Hi guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in forever, but here's episode five!! Enjoy!!
AM: Of course he was here. It had to be him. Even if he didn’t cast a spell, just seeing him could have been enough to bother her.
RO: *growling* I‘m going to get him for even thinking about hurting Daph.
AM: Calm down, he and Madoline were probably just hanging out.
RO: How can I calm down when darn Longbottom possibly cast a spell on Daph?! I have to go make sure she’s OK! Come on. *He gets up and storms off.*
AM: Alright, but I was only trying to let you know that someone else could have done it. *She follows him back to the common room.*
*In the Slytherin Girls Dormitory*
DA: *sniffling on her bed*
SO: *knocking softly on the bedpost* Daph? Are you ok?
AM: Sophia, is everything alright? How’s Daph?
SO: Why don’t you ask her? She’s right here.
AM: Ok. Rolf, you should ask her. She is your girlfriend.
RO: *sitting down on Daphne’s bed and speaking gently* Daph?
DA: *still sniffling* Go away.
AM: Daphne, we won’t bother you if you don’t want us to, but please at least tell us what’s wrong. Please?
DA: *a little louder and firmer* Go away. I don’t want to talk about it. Like, at all. Just… go away.
AM: Ok, I guess you don’t want any butterbeer, then, so Rolf, Sophia, and I will just split yours.
DA: OK. I don’t care. Just leave me alone.
AM: *sighing* Alright, let’s go.
RO: Daph-
DA: Go away. I just- don’t want to talk right now.
RO: Well, me, Sophia, and Amanda are here when you do want to talk, ok?
DA: Fine.
RO: *walking down the stairs and out of the dormitory*Yeah. Something’s definitely up. She acted super hostile towards me, and I don’t know why, and I don’t like it. *sitting down on one of the couches and running his hands through his hair.*
SO: I’m sorry, Rolf. If it makes you feel better, maybe it’s just a really, really bad stomachache? At least, I hope so. I hope that’s all it is. I heard you and Amanda talking earlier, and, maybe you’re right, maybe it is Micheal. Maybe he’s put some kind of spell on her.
RO: Alright. I’ll try not to think about it. It’s getting pretty late. We’d better get to bed if we want to get to our classes on time tomorrow. Goodnight.
*They all head to their dormitories, each one thinking about Daphne.*
*The next morning*
SO: Scorpius? Have you seen Daphne this morning?
SC: I haven’t seen her yet. Sorry, Sophia.
SO: Rolf? Have you seen Daph?
RO: No, but maybe she’s already at breakfast? Let’s go check. C’mon, Scorpius.
SC: OK. Let’s go!*He skips out of the common room, with Sophia and Rolf following behind him.*
*They walk into the Great Hall and run into Amanda, who’s looking very confused.*
AM: Where’s Daphne? Do you guys know?
SO: No. We were going to ask you the same question. I’m starting to get worried. You mean she’s not in here?
AM: *shaking her head* No, I’ve been looking forever and I can’t find her anywhere. And I mean anywhere. I don’t think she’s even on the grounds.
RO: Well, it is almost time for the Easter holidays. Maybe her parents called her home early? But, then again, why would Scorpius still be here? Hmmm...ugh, I’m so confused. Where could she possibly be?
AM: Maybe we should ask a professor.
SO: That’s a good idea. Let’s go ask Professor McGonagall.
AM: Sounds good. She is, after all, my current favorite, because she caught Longbottom bullying me.
RO: C’mon. The sooner we ask for help, the sooner we can find Daph.*
AM: Alright. *They walk up to Professor McGonagall*
Prof. MG: Can I help you, Ms. O’Neal?
RO: We need to find Daphne Malfoy. She wasn’t in bed this morning, and she wasn’t in here, and Amanda couldn’t find her anywhere.
AM: And she was acting weird the last time we saw her. She didn’t quite seem like herself yesterday, either.
Prof. MG: Well, how was she acting, Ms. O’Neal?
AM: She didn’t eat much last night and went to bed much earlier than usual. We spoke to her after dinner, and she was acting all hostile towards us, which is extremely unusual for Daph.
Prof. MG: Well, did you happen to check the Hospital Wing, Ms. O’Neal? If she wasn’t feeling well last night, then maybe she’s in the Hospital Wing?
AM: Yes, Professor, I did check there, and I couldn’t find her.
Prof. MG: Well, have you checked outside?
SO: No, we haven’t. Thank you, Professor.
* They head to the courtyard *
AM: She’s not here…
RO: Let’s check the Quidditch field. C’mon, let’s go.
SO: Okay.
* They go towards the Quidditch field*
AM: Is that her?!?
RO: *looking upward shielding his eyes from the sun* Yeah, I think so. Let’s go make sure.
DA: *looking down towards where they are standing* I don’t really want to talk about what happened… Maybe I can convince them not to talk about it? Anyway, there’s the Snitch. *she dives*
AM: *Waves, then points to the opposing team’s seeker, coming up behind her*
RO: Daph, look out! Longbottom’s behind you!
MI: Hey, Malfoy! I’m surprised you aren’t in the Hospital Wing! * he dives and almost catches the Snitch*
DA: Shut up, Longbottom! *Reaches out and grasps the Snitch in her hand*
MI:*angry* Sectumsempra!
CH: Really, Am? *sighs, and gets up to get a teacher and help Daphne* Professor McGonagall!!!
SO: Why am I the only person who is actually sane?*sighs* Daph, I’m coming! Rolf, calm down!!!
DA: *thinking* That darn Longbottom!!! Ow… I hurt. Oh no. Rolf’s being an idiot again…*passes out*
AM: Geez, Daph, is ending up in the Hospital Wing the only thing you can do?
RO: Daph! Am, now is not the time!
MI: * Yes! It worked. She’s passed out! Now, if only there was a way to get her to Andrich…*
AM: Hey guys, Longbottom looks suspicious. Kind of like he’s plotting world domination or something.
SO: But doesn’t he always look like that, Am? Rolf, am I right? Rolf? Hello, earth to Rolf!
RO: Huh? Oh. You’re talking to me? What did you say, sorry?
SO: Am said Longbottom looked suspicious and I said “doesn't he always look like that, right Rolf?” That’s what I said.
RO: Oh, sorry. I guess I’m just worried about Daphne.
SO: Hey, I’m sure she’s alright, Rolf.
AM: Who the heck is that? And why is he talking to Longbottom? Is it possible that he has an actual friend?
SO: It’s not entirely impossible for him to have friends. Besides, somebody could just be the perfect jerk to become friends with him.
AM: Or they could just be oblivious to who he really is, like every other person here...
RO: You know, it would be nice if we could somehow tell the whole school at once, but that would take forever.
AM: Should we check on Daph now? Maybe we could figure out what happened.
SO: Maybe. C’mon, let’s go see her. Isn’t she in the Hospital Wing?
AM: Yeah.
*they walk to the Hospital Wing*
AM: Hey Daph. Are you okay? Could you please tell us what happened last night?
DA: Huh…well...umm...I can't really remember...what are you talking about?
AM: You were acting really odd. Are you okay?
DA: I was… I don’t remember…
RO: You really don’t remember?
DA: No… I’m sorry. And, wait….who are you?
AM: *Anxiously* Come on, we know you’re joking, right?
DA: What do you mean? I don’t know who you are. I’m not joking.
RO: Daphne, please say you remember me?
DA: I don’t. I don’t know who any of you are, or where I am, or...wait, who am I?
AM: Hmm… oh! Your name is Daphne Narcissa Malfoy, your parents are Draco Malfoy and Hermione Malfoy, you're a 16 year old witch, and you have an 11 year old brother named Scorpius, and this guy right here is your boyfriend, Rolf Zabini. That’s his sister, Sofia Zabini, and I’m Amanda O’Neal, and my parents are muggles but you don’t care because you’re the best friend any witch, wizard, or muggle could ask for! Now do you remember?
DA: I don’t. I don’t remember a single… anything, really.
SO: Rolf… I’m sorry, but I don’t think we can fix this.
RO: I’m..just….going to go. *He gets up and leaves, obviously very sad*
AM: Sofia, you go check on him. I’ll try to jog her memory.
SO: Okay. *She gets up and follows him*
AM: I’ll be right back Daph, I need to get something, ok?
AM: *Leaves*
A few minutes later:
She comes back in, carrying a brightly colored sketchbook.
AM: This is my friend Haley’s sketchbook. She drew and wrote about all the fun things we did. Can you look at this and see if you remember?
DA: OK. I can try.
AM: Does anything ring a bell?
DA: Well, that one sort of does. * She points to a sketch of them all sitting around a Christmas tree at the Zabini mansion on Christmas two years ago.* And that one, and that one as well. *she points to two sketches of them sitting in the Great Hall eating at one of the feasts. Eventually, they go through the whole sketchbook, with Daphne pointing out a couple of sketches every page or so.*
AM: *She breathes a sigh of relief, and then stands up* Now, do you remember your name? Do you remember Rolf, and your parents, and Sofia and I? Do you remember all those times Longbottom was an utter idiot?
DA: Yes, I remember them, and I remember my name, and Rolf, and Sophia… oh, I also remembered I have a quiz on Monday! I have to go study! Can you bring me my books, Am?
AM: Actually, someone wants to see you. *She steps out, and comes back in with Rolf and Sofia and Scorpius.*
RO: DAPHNE!!!! *He rushes over to her, relieved that she remembers.* Are you ok?!
DA: Hey, guys. I'm sorry I forgot. I don't know why I couldn't remember you guys.
RO: Me too. I would be afraid I would go crazy if I knew you didn't remember me.*His eyes begin to tear up, and he let's the tears fall without saying a word.*
DA: Hey, hey, it's fine. I'm ok now.
AM: *sitting by the window* We need to find out why this happened. Now.
RO: I swear, if- no, when- we find out who did this, they had better be prepared to fight. No one hurts my friends without my knowledge.
AM: I wonder if Longbottom was trying to erase any memory she had of him bullying her, so he could prevent any further exposure of his actions?
SO: Maybe… I know this might sound crazy, but what if it wasn't Longbottom? I mean, we always assume it was him since he bullied everyone. But what if it was someone else who is a lot more powerful? Like, what if Longbottom is working for whoever this person is? You get what I'm saying?
AM: But why would they target Daph? I mean, unless we know why, we can’t really make any further assumptions.
DA: But what if whoever this person is isn't targeting just me? What if they're targeting… all of us?
*End of Episode Five*