I ran, pushing past all the men and women in their white lab coats.
It hadn't occurred to me that I might have had to ask for the directions out of here, but It was a good job I didn't, otherwise they would have pumped me full of tranquilizer darts the moment I was still.
Even though they did so anyway.
I hadn't stopped to look behind me to check I wasn't being followed because I was so focused on getting out, but my crucial mistake was running in a straight line so it was easy to shoot the dart at me,
Don't ask how it worked, because I don't know either. Being a half human, half robot experiment (Experiment 36746) I was supposed to be immune to human tranquilizers. Nonetheless, I heard a horrible metal clang and the ground rushed up to my face.
I woke up strapped to a wall again.
At least it was a lot better because I could now see the madman who had ruined my life.
"I take it you are victim of Operation Cyborg Experiment 36746 - Reese Fletcher?"
The man speaking had thick matted brown hair and a thick Russian accent to match. He wore a white lab coat with a grey jumper and beige jeans underneath.
His silver-framedglasses were so thick I could hardly see his eyes, but from what I could see they were a dull grey colour.
I resisted the temptation to swear excessively at him and instead replied "No(!) I'm David Cameron(!)"
The Russian scientist didn't look too happy with my answer.
"I know everything about you, Reese," he said with a menacing smile. "You could even say I know more about you than even you yourself!"
"Why have you ruined my life?!" I shouted at him. "What are you going to do with me, use an army of clones to take over the world(?)"
I'd meant it sarcastically, but obviously he didn't get that.
"Yes. It is all part of my genius plan.
You see, I believe humans are a foul, imperfect race. That is why I have decided to replace them with robots!"
He clapped his hands and two terrifying robot henchmen walked in.
"But robots are not able regenerate or reproduce themselves, so eventually my superior species will die out. That is why I have taken people from all over the world and used them in my experiments.
"Congratulations, Reese! You are the only one to survive! Now, I will use you as a model and create many more perfect humanoid robots!
"They will be able to reproduce and regenerate as humans do and will have the perfectness of robots - the perfect human species!"
He did an evil laugh.
I pulled out the scalpel I'd hid in my pocket from earlier and cut myself free.
The vital mistake Mr Russian Scientist has made with me was giving me superior intellect and strength.
I leapt down from the wall as he remained frozen in horror.
And then I punched him and he hit the floor with a crash, blood gushing from his new head wound.
He wasn't going to be ruining any more lives any time soon.
I headed towards the exit only to be greeted by two dozen more of the scientist's henchmen.
Then I realised they were all pointing tranquilizer guns at me.
"Oh, dear." I whispered.
Shutting down.