Please note, there is a lemon of-sorts in this chapter. Read at your own discretion.651Please respect copyright.PENANAMx569dYMMr
Dodging through a few people in the courtyard of the country club, Summer dropped down to one knee and lined up a shot with the bride and groom, snapping a quick picture or two before standing again. Immediately looking back to review what she'd just taken, she sighed in relief, pleased to notice the lights in the tree branches behind the bride and groom gave the whole scene an ethereal feeling. The bride was sure to be thrilled with this one in the wedding album.
"Mrs. King?" An elderly voice called behind her, and she turned to see who she vaguely recalled to be the mother of the bride approaching her. The older woman gestured to her husband and another older couple-no doubt the groom's parents. "If you would, get a picture of the four of us together? I know this day is about Trisha and Chris, but…" The woman trailed off, as if embarrassed to even be asking.
Summer shook her head with a smile, holding up her camera in reassurance. "It's no problem at all! Is here alright? Or we can choose a better backdrop?"
"Let go in front of the fountains, they look beautiful during the evening with all the lights twinkling." Chris' mother suggested, and the two fathers nodded their agreement, probably happy just to get the pictures over with.
Smiling, she lead the group over to the fountain and guided them into several formal poses. The mothers were eager to comply with her directions, though it was no surprise the fathers were a less bit enthusiastic. After a multitude of shots, to be sure there was at least one they'd all approve of, they thanked her and went to enjoy the rest of the reception. The blonde watched them go, letting out a little sigh with the sudden lull in the activity. Most of the guests had filtered over to the open bar, so there wasn't a lot going on at the moment. Nothing to take pictures of.
Her feet took her to a stone bench overlooking most of the courtyard below, and she sat in relief. All this walking around was getting to her feet. They ached something fierce, and these heels weren't helping much. Propping a leg on her knee, she took off the shoe and rubbed the calloused skin through her socks to try easing the pain.
Below, the two families and closest friends to the newlywed couple drank and ate the night away, talking and laughing as they celebrated the love of the bride and groom. Summer looked over the dusky sky, and the gallery of lights that were strung through the trees surrounding the main stone-paved area. The whole courtyard, past the line of trees for aesthetic appeal, was surrounded by rolling hills, a high-end golf course further down the way, with the cityscape on the horizon. All in all, a beautiful venue for a wedding such as this.
The main courtyard was brightly lit with area lamps, the white-clothed tables lighting up in a pale yellow light. People walked to and fro as the festivities continued, a little unsteadily now that the alcohol was freely being served. Most of the socialization was centered around the bar tenders fulfilling drink requests. Smiles were ever-present, laughter filling the air.
It was a perk of the job, Summer supposed, being able to attend some of the most memorable moments in a person's life, photographing and cataloging every moment, each laugh, each joyful smile, and the loving look between two people bound together in love. Recalling a photo she'd taken previously, her finger pressed the gallery button on her camera, and with several more clicks she scrolled through the numerous pictures to find the one in particular she'd been looking for.
Trisha was seated on the stone bench, Chris standing behind her. The sunset illuminated their two figures, but the centerpiece were their faces. So filled with love as they gazed at each other, Summer couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was sure to be the highlight of the photo album once she compiled the best shots of the night.
A buzzing in her pocket caught her attention, and Summer put the camera down once more, pulling her phone from her bag pocket. It was a text from Law.
Reception still going? He asked, and she typed out a response, suppressing a yawn with one hand.
Yup. With all the alcohol here, it could go for another few hours. Her thumb tapped the send button and she put away her phone once more, popping her back and returning to the brunt of the reception to take more photographs.
Her prediction had been correct. The festivities didn't begin to die down until a good two hours later, making it at least one in the morning by the time the reception had ended. The attendants of the country club looked just as relieved as her once the guests began to filter out, back to their hotels and apartments and houses. In ones and twos they trickled out through the entrance of the club, and employees began gathering up the trays of food and silverware that was spread across the tables.
Summer herself went to pack up her equipment, but stopped when approached by the bride herself.
"Mrs. King-I mean, Summer." Trisha said, smiling through teary-eyes. Summer glanced behind the bride and saw Chris waiting for his new wife further on, allowing her a moment to speak to their hired photographer. "Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out."
Trisha moved to hug her, and the blonde accepted it with a tired smile. "It was no problem. I hope you two enjoyed your wedding. It truly was beautiful." She complimented, once again taking in the light-filled surroundings.
"Thank you. Please, let me know when I can pick up the CD!" Trish nodded her gratitude, before stepping away and leaving with her new husband. She leaned into his arm lovingly, and they disappeared behind the entryway arch.
With another sigh, and yet another yawn, Summer finished putting her equipment away, checking to be sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Once satisfied everything was in it's place, Summer zipped her camera bag closed and hauled it up by the shoulder strap.
Another buzz in her pocket made her pull out her phone. She'd missed two texts from Law, and she laughed.
If it does, sleep in tomorrow. You looked pretty worn out today before it even started. Then, about an hour later:
Getting pretty late. Everything ok?
She smiled, feeling that little fuzzy feeling again whenever Law messaged her. It was that reassuring warmth that he cared. Even three weeks into their relationship, it had been somewhat of a surprise to realize he tended to worry about little things like knowing she was alright when out on her own. Not in a controlling sort of way, nothing like that at all. No, more of…in the way that she knew he cared about her wellbeing and safety. Why he felt the need to verify it as often as he did, she would never be able to guess. Though, she knew that people's quirks came from their experiences in life.
Perhaps Law's loss of his family had prompted some sort of fear of something happening to her? Maybe he was afraid she was in constant danger? Either way, it was a reminder that she was on his mind all the time. And that was touching.
She typed out a quick reply. Her first instinct would have been to call instead, but she knew he was working that night, and probably couldn't answer the phone while serving customers.
I'm alright! The reception just ended. Tired as hell, and the hour and a half drive home won't be fun, but I'll definitely take your advice. Have a good shift. :)
Closing her phone, she stuffed it back in her pocket and went off to find her car. At least most of the parking lot had already emptied out, so it wouldn't be too difficult to find.
Law glanced with barely-concealed worry at the clock on the wall, wondering how long a wedding reception could possibly be. Normally he didn't mind when Summer took late nights for jobs, but seeing as she was so far away, in a city a good 75 miles away, one never knew what could happen on the roads in the middle of the night. Any drunk driver could come along and be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Unable to stop pacing behind the bar, he dug out his phone and tried sending another message, just in case.
Getting pretty late. Everything ok?
Putting it away again, he nodded to the patron who was tapping the bar for another shot of vodka. Glad to take his mind off of his growing worry, he attended to his job for awhile, accepting payment and tip money, creating the specialty and basic drinks the patrons requested, and cleaning the counters when they got dirty.
Law felt a little relief when he felt his phone buzz, and as discreetly as he could, he checked his messages underneath the bar counter.
I'm alright! The reception just ended. Tired as hell, and the hour and a half drive home won't be fun, but I'll definitely take your advice. Have a good shift :)
His heart settled a little as he read the words, and a ghost of a smile graced his face. He began to start on a reply but the clearing of a throat caused him to look up, hastily putting away his cell, and Franky gave him a grin from the other side of the counter, as if he knew something he didn't. Law's gaze glanced to the blue-haired man's left, where a tall, black-haired woman stood beside him, smiling faintly with intelligent dark eyes.
Franky slid a seat out from under the bar for his companion before he himself took the seat beside her. "A lovely night, is it not?" He asked with a content smile, his gaze never faltering from who Law could only assume to be Robin.
"I would agree. And just the occasion for a drink with good company." She responded, turning to Law serenely. "A martini, if you will."
Law gave her a gracious nod, turning to Franky and raising a brow, silently asking the obvious question. Franky grinned and tapped the counter with a knuckle. "My usual brandy."
Doing as they so asked, Law walked away to get the necessary items, but kept an ear open for conversation on their part. It may be eavesdropping, but he couldn't help but be curious about the couple sitting at the bar.
"I've had a lovely time, Franky." He heard Robin say, laughing under her breath. "I'm glad I decided to come out with you again."
"As am I. A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be as lonely as you make yourself sound to be." Franky responded smoothly. "I'm only honored to be your chosen company."
"My, you certainly don't mince words, do you?" She chuckled again, amused by his grandiose and rather cheesy words. Law almost cringed, but from what he knew of Franky, that is, the very little he actually knew, it seemed most of it was simply his personality and not anything having to do with trying too hard.
"I'm an honest man. Take me as I am."
Robin laughed gently again, her nails drumming quietly on the counter in a slow rhythm. "I'll admit, it's refreshing to hear someone's intentions said bluntly. I'd rather that than skirting around what we both really want out of this."
"Lying about who you are is worse than bearing the truth for fear of rejection." He claimed, shifting in his seat. "And hiding the truth is the last thing I want to do to you."
Law winced, having to remind himself that the sentiment wasn't directed at him specifically and there was no reason Franky would have done so anyways. But it cut oh so close to his situation and he didn't like it. Thankfully his back was turned to the oblivious couple as he finished making their requested drinks, so he could pretend not to have been listening in the first place.
Turning finally, he presented them both with their alcohol of choice, to which they thanked him quietly. Law didn't get a chance to rest, as a few more people stepped up to the bar, and he walked over to greet them. Idly, he remembered he was in the middle of trying to send Summer a text, but the drink orders kept coming, and he had to place it at the back of his mind for a moment.
It was nearly three in the morning by the time Summer stumbled inside of her small apartment, blindly fumbling in the darkness for the walls and counters to guide her to her bedroom. She unceremoniously dumped her camera bag to the floor and dropped her keys on the kitchen counter, vowing she'd go through the pictures in the morning and clean up a bit more afterwards, but was too exhausted to do more than seek her bed at this point.
She felt her way through the hall and into her bedroom. A faint meow caught her attention, and it was all she could do not to trample on the little cat as her feet stepped blindly in the darkness.
"No, no…go to sleep, little one." Summer mumbled sleepily, going a bit slower so as not to accidentally step on the animal.
Finally her fingers gripped the bedroom door and she stepped through, not bothering to take off her makeup or search for her pajamas. Her fingers undid the buttons of her pants, somehow remembering to take her phone out of her pocket and put it on her nightstand, and lifted her shirt off her head. The dirty garments were tossed carelessly onto the floor, leaving her in nothing but underwear and a bra, and she collapsed onto her bed with a loud flop.
"Ahh…" Summer groaned out in relief, feeling a small pain as her back ache flared for just a moment, before dying away as the comfort of her bed overtook her. There was nothing sweeter than the feeling of lying down after being on your feet all day. The heaviness of her eyelids soon overtook any thoughts going through her head, and she shifted to get into a more comfortable position. Sleep was almost within reach…
Buzz. Buzz.
"Hnnggg…" The blonde groaned with annoyance, weighing the pros and cons of opening her eyes, before halfheartedly reaching over to her nightstand for the blasted thing. It took a few tries, and several seconds of feeling around the surface before she found the damn thing, but finally brought it closer to her face, cracking open an eye as she turned the screen on. It was blinding at first, forcing her to blink rapidly as her eyes adjusted, but she sluggishly opened the screen and inspected the message she'd received.
I'll certainly try. Please be careful driving. Sleep well.
Despite being annoyed by the interruption in her sleep, she couldn't help but smile as she typed a quick reply, simply to let him know that she'd made it home safe, before she put away her phone, closed her eyes, and let rest take her.
Law blearily opened his eyes, slowly stretching out his back and curling his toes to pop the joints along his body with a groan. Normally it was bright out by the time he awoke in the morning, but there was no light shining through his blinds, nor was his room illuminated. Everything was still dark, the ceiling fan above his bed still nothing more than a dark silhouette against the lighter-colored white paint.
He moved to roll over in place to try falling back asleep again, but something weighted held down his left arm. He looked over in surprise, seeing a blonde head poking out from underneath the covers of the bed. His arm was tucked neatly underneath her head. Eyes closed, and breath fanning out over the skin of his forearm occasionally, Summer slept peacefully beside him.
For some reason, he hadn't the faintest idea how he'd gotten here, or why Summer had stayed the night. Hell, it wasn't like he didn't want her there. Law had been looking for an excuse to ask her to stay the night for awhile now. It was just…had something happened? Had he asked her to stay? Or had she asked if it was alright?
The lack of a pounding headache made it clear he hadn't been drinking. At least, he didn't think he had. His apparent memory loss pointed to another story, however. God, he hoped they hadn't had sex. Closing his eyes in anguish, he covered his eyes in shame with his hand, rubbing between his eyes in worry. They hadn't…had they? Fucking hell. This was not how this was supposed to go. He respected Summer too much to have had it all go down this way…
Interrupting his thoughts was the blonde woman in question, who scooted closer into his chest in an unconscious to seek warmth or safety in his presence. One of her hands, which had rested nicely on his bicep up to that point, slid it's way onto his chest, and he tensed at the touch of her warm fingers.
Maybe his excessive movement stirred her awake, because he saw her brow furrow, felt her fingers tighten for just a moment, before those violet eyes cracked open to look in the space between them. Law didn't even have the time to debate whether he should pretend to be asleep or not before her eyes found his. She smiled then, taking a deep breath and letting it out with a contented hum.
"Morning, you." She whispered, nuzzling closer into his side. Unconsciously, he held her closer, curling the arm she rested against in to lay against her comforter-covered back. "Thanks for letting me stay over last night. I don't know what was going on with my car, but I appreciate you coming to help me."
"Uh…" He started, not remembering doing anything of the sort. However, the admiration so plainly written in her smile and her eyes wasn't something he could really combat against. "It was nothing." He finished, deciding that it was better to pretend to at least remember something of last night.
"Not to me." She pressed with a chuckle, lightly poking him in his arm. "If it hadn't been for you, I'd have been stranded in the rain all night. Or had to walk all the way home."
Law said nothing, letting the matter rest. No matter how much info she supplied, there was no recollection of any of that happened. Summer didn't seem to notice his confusion, because she propped herself up on her elbow and turned to face him with a smile.
Law couldn't help but glance down at the small tank top she'd worn to bed, now exposed when the covers had slipped down past her shoulders. The thin material didn't leave much to the imagination. Like…how she wasn't wearing any sort of bra underneath, seeing as he could clearly see-
"Hey," she chuckled as he rushed to look back up at her face, eyes a little wider than before, "my eyes are up here."
Law swallowed thickly, unable to stop the spike of desire that shot through his veins upon seeing her mischievous smile, as if she knew exactly what she were doing, and knew exactly how to push all of his buttons with ease. Before he had a chance to respond to her comment, she leaned in and captured his lips in a slow kiss, one he was powerless to resist against.
The angle was a little awkward, seeing as Law was still laying down beside her, but he quickly changed that by rolling them over and pressing Summer back into the sheets below him, never breaking their kiss. He heard her giggle against her lips as their positions changed, with Law now atop her in a dominating fashion. Careful not to crush her with his full weight, he slowly thread his fingers through her blonde locks, taking his time to truly have his fill of her.
For awhile, they were content simply kissing this way, enjoying each other without hurry, but surprisingly, Summer cradled the sides of his face, her fingers trailing his sideburns with only a ghost of a touch, and bit down on his lip teasingly, causing him to groan with pleasure. Law could feel her smirk with mirth and he chuckled darkly in retaliation. Grabbing hold of her hands and pressing them down beside her head, he swiftly took control of what had initially been a sweet kiss, turning it into one filled with the passion overtaking him.
Her lips were so soft, tasting of something completely Summer. Law couldn't get enough, like he was a dying man and she an oasis in the desert. They had to break off after several moments to breathe, their quick pants of breath mingling in the space between them, but he wasn't in the mood for stopping right then. His mouth trailed a line of kisses and nips up to her earlobe, before biting the sensitive flesh with his teeth. Her voice let out a soft gasp of pleasure, a hint of pain underlying the sound. To lessen the sting, he sucked on it gently, letting go of her hands to trail his over the edge of her tank top teasingly.
He felt her released hands glide over his exposed chest, lightly scratching the skin before moving up over his shoulders with tightening fingers. Every touch sent a shot of heat and lust straight down to his quickly hardening problem, something he quickly realized he'd better address, or take control of before things got too heated.
"Summer…" He tried to say, unable to get any further because of her lips closing over his in a battle of dominance. Temporarily forgetting his intention, he slipped his tongue into the heated kiss, truly tasting her with a strangled moan. Summer punctuated her agreement with a harsh scratch down his chest, the pain only adding to his pleasure.
Seeking oxygen yet again, they broke apart breathlessly. "Ahhh…" Summer cried out in ecstasy, finally feeling his length brush against her clothed heat below. It was tantalizingly close, Law thought, losing himself for a moment in the feeling of her. Shit. This was almost too much.
"Law…please…" Summer pleaded, staring up at him with such longing and lust it broke his heart to realize he had to stop and be absolutely sure. This wasn't at all how he'd planned their first time. it wasn't at all how he expected sex with her to go, but hell, the moment was here. He couldn't help but pause.
"Tell me…" He whispered in a husky breath. The temperature in the space beneath the covers was hot from their passion, and it was making it difficult to think straight, knowing there was only a single layer of clothing stopping him from having her how he'd yearned to for years. "Tell me to stop, Summer, or I won't…be able to."
"Don't stop. Please, don't stop." Came her strained reply.
Fucking shit…that was the absolute last thing he wanted to do, was stop. And it took all of his resolve to ask that last question of her.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Somehow he was able to snap out of his lustful haze to look her in the eyes with the seriousness the situation afforded, and she nodded frantically, hooded eyes pleading silently for him just to shut up and touch her already.
That was all the restraint he could manage, and all he needed to feel ok with proceeding, and so he kissed her hard once, slowly moving his way down to her collar bone, and then her clothed breast, which he kissed through the fabric of her tank top, finally biting and sucking it gently.
Summer's moans took on a more frantic and pleasurable tone, her hands holding tightly in his hair as he sucked at her covered nipple. Her fingers pulled and tugged, but he paid it no mind, instead slowly snaking his fingers down and underneath the band of her shorts.
His fingers found her bundle of nerves, and Summer gasped and moaned in time with his ministrations. Her voice whispered his name in pleasure over and over again, and he swore he'd never heard his name sound so fucking amazing before. He swore he'd make her say it again. And again and again.
She was close. So close, and he could feel it. The way she was gasping for air, crying out, begging for release, her voice climbing higher and higher, repeating the same thing-
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Law frowned, confused as to why Summer's cries sounded so strange, until he suddenly opened his eyes to see the blinding morning light streaming through his blinds. The confusion soon turned into an unexpected panic, and Law sat up in bed, covered with sweat, and the worst hard on he'd had in a long time.
His hand sought the button to his alarm and pressed it vigorously, finally cutting off the obnoxious beeping sound it had been emitting. The eerie silence that persisted afterwards felt so out of place, he had to sit there a moment. Breathing heavily as the adrenaline coursed through his veins, he rubbed the sweat away from his forehead, cursing himself for having such a vivid dream.
The bulge from his groin still stuck up prominently from underneath the covers, and Law sighed with a resolute conclusion that a shower was probably the best solution to his little…problem. Checking his phone that sat on the nightstand, he saw there was a missed message from Summer.
Back home. Going to sleep. Sweet dreams.
Tossing the device back onto the bed beside him, he stood with a groan. "You have no idea…" He said into the silence of his bedroom, padding over to the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.