They were after me.
All I could do was run, stumbling amongst the tree roots and decomposing leaves on the floor of the forest.
I didn't stop to look back. I didn't want to see what was chasing me. I just wanted to get away.
But I was so busy running I forgot to look out for low-hanging branches.
Like the one I then collided into.
For a few brief moments I sat, dazed, wondering where I was.
Then I realised they were gaining on me.
They were sort of like humanoid robots - like the cybermen in Doctor Who - and they were after me.
They advanced closer, closer, and then...
I woke abruptly, a thin sheet of cold sweat on my face.
I realised that it was all just a dream - the same dream I'd been getting for weeks on end.
Ever since those screens had developed faces and spoken to me about the end of the world.
Ugh. Being chased by dozen metal men as a dream did not contribute well to a supposedly 'good' night's sleep.
The next day I went to school, taking my usual route past the woods, plagued by the thoughts of my dreams.
Then I got an uncomfortable feeling, as if I was being watched.
I dismissed it as a bird or a dog or something. I'd been in a similar situation before; it was 2 years ago when I'd got a sneaky suspicion I was being watched. It had turned out to be a cat that wanted the sandwich in my bag.
But then I got feeling that I was being followed and I knew that this wasn't a mere animal after my lunch again. This was something... different.
More ominous, somehow.
I whirled around, only to come face-to-face with...
I screamed, a little girlishly.
And then I turned and ran into the woods.
The horrible truth came to me at once. My awful dream had been much more than just a dream. It had been a sign.
I ran as fast as my legs would take me, not stopping to look over my shoulder. And then I crashed into the low-hanging branch.
I sat in a crumpled heap on the floor seeing stars. The metal men were coming ever closer, ready to seal my doom.
I saw the sun filtering through the canopy of trees reflect onto their steel armour.
And then nothing.