SR: Sagun - I'll Keep You Safe (ft. Shiloh Dynasty)
At home, I would always fiddle with my hair. Father hated when I did because it seemed I was unsure of things.
Right now, I couldn't help but cling to it desperately as Eryn led us to her car.
She thought it would be better to leave Ally here while we went to her friend's house. I made her promise me that someone would pick her up and bring her to where we were going.
"Where are we going?"
"We're heading out of Queen Anne to Capitol Hill. I had some friends over there that can help. If vampires took your friends, then they would know," Eryn explained as we settled into her truck.
For some odd reason, I didn't expect her to drive a truck. Eryn seemed like the type to drive a classic muscle car or some other really nice car. A regular black pick-up didn't really scream Eryn.
I smiled to myself, wondering what other things would surprise me about her.
I cast my gaze to Eryn as she pulled out of her parking space. The dark circles under her eyes were the most apparent they could possibly be. The blood that we found at her storage room couldn't have affected her too much, not that I knew anything about that. She put on her sunglasses the second we got into her truck so I wasn't able to see her eyes. I felt like she'd done it on purpose. Maybe she was trying to hide it from me.
Sure, her eyes were slightly unnerving, but there was a pain in them that was indescribable. It was almost as if she was disgusted with herself. I didn't want to be the cause of her feeling that way. I couldn't help but think of when we were back at Purgatory. "Do you hate being a vampire?"
Eryn turned her head at me for a moment before looking back at the road. "Everyone goes through a stage in their lives where they're unhappy with themselves. Vampirism isn't any different."
What a rehearsed answer, I thought.
The thought of Ally as a vampire came across my mind. I hope I made the right call, I thought. "I didn't want to lose Ally. She was always there for me. Her and Sydney. Did I make the right call?"
Sydney and Ally were closer than I was to them since I had to stay with my father in the Kingdom, but whenever I got the chance to see them, I took it. I loved them very much, I couldn't bear to lose them.
I couldn't help but think of the times where we'd race around near Carp's Row. It was a local drop off near Aqueria that we were told to stay away from. Its strong rip currents and whirlpools were dangerous to young mermaids who quite didn't have the muscle mass nor the skill to navigate its choppy waters.
Being the daredevils we were, Syd and I would push Ally and Flynn to head there and race. We had fun and on a good day, Flynn would beat me. On days where I'd be too upset from the duties my father would make me tag along on, I'd beat all of them with seconds to spare.
My thoughts wandered to the when Ally got caught up in a current she couldn't swim out of. It was one of those particular days where I was mad about something at the palace. I put all my pent up aggravation into the race, leaving Ally behind. The force of my fin was too much for her to handle. She almost died that day because I let my anger get the best of me.
I couldn't lose her. Not here, not now.
"You're not going to lose her now. It might take a bit for her to adjust, but she can do it. She's strong," Eryn commented, placing a hand on my thigh.
My eyes widened. I didn't think Eryn was a mind reader, but I didn't know what powers vampires had. For all, I know she could be listening to me right now.
You're pretty hot, I thought, waiting to see if she reacted. Eryn kept her gaze to the road, not budging to any of my words.
I blushed and turned my head to the road as well.
I knew Eryn was the very thing to fear, but I trusted her. There was something about her that made me want to understand vampires. Upon first seeing her when she saved me from those men, I was utterly captivating. She was my knight in shadowed armor, and she made me feel safe.
I wanted to understand her more. Perhaps then I wouldn't blame myself so much for Neri's death. "Do you have anyone you're close to?"
Eryn smirked. "When you lived as long as I have, you start to have allies everywhere. I'd say they're my friends, at least."
I looked out the window, trying to figure out how old Eryn was. I thought it was rude if I asked her age. The thought of her being hundreds of years older than me made me feel inexperienced and younger than I was.
There wasn't an ancient air to her, just a heaviness. To anyone else looking in, she seemed weathered, but it was the calmness that lulled me in. Being around her made time slow down. A guarded intensity clung to the edges of her soul that I yearned to peel back and see.
"I suppose I know some people that I could consider as close friends. They travel a lot, but maybe they'll be where we're going," Eryn spoke, "there's someone there I think you'll like."
"Did you grow up with them?"
Eryn chuckled lightly. It made me turned my head and stare at her. Her eyes had brightened and as she spoke, she waved her hand around. "I guess you could say that one way or another." Eryn slowed the car down to a red light. She surprisingly drove faster than a typical driver and she paid little mind to the road sometimes. I suppose that was another benefit of vampirism. Fast reflexes.
"I grew up with the friends you met at Purgatory. Flynn was our protector. He always felt the need to make sure we weren't getting into anything dangerous, but I feel like it thrilled him as much as it did us. Perhaps that's why he followed us on land. He already took his years in the human world. He didn't have to come out again for us, especially since he doesn't like being here too much." I knew he thought I wasn't doing the right call turning Ally. I also knew he wouldn't let the people that took him hurt Syd. He would probably blame Eryn for all this. I frowned.
"That bloke doesn't like me, does he?" Eryn snickered, giving me a reassuring squeeze on my thigh, "I don't blame him. He's in the right mindset to not want to be around us."
"He just wants me and the girls safe—" I gazed down at her hand, staring at the wisps of ink that hugged it. A rose-covered her pale skin, but the rose was distorted, making the petals pointed and feathery, "—even when he makes himself look silly."
"I need to warn you about something before we get to Capitol Hill," Eryn grimaced, getting off a road, "Vampires aren't the only people that you're going to meet. The vampires that are there feed on humans. They don't hurt them though. Just be careful still though, some could be very... eccentric."
She turned into a cul-de-sac that led to a huge house. The house was beautiful with columns on the wrap-around porch. Gigantic windows lined the front of it and two stories up there was a balcony that had someone tanning outside. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"Alright, stay close to me and try not to seem too scared. Your heartbeat picked up," Eryn took off her sunglasses and met my gaze. Her stormy eyes looked at me with a fervor that sent a shiver down my spine. She stared at me for a second too long and got out of her truck in one fluid motion, her long legs making it look easier than it was.
I hopped down, walking around and standing beside her. I gazed at the house again, my hands getting clammy.
Eryn took a deep breath. "I haven't seen them in a couple of years. I don't know how they'll react, but they owe me a favor."
"It's almost like I'm meeting your family," I said, trying to lighten the mood.
Eryn scoffed, putting on her sunglasses again, "as if." She took a deep breath and extended her hand out.
I took it, jumping slightly with how cold her fingers were.
We walked briskly to the doorway. I didn't realize how cold it was until I was beginning to shake a bit whenever the wind blew. I really wish I'd had the opportunity to change into something warmer. Club clothes were not what I wanted. In the water, I wouldn't even be affected by the temperature.
We reached the front door and Eryn didn't even have to ring a bell or knock. The door opened, and a small blond child answered it. Her large doll-like eyes stared at me for a brief moment before locking them onto Eryn.
"Ryn!" she squealed, jumping onto Eryn.
Not like family, eh?
Eryn stepped back and chuckled, hugging the blonde little girl. "Well, hello Ami."
Ami pulled herself away from Eryn to look at me. Her big scarlet eyes scrutinized me slowly, taking me in from head to toe. "Who is she, and why does she smell so good?" Ami asked as she cast me a judgmental gaze. Somehow, I was eager for this little girl's approval.
Eryn gripped Ami tighter and glanced at me. "That is Marina and you will keep your fangs to yourself, yes?"
Ami rolled her eyes. "Of course. My name is Ami, but you will call me Amelia until I like you." She grabbed Eryn's sunglasses and grinned as she slipped them on.
Eryn sighed, as if she was used to the way Ami was already. "Where are your dads?" She set Ami down, stepping into the house.
I followed her slowly, my eyes growing wide as I took in the house. There were steps on either side of the main room that led to the second floor. A massive chandelier with rubies encrusted onto the black metal hung in the middle of the room. I was in awe, as the light illuminated the hall in a cozy yellow hue.
Eryn shook her head. "Lance added more lighting in here? I'm going to need my sunglasses, Ames." She glanced at the floor for a bit. It made me wonder if the light was truly bothering her or if she wanted her sunglasses back from the child.
Ami's mouth flatted as she gave back her sunglasses. "You should talk to him about that," she replied, running off to a doorway on our right. "Dads is in his study, I'll go get him."
With the way Ami spoke, it made me feel as if she was older than her physical form portrayed. Something about a child speaking so maturely unsettled me.
"No need Amelia," a loud voice boomed from the top of the stairs. I look upward, watching as a man in a long silk robe descended down the steps. His eyes were the color of spun gold, with it only being brought out more with his ebony skin. Jewelry aligned his wrists and fingers. I couldn't even begin to imagine how much they cost. They reminded me of the jewels we had underwater. I'm sure he would love to see the ones we had.
"Lance, it's good to see you," Eryn beamed, walking forward and opening her arms up.
Lance shook his head and placed his hand on her chest. "More tattoos, darling? Oh great, you have more piercings now too." he flicked the ring on Eryn's eyebrow. Eryn stared down dutifully, somehow making it seem younger than she was.
"Oh! And who is this?" Lance approached me hesitantly, taking me in the same way Amelia did.
"This is Marina," Eryn laced her fingers with mine.
Lance nodded, a bright fanged smile making its way to his face. "I see."
I wanted with interest. His fangs curled slightly, and they were shorter than Eryn's. It was interesting to see.
"This is Lance, an old friend of mine," Eryn introduced.
Lance tsked, "I'm offended at that introduction! I'm more than that. Eryn was the first person to hear the name I chose when I transitioned. You did a world of wonders for me, Eryn," He adjusted his headscarf. There was an attitude to him that made me comfortable to be around him. He was so animated that I didn't feel as if he even was a vampire.
Eryn burst out laughing. "He's Sybil's sire sibling."
Lance's brows shot up. "She knows?"
Eryn nodded. Lance stared at me for a moment, studying me intently. I held my breath, unable to meet his eyes as he scrutinized me.
"And how are you dealing with it?" Lance motioned to me. I raised a brow in curiosity, assuming it was me that he was talking about.
Eryn stood silent for a moment before she answered. She didn't look at me at all when she did. "I'm fine."
"If you need more of those serums, tell Chris. You'll know he'll give some to you," Lance replied, putting a hand on Eryn's arm, "Talking about Chris, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."
I watched closely as the two conversated, noticing how often Eryn smiled and laughed. Her shoulders were relaxed and as we walked deeper into the house, she became more comfortable.
This was nothing of what I imagined.