On a parched sunny afternoon, Maya Stevens walked her way home from school. It was the usual day she always had – lonely and exhausting. It had been like that ever since her Dad lost his job at the factory while her Mom was at the city, enjoying her share of fame and fortune as a singer, ignoring her responsibilities as a mother. She became the neglected child. She became the talk of the town.
But Maya’s used to it already. While her dad was still looking for a new job, she strived to get a part time to support their everyday needs for the meantime. And she did. She worked as a caretaker of this old, gothic house down the last street. Every day after school, she would go to this place and stay there while the owners stayed out. Maya didn’t have a clue about where they were going every night and she didn’t try to know. As long as they pay her for the job, there’s nothing to worry about.
Although it was creepy as hell, staying alone in a strange, mysterious house, she had always felt at ease. As if someone was always watching over her from a distance. Guarding her.
One night, she was taking a stroll by the front yard when she heard a loud terrifying growl. It was coming from the garden- the only place in the house where she was prohibited to go to.
Her boss made it very clear to her the first day that she was off limits beyond the small gate. She wondered why but didn’t pushed the question.
But upon hearing the sound, Maya was sure there was really something inside the garden. What were they hiding inside?
Ignoring her boss’ warning, she walked towards the gate and entered without hesitation. It made a screeching rusty sound, probably because of old age. Maya wondered just how old the house was. She wouldn’t even be surprised if there’s some kind of hidden passageway underneath the lawn.
Beyond the gate was a pathway shrouded with trees and bushes. It was dark and eerie but somehow she wasn’t scared.
“Hello?” She called. “Is anybody in there?”
She continued to follow the path until it stopped in the middle. The garden was a mess. Weeds and tall grasses filled the land. She squinted her eyes adjusting to her dim surroundings when suddenly something walked out from the towering grasses.
Maya was taken aback. In front of her was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. It looked like a wolf. It’s built was gigantic, its eyes almost the same level as Maya’s. Its fur was as dark as the night yet its eyes were as pale as the moon.
Maya slowly approached the wolf but it quickly took a step back, uncertainty evident in its eyes.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” Maya comforted before her hands finally reached the wolf’s head. “There.” She said as she gently stroke its black coat. The wold seemed to love her gesture as it suddenly licked her cheeks.
Maya chuckled. “You like that huh?” She continued to caress the creature’s fur as she looked into its eyes.
There was something familiar about the wolf’s gaze. Maya thought she had already seen it somewhere. Maya furrowed her eyebrows collecting her memories. Black hair. Silver eyes. Where had she seen it?
Maya pursed her lips as she pondered when the wolf suddenly whined. It caught her attention.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked.
The wolf kept whining as its head motioned towards the house.
The house. Black hair. Silver eyes. Of course!
Maya was shocked from her own discovery. It absolutely made sense but at the same time it didn’t.
Maya looked at the wolf in front of her as she shook her head in disbelief.
“You are him. Aren’t you?” She furrowed her eyebrows anticipating any kind of response.
The wolf howled silently and wagged its tail. Oh god. She was right. This wolf was no ordinary animal.
This was Mr and Mrs Pierce’s son!
In a spur of moment, Maya recalled the other nights that she had stayed at the house. She had walked its corridors, cleaned its rooms and dusted the frames on the wall. While doing so, she would always stop by one of the pictures. It was a family portrait of Mr and Mrs Pierce along with their teenager son, their names engraved on the wooden frame. She always wondered where their son might be. She never saw him at the house nor at the high school, not even once.
Also, there were nights when she had sensed something was lingering outside the house. She had heard the rusting sound of the bushes and the faint treading noise like something or someone was running. One night, in attempt to catch the mysterious stranger outside the house, Maya stayed by the porch, her eyes never leaving the sight of the forbidden gate. Eventually, her patience was rewarded when she caught a glimpse of an animal, probably a dog. Its silver eyes looked at her intently.
Looking back at the wolf in front of her, Maya couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not crazy, am I?” She grinned and the wolf shook its head. “Now I know why I always felt like I wasn’t alone during those nights. You were always here, in the garden. You were watching over me weren’t you?” She said stroking his fur one more time.
“It’s you. You’re Lucian Pierce.”
The moment Maya said the name, the wolf staggered backwards away from her. It howled deafeningly before running back inside the tall grasses.
“Wait!” Maya screamed but she knew she won’t be able to catch up to him. Wolves are fast runners. And she wasn’t.
While waiting for Lucian, Maya was pacing back and forth. How was it possible? A man who turned into a wolf? All those years… All those nights… Mr and Mrs Pierce were hiding their son beyond those gates. She realized. That’s why it was off limits.
Maya’s thoughts and anxious motions stopped when she heard someone call her name.
Maya turned and she was welcomed yet again with the palest silver eyes. But it was different. It was a man’s eyes. Not of the wolf. The man in front of her had long black hair that fell on his shoulders. He was wearing this worn out shirt and shorts, probably stocked somewhere in case he ever turned human again.
“Lucian?” The man smiled at the sound of his name.
“Yeah. It’s me. Thank you Maya. You saved me.” Lucian said as he slowly walked closer to the girl.
“B-but how?” Maya asked, perplexed.
Lucian took a deep breath as he shook his head.
“This curse has been passed down in our family for generations. Once an offspring turns fifteen, he or she will turn into a beast and will remain a beast forever.” He started. “But not if they find their soul mate.” Lucian looked at her with gratitude and passion.
“Some of my predecessors travelled across the world to find their mate. Some just gave up and remained a wolf forever. Some even died from travelling much.” Lucian looked at the sky, the full moon shone brightly.
“In my case, I just stayed here in the garden. My parents let me do what I wanted as long as I don’t cause any trouble and stay behind the gates. And I did enjoy being a wolf,” he paused, “but in the long run, I, too, gave up on finding my mate.”
“What? Why?” Maya asked.
“I already lost hope, Maya. I was practically caged behind these gates and I didn’t want to expose myself to the people around here. My wolf was big and people surely would be scared if they saw me.” He explained.
Maya didn’t know what to say. He had a point. But giving up on a life he could have had as a human? That was heart-breaking.
“But then you came, Maya. The first night I saw you walking by the yard, I had no doubt that it was you. My soul mate.”
“What did you just say?” Maya’s heart was pounding like a drum when Lucian grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest, feeling his own heartbeat; while the other cupped her face and gently brushed her cheek.
“You are my mate, Maya. And by calling my name, you released me from the other side of the world. You saved me from misery.” He whispered before kneeling on the ground, still holding Maya’s hands.
“Lucian, what are you doing? Stand up.” Maya said but the man just smiled at her; his dazzling eyes screamed determination and passion.
“In the name of the Moon Goddess, I, Lucian Pierce, descendant of the Midnight Hounds, pledge my loyalty, love and protection to Maya Stevens, my soul mate, forever. For as long as I live.” He stated before placing a kiss on top of Maya’s hand.
He stood up and closed the space between them as he pulled Maya into a warm embrace. “Will you accept me, Maya Stevens?”
Maya didn’t know what to say or do. This was all too sudden. Her mind was in a haze.
But then only one look at his eyes and all her worries and hesitations were gone. All she felt was his love, his burning passion and the sense of security from his arms wrapped around her body. She had never felt this way before. Even though they knew nothing much about each other, even though they just met that night, Maya was drawn to Lucian. And though it may seem impossible and ridiculous, she already loved the man, with all her heart.
Maya hugged Lucian back and whispered to his ears, “Yes, Lucian. I accept you as my mate.”
That night was the best and most memorable day in Maya’s life. Not only did she save someone’s life from a lifetime of loneliness but she also found her one true love. Lucian Pierce.
Who knew that an old gothic house would have a wolf hidden in a locked garden?
Who knew that a mere old rusty gate could lead Maya to her fate?
Well, no one really knew.
Not until Maya took a leap of faith, opened the gate and walked to the other side.