" so Mr. Grey, how did that monster appear " the head master started
" it was a shadow, did Ariel tell you " I questioned
" yes, she's my daughter you see. But anyway was it only going after my daughter " he asked as he folded his hands looking into my eyes, more like soul
" yeah, it was chasing her. When I stepped in front of her it just stopped and wouldn't attack me. So I killed it so it wouldn't kill her " I explain
" thank you, how can I repay you. " he patted my head and smiled
" theres no need, I was just doing my job sir " I shake my head at him
" well then, keep me in touch if theres anything else you have on this mystery monster " he asked and let me leave
Its been two weeks since the incidence with the shadow, and three since I lost my memory that time. Ariel told me it was because I used too much magic in the mortals world, I still don't understand magic. I open the door to see Anthony, Maddi and Gideon waiting for me; flirting with some girls. I groan and walk over to them.
" sorry ladies their taken, so leave " I growled and they looked pretty scared. " did I say something " I added making them walk away
" didn't think you were this scary Dia " Anthony laughed
" no kidding, and we were just having so much fun. Why did you have to ruin it " Gideon grumbled
" excuse me.. " I glare and walk with my backpack over my shoulder and books in my hand.
It was almost the end of the first semester, I couldn't believe my magic is still the same. I'm not even getting any stronger and by the looks of it the others seem to be getting stronger every day. I sluggishly opened our dorm room door and collapse onto the couch, I was so tired. That meeting with the head master was so boring even though it was just 10 minutes of my time. Well that time was wasted, I could've been studying, and now I won't feel like studying. I remember Ariel told me that if I concentrate on my magic it will get stronger, but I haven't seen the others do stuff like that. Why did she tell me this, ugh why Ariel.
I sit up and see them getting dinner ready, their always doing that. Its like I don't have to do anything for them, they do it on their own. I slowly stand up and walk to the kitchen, watching them was fun. Gideon danced around the kitchen like an idiot, Maddi was laughing moving his feet to the music they were playing, and Anthony was sitting on one of the counters, swaying his legs back and forth to the beat. I coughed getting their attention.
" how about I make dinner this time, I know you guys have fun and all. But I want to make it a treat " I smile not hearing a word from them.
" haha fine, make it good okay " Anthony agreed and ruffled my hair
Gideon and Maddi walked past me and nodded their heads, I was cooking for them tonight. It will be an amazing meal, they will be impressed. Thats doubtful since I suck at cooking, why did I ask them. I pout and cross my arms, thinking about what I would. Anthony already started some pasta so I can do that.
' what about some shrimp, and green beans ' I thought to myself and started to cook
I noticed they were watching me, I glare at them before continuing. They just laughed at me, it was like that was the only thing they did to me. Finishing off the food I serve them and then serve myself. Jumping onto the counter top I began to eat, they followed me as we all ate in silence. I look out the window, something walked past. It didn't seem to have a figure, what the hell is gong on. I jump off the counter and place my food down, I ran to the door and opened it. I ran into the middle of the quart yard and saw a shadow beast, or whatever their called, walk past the girls dorm. I groan as I see the three of them had followed me, I wanted to do this by myself this time.
" why didn't you scream like a little girl Dia " Gideon asked getting his knife out
" because I'm not that kid anymore " I glare at him and roll my eyes
Its strange, I did't feel any sympathy for the creature after I killed it. Damn I'm more heartless then I thought, the guys did't even recognize me after today. This time I did't use up my magic, I'm getting better at holding back most of it until the last second. My hair was all messed up, the guys pointed out that my hair was turning black. Freaking out the guys helped me dye it back to blue, they laughed at how pathetic I was after telling me. Well its my hair their talking about, I want it to be blue and not some depressed color like black.
" the shadows are appearing more then expected " Maddi muttered fiddling with his fingers
" yeah, should we tell the head master " Anthony asked
" nah, lets see what happens. If it gets out of hand then yeah, but I know we can fight them off " I reply crossing my arms as a towel was put around my neck to stop my hair from dripping.
" I agree with Dia, lets see how thing turn out " Gideon patted my hair before walking up to bed
I sigh as Maddi does the same, Anthony just stood there thinking. I was about to speak but he had beat me to it with a small kiss to my cheek. I blushed and slapped his face, he just laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
" I knew you would do that, well see yeah in the morning Diamond " he whispered as he ran up to his room
My face was still red, I didn't want to go upstairs. My embarrassment would get the best of me, but I wanted to sleep on my bed it isn't fair. I slowly walked up the stairs and into my room, Maddi was already in bed reading a book. I giggle and jump into bed, I turned my lamp off before dozing off into a deep sleep.
I wake up, Maddi was gone probably downstairs. I walk to the door to see Anthony smiling down at me, right last night. He kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down at the floor.
" do you expect me with an answer from last night or no " I asked rubbing my arms
" well yeah, I mean that was a confession wasn't it " he spoke
" oh right, that was. I'll think about it okay " I nod and walk downstairs smelling the fresh aroma of coffee and bacon and eggs.
" fine be that way " he mumbled and put his hands in his pockets before following me into the dining room.