feeling and continues his journey down, dipping his tongue into Axel's navel before finally coming to the prize: Axel's hard dick.
"Oh, Luca," Axel groans as a warm mouth descends over the head of his throbbing cock, and he tugs Luca's hair a little harder, which draws out a whimper from the redhead. "Feels so good," Axel pants out, barely able to lift his head up to watch as his cock disappears into Luca's eager mouth, and Luca's eyes meet his own. The blue depths swim with lust and desperation, and the sight alone is almost enough to make him explode right then and there. Groaning, he pulls Luca off his cock and kisses him eagerly, swallowing any moans from the harsh treatment.
"I don't know if I can handle you in my ass," Luca admits, his voice tinged with shame, but Axel kisses him and drives that shame away. Fingers roam to his and carefully prod, and as Luca flinches, they quickly withdraw, rubbing across his throbbing cock in a soft apology. All the redhead can do is whimper as Axel's fingers rub his cock and spread precum, and the feeling is so unlike anything else that he's ever felt that he gets lost in the sensation.
"Then fill my ass," Axel quietly suggests, and it takes a few seconds for the idea to register in Luca's head. He pulls back, a little shocked and confused, and Axel just stares at him seriously. With a shuddering sigh, Luca falls back into their heated kisses and Axel's soft touches, and as he props himself up with one hand, his other trails down between Axel's spread legs. Axel gasps at the feeling, not that foreign but not that familiar. Luca shudders at the thought of being inside of Axel. Littering kisses across the other's face, neck, and chest, Luca slicks his fingers with Axel's precum and slowly massages the tight hole.
Fuck. Axel gasps and rolls his hips into the sensation, and Luca pulls away to grab the lube he knows rests in the nightstand. As he turns to Axel, his heart pounds, and lust washes over him at how fucking needy and hot he looks. Feeling powerful, confident, and even more desperate than before, Luca intensely kisses Axel while carefully pushing a lubed finger into his tight ass, and the other male stays relatively relaxed through the first penetration. Slowly, Luca adds a second one, which causes Axel to tense up a little more.
"Relax, Ax," Luca murmurs to Axel, which causes him to relax as intended. The two continue to passionately kiss as Luca stretches Axel's tight ass, and soon, Luca pulls away. Quickly locating a condom, Luca smiles and clumsily slides it on, unused to being the one with a condom but willing to roll with it anyway, and as he returns to other male, he settles between his spread legs and lines himself up. Axel's legs drape over his own, and warm brown eyes watch intently while Luca fumbles about with his dick and slathers lube over it.
Oh, fuck, he feels like a damn virgin again. Vividly blushing, the redhead focuses intently on his actions and slowly pushes the tip in; it slips in, meeting little resistance. Both gasp at the new sensation, and Luca grips Axel's thigh as he slowly pushes more in. The other male groans out, back arching at painful pleasure, and fists the sheets. His head whirls with the sensation; he feels like he's drowning in the best of ways as Luca buries his entire length within him.
"Axel, fuck, this feels..." Luca gasps out, trembling at the entire situation. Axel nods, blindly reaching out for the redhead, and Luca lowers himself to be chest to chest as he slowly pulls out, enjoying every sensation thoroughly. Gasping, Luca nibbles Axel's neck to ground himself before he explodes, but the noises that escape his partner give a different incentive as Luca snaps his hips and buries himself back in that tight heat. Axel pulls at his hair roughly; Luca's hips jolt at the pleasurable sensation. Their slow-fuck sensation descends into a chaotic mess of grinding and thrusting, panting and gasping, moaning and groaning. Axel's sounds take on a higher pitch as Luca angles himself differently, and with a couple more pumps, Axel feels warm cum splatter onto his stomach and chest, and Luca groans as the tight walls clench down around him. With a moaned curse, Luca spills his seed into the condom.
"Fuck," Axel whispers, eyes closed, and Luca can only nod, trembling as he holds still. Fuck, he's afraid to move, afraid to ruin the moment, but he pulls out as he begins to soften. Sore, sweaty, and exhausted, Luca tosses the condom away and stumbles to the bathroom to grab a damp rag. Carefully, he wipes both of them down and tosses it haphazardly into the dirty clothes; it lands close enough for Luca to allow himself to collapse beside Axel. "No, we gotta shower," the other male mutters; slowly, the duo rise and trudge to the shower. Lazily, Axel turns the water on, and Luca, in his tired haze, carelessly strips off his dirty shirt.
Thankfully, Axel mentions nothing of the marks and just welcomes the redhead into the warm shower, and they simply stand together silently under the spray. There's no telling what will happen next, but neither of them can muster the energy to care as the water washes over them, the shower curtain protecting them from the rest of the world. For now, it's just them, and whatever consequences may come, they can wait until the next morning. For now, Axel just admires how beautiful Luca is, even with eyeliner and mascara streaming down his cheeks.