The regular humdrum of the law firm barely registered in Hitomi brain that morning at work. She was used to being cooped up in her office at times, sorting paperwork and fielding calls from clients. Her door closed off most of the noise the others made. Though the sound of people talking in muffled, low voices could still be heard when someone walked by, or the ringing of a distant phone.
However, none of this seemed to quite make it into Hitomi's subconscious that morning. Eyes glued to her computer screen, the silver-haired woman leaned her cheek against one hand, her elbow propped up against the desk. The email was an important request for one of her more high profile cases, but for the life of her, she couldn't seem to focus on the contents. Multiple times, she caught herself drifting away in her thoughts only to realize she wasn't truly understanding what she was reading, her eyes scanning the words but ignoring their intent.
Hitomi was normally apt to work towards getting her case load started on even this early in the morning, but today something much heavier weighed on her mind. The lawyer couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had wormed its way into her thoughts and settled there ever since her conversation with Summer.
She loved the blonde, she truly did, but what on earth had she gotten herself into? Why was she even considering staying in a relationship with Law if she was putting her own life at risk? Not knowing the situation in its entirety was just as bad as knowing the details, she thought, various scenarios playing on repeat in her head from previous cases that ultimately lead to the victim getting hurt…or even killed. Hitomi knew Summer wasn't stupid, but dammit could she make some stupid decisions. The last thing she wanted to have to do was prosecute her killer…
Her mind automatically compared this situation to one from years ago. She'd been quite young back then, but she could still remember how intimidating the court room had been without her parents there to help her. How composed the would-be-burglar-turned-murderer had been. The news columnists writing away at their notepads from the seats in the crowd of faces. A stoic judge onlooking as proceedings continued. All the sympathetic looks from those witnessing.
She couldn't help but imagine Summer in the place of her parents, the autopsy reports, the crime scene photos…Hitomi doubted she had it in her to address the jury about a best friend she had cared so much for. She couldn't handle being the one on the other side of the podium. Not again.
Hitomi realized she'd spaced out again, staring at the words which truly deserved more attention than what she was giving at the moment. Sighing, she stretched her arms out above her and then rubbed at her temple with closed eyes. The lawyer let out a groan of frustration and the satisfaction of a few of her vertebrae popping back into place.
"Everything ok?" A voice asked nearby, and Hitomi startled in her seat, swiftly snapped her eyes open and shifting her gaze to the door. Zoro held up his hands in to try taking back the fact that he'd scared her. She hadn't even heard him knock on the door like he always did, let alone enter. Wow, she must really be more spacey than she realized.
Hitomi let out a breath and gestured him inside. "Sorry…I'm a little distracted this morning." She said as he closed the door behind him. "Is there something you needed?"
"Not really, just noticed you've been a little…out of it today." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side when she zeroed her gaze on him. Despite the heavy thoughts weighing her down, she couldn't help but smile at how the sight was pretty cute. "Seems like something's wrong."
To any other person, she would have insisted she was fine, and that all she needed was more sleep, but Zoro knew her a bit better than that. Perhaps her skill at being able to tell lies from truths was rubbing off on him, little by little, because he could normally tell if she lied to him anyways.
"I've got a lot on my mind this morning, I'm afraid. None of it good." She explained slowly, deciding to give him at least part of the truth.
He shifted from foot to foot, glancing up at her with concern. "Do you…want to talk about it?"
Hitomi regarded him for a moment, weighing the thought of telling him what was going on versus keeping quiet on the matter. Summer had been reluctant to share what she knew of the situation, which left her itching to know just how much trouble her friend was in. It put her in a tricky position, though. She was sure Summer hadn't intended for Hitomi to spread the news around about what was going on, but honestly…Zoro seemed like the type who wouldn't say anything. In the time they'd known each other, he never gossiped about anyone to her, preferring to keep to himself.
At least she hoped. The last thing she wanted to happen was for this to get back around to Summer. Then things may get a bit complicated, and the blonde might lose trust in her friend. Hitomi felt a bit dirty by considering sharing something that had been confessed in confidence, but this was something that warranted a bit more than just a chat and some advice.
Zoro was trustworthy, Hitomi concluded, satisfied that she knew him well enough by now.
"Sit down." She eventually instructed, leaning back in her chair to get comfier. The green-haired security guard did as he was told, easing into the chair across from her normally used for meetings with clients and defending attorneys.
Well…where to start was the big question.
"Would you say you're good friends with Law?"
"Uh…I guess. Not that we spend time together outside of work or anything." Zoro answered hesitantly, not understanding where this was coming from. "We don't hate each other."
"I know it may not be my place to pry, and I normally wouldn't ask, but this is for a valid reason, I promise." She began, looking to Zoro with a slight wince. He frowned in confusion at the out-of-context disclaimer for what was to come, but nodded understanding nonetheless. "How much do you know about his past?"
The change in Zoro's face was almost immediate. He went from confusion and slight curiosity to a stern discomfort. He crossed his arms over his chest, in what Hitomi knew to be an instinctive defensive measure against something that made him uncomfortable.
"What exactly is this about?"
Hitomi sighed, resting her head on her hands as she leaned forward on the table. "Summer and I had a conversation early this morning and…it has me worried." Her eyes opened to regard him, searching for some unspoken answer in his face. "I don't know exactly what is going on with Law, but whatever it is, it could be putting Summer in danger."
Frustrated, she shook her head and let out a breath. "For as knowledgable as I am in the field of law, this is something I don't know how to approach. She acts like she wants to give him a second chance, or at least try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think she quite understands that her life is worth more than a relationship. I told her as much, but she didn't seem convinced."
Hitomi was looking up at Zoro again, noticing that he was chewing on his bottom lip with a side glance at her window. He didn't say anything, which Hitomi expected, but she did want to know if he could tell her anything at all. So she continued.
"I'm not sure how well you know Law, but is there anything you can tell me that might help me understand? I'm worried Summer will make a huge mistake…one that might get her hurt or worse…and I don't want to see anything happen to her." She concluded softly, wincing at the thought of losing her friend. "She's family to me, and I refuse to have any more of my family taken away."
Zoro seemed to ponder her question, as if debating whether he should say something on the tip of his tongue. Hitomi waited patiently, knowing that the further she pressed the issue, the more he would close himself off. Besides, the silence felt nice for a change.
After a minute or so, Zoro looked away again and bit the inside of his cheek. "I can't say much." He started, shrugging his shoulders as some sort of apology. "We may not get along very well, but the guy's not stupid. And what he's done in the past isn't who he is now."
"What has he done, Zoro?" She pleaded, willing him to understand her desperation to know. He only sighed. "Please."
"Hitomi…" He trailed off, and if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, the lawyer would have delighted in the way he said her name so smoothly. "I want to tell you, but I can't."
"So you do know something." She accused bitterly, but he sent her a piercing stare that cut it short. He normally never looked at her that way, and it stopped her before she could say anything else.
He shook his head with a scowl. "There's a lot you don't understand about this, and probably shouldn't. Things would only be worse if you did."
"Is it really that you can't, or you just won't tell me?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, a tiny inkling of anger beginning to seep through. "How could you just sit back and do nothing if she's in danger? Summer's your friend too, isn't she?"
Zoro's jaw tensed, as if he were holding back what he truly wanted to say. "Look, I know you have the right intentions. But the last thing you want to do is get involved in any of this. Trust me."
"The more you try helping Summer, the bigger the target you paint on your's and Soma's backs. Don't you get that?"
Hitomi stilled, mind turning over the fearful thought that not just one but both of her closest family members could be in danger. Her eyes darted away, thinking on the realization. There was absolutely nothing she wouldn't do to keep Soma out of harm's way, especially after everything they've both been through…but did that have to mean giving up on helping Summer in any capacity? Was she forced to stand on the sidelines?
Her shoulders lowered in disappointment, and Zoro felt a twinge of pain at having caused her distress, but she wasn't exactly putting him in an ideal position either. No matter what, it felt like he was screwing himself over. So, he reached over and tapped the desk between her hands, gaining her attention again.
"I know you're worried about her, but I don't want you to get yourself too involved in it either." She still wasn't looking at him, so he took one of her hands in his, squeezing it gently, and this time she dragged her eyes back up to his. "I'm not saying it isn't dangerous…it is…but Law knows that too. He won't take what's going on lightly, and if I know him, he'll do anything to make sure nothing happens to Summer."
"Surely there's something I can do to help…I'm a lawyer, goddammit, this is the whole reason I become one. I know my way around the law. We could get protection." She tried explaining, taking comfort in the way his thumb rubbed at her knuckles slowly and gently. He probably didn't even realize he was doing it.
"You of all people should know that sometimes there's nothing the law or the police can do." He said quietly, eyes lowering to the desk between them. "If I thought any different, I would have said something, but these people…" He shook his head slowly. "…they aren't to be underestimated."
"…" Wincing, Hitomi lowered her head and closed her eyes. This wasn't turning out to be the conversation she'd hoped to have in the beginning. She'd thought Zoro would be in agreement with her line of thinking, but he only ended up furthering her concern. She slouched down further in defeat, an emotion Zoro could never remember ever seeing her with before.
"I don't want anything to happen to either of them…" She admitted softly. Zoro could see her eyes become glassy, with the telltale signs of tears pooling in the corners. The green-haired security guard sighed with a grimace, reaching over to wipe at the tear that rolled down her cheek.
"Hey…" He said gently, drawing her attention again. "Law's not going to let anything happen to her. And I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Soma, understand?"
The sincerity in his voice alone convinced her that he meant what he said. Zoro was a man of his word, and for him to say something like that…right behind the anxiety on the surface was a warmer, more comfortable feeling of appreciation towards the green-haired man before her. It had taken awhile for him to starting opening up to her, but ever since then he'd always been there, silently supporting her from the background without being too intrusive. He was always listening patiently, treating her with the respect she'd fought so hard to maintain in what was predominantly a male career choice. Hitomi knew she was fond of him, more than just a friend, but she'd been patient, waiting for him to reach those same feelings as her on his own.
Zoro was such an enigma to her. Outwardly stoic and unapproachable, but unsure of what to say or do once you actually interacted with him. For as polar opposite as he appeared to be, she couldn't help but find it all the more attractive. Because for all of his good qualities, the one that topped her list was the fact that he didn't seem to be intimidated by her independence, her strength as a singular person.
Her chest ached once, a longing she didn't experience often, and her eyes flicked briefly down to his lips, wanting to indulge herself just once. Hitomi had often wondered how soft, or how rough, they would feel against hers, but never once gave the fantasy much serious thought. Work always came before pleasure, a blessing and a curse all in one. But for just a split moment, the lawyer accidentally lost her usual composure, and gave a tiny, unguarded smile. She let the emotion flourish for only a moment, however, closing her eyes and schooling her face the next.
Hitomi allowed herself another few moments of respite, to let loose the insecure feelings she'd been holding onto since that morning. But then she took a breath and squared her shoulders before slowly opening her eyes to look at him. He smiled pleasantly, something she didn't get to see too often.
"I was wondering when the Hitomi Silver I know so well would come back." He said, holding their gazes for a moment. Then, his eyes seemed to widen with the realization that they'd both drifted closer together from across her desk, and he hesitantly released her hand to lean back in his chair, clearing his throat uncomfortably. She did the same, putting distance between them with a small amount of disappointment.
Swallowing the words she wanted to tell him, her phone ringing cut the conversation short. She turned to the noise and tried gauging who was calling based on the caller ID. Unable to tell, she mouthed a silent 'sorry' in Zoro's direction.
"Quicksilver Law Firm, this is Hitomi speaking." She replied mechanically, eyes kept on Zoro the whole time. He swallowed and looked away uncertainly, and she wondered why. Her focus remained on the voice on the other end, however, trying to push the emotions to the side and focus on her job for once that morning. "Good morning, Mr. Hill…No, 11:30 is still a good time. I'll gather my files and meet you in the conference room when you arrive…I assure you, we will have the resources available to make sure no incidents occur…yes, of course…and you as well. Goodbye."
Zoro made to stand and head towards the door, and Hitomi did the same, intent on showing him out. "Zoro, will you be accompanying me to my meeting with Mr. Hill's client today? He may also need help leaving the building, what with the press swarming this case."
"Yeah, sure…" He trailed off, focus somewhere else. Something must have been on his mind, but she didn't pry, knowing that he may simply be thinking back on their conversation. They both reached the door at the same time, and Hitomi turned to face him with a small smile, her hand resting on the doorknob.
"Even though I'm still on edge about all of this, thank you for letting me talk about it." She looked away again. "I may not entirely trust Law but…I do trust you, Zoro. So if you say things will be ok, I'll believe you."
Zoro stared down at her in what she could only discern was surprise or some sort of awe. "Hitomi…" He said, sentence trailing away as their sights locked. For once he didn't shy away from her gaze or shift uncomfortably. That look was…so intense, Hitomi couldn't bring herself to look away even if she had desired to.
Behind his eyes, however, she could see some internal struggle waging itself in his head, and she waited with pensive breath as to what the outcome would be. She had a feeling as to what it may be about, and it filled her with hope. And in the span of a second Zoro's eyes narrowed minutely, having come to some sort of decision in his head, before he stepped forward and held her head between both of his hands.
"Forgive me." He muttered just before tugging her against his chest up to press their lips together in a passionate lip lock.
The silver-haired woman's hands immediately grabbed onto the front of his shirt, pulling him closer as their kiss deepened. A tiny sigh of pleasure escaped her lips, swallowed by Zoro in his need to taste her thoroughly. The roughness of his lips against her own, coupled with the insistency of his desire, was enticing and overwhelming. Hitomi had no complaints.
Zoro's mind was racing, rapidly becoming addicted to the warmth of the woman he'd been pining for for what seemed like forever. Why hadn't he taken this step sooner? She was so soft, yet powerful. A combination that seemed impossible but fit her so well. It urged him on, the thought of making a woman as strong and independent as her want him with such ferocity clouding his brain.
One of his hands lowered until it rested against her lower back, the other tangling into her silver tresses. The lawyer responded eagerly, nipping gently at his bottom lip to spur him further, delighting in the low growl he produced. Hands roamed cautiously, still unsure of what boundaries weren't to be crossed. His traced curves and sleek clothing lines. Hers marveled at the muscles underneath his shirt. Both wondered what more was in store for them. Then again, the setting wasn't exactly ideal for this sort of thing to begin with.
Zoro seemed to remember where they were, because he pulled away in a rush, moving his hands to her shoulders to keep her at a distance. Hitomi opened her eyes in a daze, confused as to why he'd stopped. Her lip gloss was smudged, no doubt leaving glittery pink marks on his own mouth, and her cheeks were flushed red. They panted in the space between them to catch their breath.
Unsure of what to say, the security guard began rambling in discomfort. "Hitomi, I'm sorry, I…I wasn't thinking…uh…we shouldn't-"
"Don't push me away, Zoro." She pleaded, her hands reaching up to rest on his that held back her shoulders. Gently, she pushed them off and guided them around her waist, stepping closer again to smile kindly. "I want this too."
"I know, I just-" He stopped short, now wondering why he'd taken so long to confess. Suddenly it all seemed so trivial, and he shook his head with disappointment. Disappointment in himself, that was. Why couldn't he have worked up the balls to do this earlier?
Hitomi threaded her arms around his neck and kissed him again, guiding his lips with hers for several moments before whispering against them. "Don't think, just do."
Zoro would never be able to explain how this woman could make him relax with the ease that she did, but he did as told regardless. Closing his eyes, his arms tightened around her waist again. Their chests pressed together, arms wrapped around each other. For all they knew hours could have passed and neither would have cared, lost in the feeling of finally having one another.
Tired of leaning down to kiss her, Zoro's hands traveled lower past her curved hips, hoisting her up by her thighs. She hummed in approval, her fingers trailing through his hair in a mesmerizing pattern. Lips never parting, his steps took him to the edge of her desk, where he deposited her on the empty surface.
Zoro moved between her legs, and she wrapped them around his waist as best she could, considering how restrictive her pencil skirt was. The heels of her shoes clicked together behind his back, one of them stabbing into his skin. The pain did not register in the endless amounts of euphoria he was feeling. If anything, it only added to the pleasure.
Hitomi couldn't get enough of the feeling of his arms around her, encircling her body in warmth and safety, while also distinctly claiming her as his own. His fingers trailed lines of fire even through her clothing, and she was struck wondering, craving the feeling of it without any superficial barriers between their bodies.
It was only the loud ringing of Hitomi's desk phone that jerked the both of them back to reality, huffing for breath as their eyes returned from being glazed over. They looked at each other as if for the first time, noting the distinct red flush in both of their faces. Hitomi couldn't help the small chuckle that burst from her lips, causing Zoro to look away with a blush that wasn't distinguishable from the redness of spent energy in his skin. The phone continued to ring and, after a few quick, calming breaths, Hitomi reached over to bring the receiver to her ear.
"Quicksilver Law Firm, Hitomi speaking." The security guard marveled at how even and straight her voice sounded even after all of that. Her chest still heaved, so she was obviously still catching her breath, but the restraint this woman had…
"No, please let him know I'll be right there. I've got to find the correct files first…Conference room C will do just fine, if it's available…perfect. Thank you, Camie."
The lawyer returned the phone to the dialer and turned back to Zoro. "I hate to cut things short, but we are still at work." She sighed deeply, letting some of the leftover pent-up breath out from her lungs.
"R-right." He agreed, stepping back when she unwrapped her legs from his waist. She hopped down from the desk, pulling her pencil skirt down to a more appropriate length, then straightened the rest of her clothing. He stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say after that little…incident. Hitomi didn't seem too bothered by it though, walking around her desk to grab a few tissues from the box.
"Here, you might need this." She offered one of them to him, and he took it, rubbing away at his mouth for the glossy pink stains from the woman's lip gloss. She did the same, also dabbing underneath her eyes for any mascara that may have run.
"Thanks…" He mumbled, the embarrassment beginning to give way to something not as uncomfortable for him to manage. He eyed how she wiped the smudged remnants of her makeup away, sitting back down in her chair and reaching in her desk for a small bag. Inside were various tubes and brushes all in different colors. The lawyer also produced a small, round mirror from inside, holding it up as she expertly began reapplying her makeup.
"I hope you know this doesn't mean you can avoid me, Zoro." She said, eyes flicking to give him a mischievous stare. "There's no taking back a kiss like that."
"Yeah, I know." He swallowed thickly, becoming aware that from this day forward, things would change. He wouldn't be able to keep acting like he had been up to this point, skirting around Hitomi as he tended to do. He'd have to man up and own his feelings, no matter how unfamiliar he was with doing so.
He looked over and saw a pleased smile on Hitomi's face while she dabbed her concealing powder over her flushed cheeks, and Zoro felt a rush of pride at the sudden realization—what a woman he'd fallen for. It took only a few minutes for her to touch up and fix the makeup that had been messed up from their kiss. She was back to the professional and flawless woman she always was. Her hair had even been smoothed back into place.
She stood, turning around to grab a file of papers from the shelf behind her. As she went to leave the office, she flashed another smile at him. "Aren't you coming? I think people would be suspicious if you hung around in my office without me around, you know."
"Probably…" He agreed, tossing the dirty tissue from wiping his face in the trashcan underneath her desk. He was just about to walk out with her, but a sudden thought stopped him, catching her attention.
"Is something wrong?"
"Uh, well…I was just thinking…what about your brother?"
Her brows furrowed just a little, slightly confused. "What about him?"
"Do you think he'll approve of me?" He asked with complete seriousness.
It touched Hitomi to know that he was concerned about her brother's approval of him. Some men wouldn't care about a sibling in that way, and she'd seen enough cases of partners brushing off anything having to do with brothers and sisters of their spouses and lovers before. In response to his question, she only kept walking to the door, laying her hand on the knob.
"Oh, I'm sure he'll think highly of you. But you'll have to pass his test first." She hinted, opening the door just as he looked up sharply in surprise.
"Wait, what? What test?"
She shrugged with a chuckle, moving down the hall to the conference room where her next client was waiting. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."
The sun had more or less gone for the evening, with just the faintest blurs of light edging the horizon. Law stared as, slowly, even those traces faded away to leave only the black hues of night to remain. His eyes, which drooped low from lack of sleep, drifted down to the few objects on the table. The disposable phone that had been 'gifted' to him, alongside a Glock 19 with the full magazine popped and laying beside it.
It had remained there for quite awhile, untouched, though besides to watch the receding sun through his living room window, Law's eyes remained glued to it. His fingers twitched nervously, constantly moving. He debated whether he should take hold of it or not.
He wasn't quite sure what prompted him to get it from the box sitting under his bed. Not sure why he'd unlocked the clasps and dug out the weapon and its ammo, which had sat concealed for years. He'd had no need to use it, and Corazon had urged him to stop carrying it around with him everywhere he went, citing that it would do no good to constantly be on edge like that. Law had disagreed but relented in the end, seeing as his job was to put customers at ease. Having a gun sticking out from a holster on his person probably wasn't the best way to do so.
As Law began drifting away in wayward thoughts, the steady ticking of the clock on the wall began to stick out in his peripheral. Now that he was aware of it, the sound seemed much louder than usual. In addition, he now couldn't get the sound out of focus, and was forced to listen to it tick on, over and over, despite no longer wishing to hear it.
He reluctantly closed his eyes in both pain and anxiety. He'd heard no word from Summer at all. Nothing. Though it really wasn't that surprising. When he'd left her apartment the day before, she'd been about as emotionally distraught as one could be. Rationally so, he thought. Learning you were in danger of being killed wasn't easy to swallow. He could imagine she was boarding the nearest bus station and leaving for some city miles away. Maybe even a different state. Or country.
That pang of guilt and heartache he couldn't stand rose up again. Law's arms automatically wrapped around his torso, hugging himself to try stopping the feeling. It was no use, he couldn't force himself not to care about the blonde anymore. Hell, he'd never been able to erase the feelings he'd held for her to begin with.
Law already knew there may be a chance he'd never see her again, but it hadn't quite made it's impact until that moment. This late into the night, waiting for a call he'd rather not answer, the bartender couldn't help but think that everything had been ripped right from under his feet. He'd gained so much just to be dragged back down to the abyss of loneliness he'd resided in before. But this time it seemed darker and so much more painful than he could remember it being.
Corazon had tried calling earlier that day, checking in to see if everything was still alright, though he hadn't bothered answering. It was a bit ridiculous, but Law couldn't help but feel sorry for himself, wallowing in his own negativity which ultimately dug the hole deeper. Given the circumstances though, he really wasn't all that inclined to stop.
His entire body tensed up at the sound of several gentle knocks at his door. The blood in his veins ran cold as he stared at the wood door. He could only imagine which of Doflamingo's subordinates were waiting behind it. He'd expected a phone call, but it wasn't beside Joker to keep him off guard and guessing as to their next move.
Law swiftly and quietly grabbed the gun and the magazine on the table, loading it with an ease he'd thought would have gone away over time. The magazine clicked into place firmly, comfortingly.
He stood, silently pacing over to the door and rested his hand on the knob. If this were any other apartment complex, his door may have had a peephole, but this place wasn't the nicest. There was no way to tell who it may have been unless he opened the door. So, taking a shaky breath in and out, he twisted the knob. The gun was cocked back and ready to fire in his right hand, hidden behind his body as he slid the door open.
He stopped, seeing that head of blonde hair he thought he'd never lay eyes on again. Something clenched in his chest. That last damn shred of hope he'd been hanging onto uselessly suddenly began to grow. "Summer?" He whispered, taking a step back in sheer surprise.
She had definitely been crying, if the bloodshot eyes and smudged traces of mascara around them were any indications. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, which he knew by now meant she hadn't bothered taking a shower either. He probably looked no better, quite frankly, since he had yet to eat that day or shower himself.
She said nothing, and Law realized he still had the loaded gun in his other hand, still hidden from her sight. Behind his back, he uncocked the hammer and tucked it into his pants to conceal it. The last thing he wanted was to have her scared of him using it on her or something. Who knew what she thought of him now? He opened the door a bit wider to regard her, unsure of what to say.
They both stood there, facing each other at his doorway. Her cloudy eyes searched his own for something. Law wouldn't interrupt, nor would he look away. Perhaps he owed her at least that much, to be seen at his absolute lowest in the face of his mistakes.
"You've done some terrible things, Law." Her voice wavered, and Law winced, wishing he wasn't the reason for it. "I'll never condone what you've done, even if you thought it was best back then."
Closing his eyes with a sinking heart, he nodded without a word. There wasn't any sort of defense he could have to that anyways. Law began mentally preparing himself for her goodbye.
It seemed she wasn't finished yet, though. "I mean-it's awful what happened to you but-I just-I can't quite wrap my head around everything that's going on. It's all so sudden and terrifying." There was a pause before she continued. "I honestly have no idea what to think at this point."
"…" Law wished that she would just come out and tell him that she was leaving. It would make things easier for the both of them. her eyes became glossy with unshed tears, and before long they began rolling down her cheeks. Law's fingers twitched, wanting to reach out and comfort her, but that action would probably be unwanted. It wasn't like he deserved to hold her again anyways.
"Which is why I-I might be," she sobbed, sniffling and wiping at the falling tears with her shirt sleeves, "really stupid to even consider th-this but…" She looked back up at him through pain-filled eyes, "I want to stay with you."
Law gazed at her reverently, a new admiration filling his soul as his heart pounded against his chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He actually couldn't believe it. This woman was willing to put her own life on the line…for him? Before he could respond, she let out a stifled breath.
"I know our situations weren't the same—you had things much worse—but I like to think I know the sort of loneliness you felt. I don't want you to go through that again."
"Summer-" He said, not wanting that to be the only reason she stayed. It seemed she knew what he was thinking though, because she cut him off.
"That's not the only reason why." She swallowed hard, looking uncertain for a moment. "I know you're not the same person as before. You've never given me reason to doubt that. And you told me before that you'd protect me-"
"I will. I swear to you I will." He jumped in, giving into the urge to reach for her. He stepped closer and cradled her face in between his hands. Law knew there was probably a wild desperation in his eyes and voice but he could care less at that point. His pride as a man was worth less than convincing her that he could keep her safe.
"I want to trust you, Law, but a part of me is still telling me I should just walk away." Fresh tears leaked from her eyes and he brushed his thumbs across her face to wipe them away. "I need to know exactly what's going on if I'm going to start trusting you again."
"I'll tell you everything." He promised.
"No secrets." She emphasized, and he nodded.
For several moments they simply stared at each other, neither sure what to say next. Law couldn't take his eyes off her, mesmerized by the fact that there was still hints of understanding and kindness in her gaze rather than complete fear and distrust. He'd thought it before and he'd think so again—a man like him, who'd committed so many past sins, had no right to this woman's forgiveness and understanding. And while a part of him would never forgive himself for even placing all this responsibility and danger onto her in the first place, he was forever grateful that she'd decided to stay.
Without even realizing it, a few tears of his own trailed down from his eye. Summer gave a tiny smile, reaching up and wiping them away for him. "In all the years I've known you, I've never seen you cry." She whispered offhandedly.
Law couldn't take any more and wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her in for a tight embrace. She squeaked in surprise but allowed him to hold her close. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, reveling in the feeling of having her to himself. He'd been so close to losing her, he didn't ever want to let go.
"Thank you." He whispered into her skin, just loud enough for her to hear. He couldn't express in words what she meant to him, the gratitude he held for all she was putting at risk for him, but he hoped he could somehow communicate just a fraction of it through those two simple words. Her hands ran gently through his hair, closing her eyes with a small smile.
A loud buzzing noise behind them in Law's apartment was what broke them apart. And Law's expression turned first to dread, then a stern determination that seemed almost natural to him. He stepped away and took her hand, bringing her inside with him.
She followed wordlessly, eyes drawn to a phone on the coffee table, which vibrated loudly against the wood, rotating just a little more in place every time it buzzed. Law made his way around the couch and picked it up, staring at Summer for a moment. He brought his finger to his lips, silently telling her not to speak, before answering the call and putting it on speaker phone.
"Vergo." Law said bluntly.
"I was convinced you wouldn't answer. Actually, I had hoped you wouldn't. It would have made my job so much easier and I could just hunt down that girl without all the waiting around."
Summer covered her mouth with her hand, for fear of making a sound, but the man's statement made her blood run cold. The man sounded so cold and casual, as if killing her would be any typical Tuesday. Law glared at the phone and shook his head.
"I've made my decision."
"Have you? Because I can practically hear the rebellion in your voice, Law. All that contempt and defiance. Are you sure you're making the right one?" While Vergo had been speaking, Law glanced over at Summer, as if to give him strength to continue on the path he'd decided.
"Tell Joker I refuse. And that if he comes after me or Summer, I'll make damn sure he regrets it."
The man on the other end chuckled darkly, as if enjoying this turn of events. It made a shiver run down her back, and even Law shifted from foot to foot. The fact that Law had said no didn't sound like it bothered the man in the slightest.
"Need I remind you what happened to Baby 5, Law? Joker doesn't take kindly to people thinking they can just leave our little…family. She learned that lesson well. How much do you think that girl of yours would be able to take before she breaks too?"
Law winced, eyes shifting over to Summer who was looking more distraught by the moment. He'd promised not to keep any more secrets, and he guessed she may ask about it. He had no choice. He was bound to his word. Still, he was tired of the mind games Vergo kept pressing.
"That's my answer. We're done." Law scowled, ending the call with a press of the button. Then, just to be sure, Law opened the back of the phone and took out the battery, effectively disabling any mode for it to be traced or tracked. He tossed both in the garbage in his kitchen, then returned to the living room to pace.
"Things are going to change from here, Summer. A lot of things. And you're going to need to trust me when they do." He said evenly, reaching for and holding her hands in his own. His thumbs traced her knuckles soothingly, trying to calm whatever nerves were on end at the moment. "Just keep that in mind, ok?"
She nodded, but he could tell there was something else on her mind.
"Who's Baby 5?"
Law wasn't surprised by the question, so he lead her to the couch and sat on the cushion, moving her to sit on his lap comfortably. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, trying to ease her stress.
"Baby 5 was a nickname of another of Joker's subordinates. I knew her when I was younger." He sighed, not really wanting to discuss it but she deserved to know nonetheless. "Joker had taken her in before I ever joined them. Her mother had abandoned her when she was younger, but years later realized she could get a tax break for having a child, so she came looking for her."
"What happened?" Summer asked, and Law continued.
"Before I defected, Baby 5 tried leaving the cartel to live with her mother again, but Doflamingo found out and beat her to death. I saw the aftermath and…it scared me beyond belief. Vergo would constantly use her as an example for the rest of us in case anyone had any ideas."
Law could feel her tense in his arms, and he held her a bit tighter to provide some small token of comfort. "I'm not going to let that happen to you."
"What about you?" She whispered, unconsciously leaning deeper into his chest.
"I'll be fine. This isn't the first time I've dealt with them."
"Why do they want you back so badly anyways?" She asked, her voice beginning to even out as he rocked them back and forth on the couch.
"There's a lot of people who owe me favors, and they want to use that to grow more powerful." He explained, resting his forehead on her back. "But I know just the thing to put a wrench in their little plan."
"What's that?"
With a small sigh of exhaustion, he placed a gentle kiss against the back of her neck, making her shiver slightly. "I'll tell you the rest in the morning, alright? It's pretty late and you should get some sleep. You look like you could use it."
"I don't think I could even if I wanted to…"
"There's some sleeping pills in the cabinet if you want to take them." He offered. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded and slowly slid from his grasp to stand. He followed after her and showed her where they were, making a glass of water for her to take them with. She numbly downed the pills and wandered off towards Law's bedroom, then stopped, seeing he wasn't following.
"Aren't you coming too?"
He nodded, shutting the cupboard and putting away the glass that she'd used to drink from. "Yeah, soon, but go ahead and get settled. I'll be there in a minute. Gotta make sure everything is locked first."
She swallowed but nodded nonetheless, walking the rest of the way towards his bedroom and disappearing through the door. Law watched her go, shutting the door behind her. He sighed, leaning heavily against the counter and running a hand through his hair. There was too much going through his head to think straight. So much he had to do.
Law wandered over to the front door as he pulled out his phone. Unlocking the screen and tapping to the dialer, he typed in the number he remembered from long ago while checking to make sure the doors and windows were locked. The phone rang several times while he did this, hoping the number hadn't changed after all these years.
Several rings in, a female voice answered in that familiarly blunt way. "Who is this?"
"The Operator."
There was a long pause before the female chuckled in amusement. "Well, fuck me. Never thought I'd hear from you again. Kind of wish I hadn't. Still, didn't you get out of the game?"
"Skip the small talk."
"Jeez, who's got your panties in a bunch? Fine though, there must be some reason you're calling me after all this fucking time. What is it you want? Make it quick, because I don't like wasting time."
Law glanced down the hallway, making sure Summer wasn't within earshot. "I'm taking you up on that favor you owe me. Given it's still usable."
"Fuck, man. You've got some balls to be asking for something like that after years of dropping off the map." He heard a shuffling sound before she sighed in frustration. "Still, I do owe you for saving my sister's life. And I am a woman of my word. Why now though?"
"I'd rather not-"
"Tough shit. If I'm gonna be sticking my neck out for you, the least you can do is tell me what the hell is going on. I don't work on scraps of intel."
Law sighed, rubbing at his face. "You're gonna help me bring Joker down."
"…" He could practically hear the disbelief in the thick silence that followed. "You're actually serious about that, aren't you?"
"He's the king of these streets. Are you stupid? Asking to die? Two people can't overthrow his empire, even with my own crew behind me."
"You're not the only one I plan on contacting. I'd say it's about time Joker was forced off of his throne, don't you think?" As crazy as the plan actually sounded aloud, he was still pretty confident he could do this. There was a lot of people he could use to his advantage, and he doubted Joker would be expecting this much resistance.
"If you were anybody else, I'd say you were fucking delusional. But you know what the most insane part is?" Law heard her scoff over the phone. "I actually believe you. I've seen you pull off some crazy shit, even as a kid."
"So you'll do it?" He asked.
"Not alone. Prove to me you've got whoever else you're bringing on board with you and maybe I'll consider it seriously."
"Then you'll be hearing from me again."
The line disconnected before he could say anything more, but at least he had gotten his proposition across. Now all he had to do was get the rest in line. Then, maybe they'd be getting somewhere.
Deciding he'd spent too much time away, he put away his phone and joined the blonde in his bedroom, already planning his next move in his head.