SR: Xfruge - How can you say these types of lies
I insisted on giving sidelong glances at Marina to see if she was okay. I'm sure she didn't expect this. Vampires weren't the type to settle down and make a home for themselves, but all that Lance and Chris ever wanted was to be together.
Lance rapped the study door lightly with his knuckles. I smirked, knowing that the exact hand was ruthless. I'd seen Lance take down an entire army of humans in mere seconds before he decided to live a domesticated life. I met Lance during the first World War. Positively thrilling man. It was almost laughable to see him in his silk robes and his extravagant jewelry. He was the type to never be attached to material items. Being a loving husband to Chris was something that fulfilled Lance and made me happy to see.
Marina threaded her fingers through mine. I looked down at our hands, mine pale and tattooed, and her soft sun-kissed one. I gave her a reassuring squeeze and lifted my gaze to her eyes. They were wide and full of a myriad of emotions that I couldn't quite place. I frowned, giving her a look that I hoped to make her better.
Marina smiled softly, leaning into me a bit. My eyes widened and I debated pulling away from her, but instead, I pulled her close and brought the top of her head towards my lips. I knew she was going through a lot right now, especially with her friends being taken. I didn't want her to lose hope that we'd get them back.
Lance cast a glance at us for a moment and seemed like he was going to say something, but the door opened before he could.
In front of the doorway stood a man taller than me who I recognized as Chris. The man was massive, with tree trunks for arms and a grip like a vice. I'm sure before Chris was turned, he was already immovable. The vamp version of him was horrifying to those that didn't know him. His dreads were picked up this time with a red sash around it to keep it from falling. His cold hard gaze took in Marina and me.
Marina gripped my hand tighter and I could hear her heartbeat picking up.
A slow smile crept its way onto his face. "Ryn, maybe you should get out more. You're looking a bit pale." His Nigerian accent was thick and his voice deep, the type that rumbled in your chest when he spoke.
"Fuck off, mate," I grinned a shit-eating grin as he grabbed my shoulders and gruffly pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back, finding comfort in his scent of pine and the outdoors. "How are you all doing?"
Chris set me down and motioned us inside. "We're great had some new additions is all. When are you going to introduce me to your little friend over there? I'm sure you can hear her heart pounding too."
I pulled Marina in front of me. "This is Marina. Marina, this is Lance's husband, Chris."
Marina instantly shot her hand out. Chris guffawed and yanked her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Her pulse seemed to settle down a bit and the tension in the air slowly dissipated. His hugs were definitely therapeutic.
"Okay, enough with the introductions, let's get down to the real reason why you're here," Lance chirped, walking around Chris' oak desk and sitting on the giant leather computer chair.
Chris shook his head and smiled. He wordlessly approached Lance and picked him up, sitting down on the chair and plopping Lance onto his lap. They gave each other a look as if they were the only ones in the room.
I cleared my throat, all too used to the looks they would give each other.
Marina's face was red as a tomato as I motioned for her to sit on one of the leather chairs that were in front of Chris's desk. She sat down and I followed, making eye contact with Chris.
"Jesus Eryn, your eyes. When's the last time you fed?" Chris asked.
I narrowed my eyes in anger, wondering why they were bringing this up in front of Marina. "I'm fine." Not here. Not now. "There are more matters to attend to."
Lance shot up from Chris' lap and sashayed over to the side of the room where a mini-fridge was on top of a table. The fridge had a glass door and I knew that's where Chris kept his blood. They acquired blood like a finely aged wine, keeping many different blood types on hand. I also knew the humans that stayed here, and I really wish I thought about bringing Marina here. It would take her a bit to wrap her mind around how they lived their lives.
Lance pulled out a bag and I turned away, trying to curb the hunger crawling its way up my throat. My fangs instantly lengthened and my vision grew sharper. Chris watched intently as it happened, nodding slowly. "You're starving yourself. Look at you. You're acting like a fledgling."
Marina looked at me, a worried expression cast on her face. I looked away, feeling as if I was being chastised by my parents.
"Have you been drinking human blood?" Lance asked, handing me a glass full to the brim of blood. I sniffed it, realizing it was in fact, human blood.
My stomach turned over, begging me to drink this. I shook my head. "I don't drink human blood anymore, you know that."
Lance rolled his eyes. "May the Angel rest her soul, but Sybil was a bit old-fashioned, don't you think? Swearing yourself off human blood with only make the hunger worse."
I tensed at the sound of Sybil's name. "For all good reason," I muttered, setting the glass down on the desk.
"I'm sorry Marina," Chris started, "I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable, but if you want to be around Eryn this is—"
"I'm fine," Marina interjected, "this is how Eryn sustains herself and I'm not bothered by it."
"Look at us, Eryn. We don't just survive to get by. We enjoy what we drink. Just like humans enjoying delicacies. We don't hurt anyone either, Marina," Lance explained, sitting on the desk. He folded his arms and stared at me, waiting for me to drink, "All our donors are willing. Eryn, if a glass of blood isn't good enough, I'm sure Anika wouldn't mind. She hasn't been—"
"Lance," Chris warned. He looked at his husband, "You don't have to pusher so much," Chris reasoned, leaning closer.
I felt the heat of everyone's gaze on me. I didn't dare look at anyone except the blood that haunted my very soul.
Wordlessly, I stood up, briskly making my exit in the blink of an eye. I didn't have to deal with them treating me like a child. I came to them for their help, but not for this. Marina would be fine with them alone and I'm sure she'd tell them what was going on.
I needed to create space between me and that glass.
The rush of cool air hit me as I stepped outside. I breathed a sigh of relief. I liked to be outside. When I was outdoors, the world felt endless. I felt as if I could keep running forever and end up anywhere I wanted to be. My second chance at life started outside.
I saw Amelia and a tall teenage boy who I knew all too well walking the grounds. I ran a hand through my hair and stalked forward, a tight-lipped smile on my face.
I didn't need human blood to sustain myself, I thought.
The hunger pangs hit me as if telling me I was wrong.
I begged not to be wrong.