I remember the first time I saw him, the boy next door.
My mom and I had gone next door to greet our new neighbor.
She had made cookies and bought a bottle of wine.
And that's when I saw him.
He wore a red shirt with black jeans and red Nikes
He had light brown hair, with green-ish blue eyes and a smile that could brighten even the worst days.
He was absolutely gorgeous. Eleven-year-old TYLER MATHEWS.
The only thing I could do was smile.
I was speechless, heart racing and hands sweating profusely. I quickly shove my hands in my pockets to hide the fact that I'm so damn nervous.
She just looked so calm, so why was I so nervous?
She wore a purple polka dot dress.
Her mother had made cookies that tasted like heaven and bought some wine for my mom. My dad died before I was born so I never knew him. The second our moms saw each other, I knew they would be best friends, which I thought was good for my mom, moving to a new town and all, and it might have just been good for me too.
Authors note:
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