The act of braiding my hair has never seemed so slow. With a rough sigh, I quickly tie the end and step back to look over my outfit. Frowning a bit, I unbutton my black shirt to reveal my white and grey striped shirt underneath, and I adjust the chain-belt, which doesn't really keep my dark grey ripped skinny jeans up but looks cool.
"Good enough," I mumble. Biting my lip, I swipe my phone off of the counter and send a quick text to Nova. While waiting for him to respond, I exit the large, ornate bathroom and make my way to my walk-in closet, complete with my own couch for when choosing clothes is just too much, and, luckily, it only takes me a few seconds to locate my black and white checkered shoes. Slipping them on over my black socks, I huff a little at the fact that Nova has yet to respond. Usually, the hyperactive wild-child taps out a response, typically in short little bursts of sentence fragments, at lightning speed, but not now.
What could be taking him so long? Scowling in irritation, I slip my phone in my pocket and begin to walk toward the all-too-large front entrance, complete with a grand arch and a set of tapestries to depict the king's ruling. By the time I've reached it, Nova has finally responded. Finally.
Almost as soon as I read it, someone, presumably Nova, knocks on my door. Rolling my eyes, I quickly open it and walk through, not pausing to greet the colorful male. He grumbles under his breath but rushes to catch up to me as I slip into the car waiting for us, and as soon as he closes the door, the driver speeds off. Nova lurches forward, thrown off balance by the sudden movement of the car, and somehow manages to land on me.
"Sorry, I'll just—" Nova begins to apologize, but he's cut off as his leg slips and sends him even further down. His lips crash down on mine, and I, in an effort to keep him from fully tumbling down, find myself grabbing his ass and hoisting him securely up on my lap, our lips still connected. Nova pulls back quickly, his eyes wide; we both stare at each other in shock for a few seconds. His eyes drift back down to my lips, and he furrows his brows in thought.
"Sorry," I apologize hoarsely as I move my hands off of his (amazing) ass, as much to distract him from whatever he's thinking about as to stop groping him, but it doesn't seem to shake him from whatever trance he's in. His colorful eyes flick back up to my own before returning to my lips. Taking a deep breath, Nova slowly leans forward, looking nervous for the first time since I've met him, and for some reason, I don't say or do anything as he comes closer and closer.
Hell, what am I doing? My heart beats quickly in my chest while my head races with thoughts; by the time he's just a centimeter away from kissing me, I'm too caught up in my own thoughts to react. His lips press against mine–so soft. Softer than any girl I've kissed--even with his piercings. He pulls back, scans my face, and leans forward again, his eyes searching for something in my own.
"Nova," I whisper what was supposed to be a warning, but it comes out more like a plea for more. He smirks and seems to gain a little confidence at that, but unfortunately—no, wait, what am I thinking? Fortunately, the car stops before he can kiss me again, and I carefully but quickly push him off of my lap and exit the car.
I'm not gay... am I? Or, well, bi, I guess. Does it count if it's just one person? Is it just one person? Confusion swirls in me as I try to comprehend my own sexuality. The one thing I know for certain is that I need a drink, so, without really bothering to wait for Nova, I hurry into the club. The bouncers glance at me and hurry to let me through; guess being the prince does have a few benefits after all, huh? Allowing myself a small, self-pitying smirk, I glide over to the bar and order my usual.
"You seem to be in a rush," Nova remarks as he slips up beside me, his impossibly soft lips pulled into a sly, sex—ugh! What's wrong with me? I don't answer as I tilt my glass up and drain it in one go. Grimacing at the burn, I order another one while Nova perches on the stool next to me.
For the first time, I get the opportunity to fully take in his outfit. He's wearing a long, sleeveless white hoodie with colorful splatters on it, and I can barely see the edge of black shorts from under the edge of the hoodie. My eyes trail down his legs—why are they so damn tempting?—to his shoes, plain black, and as hard as I try to just look back up into Nova's eyes, my gaze lingers on his bare legs for far longer than what I would like.
"I'm a little eager to get this party really started," I inform him, my voice low. Nova smirks widely, and I turn my attention away from the wicked tempter in front of me to my drink. A colorful hand slides up my leg, and I almost choke on my drink. That's not what I meant! But wait, isn't it? I mean, maybe, but had I--okay, yes, I had most certainly just flirted back with him, and I want to do far more than that.
Far, far more. I push all the other questions out of my mind, the alcohol most certainly helping with that, and focus on not choking. And on his hand still on my thigh--wow, he's warm.
"Are you okay, Renzi?" he innocently questions, his voice almost a purr on my name, and he pulls me out of my thoughts before they travel down south for the season. Taking a deep breath, I down my second drink and turn to directly face the devious bastard known as Nova. He licks his lips, and I find myself leaning forward slightly. Nova grins, pulling me out of the small trance I had been in. Swallowing thickly, I get up, making sure to press as much against Nova as possible.
"Let's dance," I whisper in his ear as I pass. He shudders a little, and I tuck that small bit of information away in my head as I confidently stride to the dance floor. Nova follows quickly, and soon enough, we're trying to make each other jealous as we dance with strangers.
Why does it bother me so much to see him with someone else? I glare at the person groping Nova's ass as a random female tries to get my attention. Once she realizes that I'm not going to even glance at her, she huffs but finds someone else, and I make my way over to Nova. Before I reach him, the other man begins to get too handsy, and my blood boils as he roughly forces a struggling Nova closer to him and shoves his hand into those damn black shorts.
"You're such a pretty whore, aren't you, baby?" the disgusting piece of trash grunts, loud enough for me to hear over the music. Enraged, I stalk up to the two, and I send a scathing glare to the stranger. He flinches for a second before apparently realizing who I am and just how scrawny I am, and he regains his full stature. I resist the urge to growl like an animal and curse the damned useless clouds of dust that betray my position but do nothing to enforce it.
"Get your fucking hands off of him," I snarl. The stranger smirks at me, and my hand tightens into a fist as rage burns through my blood. Nova whimpers, a sound that evokes an oddly protective instinct in me. My scowl deepens. I can't recall ever being this angry, but now liquid fury surges in my veins.
"Or what? Will the fairy prince get his parents to arrest me? I'm so scared," the jackass sneers, and I snap. Before I'm really aware of what I'm doing, I'm lunging at the stranger, and my fist makes contact with his face. He releases Nova as he stumbles back; in a second, I'm wrestling him to the ground. The flashing lights and the music and the crowd and the alcohol dizzy me, and I'm unaware of what's going on until I'm stumbling out of the club with a worried Nova at my side.
"Are you fucking insane, Renzi? You can't just start a damn fight like that! What the hell were you thinking?" Nova shouts. I take a few deep breaths to steady myself, but all I can think about is that bastard's hands on my Nova. Tears begin to build up in my eyes, along with a sense of desperation, and I interrupt Nova's out-of-character lecture by crushing him in a possessive hug.
"I didn't like the way he was touching you, so I made him stop. Sorry if I lost control, you just don't deserve to be treated like that," I mumble, completely sober and honest. Well, not completely sober, but sober enough to mean it 100%. Nova pulls back and searches my face for any sign of insincerity, and when he doesn't find any, he frowns and pulls away.
"I don't think you understand, Renzi. I-I want to be with you, I want something more between us, and what you're saying right now is just giving me hope that I don't need. So please, just tell me that I'm insane and you'll never be interested in someone like me so I can move on," Nova pleads, his voice and face pained. In that moment, I forget about the fact that I am a prince, that I have set rules and expectations to adhere to, that I can't be free, and I do it.
I kiss the boy that has been taking over my mind, the one person I feet I can be myself around. He stiffens in my hold, but after a couple of seconds, he relaxes and kisses me back. We separate after a few seconds and just stare at each other; wordlessly, Nova takes my hand and begins leading me back to my house.
Thankfully, the walk doesn't take too long, and soon enough, we're slipping soundlessly into my room. As soon as the door closes behind me, Nova turns around and eagerly kisses me, and I hungrily kiss him back. Our mouths open in a sloppy French-kiss, tongues and teeth clashing. We stumble back onto my bed, some new primal need awoken or realized within both of us, and I tug slightly on Nova's wild hair as we make out. He groans slightly and pushes my over-shirt off of my shoulders, and I pull back to fully take it off, along with almost everything else.
"Do you really want to do this?" I question, even as my hands are busily and clumsily working to undress myself. Nova nods as he shimmies out of his shorts, leaving him in just his hoodie and boxers, and I hungrily kiss him again, unable to resist. He groans as I give his hair a harsher tug, and my other hand strokes the smooth skin of his leg.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this, Renzi. I'm a horny teenager, and you're hot as hell," Nova admits with a sly smirk as he pulls back, and he pushes back on my chest a bit. Confused but compliant, I follow his pushes until I'm lying on my back, with him straddling my waist. Under his intense gaze, I begin to feel a little self-conscious, but once I notice the lust in his eyes, the self-consciousness morphs into confidence.
"Hot as hell, huh? That's quite the compliment," I inform Nova, even as I sit back and think the exact same thing about him. There's one thing in the way, though: his hoodie. Frowning, I pull off the colorful fabric, which leaves us both in only our boxers. My mouth goes dry at the sight of his hard cock straining against the fabric of his light blue boxers, and I feel my own hard dick throb.
"See how fucking hard you make me? That's how I feel every time you're around," Nova admits, and I groan quietly at the information. Roughly gripping his hair, I force him down on top of me, and he groans as our mouths roughly collide in a passionate kiss. For the first time in our series of kisses, I notice his tongue and lip piercings, and I groan a little. Fuck, I need him.
Once again, we separate, and I have to resist the urge to kiss him again. Slowly, I release my grip on his hair. Nova sits up, and I notice a certain detail that sends a bolt of arousal through me but also gives me an idea. Smirking, I glance up at Nova, and I quickly flip us again. Settling between his legs, I quickly kiss his lips; before I get distracted, though, I begin kissing down his neck. He gasps, and I smirk against his skin.
"Renzi," Nova groans, the sound making my cock throb again, and I take a brief detour from my original plan to focus on his neck. His head tilts back and to the side, either intentionally or unintentionally giving me more room. Slowly working my way down, I drink in his small gasps and moans, and his hands roam over my back restlessly.
"You're breathtaking," I whisper against his collarbone, and I pull back a little to fully admire him. His eyes are half-lidded, and his red lips parted, revealing even more of their pink center. Once again, I have to remind myself of my plan. Leaning back down, I press a kiss to the completely black spot above his heart, and I'm rewarded with a small gasp. Grinning, I kiss my way over to his pierced nipple.
"Hurry up, I need you!" Nova whines, and I pause again. He squirms under me, obviously impatient. Smirking, I switch from resting between his legs to straddling him, which restricts his movements, and I leisurely press slow, lingering kisses around his chest. He huffs and pulls at my hair slightly, not enough to really cause any pain but there nonetheless.
"Let me take it slow, Nova. Sometimes, it's nice to just relax and enjoy the feelings, so calm down. Let me make you feel good," I murmur against his skin. Pulling back again, I notice a warm blush spread across his cheeks as he huffs and grumbles, but he relaxes against the bed anyways. "Good boy," I praise as I lean back down.
I'm not sure when or if we can do this again, so I have to make this last. I slowly kiss his chest again. Nova sighs a little, and I grin as I kiss his pierced nipple once more. He whines a little; smirking, I graze my teeth against his sensitive skin. He groans appreciatively, and I remind myself to take things slow. His hands find their way to my shoulders and grasp tightly as I flick my tongue against the piercing. Within a few minutes, he's gasping and squirming under me while I lavish attention on his nipple.
He's making it really hard to listen to my own advice. With a low groan of my own, I move to the other nipple, and my other hand reaches up to continue giving attention to his nipple. His moans and gasps begin to really wear down on my self-control, not to mention that his squirming creates sinful friction. Groaning, I pull away, and once again, the sight of Nova takes my breath away. His hair is wild and sticking to his face, a warm blush covers his cheeks, and his nipples shine with a coating of saliva. Fuck, I need him.
"Are you ready?" I ask as I move off to the side, expecting him to eagerly strip off his boxers, but I'm surprised by him tackling me down onto the bed. Nova smirks wickedly and triumphantly down at me. His hands snake their way up my chest and stomach while he leans down, his lips brushing against my ear.
"Now it's my turn. Sometimes patience isn't the best option," he whispers before attacking my neck. Stifling a groan, I shift under him as he sucks and nips at my neck while his fingers play with my nipples, and he smirks against my skin. Unlike my own slow, gentle touches, Nova proves merciless as he roughly twists and pulls at my nipples, and I groan lowly. The devilish bastard smirks and skips straight down to my nipple.
Before he continues his assault on my nipples, he gazes up at me and just hovers over the hardened pebbles, and he has such a predatory, expectant look that I whimper a little. This seems to satisfy whatever need Nova had and his warm, hot mouth encloses one perky nipple within its moist cavern.
"N-Nova, fuck, I swear--" I start, but a bite to the sensitive, perked nub elicits a surprised yet pleasured groan from me. He smirks, and as he ruthlessly tortures both nipples, one with his pierced tongue and teeth, his free hand sneaks its way down my torso and wraps around my throbbing dick over my boxers.
"What was that, Renzi?" Nova purrs as he pulls back, but I can't answer him, too thrown off by the pleasure of his hand massaging my dick. A threatening squeeze pulls me out of my pleasured daze, and I pull him into a rough, passionate kiss. It's a little awkward, having to bend my head down and crane Nova's up, but I don't care so long as his lips are against mine.
"I want to do so fucking much to you, Nova, you don't even know," I breathlessly admit with a quiet groan as we pull away, his lips swollen and bruised and so damn fuckable. He smirks and pulls back, hand leaving my clothed dick, and I have to choke back a whine. I've never been so desperate for anyone's touch, but Nova isn't just anyone. He's my pretend boyfriend and the only person I've been close to--the boy my parents despise but I love.
"So, my little prince, who is going to be fucked, and who is going to be fucking?" Nova questions, shimmying out of his boxers. I don't answer, distracted by his equally colorful dick--a fade from black to a lighter purple. Hard and needy for me. Pre-cum beading at the tip, tantalizing and glistening. Hands on my waist shake me out of my trance, and I raise my hips to aid in him pulling my boxers off to reveal my own dark blue dick, standing proudly at attention. For him.
"I don't really care at this point, I want everything, Nova. I want to fuck you, I want to be fucked by you--I just want you," I breathe out, and Nova's eyes shine with something other than lust. Fuck, he's so beautiful, and even if for only this moment, he's mine. I grit my teeth against the tears welling up at the sudden rush of thoughts, and I force him into another kiss that leaves us both breathless and more needy than before.
"I want to be in you; I want to give you a new experience, one you'll never forget," Nova whispers against my lips, and I know that we are both thinking the exact same thing. Speechless, I just nod and desperately kiss him again, and he moans into my mouth as I drag him closer, our cocks rubbing against each other in the movement.
"Then fuck me, Nova. Fuck me so hard I'll never forget this moment, make me fucking limp tomorrow, make me yours," I plead, pulling back a little to better speak and watch his reaction. He groans low in his throat, and a pleasurable shudder crawls down my back at the sound.
"Prove to me you want it, Zailrenzi," Nova commands, and the use of my full name oddly makes my cock throb. That and the demand in his voice, the domination. Judging by the smirk on his face, I know he can feel it, and I take a deep breath to gather my mind a bit.
Prove it to him... how could I do that? I lick my lips as I think, but the lingering of Nova's eyes on that action gives me an idea. I pull him into another kiss and take the opportunity to roll us over once again. Pulling back, I nervously kiss my way down his neck and below his chest. Really, I'm just stalling because I'm nervous as hell, but the little noises that escapes Nova's mouth makes it worth it.
Eventually, I stare at Nova's cock, and I hide my nervousness and insecurity behind a sensual smirk as I wrap my hand around his dick. His colorful eyes remain trained on my face, and, forcing all my insecurities down, I press my pink and red tongue against the head of his cock and slowly lick. Ah--pre-cum, there you are. Not bad, actually, kind of pleasant. Is this how I taste?
"Fuck, Renzi--you don't have to," Nova grunts out, but as I press a kiss to his tip, he hisses and weaves his fingers into my hair (as well as he can with the braid, at least). A little confidence flows through me, and I breathe deeply before taking his head into my mouth. Fingers clench tighter in my hair; doing well, so far. I hope.
Oh, right--my hand is still on his dick and immobile, kind of forgot about that. Glancing up at Nova, I begin to pump his cock and adjust my grip a little, and once I find a good rhythm, I begin to suck and swirl my tongue around the tip. A low groan of approval floods me with more confidence; forcing myself to relax, I bob my head a little, taking him a little deeper every time.
"Oh, Renzi, fuck. Never thought I'd be so lucky to receive a royal blowjob," Nova breathlessly jokes, fingers tugging at my hair a little, and, surprisingly enough, a groan escapes me at the feeling of his fingers pulling at my hair. Fuck, alright, so that's hot and feels good, great to know. Nova grins wickedly and tugs harder, and I moan around his cock.
Well, I guess we both have a hair-pulling kink that goes both ways. Desperation begins to pulse through my veins again, and I suck harder on his throbbing cock. Nova gasps and swears loudly, and he pulls me off of his cock before he fills my mouth with his cum. I whimper and groan at the hard hair pull, but Nova silences me with a rough kiss.
"Lay on your back and spread your legs like a good little prince while I get the lube," Nova commands as he pulls back, and I can only breathlessly nod and obey. How can one person be so fucking hot in everything they do? My eyes trail after the wild boy who may have stolen my heart as he easily locates my stash of lube.
"If I'm the prince, what are you?" I question, watching as he makes his way back to me. Most wouldn't find Nova's somewhat gangly and stick-like appearance hot, but I've never been so attracted to someone before. He pauses at the foot of the bed and just takes in my spread-open position, skin shining with sweat and cock weeping pre-cum, and I swallow nervously.
"The dragon that steals you away," Nova whispers as he descends on me, and I don't get the chance to respond before his lips crash onto mine. The kiss is possessive, desperate, and rough, both of us being aggressive, and we gasp and groan as lips dance together and explore, swapping saliva and committing everything to memory.
"Well, it's a damn good thing I want to get away," I murmur as he pulls away, but Nova doesn't say anything, popping the cap of the lube and squeezing some out onto his fingers. One of his hands wraps around my cock, and the other slowly massages my tight, virgin asshole. Well, not for very long, if it all goes as planned
"Do you want me to finger you, Zailrenzi? Want my fingers in your ass, making you moan and beg for my cock?" Nova questions, and I nod, hips bucking a little into his hand. The colorful boy smirks a little, and he scolds, "No moving, and use your words." I can hear the desperation in his voice, see it in his eyes, and I know that he needs this, needs the confirmation that I want him in a way I've never wanted anyone else. Not just him fucking me and taking control, but that I want him for more than just one night, more than in my room where no one else can see us.
"Yes, please. I need your fingers in me, Nova, I need you to fuck me--again and again. I want you," I beg, and Nova smiles as he slowly pushes one finger in. I gasp from the new sensation, a little uncomfortable but mostly just odd; Nova begins to stroke my dick to distract me. He leans down and kisses me slowly, just as passionately but savoring me, and I wrap my arms around him.
"Tell me if it's too much," Nova whispers against my lips as he begins to move his finger, slowly pumping in and out. Moaning a little, I pull away and press kisses to his jaw, down to his neck. Breathing a little heavily, he begins to work a second finger in, and I force myself to focus on his hand and the noises he makes as I kiss his neck.
"N-Nova!" I quietly cry out as his fingers brush against that magic little spot known as the prostate. He groans and pauses, and I resist the urge to hump his fingers to allow him a few moments to collect himself. Although all I want is for him to pin me down against the bed and ravage me like there's no tomorrow, I know I'm not ready enough for that, and the last thing I want is to ruin the mood by crying. Still, he's taking a while, and I begin to rock a little against his fingers, impatient and horny as hell.
Soon, though, he resumes pumping his fingers into my slightly loosened ass, and I swear against his neck when he begins to scissor me. He keeps the pace slow, slower than I'd like, and I frown. Deciding to take things a little bit more into my hands, I kiss his neck a little more aggressively, and as I nibble on his earlobe, Nova lets out a swear and hurriedly works a third in.
Fuck, that-that's a stretch. I grunt but relish in the new feelings, and as I litter hickeys across Nova's neck, I become helpless to the pleasure as I adjust to his fingers. Squirming, I gasp and moan; his fingers thoroughly work my ass and curl against my prostate. Yes, fuck--"Nova, just fuck me!" I cry out against his neck. He stiffens and seems to contemplate it for a few seconds, but a breathy moan in his ear and a nibble on his earlobe helps him arrive to a decision much sooner.
"Back or stomach?" Nova questions as he pulls away, and I bite my lip, a little distracted by him slathering lube on his cock. Bigger than anything that's ever been in me, so bigger than three of his fingers. That's all I care about, really. It doesn't matter if he's bigger than me (and honestly the bigger is not the better in this scenario) because he can't fuck his own ass, can he? So I push all thoughts of comparing the two (although I certainly find his to be much more entrancing for its colors) and instead consider the positions like any proper horny boy about to be fucked.
"Back. Stomach might be a better position, I don't know, but I want to see you," I quietly admit, a little afraid of the extent of the truth of that statement, and Nova pauses to flash me a brilliant smile before he looks down at his lubed dick. Deciding that it's good enough, he pushes my legs to my shoulders, and I force myself to relax from the anticipation. A relaxed hole is a happy, intact hole, I believe.
"It's going to be a stretch, but I'll be careful. If it's too much, just say so and I'll stop, I swear," Nova promises as he lines himself up, and I nod, fully believing that he would. Weaving my fingers into his hair, I pull him into a kiss, and he slowly begins to inch his slick dick into my lubed hole. Despite the previous stretching, his cock is still bigger than three fingers, and I bite into his lip to both distract myself from the pain and as a form of petty revenge.
"Don't stop," I gasp as Nova pulls back and gives me a concerned look. Yes, it hurts, but the pain only makes me stronger--as in I'm turning out to be quite the little masochist because the pain buzzes deliciously in my veins. Groaning, I tuck my head into the crook of Nova's neck and resume feverishly leaving love bites; a selfish, possessive little voice in the back of my head urges me to mark him so thoroughly it'll linger for weeks and none will dare touch him.
Memories of the club earlier, that fucking disgusting piece of peasant trash and his dirty, whorish hands on my Nova sends a bolt of fury through me, and I jolt my hips against Nova's so his cock can chase such memories away. A strained moan escapes Nova's lips, almost like he's trying to not take pleasure in my pain, and I sink my teeth into my lip at the bolt of pain.
"Fucking dumbass, what were you thinking?" Nova hisses, and I give a pained snicker at the pleasured anger in his voice. He furrows his brows, either in anger or restraint, and does his best to glare down at me, but the pleasure dancing in his eyes softens the hard edges. I pull him into a kiss, not minding the small amount of blood trickling from my lip. The pain begins to dull rather quickly, and his kiss, as cliche as it sounds, helps soothes it to something pleasurable.
"About how I should really collar you so no one else touches you," I half-joke, rolling my hips and allowing myself a small moan at the feeling of his cock grinding against my inner walls. Nova, distracted by my movement, drops the topic and takes a deep breath. I can feel his self-control slipping, and I'm fascinated by how much restraint and care he's showing, which is certainly an odd sight on the usually reckless, admittedly selfish boy.
"Please tell me you're ready, Renzi," Nova practically pleads as he looks up at me. I smirk and pull him into a deep, long kiss as I grind against him and shudder at the feeling of his cock against the amazing spot. Thankfully, Nova gets the message and begins to slowly pull out, and the empty feeling almost makes me whine, but I resist the urge and instead slip my tongue into Nova's mouth.
He doesn't push back in, though. Instead, he pulls back with a smirk and just stares at me. I narrow my eyes and move to flip us over, but in a surprising show of strength, he snatches my wrists and forces them above my head. A small whimper escapes me, and I'm surprised to find that the situation makes everything just a little hotter. Well, aren't I just learning a lot about myself tonight?
"You aren't getting anything until you tell me exactly what you want. I want you to look back on this night and remember who made you beg, Zailrenzi. Even if we don't ever do this again, you're never going to forget this night," Nova promises, looking down at me, and I pull against his hold. He doesn't resist, though, and I ignore the throbbing of my cock in favor of trying to get him to fuck me. No luck. And now I'm even hornier and more desperate.
"Please, Nova! I need you to fuck me, so bad! Fuck me now, or the next time, when I'm on top, you'll see exactly how much you can beg," I threaten, narrowing my eyes up at him. Panting a little in pleasure, lips swollen and wet, eyes shimmering with need--I doubt it's an impressively scary sight, but it seems to give Nova pause nonetheless. He stares down at me, a little dumbstruck, but an impatient huff from me and a nip to the neck drags him out of his trance.
"If I fuck you, do you promise to do that anyway?" Nova questions with a sly grin as he slowly pushes more than just the tip of his shaft in, and I roll my eyes but nod. He grins and shifts a little, probably for better leverage, before forcing the entirety of his cock back into my eager ass with a grunt.
Fuck, that feels amazing. I moan and resume sucking on Nova's neck, and his own breathing becomes labored as he begins to pound me, having had let go of wrists when adjusting before. I let out oddly high pitched moans every time he hits my prostate, but I shove my embarrassment down and instead focus on the amazing feeling of having Nova claim me in such a way.
We should have done this so much earlier. Unable to just stay still with the pleasure racing through my veins, I roll my hips back into his thrusts and allow my hands to roam his back. His arms on either side of me, moans and groans directly in one ear, body hovering over me and pistoning into me--Nova surrounds me, bombards me, overwhelms me, and I couldn't be happier about it.
It's just him and me in this room, him and me in this world of pleasure, and as the wet noises of well-lubed sex and the various noises of pleasure encapsulate me, I can feel myself spiraling down this world of pleasure, and the only thing grounding me is Nova. I whimper, scraping my teeth against his flesh, hoping that he understands how I feel with just that one noise, and he lets out a breathy groan of his own.
"Fuck! Can I--" Nova starts to ask, but I cut him off with a coy rotation of my hips and a nip to his earlobe. Of course, he can--I want him to. Need him to. I need to dive off this cliff with him, need to feel him as vulnerable and panting and open as I am, need to be complete with him. In this moment, I need so many things that all I can do is whine and moan, but I manage to work up the ability to speak.
"Yes, please fill me up with your cum! I need it," I desperately (and whorishly, to be quite frank) whisper in his ear, and Nova groans, the sound sending delicious chills down my spine and up my cock. He shifts to brace himself on one hand and uses the other to pump me desperately, and our hips move in an erratic fashion, having long had lost any sense of finesse in our need for the other, need for something neither of us quite understand.
"Zailrenzi!" Nova groans, long, loud, and low in my ear, and the sound, combined with the spurting of his cum against my walls and the knowledge that I did that, sends me over the edge as well, and I stifle my moan in his neck as I explode between us and over his hand. He stays, panting, for a few seconds before his arm gives out, and his rather light form slumps over me.
Suddenly, we're no longer horny, semi-drunk teenagers trying to define and understand these feelings, we're just Zailrenzi and Novarium as we've always been.
"So you mentioned something about collaring me," Nova brings up, his voice tired and content and playful, and I roll my eyes as I shove his sweaty form off of me and shakily ease my way off the bed. He watches with concerned eyes while I slide off, cum smearing on the sheets, but I manage to stand, thankfully.
"Well, how else am I supposed to control a wild mutt like you?" I scoff, even as I toss him an affectionate smile and hold a hand out to him, partially an invitation for him to join me and partially a plea for help because I can feel my legs threatening to give out. He joins, easily slipping up beside me, and even though he's shorter than me (but only by a little, as he insists), I feel comfortable with allowing him to support me on our way to the bathroom for a shower.
Maybe not as we've always been, but as we've always pretended to be, I think to myself as Nova moves to turn the water on. I suppose it's inevitable, after all; how long can you fake being in love with someone before you eventually start to believe it yourself? If only for all the crossed lines, the nights spent together, the casual touches exchanged for the sake of keeping the lie... inevitable, I guess. But most certainly not unwelcome, for as long as the stars align and allow us to be together.