Once I woke up it was about 5pm, I rubbed my eyes open and saw Maddi sleeping in his bed. I look around and saw Gideon sleeping on the floor, ' wait does he sleep in this room with us? ' I questioned. I shook my head and stood up tiptoeing down to the main living room and just smelling the new smells. The kitchen smelled of cold coffee, I didn't think someone would be up now, and why did someone want to make coffee.
" who's there " someone groaned awake
" um, its Diamond " I mutter not wanting to know who was there
" oh, your one of the freshman's right " a man appeared in the door way of the kitchen, he had white-ish blue short hair, he also had a little piece of hair that was longer then the others in a small ponytail.
" yeah, whats your name " I asked slightly blushing
" I'm Anthony " he replied and rubbed his eyes
I didn't ask if he was the one who made the coffee, he probably just woke up. I nodded and started to fix some more coffee for myself since I needed to wake up.
' I wonder if he was gay as well, he seemed to be but more dominant like Gideon. But Maddi was more dominant as well, then i'm the only submissive one. Why? ' I thought to myself, shivering to the idea.
I watch as he jumped onto the counter top and looked into my eyes, I guess he just wanted to get a good look at me. I blushed and looked away as I pour the coffee into a cup. He grabbed a cup and I poured some in his mug as well. He thanked me and began to sip at his cup, I did the same. It went silent for some time, Anthony had finished his coffee and placed the mug in the sink. I just watched him as he ruffled my hair and left to go take his afternoon shower. I sigh and finish my coffee, walking into the living room there was a note on the coffee table. I leaned down and couldn't make out the language, it looked as if it was some type of language that wasn't even real. I fondled with my jacket taking my glasses out, I placed them on and picked up the pieces of paper.
" wait, wasn't this in a different language " I asked myself aloud reading the note in english
I take my glasses off, the note was in a different language. I was confused, but it seemed that my glasses were letting me read the note. I folded my glasses and put them back into my jacket pocket. I then folded the note nicely into my shirt, I didn't want Gideon to know I found it. Finally sitting down on the couch I turned the TV on and started to watch it. The paper in my pocket moved around, rolling my eyes I could see at the corner of my eyes that there was someone at the stairs.
" Gideon.. really" I groaned and finally turned my head towards him
" H-How did you do that " he was scared of me, he flipped his hair placing his hands on his hips. More confident then scared
" I'm actually not sure " I muttered putting my eyes back onto the TV, " come watch TV with me, I'm lonely " I added trying to change the subject
" Fine, your such a baby " he replied sitting next to me
I didn't know what to say to him, my hands were playing with each other like they had minds of their own. My eyes were moving around the room faster then I could of reacted. I was nervous, I hated these breakdowns, even some of them were just tiny ones. I started to breath calmly, trying to not let him notice me. He glanced over at me and just chuckled, his lips were parted, he was just looking me over like Ii was in trouble. His glare looked to kill, I placed my hands in the middle of my lap and tried to look away from him. Did he know something I did't, what was going on with him.
" What is it Gideon " I mutter in a calm and collect voice
" You have something your not supposed to, that note belongs to me " he finally planted his eyes on mine.
A small blush appeared on my cheeks before I answered him, " S-stop looking at me like that. And why is important " I questioned
" It was a simple test if you could read it, well your glasses can " he noticed and smirked, his lips piercing.
I blink and sigh, letting go of my hands I nod my head. My mother had given me these glasses for a purpose, but she never really told me that purpose. Crossing my legs I tilt my head and smile at him innocently. He groaned and ruffled my hair, his fingers played with it. This wasn't exactly his way of communication with me, he's so sassy, its kind of attractive how sassy he can be. His hand runs down my cheek before comfortably being placed on his thigh. I roll my eyes and cross my arms looking at the blank screen, he huffed and rested his head on my shoulder.
" you can use magic Dia.. but you have to figure what kind, will you do that for me " he pleaded and gave my puppy eyes
" magic isn't real, try me another year " I mutter not looking down at him
" oh please, it is. Humans are jut not aloud to know since they use it for granted " he explained lifting his head from my shoulder
" and who do you suppose created magic, a human being Gideon " I spoke
" good point Dia, but we are more acknowledgeable then them. We know how to use magic, and they just think they know everything about it. " he explained further
" can we not speak of this now. what if Maddi and Anthony hear us " I whisper looking down at my feet
" they both can use it to you know " he whispered into my ear and stood up, his hands caressed my hair before he walked back upstairs
The afternoon so far has been a weird one, Gideon especially is acting strange. Magic? So my whole life has been a lie, is this why my parents made me come to this college and this college only. My life is partially ruined, thanks mom and dad.