"You don't think I'm too casually dressed?" Summer fidgeted with her hands nervously, tugging at the dark skinny jeans and shimmery dark-green top It dipped low in the neckline, nothing too provacative, but enough to catch interest. Her silver-haired friend took another drink of her iced tea, inspecting the blonde head to toe as she turned this was and that in her mirror.
"You look fine, Summer. I think you're worrying too much about insignificant things." She said cooly. "Besides, the green goes well with your eyes."
Summer gave a sideways grin. "Thanks. And thank you for letting me borrow your top. I really need to get some nicer clothes for occasions like this." She muttered, pulling once again at the straps at her shoulders. It seemed, or at least it felt, like they'd fall off at any moment, despite being firmly strapped well towards her collar.
"We'll go shopping one of these days. I just need a day off for once…" Hitomi muttered, showing a rare sign of exhaustion as she rubbed her temple. Summer gave her a sympathetic smile, turning towards the dark-skinned beauty.
"Let's plan on it." She said, jumping slightly when her phone buzzed in her purse. Digging it out from the rest of the stuff crammed inside, she swiped the screen and gazed at the new text.
"Cora-san agreed to give me the rest of the day off. I can come at 6 instead of 8, if you'd like?"
The blonde turned to Hitomi and showed her the text. "He wants to know if I want to schedule it earlier. What should I say?" Her nerves began to show through, her voice wavering in either excitement or barely-suppressed anxiety. Hitomi chuckled, shaking her head.
"Well, do you want to?" She glanced away, thinking hard. Then, a wide smile on her face, she typed out a quick message.
"Sure! But don't feel like you have to rush or anything! :)"
Looking back up to the mirror, she grinned at her reflection. A low chuckle brought her attention to her friend, who she could see sitting on her sofa in the background of Hitomi's apartment.
"I've never seen you this happy, even when you got Max." Summer shrugged, unable to contain her mounting excitement on her face.
"I feel like something's finally gone my way for once. I feel…alive!" Then, her smile vanished. "What if I spill something on your dress at dinner? Or what if we break down somewhere on the road. Oh, I would hate it if we couldn't find anything to talk about…"
"Summer!" Hitomi's voice called, stopping her tirade of depressing thoughts. "Everything will go just fine. Relax."
The blonde took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. This was the worst part of her fears, the anxiety that often times plagued her thoughts at the best of times, only to bring it all down. Thankfully, Hitomi was there to ease her fears.
"I know, I worry too much." She laughed at herself, feeling her phone vibrate once more in her hand. She glanced down at the message.
"You worry too much." Law's reply was uncannily timed, though she knew he was only responding to her nervousness about making him rush. Still, she shook her head in amusement.
Law was still hesitant about this whole thing. He wasn't really sure what had prompted him to ask her out on a date in the first place. Maybe it was her tears that continued to fall because of that bastard redhead. It might've been a spark of sympathy, or pity. But that didn't seem right.
He shouldn't have done it in the first place. It put her in too much danger. Who knew what could happen because of this? If he were smart, he'd cancel it now. Sure, she might hate him for the rest of her life, but she'd be safe. And that was more important. Right?
"Oi! Law!" The bartender was knocked out of his thoughts by Corazon, who walked up beside him. "Aren't you supposed to be leaving?"
Law glanced at the clock. It was 5:30. Shit. He had to make a decision now.
Protecting Summer from the danger that accompanied getting close to him was a high priority. If any harm befell her, he'd surely blame himself. It had been years since he'd been affiliated with all of that business, true, but he never felt as if he'd been truly free ever since. Years of watching his back for the grinning madman did that to a man.
Yet…his heart ached for companionship. Much as it prided him to be able to live without others around, that wasn't altogether true. He'd let Summer in, slowly, as she visited the bar time after time. He'd allowed her to chip away at his heart of stone, finally finding her way into the center, where the desires he'd locked away for so long were buried. She'd reawakened them, when he was beginning to think they'd never happen.
"Oi!" Corazon snapped his fingers in Law's face, startling the young man and causing him to look up at the older man's face. "Didn't you hear me? You need to get going!"
At 5:50, Summer decided to head back to her own apartment to wait for Law to get there. She still messed her the outfit, feeling a little out of place with the unusual clothing, but at a much less frequent rate. The openness of the neckline was getting more and more comfortable on her.
With it being spring, Summer watched out her bedroom window at the horizon, seeing the sun wasn't quite close to setting. The days would be getting longer, with the sunset pushed later and later into the evening. She was glad that it wasn't dark yet, so she might get the chance to see it happen with Law.
Speak of the devil, there was a knock on her front door. Instantly, the butterflies from before returned twofold. She twisted the strap of her bag, deftly giving Max a few more pats on his head before heading to the front door.
She loosely gripped the handle, pausing to take a few slow breaths, then opened the door.
There Law stood, dressed in his usual leather jacket and jeans. The black shirt underneath fit snugly on his lean chest, but not in a show-off sort of fashion. His hair, ever-untamed, looked a little more put together than usual. He'd probably actually cared to groom it this morning for the occasion, and that made her smile inwardly. When she opened the door, he directed his attention to her, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.
"Hey." She said, double checking she had her keys before stepping out beside him. He watched as she took a moment to lock her door, noting the way her hands seemed to shake more and more as she struggled to get the key in the jamb. Unconsciously, he grinned.
"Hehe, sorry." She gave a nervous laugh, and he chuckled in response, leaning in to help her guide it into place. With a click, the lock engaged and he released her hand from his. Stepping back, he didn't miss the red blush that began to heat up her face.
"Ready?" He asked, and she nodded.
"Where are we going? You never said." She started. They began walking down the stairs towards the parking lot where Law had parked his bike. He turned back to her with a grin.
"You'll see." Was all he said. Summer didn't know which was more appealing, the idea of a surprise date or his easygoing smile. They were both pretty nice thoughts.
They approached his yellow motorcycle, and Law reached over to one of the satchels on the side, pulling out a black helmet. He held it out to Summer, who stared at it nervously.
"Ever ridden on a motorcycle before?"
Swallowing, she shook her head. That was one thing she'd been dreading ever since she realized that this date was actually going to happen. Never in her life had she experienced riding one of these metal contraptions that looked so vulnerable driving through traffic.
Law approached, placing the helmet in her hands. "It's not so bad. Just put this on." She gripped the edges tightly while Law returned to the bike to put on his own head protection. His expression had returned to that neutral one he wore so much at the bar, but she hoped he'd smile for her again.
Taking another breath, she threw caution to the wind and wedged the helmet onto her head. It was pretty tight, no doubt to prevent the wind from ripping it off. Summer tried arranging her hair so it splayed out the back instead of annoyingly around her shoulders. By the time she'd gotten situated, Law had hopped on and turned the key. She jumped as it roared to life and he revved the engine in anticipation.
He held out his hand to her, waiting for her expectantly. "Come on."
Trusting him to not let her get hurt, she made sure her bag was fit snugly across her body before taking his hand and letting him lead her onto the seat behind him. He instructed her where to place her feet so they wouldn't slip and brought down her visor so the bugs wouldn't fly through into her eyes.
"Don't let go!" He shouted over the sound of the engines, taking her arms and wrapping them around his body. She felt her helmet start to get uncomfortably hot as her blush intensified at his closeness. This was turning out a lot better than she'd ever imagined. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she was scared he'd be able to feel it.
Satisfied that she was secure behind him, Law flipped down the visor on his own helmet and grabbed the handle bars, revving the engine a couple times. He backed them out of the parking spot with his feet before pulling back on the handle, letting the engine roar to life once more. As they picked up speed, Summer found herself holding tighter to his chest, flattening her chest to his back as the sensation of moving at such a high speed hit her. She'd never felt so out in the open before, so in danger.
Law slowed down as they approached the main street, stopping as he looked both ways for traffic. Then, once the way was clear, he turned left and began to pick up speed down the road. Summer felt the wind plucking at her long blonde hair. It was pretty cold, and she realized she probably should have worn a jacket just for the ride. But still…
It felt amazing! Something about flying down the road at high-speeds, the wind pulling at her, holding Law close, the engine roaring…it was all so dangerous. And she loved it!
"This is amazing!" She shouted, not really sure if Law would be able to hear her over the rushing wind and the roaring engine. It seemed he had, because he turned his head slightly to the left, as if glancing in her direction.
They rode for several minutes, Summer taking the opportunity to readjust her grip around his body at the red lights, relishing in the feel of his body against hers. She'd be lying if she said this wasn't sort of a fantasy she'd had ever since developing feelings for the man. Law was just so…attractive and gave off that dangerous vibe. And inwardly, Summer wasn't shy with her occasionally naughty thoughts.
She was a little surprised to see the university come into sight up ahead, so lost in the many experiences on his motorcycle that she'd lost track of how long they'd been driving around. Law pulled easily into a parking lot for a small diner directly across from the campus.
He stopped gently, jerking the kickstand into place so the bike wouldn't fall over. Summer reluctantly released his chest from her hold, shaking out her arms from strain.
Law took off his helmet, shaking out his hair uncaringly. Summer took a bit more time, giggling once the tight thing came off her head. "That was so much fun! I always thought motorcycles would be scarier than that." After he'd stopped the engine, everything seemed eerily too quiet, but Summer attributed that to the prolonged loud noises suddenly coming to a stop.
He chuckled, standing and helping her off the bike. They placed their helmets in the satchels to either side and began walking towards the little diner. The fading neon sign proclaimed the 50's style establishment to be named 'Caesar's Cafe.' She cocked her head, following Law up to the door.
"I've never been here, yet it's so close to the campus." She marveled, smiling as Law graciously held the door open for her. They entered, standing just inside the door as a green-haired woman approached.
"Why hello-" She began, her steps slowing as she noticed Summer standing beside the tall-black haired man. "-Law." She finished in contempt. "How many for you tonight?" She asked in a monotone, almost hoping he'd say one. Her bubbly personality as she'd been walking up to serve them had instantly disappeared, and Summer wondered idly if it had to do with her.
"Two, please." Law smirked, appreciating the disappointment on Monet's face as she realized that this blonde girl beside him was actually his date. Taking two laminated menus from a holder on the wall, Monet led them toward the booths at the back, seating them at a table for two.
"I'll give you a minute to decide." Monet said without humor, turning on her heel and walking away quickly. They sat facing each other, Summer looking over the menu and Law smirking at the retreating form of the annoying waitress.
"Umm…what was that about?" The blonde finally asked, seeing the clear amusement on Law's face. He picked up his menu as well.
"She's caused me more trouble than I'd care to admit. It's nice to see her spited for once." He replied, and Summer couldn't help but smile.
"I still feel kind of bad though."
"Don't. She's not really that good a person." He snorted, leaning comfortably back in his seat. She sighed, her smile still in place despite the fact, and continued to look over her menu.
"What should I get?" She asked.
"Well, the shakes here are good. And you can't go wrong with their french fries. But if you don't like greasy, avoid the burgers." He warned, wincing as if he'd recalled a bad memory from before. She laughed, setting down her menu.
"I'll take your word for it."
Monet came back, her face a blank mask of indifference. "What can I get you to drink?"
"I'll have a coke." Law said, turning to Summer to see what she'd say. She grinned.
"I'd like a chocolate shake, please." There was a pause, as if the green-haired woman were debating refusing them service, but finally she gave a paper-thin smile.
"Certainly." Then, leaving once again. There was a moment of dreaded silence between them, Summer worrying that she was making things awkward between the two of them. Thankfully, though, Law seemed to distinguish that Summer didn't know what to say.
"Well, how'd your thesis go?" She brightened up, grinning widely.
"I passed! I used the picture you picked, like you said." She clasped her hands together on the table. "You also made me realize something important."
He raised a brow, a little surprised by this. "Which is?"
"That photography is about telling a story, not about getting the best shot. That saying, 'every picture is worth a thousand words?' It's true. You just have to find the right words to describe it."
"Hmm…" Law hummed in response, turning over her words in his head. "That's some pretty deep thinking."
She shrugged. "It was just on my mind ever since you helped me pick that picture. Thanks, by the way."
Now it was his turn to shrug, and he looked away in embarrassment. "It was nothing."
They continued to talk about Summer's upcoming graduation and her photography jobs on the side. She lamented not having very much business, but Law was sure that once she had her degree, things would really take off.
After several minutes, Monet came back with their food, not saying a word to either of them before leaving once more. They continued to talk as they ate, though Law kept the conversation on her. If any personal questions did come up, he'd always deflect them, or give a vague answer.
This didn't go unnoticed by Summer, but she still held out a bit of hope. It dawned on her that for as much as she'd talked to Law and interacted with him over the years of visiting the bar, she knew very little when it came to him personally. He never talked about himself. Now, smiling at him from across the table, she wondered why that was.
Eventually, they finished eating. They found it took a lot longer when you were conversing with someone the entire time. Though Summer was relieved that it hadn't been awkward. And Law was a very intent listener when she spoke, a refreshing concept considering how her last date had gone…
They stood, Law grabbing their ticket from the tray and leading Summer over to the cash register at the front. Money was there, and she almost snatched their receipt out of Law's hand. He raised a brow, allowing a little smirk to show through. He wanted her to know that this was purely for his enjoyment.
She must have realized too, because she scowled something fierce. "$28.52." She said, and Law took out his wallet for payment. She gave him back the receipt, and the two of them exited the diner.
"That place was really good! I'll have to come back again." Summer said, following Law back to his motorcycle. "And I had a lot of fun, thank you."
Law raised a brow again, grabbing his helmet from the satchel. "Don't plan on leaving yet." He chuckled, reaching for the other satchel and retrieving her helmet. "This date's not over."
She smiled in excitement, wondering what other things he had in store for her.
Their next stop was to the aquarium, something Summer had wanted to go see since arriving in the city so long ago. She'd just never gotten the chance to get around to it. At seeing the sign from the street, she'd started wiggling around in excitement. Law, though, had feared she would fall off, and used one hand to pull her arms tighter around himself.
They searched for a parking spot for a minute, finally finding one in the sea of cars. Turning off the engine and standing, they took off their helmets. By now, thanks to the high-speed winds and the really tight helmet, her hair was as messy as her normal bedhead. But she found she didn't care. Law's hair always looked a little messy, and she could now guess the reason why.
They walked inside of the massive building, the front lobby set up in a very modern design, with the floor a giant screen showing many different sea creatures. Summer gasped and stared at the ground, getting caught up in the displays for a moment.
Law simply stood to the side and allowed her to gape at the interior. This was the type of reaction he knew she'd have. Because if there was one thing he knew she loved admiring, it was the little things. He was content with that.
Finally getting herself back in order, she smiled at Law. "Let's go!" She cried, heading over to the front desk. He followed, paying for their tickets before they entered through a set of double doors.
The atrium within was huge, the walls painted blue with high ceilings. A large statue of a great white shark was situated in the middle, and Summer's eyes widened as she gazed upon it.
"This place is so cool!" She gestured all around her, and Law couldn't help but smirk, shaking his head.
"You haven't even seen a single fish yet." Then, he felt his arm yanked as she pulled him towards the first section of the place. They went through a long tunnel, finally ending up in a dark room, the walls replaced with thick cuts of glass. Behind the glass was a never-ending ocean, or so it looked, and multitudes of fish swam up to the glass, or across their field of view.
Law was content to stand beside her and let her gawk. After all, it gave him a chance to look at her unhindered. The most amusing part was seeing her childish reactions to the fish that came close to the glass. She'd try to touch them.
Once, he caught her mimicking their facial expression, crossing her eyes and pursing her lips, and Law just couldn't miss the opportunity to tease her. "Maybe I should throw you in the tank with them, since you're want to be a fish."
"Hey!" She grinned, slapping him on his shoulder. "You're no fun." She said noncommittally, because her statement was very untrue.
They continued through the rooms of fish, Summer as if she'd never seen a fish in her life, and Law very content to simply observe quietly. Her favorite part, she told him as they were leaving, had been the shark tank. And he had to admit it was his too, but not for the fish.
When one had swam too close to the glass, Summer backed up a step, nervous at being in such close proximity to the huge creatures. In fact, she'd backed up straight into his chest. She didn't even seem to notice what she'd done, either. He'd held onto her shoulder comfortingly until her wonder at seeing them close up had returned.
To say he'd been annoyed by it would have been a lie.
"That was awesome!" She shouted into the air as they left the building some time later. Law grinned, keeping his hands in his jean pockets. They attempted to try to find his motorcycle in the parking lot. It was decidedly harder in the dark, as the sun had set while they were inside. Law knew the general direction, but it still took several minutes to actually locate the yellow bike.
"One more stop." He told her, before turning the key and revving the engine. Her excitement peaked once more, and she returned her arms to around his body.
The aquarium had been on the other side of the city, and so they returned to the part of town that was so familiar to both of them. Her eyes lit up when he stopped in front of an ice cream shop, one she'd been to many times before.
They ordered their cones and sat at a table, enjoying the cold desserts. Law enjoyed his simple vanilla flavor, whereas Summer had gotten the fruitiest sherbet they had available. The ice cream itself was a variety of bright colors.
They talked some more, never seeming to run out of topics to pursue, and that made Summer happy. Whether it be about Corazon or the bar, or Summer and her photography, there were endless things to say. Mostly, Law liked to recant his stories of the worst customers, which made Summer laugh.
As the ice cream was eaten, and they slowly became the only customers inside the shop, they decided to call it a night. Throwing away the remnants of their dessert, they wandered back outside into the chilly night air. Summer checked the clock on her phone, raising her eyebrows in surprise to see it was already well after 10 pm.
Law noticed her reaction. "Something wrong?" He asked in concern, but she shook her head with a smile.
"No, I'm just surprised how late it is. Time went by so fast!" He nodded, giving her back her helmet.
They rode through the traffic, though it was considerably less dense than when they'd ridden through before. Summer took the time to watch all the streetlights as they went by, unconsciously counting them as they went.
She got to 28 before they arrived at her apartment complex. He eased gently into the same parking spot as before, turning the key to stop his engine. She stumbled off the bike, giggling a little until she recovered her balance.
"I'll walk you to the door." He said, and she nodded gratefully. She'd been dreading the part when he left. She'd been having so much fun, she didn't want it to end.
Feeling a little bold, thanks to the wonderful night, she linked her arm around his. His hand was still stuffed in his pocket, and she felt him tense at her touch, but a moment later he relaxed. She stole a secret glance at his face, but he was looking straight ahead with an indifferent expression.
They ascended the steps, finally arriving at her door, and she let go of his arm. He waited for her to unlock her door, easing it open to her darkened living room inside. Then, she turned towards him.
"I had a great time, Law, thanks." He looked away, scratching the back of his head.
"It's no problem." He muttered.
There was a pause, and more on impulse than anything, Summer leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek in a quick kiss. He looked up sharply at her action, but he looked more surprised than angry. She smiled warmly, backing into her apartment.
"Goodnight, Law." Was the last thing she said before closing the door gently behind her. Law was left to stand there a moment, savoring the feel of her lips against his skin. And without him realizing it, he walked away with a small grin on his face.
The figure watched as Law walked back towards the parking lot without the girl. He took mental note of where she lived. Law reached his motorcycle and started the engine, putting his black helmet on his head.
From the shadows, he watched as he peeled away into the night. The figure stood, walking away he'd come. His boss was sure to be pleased by this new bit of information.