Most nights, he awakes to the sound of owls hooting outside his cave, and he basks in the darkness for a few minutes before his hunger drives him to go hunting. Tonight, though, he awakes to an overly-familiar feeling--primal arousal. Not just the kind he gets whenever Cotton accidentally tempts him, but the deep, instinctual arousal that could only arise from one thing--a female in heat.
Who, though? His foggy brain struggles, stuck in the fact that he's not with the pack anymore, before a quiet mewl reminds him of his feline companion. Oh, gods, not this, he silently begs as he sits up slowly. She lays curled up on the bed, blankets thrown off except for a very thin sheet that clings to the curve of her body, and he finds it hard not to fill in the blanks as he stares at the sleeping wildkin cat.
"Shower," he mumbles to himself, as much a reminder as a command, and he has to force himself to look away from Cotton's small form. Something inside him yearns to break her, to crush her body against his, to claim her so thoroughly that she could never even think about leaving him, but he locks that part of him away and steps into the carved-out bathroom. A sigh escapes him as he turns on the cold shower, but he can't bring himself to regret bringing Cotton back home.
She's his lost kitten, and he'd do a lot of things to keep her here. Willingly, of course... he shakes his head to erase the thoughts already creeping back in. With moderate success, he tries to fully redirect his thoughts somewhere else as he begins to wash up, and by the time he turns the water off, he's managed to fully push his instincts down and clear his mind.
That is, until he steps out. His dark eyes almost instantly land on the pale beauty standing in front of him, and he almost ducks back into the shower. Her scent surrounds him again, thick and intoxicating, and he has to fight very hard to not succumb to his primal urges.
"Cotton," he growls. She stiffens, glancing up at him with her pale amber eyes, and he lets out a slow, strained breath. She's killing him, he decides, and he finds blood pooling south as his eyes wander downward. Nothing... oh, gods, she really is something, isn't she?
"I-I... I got warm. An-and I feel... weird." She struggles to get the words out, her own mind hazy with thoughts she can't even define. Her eyes roam the broad form in front of her, and even though she's seen Bone's naked chest dozens of times, she finds herself almost breathless at the sight of it now. Strong, she knows, but warm--very warm, and very comfortable. Her eyes dip lower, over the muscles of his abdomen, and warmth swells in her as she comes across him in his full length.
"You're in heat, Cotton. Surely you know what that means." Bone resists the urge to growl in frustration--how could they have kept her so sheltered? He grits his teeth at the fascination in her eyes, and he quickly slips shorts on. Her eyes flick back up to his; there's a need in them that draws him closer. Before he really realizes what he's doing, he's standing before her, hands resting on her bare skin.
"N-no," she breathlessly responds, and she can't even begin to explain what she wants or how she feels. All she knows is that his hands are burning against her skin but in such a delicious way. She nuzzles against him, a purr rumbling in her chest, and ignores the pressure against her body as she molds herself against his solid form.
Gods, help him, he pleads. "You're in heat," he repeats, unsure of what else to say, and he almost decides to just show her what mating is when she looks up at him, eyes wide and innocently curious. "So, uh, you're fertile. And your body is wanting you to, ah... mate." Just saying the word has arousal shooting through him, and he has to peel himself away from her before he does something he regrets.
"Mate? What's that?" She feels dumb, as she always does when she has to ask an obvious question, but she needs to know. The burning warmth in her lower regions is uncomfortable; however, it's nowhere near as uncomfortable as having these indescribable needs. She follows him closely as he walks out of the bathroom, and she smiles to herself at the sight of his bushy mane, wet and laying flat. It's cute, she thinks, and she has to stop herself from reaching forward and combing through his mane.
"It's when the male sticks his, well, penis in the woman's, uh, vagina," Bone explains roughly as he stops in front of Cotton's bed and turns to face the small woman. Gods, it reeks of her arousal, and his eyes widen as he catches the glistening of fluids along her thighs. Her face twists in confusion, which breaks him from his trance, and with some pointing, he manages to explain what a penis and vagina are without deciding to give up on this entire talking thing.
"So... mating would take the feeling away?" She can't help but ask, even if she feels like the question is wrong somehow. Swallowing nervously, she carefully sits back down on the bed and draws her fluffy tail around her, and her ears twist, caught between folding back and being alert. Her hands knead at the bed in front of her, and Bone carefully takes a seat by her on the bed.
"Yeah," he answers shortly, quietly. His dark eyes trace along the plump curve of her lips, and he can barely stand the feelings rushing through him. Something has to be done, he decides, and he turns to fully face her. She twists as well, ears tilted toward him, and he swallows thickly. "I could--we, well, if you want." He cuts himself off with a short growl, frustrated at his own stuttering, but soft, small hands on his give him the reassurance he needs to finish. "I can fuck--mate--you, if you want."
Silence. She can't bring herself to answer him, the offer still being processed in her hazy mind. Everything in her body yearns for his, though, but she doesn't even know where to start. A throbbing slowly begins in her lower regions, and she shifts uncomfortably, ears laying back as her uncertainty grows. Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes and tries to focus on what she wants.
Gods, she needs... something. It's all she can focus on, and she nods without even really being aware of it. As she opens her eyes, she sees Bone leaning toward her; she lets him push her back against the bed with his body. Something about his large form looming over hers only makes her feel warmer, and, desperate for touch, she arches up against his solid chest. He rumbles in his chest and bends his head to capture her lips with his own.
Finally. A content sigh escapes her as she twists her fingers in his messy hair, and her legs wrap around his waist to get as close as possible. His tongue clumsily pries her lips open, and she mimics his every move, unsure of everything except that it feels good. A meow escapes her as he pulls back, and Bone lets out a shaky breath as he tries to convince her to let him go.
"Cotton, kitten, I need--my shorts," he mumbles between quick kisses, and he resists the urge to kiss the pout away as she finally releases him. He quickly tugs off his shorts and flings them away; as soon as that's done, he presses himself against Cotton. She's so small, and seeing his dick resting against her stomach brings some doubts as to whether she'll be able to handle it.
"W-when do you, um, stick it in?" Cotton questions, more to bring Bone's attention away from his thoughts and back to her. His near-black eyes glance back up at her, and she finds herself paralyzed by his intense gaze. He lowers his head to her neck; his body curls above her to do so, his hips remaining near Cotton's as he slowly grinds against her.
"I'll stick my dick in when I'm ready, kitten." His voice is demanding, and it sends thrills through her body like always. She flushes as she realizes how much she likes him ordering her around. Teeth nip at her neck; she gasps, hands grasping at the male above her. Bone smirks and begins to slowly work the soft skin of her neck, and he makes sure to leave dark marks to last for days.
"B-Bone!" She cries out as the male sinks his teeth into her skin and draws blood, and he growls, his grip tightening on her. Instinct roars at him to claim her; as hard as he tries to fight it, he can't. Pulling away, he presses gentle, soothing kisses to the bite on her neck as he grinds more against her soaked slit, and she twists under him. He growls and gently grabs her arms, and he pins her down to keep her still.
"Kitten," he groans. "I'm going to enter now, okay? Scratch me if it hurts." Bone buries his face in her neck as he slowly pushes forward. She gasps, lurching against him only to find herself restrained, and arousal hums through her as Bone keeps her firm against the bed. Gods, is she supposed to be into that? Her question gets forgotten soon as she continues to get stretched, and she grasps at Bone, able to move her lower arms.
"Full," she mewls, peeking down between them to notice that he isn't even halfway in yet. She watches in fascination as Bone's hips shift, slowly drawing his now-glistening dick out of her, and she whimpers at the slower insertion, a little deeper than before. Her fingers flex, claws catching against skin; Bone's hips still against hers.
"F-fuck, Cotton--you okay?" he questions, his voice ragged and strained. Cotton nods quickly, her amber eyes catching his dark ones; in an impulsive move, he slants his mouth overs and dives a little deeper into her wet heat. Groaning, Bone holds himself steady as he readjusts to free one hand. One holds himself up while the other slips between them, and his thumb slowly works the sensitive bud of her clit.
The reaction is almost immediate. She moans out, hips jolting against his own, and her head tilts back, which breaks their kiss. He takes the opportunity to litter more hickeys across her pale neck as he slowly works himself ever deeper into her. His kitten's whimpers grow louder and more frequent, and he finds himself already intoxicated by her noises, the feel of her walls clinging to him, her claws lightly digging into his shoulder... everything.
If she thought she felt full now, Gods, she's absolutely stuffed right now. Pleasure wracks her body as his rough, callused thumb slowly works a bundle of nerves she didn't really even realize had that effect, and he slowly grinds his dick into her. It's almost too much, and a whine escapes her as the pleasure only grows.
"You're going to fucking take my dick," Bone pants in her ear when she tries to move away. His hand catches her hip and drags her closer; he presses even deeper into her, feels as she surrounds all of him. She whines, twisting in his grasp, but he holds her still and slowly works his dick in and out. "You're going to take it all because you're mine, okay, kitten?" He squeezes his eyes shut, teeth scraping at her neck, and tries to focus on anything but the feeling of Cotton below him.
"I-I'm yours," she whimpers, quietly, but she cries it out as Bone slams into her, his dick fully inside of her. It feels like something bursts--wonderfully, pleasurably bursts. The feeling of her orgasm breaks the last thread of self-control, and Bone forces her into a better position, hips tilted up and legs spread wide, as he thrusts into her. His teeth pierce her shoulder; he releases a muffled roar, his own climax coming upon him. His hips come to a stop with him deep in her.
Wow. That's the only thought that can form in her mind as Bone slowly pulls out, and she wordlessly curls up against him as he shifts to sit beside her. Blood beads up on her shoulder, but she ignores it and nuzzles against the canine. All she can smell is their mixed scents; it comforts her, in a weird way. A hand gently combs through the messy fur on her shoulders, and she purrs quietly, content to be with him.
"I'm hungry, kitten." Bone's voice is warm and soothing, and she scoots herself into his arms so he can pick her up easily. His chuckle reverberates through her body; a small smile slips onto her face. As Bone eats the remains of last night's dinner, he feeds bites of meat to his kitten, curled up on his lap, and for the first time in a very long time, he doesn't feel quite so lonely and small in this cruel, large world.