“Dude ya look so cool in that costume!” Alex said, I laughed. I was wearing a Pirate costume that was a combination of blues and blacks, and I grinned. “Should I get this one?” I said, Alex held up a finger and turned to a rack behind him and then turned back around with a blue hat and black feathers and put it on my head. “Perfect!” He said.
I chuckled and looked at him “what about you what’re you gonna dress up as?” I asked, he shrugged “I was thinking maybe a martial arts black belt or maybe a gangster delinquent” he said, I laughed “you should go with the gangster delinquent, after all you already have the hair on point”I pointed out.
He gasped dramatically and ran his hands through his hand “you don’t like my hair!?” He said, I laughed “stop being over dramatic, yes I like your hair. No hurry up the parties in thirty minutes!” I said, he chuckled and picked out a costume before we went and payed.
“DUDE THIS IS SICK!” Alex yelled over the booming music and flashing lights, there were lots of people from our school and I started to feel clammy but it went away.
“Yeah it is” I replied, he chuckled and looked at me “I’m gonna go get us some drinks a’ight man!” He said before taking off. I nodded and watched the girls and guys mingle and dance and spotted a girl in the back corner on her phone.
She was wearing a pirate captains costume and it showed her perfect figure, I raised an eyebrow and walked over getting a better view.
She had brown hair, blue eyes and she was average height. I tapped her shoulder and she looked up, “hey! Why aren’t you enjoying the party?” I said over the music.
She looked at me “parties are lame! I’m only here cause of a couple friends of mine” she said, I laughed “same here” I leaned against the wall next to her and she smiled.
“so what’s your name?” She said, I grinned and tipped my hat towards her before bowing regally. “My name shall not be spoken from thy lips but only through true loves kiss” I said, she laughed and I stood back up. “Romeo and Juliet?” She said, I nodded and she smiled “well then If you are Romeo then I must be Juliet and if I’m Juliet and your Romeo and we’re meeting at a Halloween party then this must be fate” she said, I laughed as she bowed.
“well then Juliet I must say that there is an issue arising” I said, she raised an eyebrow “oh, my why what could be the issue dear Romeo?” She said dramatically.
I chuckled “unfortunately there can only be one captain of this ship” I said, she smirked “oh really? Then I challenge you to a dance off” she said.
I laughed “then let’s get this party going” I said before grabbing her hand and dancing with her.
I yawned and leaned against Alex as he drove me home, he chuckled “that girl must’ve tuckered you out, you guys were really going at it with the dancing” he said, I laughed “yeah, I guess I got carried away” I replied.
We pulled into a dark alleyway and I raised an eyebrow “where are we?” I asked, I looked at Alex as he rolled up his tinted windows and looked at me before climbing on top of me and leaning the seat back.
“A-Alex, what’re you-“