I woke up strapped to an operation table in a completely white room.
I felt... different, somehow. Numb. Unfeeling. Almost robotic.
I felt around the table for something sharp. I couldn't feel much.
I wiggled my fingers, hoping for the sensation to return. It didn't.
Then I got worried.
I continued to feel gingerly around the table for something I could use to free myself from the table. Then my fingers met something. I grabbed some of it and tried to lift it up so that I could see it.
It looked like a scalpel of some kind; I breathed a sigh of relief and began to cut myself free.
When I got up I heard a sort of whirring sound. Like when a robot moves.
I sat upright and inspected myself for any injuries. And then gasped in horror.
I wiggled my toes and bent my knees. There was that horrible whirring sound again.
I shut my eyes and opened them again. Then I tried to pinch myself. I felt nothing.
Phew, I thought. It MUST be a dream.
It wasn't; and do you know how I know?
Why I gasped in horror as soon as I saw myself?
Because my I couldn't feel anything. Because I made a whirring sound whenever I moved.
Because my skin was now hard and silver.
Because I had been turned into a robot.
I heard a commotion of voices and decided it was time to leave.
I dived under the table I had woken up strapped to and listened out for people.
"Yes. Yes, Experiment 36746 has been a success. We're just waiting for him to regain consciousness-"
He must have been talking about me, and then suddenly realized I was missing.
"Hello? Yes, it's me again. I want a full search party. Experiment 36746 has disappeared."
I heard him exit the room and shut the door behind him.
Then I dived out from my hiding place and ran.